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Everything posted by JB0
Oh for pete's sake. I was JOKING, you fartwit.
This would be the ideal proof. But, unfortunately, it's a small matter to visit a proxy first that would then mask your IP address when you post. But, then again, the use of such a known "anonymizer" might be seen as circumstantial evidence that at least someone had posted here that already had an account. I don't think our resident "PhD" holder is smart enough to do that. Agreed. There's really no good reason for him to still be around otherwise. IMO, REGARDLESS of whether he did the second troll account or not, he's provided more than enough excuses to ban him already.
You are not only one Mike many people I know including my friends want the Xbox360 to win even some are not MS fans, just to kick Sony. At least Xbox360`s pad is better than Sonys one in general, every body I know loved it. The PS3 pad actually looks like a MASSIVE improvement over the PS1/2 pads. Obviously a fair evaluation will have to wait untill I have access to one, but replacing those damned nubs they have on the bottom of the existing pads with full handles closes one of my long-standing gripes with the pads. Anyways, I hope the Revolution wins. Because I'm contrary and wierd.
It's not as hated as the forums make it sound. Really. It IS, however, a very polarizing show. People love it or hate it, there's very rarely an in-between position. Macross Zero is a prequel to the original TV series. I'd say watch MacZero definitely, and give Mac7 a look if you have some spare time.
On the other hand, MGREXX supports Sony over MS. Score: PS3: -1, XBox360: 5.
Thanks, dickfafce! So, ok, where are the bitches and the donuts? I ate the donuts. I think the bitches were delivered to the wrong address again. FedEx has trouble understanding that we aren't robotech.com.
The flip-up throttle was, in the Macross timeline, originally introduced on late-model VF-1s. The ones you see in the TV series are too "young" to have it, but it WAS introduced on teh VF-1. Real-world, it was part of the redesign everything went through when they were producing DYRL. So it was STILL introduced on the VF-1.
I don't think the structure of T-Rex's stubby arms allows it swing nunchaku effectively. -Al well... I meant as a person! Ninjas vs Pirates vs Dinosaurs! Think bigger! Pirates Vs. Ninja Dinosaurs!! Transformer Ninjas vs. Pirate Dinosaurs... in Hell! Coming this fall to a theater near you.
They found the ARMS of an unknown species of raptor. It wasn't an even marginally complete skeleton, or a velociraptor(which is a specific species in the raptor group).
YEAH! Take me for example. I've got a nice collection of lesbian orgy Sailor Moon pics. I don't know why anyone would be that interested in Hentai stuff, but it's not for me to judge anyone. I for myself like big-boobed anime chicks......annnnd real women too. (whew.. that was a close one) SUUUURE you like real women... we believe you. I like real women...just haven't had all that much luck at meeting 'em... Join the club.
They actually discovered a species that was about the right size shortly after the movie came out, called the utahraptor. But yes, in reality the velociraptor is about half the size of the utahraptor/movie velociraptor.
Yah. And the Rex nearly killed them, because they misjudged the dose. They thought they missed it untill it passed out like 10 minutes later, with it's tongue wrapped around... Tim, I think's head.
Many scienist are rethinking their ideas that TRex's were hunters. Many now believe that the t-rex was a scavenger that searched for carrion. Actually, that's the minority opinion. The majority is holding to the belief that Rex was a hunter. T-rex as a hunter makes no sense. If it's running at full speed to catch its prey, and it trips, it's dead. It has no means of breaking it's fall. The force of the impact would pretty well detonate the T-rex's skull. The scientific comunity is pretty slow to accept new ideas. Archeologists are the worst, but the paleontologists don't seem to be too far behind. But the fossil footprints show that, whether or not it makes sense, the T Rex DID run at full speed. Hell, the full speed estimate is BASED ON THE FOOTPRINTS. See, this is what I find wrong with Jack Horner's scavenger theory. The TRex has hunter teeth, not scavenger teeth. The TRex DID run at full speed, whether his logic says it could or not. They've even found dinosaurs with healed TRex wounds on their bones, if I recall.
Many scienist are rethinking their ideas that TRex's were hunters. Many now believe that the t-rex was a scavenger that searched for carrion. Actually, that's the minority opinion. The majority is holding to the belief that Rex was a hunter.
yeah but the raptors that escaped on the boat and made it to the mainland started eating animals and things that had that specidic amino acid. It's been years since I read the first book, but I remember wondering why the author didn't continue along this storyline, rather than go with the lame stuff for the Lost World. Chicken and rice, I think. And the amino acid was lysene.
the aquisition of the dino DNA wasnt too unrealistic, but filling in the DNA gaps with frog DNA was kinda dumb, why not collect multipe samples of DNA of the same dinosaur until you have a complete DNA strand? Actually, the aquisition of DNA was kinda silly. Tree sap doesn't stop biological processes. The blood would break down in the little bastage's stomach. And in the book, they spliced in the DNA of the modern animal that most closely matched the area around the gap, instead of just using one animal. Only 5 species had the frog, and thus only 5 species were breeding.
Shoot slugs. A shotgun slug will go through damn near anything. </mild-exaggeration>
I will play Greedo. And as I die, I will shout "BUT I SHOT FIRST!"
This was somehow expected cuz in general a consumer want to upgrade his/her current machines and not fully change to an new system and its format, IMO this could be a smart move by MS. Its like in the 80`s Betamax vs. VHS . Except Beta/VHS didn't have any legacy to deal with. It was fought solely on merit. ... How did VHS win?
What, bestiality is more acceptable? EVERYTHING is more acceptable than ManFaye, except the Goatse Guy.