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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Beats me. I've got a Jetfire that someone's dog chewed on.
  2. Considering that Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, Front Mission 3, and Kingdom Hearts all fit neatly onto single-layer DVDs, I'm sure they're fine with what they have. Actually, from what I understand, they're upset with Sony for not including a standard hard drive on the PS3. FF XI shipped with a HDD ... Because Sony refused to release it as a standalone peripheral like they did in Japan shortly after the system's launch. The japanese had a hard drive before the first revision of the system(AKA US launch version) was designed.
  3. Please. Fruit cake kicks chocolate cake's ass. I think you have lost your mind,,,fruit cake's best use is to put in front of your tire in the garage to keep from going to far forward Never had one that hard. I was just making a fake-artgumentative post to go with Togo's random change of subject. While I DO like some fruitcake, filing it in the same category as conventional cake is ... stupid. For what it's worth, the ones I eat are dense, but still soft.
  4. Please. Fruit cake kicks chocolate cake's ass.
  5. Or maybe Xbox gamers are more open-minded. I know I picked the "more than one" option for this poll. Or, maybe PlayStation fanboys just spend more time voting on senseless polls. I voted "more than one" too. I already KNOW each system's gonna have a few games I want.
  6. That might have been true couple years ago during launch, but a vast majority of new PS2 releases ship on DVD now. Square/Enix obviously must be thanking Sony for the bumped-up storage blu-ray offers. They're the king of bloatware/FMVs. I thought even Squeenix was moving to real-time cutscenes. Admittedly, I've not played much of their modern offerings(an hour wasted on a borrowed copy of FF10 being it, unless we count RAD as Enix's baby instead of Sandlot's).
  7. Truth! Ummm... Sega knocked Nintendo off the pedastal. SNES and Genesis came out of the era tied. Nintendo's 95% market share had fallen to 50%. At best Sega and Nintendo were sharing a pedastal. One of the PS1's major selling points at US launch was it was cheaper. PS2 and XBox ran equal as far as the consumer is concerned, with Nintendo undercutting both of them. With luck, Sony will rob the movie and music divisions to subsidize the PS3, like they did with the PS2 at launch. Agreed! Actually, single-layer DVD is the preferred format currently, and has been for a while. All XBox games are on DVD, as are most PS2 games(blue = CD, silver = DVD). ... And what's this about both current-gen systems? There are 4. GameCube uses half-sized DVDs(again, single-layer is the preference). Dreamcast used a proprietary 1GB disk. True, to a degree. While DVD rapidly supplanted CD, the price of manufacture has kept the game industry from going dual-layer to any signifigant degree. And thanks to the blind loyality of the PS fanboys, a lot of people think that the war is already won, because the PS3 having BluRay will main-stream it the same way that the PS2 did for DVD. Fact that DVD was already mainstream outside of Japan, and had been for a few years, is irrelevant. Seconded! I still play solo almost exclusively. I've played a few netplay games, and I've not been particularly impressed. No objection here. Though more for the downloads and globabl high-score lists than the online multiplayer. I want a 3-way tie, as unrealistic as it is. IMNSHO, it's the optimum solution for the consumer.
  8. Kutaragai's not evil. He's just a gifted comedian.
  9. Ehh I prefer Exo's way of dealing with him. Too bad he aint a mod. Well maybe its better that hes not.... Snake's done pretty well in the past. High explosives rule.
  10. Kutaragi... who has nothing to do with Xbox 360 development... bashing the Xbox 360 really doesn't have anything to do with backwards compatibility. Kutaragi has been doing nothing but taking shots at the Xbox 360 since before E3. If anything, I'd say he's running scared. More Kutaragi quotes?!?!?! The man's a freaking GENIUS! No matter what, he ALWAYS gets a laugh out of me. Wait, we're supposed to be taking what he says seriously? Damn, I thought he was a comedian. ... Damn. He really let me down this time. Nothing funny at all. Just stupidity. Whoop, typo.
  11. I demand SolidSnake be hired as a mod! HE knows how to handle this guy!
  12. Yes, but it's only the most insane and retarded player! ... But Gnakins? I'm pretty sure it was Jenkins... Ouch, that hurts. Never knew I came across as insane and retarded. But, whatever the mods prefer... I don't think anyone thinks that. It's just a funny quote, if you're "in the know."
  13. None of the SRW games (and to date there are about 23 for almost all the systems out there) have been translated. Mostly due to very little demand outside of Japan (compared to other games). Also, the licensing would be a complete nightmare. None have been OFFICIALLY translated. Gideon Zhi has a FAN TRANSLATION of SRW3, has Alpha Gaiden hacked, the script dumped, and a translator working on it, and has hacking and dumping for Gaiden and 4 done, but needs translators. Again, see http://agtp.romhack.net/
  14. I have a confession. Everyone on the board is actaully one of my dummy accounts. But you already knew this, because you're me.
  15. It's worth noting that the Macross Plus planes are themselves inspired by real designs(and has paralleled real-world development in some respects, to the degree that Kawamori jokingly accused the developers of the Su-47 of ripping off the YF-19). And that the Pentagon IS trying to develop AI drones. Besides which, homicidal military robots are nothing new. Ever seen Terminator? Of course, when your next-gen fighter test with similar plane designs runs into your homicidal AI drone, it certainly does raise a few warning flags. While the odds are good Stealth is just an "Americanized Macross Plus"(I don't give Hollywood that much credit), there IS a possibility of parallel development, at least of some elements.
  16. Yes, but it's only the most insane and retarded player! ... But Gnakins? I'm pretty sure it was Jenkins...
  17. Awesome games indeed. Alpha and Alpha 3 have Macross/Mac+ in them. I think D is the GBA one with Mac7, and if I recall, Mac7 is supposed to be in Alpha 3 too. And may I direct you to http://agtp.romhack.net/, where Gideon Zhi has hacked several, one of which(SRW3) is now in english for your downloading pleasure(though there IS a spoony glitch in which the combat victory and defeat lines for several characters are reversed), 3 others of which(EX,and Alpha Gaiden) are currently being translated, 2 more of which(Gaiden and a not-officially-announced SRW4) are dumped but lack translators.
  18. Oh for pete's sake. I was JOKING, you fartwit.
  19. This would be the ideal proof. But, unfortunately, it's a small matter to visit a proxy first that would then mask your IP address when you post. But, then again, the use of such a known "anonymizer" might be seen as circumstantial evidence that at least someone had posted here that already had an account. I don't think our resident "PhD" holder is smart enough to do that. Agreed. There's really no good reason for him to still be around otherwise. IMO, REGARDLESS of whether he did the second troll account or not, he's provided more than enough excuses to ban him already.
  20. You are not only one Mike many people I know including my friends want the Xbox360 to win even some are not MS fans, just to kick Sony. At least Xbox360`s pad is better than Sonys one in general, every body I know loved it. The PS3 pad actually looks like a MASSIVE improvement over the PS1/2 pads. Obviously a fair evaluation will have to wait untill I have access to one, but replacing those damned nubs they have on the bottom of the existing pads with full handles closes one of my long-standing gripes with the pads. Anyways, I hope the Revolution wins. Because I'm contrary and wierd.
  21. It's not as hated as the forums make it sound. Really. It IS, however, a very polarizing show. People love it or hate it, there's very rarely an in-between position. Macross Zero is a prequel to the original TV series. I'd say watch MacZero definitely, and give Mac7 a look if you have some spare time.
  22. GUBABA!
  24. On the other hand, MGREXX supports Sony over MS. Score: PS3: -1, XBox360: 5.
  25. Thanks, dickfafce! So, ok, where are the bitches and the donuts? I ate the donuts. I think the bitches were delivered to the wrong address again. FedEx has trouble understanding that we aren't robotech.com.
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