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Everything posted by JB0

  1. That's because Macross is not Robotech. While the animation used was, as far as we are concerned, the same, much of the rest was not.
  2. Actually, no. Maybe I miswrote it. I said it was a guidance system for missiles. Okay. Sounded like you said IR was a form of radar... True, but radar don't mind engines being on or off. When they tried to see if F-117's stealth worked, they sticked a model on a pole and put it in front of the radar. The radar guy said the model must have felt because he couldn't see it on screen, then after a while he said he actually could see it. A bird rested on the model. The model had no engines, the bird either. But... If you cut the engines off, you can close the intake and exhaust ports. And TAHT reduces the radar signature(assuming the cover panels are designed right). According to what my Italian Macross DVD edition booklet says, Studio Nue invented them. They were a Matsutaki's idea. That's the connection with Macross. FV Your booklet needs to mention that minovski particles only exist in Gundam. They're little more than a random piece of gibberish made up to justify melee combat between squads of giant robots, and a general lack of anything resembling good aim.
  3. Yes. The gap exploited is the fact that a minovsky particle is a fictitious particle that only exists in Gundam. *rolls eyes* Any other? Are you saying that infrared detectors are a form fo radar? *rolls eyes again* Killing engines will affect a whole host of things, BTW. Including your ability to fly the plane, but we'll assume hte YF-19 has a backup battery. Because a reflective or (mroe likely) superconducting coating makes sense when laser weapons are being used? What do minovsky particles have to do with anything? Macross is not Gundam.
  4. It's really that bad at points.
  5. Apparently, a C & D letter is a way to drum up tons of publicity at the Macrossworld.com forums. Not necessarily positive publicity, but as they say, "bad press doesn't matter as long as they spell your name correctly." It doesn't seem as though these letters do much else other than that. You make an excellent point. I humbly request that all future references to the previously mentioned company and product be spelled Hair-money Cold and Robot-eck.
  6. Friendly warning: Some people here really really hate Robotech. There's a thread in other anime and science fiction explaining the diffrences, if you don't know them. Because the show is 20 years old, mainly. Because the target market is collectors, whoa re willing to pay that, or kids, who don't care if it's anime-accurate. Somewhere around here's instructions to make hte Banpresto valks into semi-decent toys. Nasty legal dispute between Harmony Gold and Big West serve to restrict what comes in. Many valks never appeared in the original Macross TV series, and thus aren't/weren't fair game for Harmony Gold to make toys(they MAY have signed a license to acquire toy rights to other shows recently, based on their announcement of DYRL superposables. It's still not clear as far as I know) More likely under license from Big West. They're the Macross copyright holder, but as far as I know, they only do animation.
  7. That was kinda my thought, but Macross Zero stated all Valkyries have always had active stealth from the beginning. Maybe Project Supernova introduced a next-gen active stealth system that was harder to defeat.
  8. Speaking of which... Is that Miang from Xenogears? Yes it is. I switch avatars occasionally, but it's always her. Good pic of her there.
  9. Head lasers and other integral weaponry(where applicable) fill that role. Less power, but incredibly small. And being integral weapons, you don't have to worry about them being stolen, or discarding them to pick something else up like, say, the cockpit of a VT-1 totalled by your idiot friend while rescuing an equally stupid chinese girl.
  10. Because nothing else is set up to shoot backwards and it's nice to be able to hit something coming in behind you(or any missiles they fire). Nore also that later valks carry energy weapons built-in to other parts of the body also. The YF-21, for example, has laser guns in both of it's arms. That can fire forward OR backward, no less. The YF-21's head laser is also officially designated an anti-aircraft laser, as are most other head-lasers.
  11. In the movie the incident put him in the hospital. Yay for pilot inertia. ... But his plane still stayed more or less intact, and he still survived.
  12. That one was done in Macross Plus too. At least they're in good company.
  13. Speaking of which... Is that Miang from Xenogears?
  14. Plus is much the same in that regard. It just took off in a diffrent direction. No said direction would not be "good instead of sucky". JUST diffrent. Both shows are good in their own way, as is evidenced by the fact that Mac7 generates enough support to HAVE a debate. From where I'm sitting, it's usually got as many people defending it as crapping on it.
  15. It's also 16-bit color only. There's some nasty dithering in some things. There's also an update of VGS(AKA a hack) called Emurayden. Be warned it will reset your MSIE home page when you install it.
  16. Voltron had a more lasting impact on me than Robotech.
  17. I will now summarize the entire rest of the thread.... MACROSS 7 SUX LOLOLOLO!!11111 OMG NO U SUX!1111111 NO U!111111 NUH-UH!11111 YUH-HUH!111111
  18. Presumably because he jacked the 01 in the TV show. but he was in his 1j when he had the armor, whats that have to do with the skull001? I suspect the assumption is each character gets their own unique GBP. Of course, since Hikaru broke the 01, the other characters may just not've got a chance to fly it.
  19. Because melee puts the valkyrie in a position it should pretty learly never be in: close enough for something else to grab. Sine it can be ripped a apart by a bare-handed man(if an unusually powerful one) it stands to reason that it should NOT engage people in close-range combat. It should stand back and shoot them. And claws are better than the Heavyarms blade, because they add no moving parts.
  20. He also just physically overpowered them, though. Which is a prime example of why they should not, under any circumstances, be given melee weapons. They aren't PHYSICALLY tough enough to go hand-to-hand with an unarmed man of equivalent size. Britai was the exception, not the rule. Keep in mind, Britai was larger, stronger, and built more powerful than the average Zentradi. But he was still flesh and bone. Maybe.
  21. JB0


    VF-1 production was delayed for the same reason the VF-0 was using a jet engine. The microfusion drives weren't ready. I assume they built a new plane because they wanted to try some stuff they just couldn't do with the VF-1. ... Or to get a plane that could run on jet engines up in the air for testing purposes.
  22. Presumably because he jacked the 01 in the TV show.
  23. Between mahq.net and macross.anime.net, yopu should be able to get most of what you want.
  24. He also just physically overpowered them, though. Which is a prime example of why they should not, under any circumstances, be given melee weapons. They aren't PHYSICALLY tough enough to go hand-to-hand with an unarmed man of equivalent size. Though the simplest solutions are sometimes the best. The gunpod can be used as a club, the foerarm can be used to strike people, you can punch them with the fist(if you want to risk damaging all those parts in the fingers...), knee them, kick them, tackle them, fire the head laser(hey, this may be an EFFECTIVE move, too!)... There's so much built in already, why add a sharp pointy object? And if you do, why add more parts? A sharp edge on the forearm is the simplest way to add a blade(preferably one of the corners, since there's already a wedge there, even if it's wider than desired). Instead of drawing your sword and swinging it, just smack 'em with your forearm. Not as much leverage, but you've still got a lot of mass behind it. Serrate the edge and it'll do nasty things to flesh(whre it might kinda sort of maybe be useful...). Or sharpen the fingertips and jab 'em into something soft. Beats a knife. Heck, add hooked claws and they might even be useful outside of fistfights with unarmed zentradi. Weapons added: 2. Complexity added: 0. Utility added: .25, because I can see uses for the claws, just not for melee combat.
  25. You scare me...
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