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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Under hilariously unique circumstances.
  2. I think the PS5 looks cool. The XBSX is literally just a gray box. I might pick one up eventually.
  3. Transformers X Stealth. Make it happen, Hasbro! *runs away*
  4. I thought they were okay. I probably wouldn't have bought them if I hadn't already decided I wanted to attach them to Combiner Wars Sky Lynx. I skipped Grimlock because he was a steaming turd.
  5. "A fantastic read. 5 out of 5!" I wonder how much they paid to get that review.
  6. No, it can't be! It is merely on hiatus due to the pandemic! I have to know what happens next time in Sad Dana and the 30-Foot Zombies!
  7. Didn't ATGames already do that like six times?
  8. Sega has you covered on that front. I thought they were shitposting, as they are known to do. But no, they are actually selling a replica screen magnifier to go on their replica Game Gear. Sega gonna Sega.
  9. Honestly, I think this is more like the keychain LCD games from the turn of the century than anything else. It isn't meant to be a great game platform, it is a cute little nostalgia piece.
  10. Or a black wall with purple lightning.
  11. Like G Gundam. Best entry in the franchise.
  12. Especially when they spent ten of those twenty-six episodes in a holding pattern just twiddling their thumbs instead of advancing or developing anything.
  13. Russia's upset that we won't be paying their grasping markups anymore. They liked being the only way to get to space. They shot off a press release wensday complaining about SpaceX and NASA firing rockets off too cheaply, and how they were being forced to reduce Soyuz bills by 30% to compete.
  14. It is a step forward from how crappy things have been. We're putting men into orbit instead of asking the russians to put men in orbit for us. I was in kindergarten when Challenger blew up. I was unaware this had happened at the time. It might've affected my desire to be an astronaut.
  15. Ground landings are harder, no pun intended. You have narrower re-entry windows to hit a viable landing site, and actually setting down safely is much more complicated. There is no need to take on the added challenge if you don't have to. I'm not sure, but I think there are also weight advantages. You know, I thought the Falcon rockets used a different fuel than the Saturn V, but... nope, they both burn kerosene and liquid oxygen in the first stage. I guess it is just the difference in how much they're burning. The Space Shuttle most of the soot was from the solid rocket boosters. The main engines on the shuttle burned liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, which is VERY clean-burning. But the solid rocket boosters... eeesh. The actual fuel in those was ammonium perchlorate and aluminum powder, but they were about twelve percent synthetic rubber. They were almost literally burning tires. In conclusion: Heck yeah, NASA isn't a bunch of overglorified hitchhikers anymore!
  16. Do the planes turn into robots? Because we're dangerously close to the perfect anime.
  17. True. There were a lot of non-interface problems. And the computer problems were compounded by shipbuilders having no standard to work with(so the interface was diffrent on every ship) as well as offering too much functionality in a clumsy manner. I'm not saying touchscreens don't have good reasons to exist, either. Just that certain primary controls(rudder and throttle in the boat example) ought have dedicated input devices.
  18. https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/11/20800111/us-navy-uss-john-s-mccain-crash-ntsb-report-touchscreen-mechanical-controls First one I found. Following the incident, the Navy conducted fleet-wide surveys, and according to Rear Admiral Bill Galinis, the Program Executive Officer for Ships, personnel indicated that they would prefer mechanical controls. Speaking before a recent Navy symposium, he described the controls as falling under the “‘just because you can doesn’t mean you should’ category,”
  19. They're better than they used to be, but they're still not good. They require more precision because a misplaced finger, no matter how gently, ACTIVATES something. And it isn't always clear what you are activating, particularly in a multimode display, and also in an emergency where a quick and decisive response is needed and you might be a little jittery from adrenaline. I note the US Navy recently launched a retrofit program to step back from touchscreens after an all-touch bridge was tied to two fatal collisions in one year. Interviews with the crews afterwards was pretty much universally "touch screens suck, can we have our physical controls back?" Basically, I'm concerned that SpaceX has made a mistake with their configuration. Seeing an actual picture of the controls in an Ars Technica article does little to instill me with confidence. Literally everything is above shoulder level, and it strikes me as something that is not actually intended for use. (I've noted several articles pointing out that the Dragon is intended to operate on automatic and the controls are considered a backup.) https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/08/spacex-reveals-the-controls-of-its-dragon-spacecraft-for-the-first-time/
  20. The touchscreen is still kind of a bad idea. It makes doing a lot of things harder than they need to be, and demands that extra bit of attention at all times. The primary design goal for controls is supposed to be ease of use, not looking like Star Trek: Next Generation.
  21. I'm the opposite. I actually like the animal legs hanging off the humanoid form. Makes me sad when they put a whole lot of effort into hiding something that should be on display. I guess this is why Gigapower decided to offer a dual-style transformation with Grassor.
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