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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Simple lever mechanics. The further out you get along the lever(wing), the more force is exerted. A given mass on the innermost hardpoint is going to exert far less force on the wing than that same mass on the outermost hardpoint. Just because the wing can support 3 of the missiles doesn't mean it can support them in any location.
  2. Unfortunately, there is not enough room for levels to rotate. The levels of the city span from one end of the level to the other. And it would be very difficult to create several dozen swivel points and redesign the city to accomadate the several dozen swivel points. Floating is not a problem as the ARMD carriers are held up by the arm joints on Macross. It's dependent on the arm joints, and not the ARMD carriers. Though ... An ARMD would be water-tight, given it's going to be operating in space so it needs to be air-tight. We know it won't leak. And one would also assume that mass was kept to a minimum, to minimize inertia and by extension how much propellant was needed. So the ARMDs should be less dense and therefore more bouyant than an aquatic vessel of equivalent size. I'd figure an ARMD should float better than the Daedalus and Prometheus ever did.
  3. I had asked this exact question a while back in this thread. The water landings are what made me wonder about it too. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=2&t=140&st=160 It appears that the gravity control system IS that sophisticated If you watch DYRL, it will make this very apparent (attack scene where "gravity sub-system #16" is damaged). It's not very sophisticated at all if the city segments are on top of their localized gravity generator, which makes a lot more sense than beams of gravity projected from teh edges of the comaprtment. You rotate a plate, and you have a grav generator on one side and a couple city blocks on the other. Similar to if you stick a magnet on the underside of a sheet of paper and a nail on the topside. The messy part comes when you hit a transitional area(moving from one section to another). With luck, the 2 areas are pretty close to the same orientation and there's not much transition. We'll ASSUME people aren't travelling directly to perpendicular areas, as that's just plain dangerous. ... Transitions would be especially bad if gravity works in waves. Interference patterns would play hell with anyone trying to navigate a grav field intersection(1.5 g... 1 g ... .5 g ... 1 g ... 1.5 g ... 1 g ... .5 g.... *barf*) Now that I think about it, I can see only one logical conclusion if every area is not in the exact same plane(which it very clearly isn't in attacker mode), and that is that the Macross is NOT a place for those with weak stomachs.
  4. I actually like the semi-fictional names. It's kind of like the real world, but not really. ... Of course, Macross has been a lot less like the real world since 1999 came and went without any alien spaceships crashing to Earth.
  5. Max got gyped in Scarmbled Valkyre. He got stuck with a VF1-SOL-A and it's dinky weapons pack. Millia got the raw power J, and Hikaru got the versatile S. ... I just assume weapons are model-specific.
  6. Yeah, here's the Roy Special, designated PUP-001. HAHA! *right-click, save image*
  7. But to hurl it, you'd have to touch it. Are you sure about that?
  8. But Guld likely didn't have a link open. Sharon only got into the YF-19 because Yang was busy trying to hack her from the backseat, which required an open computer connection.
  9. "Eh... I always thought the moon was a little too bright when full!" (launches missle) HAHAHA! "Well, the man in the moon was being rude, so I thought I'd teach him some manners."
  10. As far as fighting the Ghost went, Guld's vehicle was the only one that really stood a chance, IMO. All other things being equal, the BDI/BCS gave him an edge. Guld didn't lose milliseconds interpreting readouts on gauges and display screens, he didn't lose moments reaching for the right controls. Every last bit, byte, and nybble of information was presented in an intuitive manner as fast as it came in, every control was immediatly accessible with a thought, every aspect of the vehicle from the sensor suite to the pinpoint barrier to the missiles was used as easily as if it was his own body. That was the primary advantage of the YF-21. Guld's situation was a lot closer to the Ghost, which WAS in it's own body. The only thing seperating the 2 was that the vessel containing Guld's mind was made of soft squishy bits instead of exotic titanium alloys. While he probably could have injured it some, Isamu would have been playing catch-up the entire fight and eventually would have been left behind. Or shot down, leaving Guld with the task of stopping Sharon AND dealing with the Ghost. That's why Guld went after the Ghost alone. ... Or we can just say that they really wanted 2 targets so Sharon couldn't point her weaponry at the dogfight and have both of them in her sights at once. The Ghost was enough of a problem without having to watch for gunfire from the Macross as well. With Isamu making an attack on the Macross, he was the more immediate threat, so Sharon attacked him with her guns, leaving Guld free to deal with the Ghost. That lione of reasoning leaves no room for reading any unintended slurs upon Isamu's skills or the YF-19's capabilities into the post.
  11. JB0

    New 1/48 Wing Piece

    Wil a QRau really HELP matters, though?
  12. Man that would be alot of McDonald's! In the beginning they would use a lot of cows to make those straps. But just think, after the UN Spacy gets hold of resizing chambers from the Zentradi, they could use them to macronize the cows. Heh, 60ft giant cows Graham And thus was born the greatest enemy the world had ever known, the scourge of the universe, the mighty COWZILLA!
  13. Sony humanoid robot!!!! http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/20...200312/03-060E/ http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2003/1218/sony.htm You know there's a Kawamori-designed Aibo? Designated the ERS-220.
  14. Maybe it'll be on the 1/1 scale version...
  15. Yah, that one. I was thinking it looked like it belonged in that series, actually, but I'm not familiar enough to say for certain.
  16. I SWEAR I recognize the super robot in pic 1, but I can't for the life of me pen a name to it!
  17. On-topic briefly, I would assume the strap is made out of kevlar, or something similarly tough. Would YOU trust a leather strap to hold up under a 15-foot gun while running?
  18. Presumably an indicator. Aren't the flightsuits equipped with basic life support? It was never shown that such a device existed, but I would assume it's existence since it seemed to be added in Mac0 solely to explain how pilots could target fast enough to shoot down incoming missiles. If I recall, TV-style cockpits had spare joysticks that were used in battroid(and GERWALK?) mode.
  19. I'd be more worried about the gearing. It's having force applied to it from the opposite direction it was designed to take it from. ... The fact that Sony hasn't redesigned hte PS2 to use a worm gear just to defeat this mildly surprises me.
  20. It's everywhere. Here's a copy...
  21. I need one of these... http://www.gamestech.com/playstation_info/...troller/psx.htm And a Macross 7 PS2 game. Then I too can be Basara.
  22. 35.89744% - Major Geek
  23. The stabilizer fins of the AMM-1 do not extend until after the missile is launched. Use can see the side drawing on the AMM-1 page which shows the AMM-1 with its fins retracted: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...siles/amm1.html But you just said tail fin missiles aren't AMM-1s. What was being referred to before was the vertical tail of Max's VF-1 which had missiles specially attached to it..... as part of this system: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat..._armed_sys.html I know. And then you mentioned the AMM-1.
  24. JB0


    Why stop there? Would 1/5 be about right for a normal human to fit inside?
  25. Mac7 is just like that. Friends have become enemies, families have been divided, wars have been started over whether or not the show sucks.
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