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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Substitute "LFL" or even "Lucas" for "Yamato." Hmm... Well I want to postscript saying that I don't intend this with any acrimony. I really like your stuff and think we're even close politically, from a brief browsing of your site. I just think it's silly for you to be so vehement against the newer SW stuff. So no hard feelings. Hehe. . . I was waiting for someone to bring this up. Look, we just fundamentally disagree here. But I would like to point out some differences: These toys people are upset about not having have never existed. Star Wars was Star Wars. It existed in a finished state for twenty years. Because Lucas has announced that it will not ever be released as it once was on modern media, he is essentially confiscating the original movie and witholding it from our posterity. How will my kids watch it? How will they buy it? I'm not sure why you consider this so hysterical or nonsensical. It makes certain sense to me. We won't have VCRs in twenty years. . . much less laserdisc players. And even if we did, the media would have deteriorated and the quality would be so poor (even beyond how bad they look now compared to DVD), that I doubt anyone would suffer through them. Well, I know someone who just watched Star Wars for the first time a week ago. He downloaded the originals off Kazaa. None of this Greedo shot first crap for him.
  2. And what would she have thought of the nearly static dogfights at the end of the original ANH? Or the landspeeder with the obvious smear of vaseline to mimic the hover effect? And while we're at it, how did she like the stop-motion walkers and chess pieces, the see-thru snowspeeder shots and the many poorly composited bluescreen shots in Jedi? It's funny how Tarantino can intentionally use as bad a model shot as is possible (the 747 flyby in Kill Bill) and get nothing but delerious praise, but ILM gets absolutely lambasted when it strives for realism at the limits of SFX technology. Diffrence: Greedo's gun had to be pointed at, say, the guy 3 tables over, to miss Han at that distance. It just wasn't POSSIBLE for him to miss in the location he was in. ... Not to mention that there wasn't time between the line and Han's shot for him to be reacting to Greedo anyways, it just served to emphasize that Greedo WOUILD have kileld Han, which was never in doubt anyways. And it DID look ugly. The other stuff varies greatly. I actually LIKED the Jabba the Hutt scene. On the other hand, there's no good reason for the Death Star to have a ring in its explosion.
  3. Guld has a pony-tailed buzz-cut in Plus. Yeah. And he DIED.
  4. Dude, he didn't need the sun visor. The way his hair stuck out like that, it was probably better than wearing a large brimmed baseball cap. I'm sure it kept the sun out of his eyes quite well. But he didn't look bad-ass with his helmet hiding the hair.
  5. Speaking of helmets... How come Hikaru never used the sun visor except in the title sequence and when Kakizaki died? It looked bad-ass when he flipped it down. He should've done it more often.
  6. Bingo. Without the long hair to mark you as a bad-ass, the bad guys don't know they need to miss.
  7. Isn't it the ugly veritech that docks to the Alpha? *dodges noodle* Kidding, kidding.
  8. And I meant that as a joke. Ain't Macross 7 amazing?
  9. JB0


    Because Yamato doesn't make Robotech toys. Toynami probably feels rather confident in saying they've created the best Robotech toy ever. Because it is. It's jsut not the best Valkyrie ever, not by a long shot. Yeah, it is a vast improvement over the Matchbox robotech valk Didn't some one kitbash the old matchbox making it so it could transform? I'd like to see that. I had one of those as a kid. I was so ticked when I found out it wouldn't change. Especially since it was OBVIOUSLY designed to at one point. ... Matchbox also brought the Joke Machines over, if I'm not mistaken. There's a certain type of fan that would file those as a better toy than the MPC, but as much as I like SD, I can't agree with them(especially not since mine broke under relatively gentle play).
  10. And yes, that version as equipped IS for whale hunting.
  11. JB0


    Because Yamato doesn't make Robotech toys. Toynami probably feels rather confident in saying they've created the best Robotech toy ever. Because it is. It's jsut not the best Valkyrie ever, not by a long shot.
  12. YF-21, not YF-22. And there were several Megaroads. The one Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay were on was lost in space. ... Though Eden was a diffrent colonization mission than the Megaroads, by virtue of being a near-earth planet. The Megaroads are for colonizing planets half a galaxy away. Eden's just a few stars over(less than 12 light years from Earth). According to the Macross Compendium( http://macross.anime.net/ ), contact wit the Megaroad 1 was lost in 2016, 4 years after it's launch and 24 years before Macross Plus takes place..
  13. Accordign to Egan Loo, the name actually came from an early story treatment for Macross where the heroes' fighting machines were ostrich-legged 'mechs called "GA-WALKs" (Loo thinks the name came from a Japanese mispronounciation of the words "we walk"). The original sponsors, still lookign for the next Gundam, were not impressed, and the idea was shelved in favor of the more humanoid, more Gundam-like robots of the "breast fighters" and Valkyries. When Takatoku toys sent a test model of a Valk toy to Kawamori, the ratchets on the legs failed, swinging them down into an approximation of the proposed GA-WALK. Kawamori then put the GA-WALK mode into Macross as the GERWALK. Hope this helps *ahem* Let me just say this: GERWALK is easily my favorite mode, and if it's presence is due solely to a defective toy prototype, then I love Takatoku.
  14. I SO wanted the spider when I was a kid.
  15. 'Kay. Double-screwed, then, by wyrlac's logic.
  16. Working within your statements... Then TP is screwed too. Anything that appears in a new show can be argued to be derivative works of the original line art. Either the Macross universe "sees the light", quits flying VFs, and buys a lot of Mobile Suits, or TP can't do anything with the license they allegedly own.
  17. The tv series and DYRL are two different continuities. In DYRL, they fall in love more-or-less at the same time. In the tv series, Misa starts to like Hikaru much earlier. The question is, when and why? As a way to get to big pimp Focker, DUH!
  18. So the odds of seeing a fossil SoundForce fighter are pretty slim?
  19. Given they all use diffrent authentication methods it's quite likely.
  20. Has anyone recommended buying a hub or 2 yet?
  21. JB0

    Macross VFX-2

    I recommend PSXeven.
  22. Anyone remember this baby? http://wwww.trademe.co.nz/photoserver/20/1...770720_full.jpg Seems it'd be the perfect device for the job(assuming the game doesn't use the pressure-sensitive buttons of hte PS2).
  23. I believe the rule is "the most confusing way to state it is the correct way".
  24. "Mister Owl, how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of the HG/BW legal fiasco?" "Mind your own damn business kid! Sheesh, do one damn candy ad and you're type-cast for life!"
  25. If in doubt, invent a backstory.
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