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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Not to mention that Dana was born on earth. . . 320748[/snapback] And in a diffrent universe that we dare not speak the name of.
  2. With only 20-items allowed for the poll, I tried to give each series a standard of three-valks. Fwiw, M7-series already has four choices instead of the standard three. 320778[/snapback] You could've saved 3 slots by keeping the standard and FAST pack sets to one slot instead of two for the VF-1s.
  3. HELL YES! I want to see that resurrected. I could hear Capcom and Konami crying from halfway around the world at the mere thought. 320763[/snapback] Hey I just remembered that! The dwarf MegaMan ruled. Nintendo had 2 shows thoguh, they also had Mario Bros, live action, which was horrible, then every Friday it was a Zelda cartoon hosted by the Mario Bros. I thought Zelda was kinda cool only because when I was a kid I wanted to kill people with swords. 320767[/snapback] They also had Super Mario 3 as a standalone cartoon. And Mario World.
  4. YF21. Closely followed by the VF-1J
  5. HELL YES! I want to see that resurrected. I could hear Capcom and Konami crying from halfway around the world at the mere thought.
  6. IIRC, the ships had underneath handles shaped like guns ( i.e. pistol grips and triggers) And you could shoot the TV and score points by some counter. On the flip side, the TV would emit some kind of signal and if your ship got hit, the cockpit and canopy would eject. Yah. Based on flicker rate. If you were pointed at something flickering at one rate, it viewed it as a target, and pulling the trigger scored a point. If it was flickering at another rate, it was a shot, and being pointed at it would lose a point, unless you were firing at it(if I recall, it was possible, but dangerous, to actually score a point by shooting shots). Funny you mention Duck Hunt. We still have light gun games now. And they're a LOT more popular than they were then(let's be honest, most people only had Duck Hunt because it came with the NES, and there weren't exactly a lot of other uses for the zapper). And the Power Pad... see DDR. But the Power Pad was very much post-Captain Power. ANYWAYS... Captain Power was killed at the end of the first season because A. people were throwing fits about the over-comercialization of children's entertainment(Something to the effect of "not only does every show now have a toy, but you HAVE to buy the toy to enjoy the show now!111"), and B. the company making it had more profitable ventures to pursue. This may have been due in part to people not believing it really worked. I know my mom only got me and my sister our Powerjets because we wanted them REALLY bad. She was pretty sure all the shooting at videotapes and other toys was just a load of marketing crap that didn't actually work.
  7. I'm an advocate of taking your time and releasing a game when it's ready, not according to any kind of schedule. But now, the biggest games for Gamecube's holiday would be Mario Party 7 and Pokemon XD. I think the only saving grace for them is that at Gamestop, we're probably cutting off the 360 reserves soon. 320716[/snapback] Bad news or not, I'm relieved to hear it. Beats another forced-out-visibly-incomplete title like Windwaker.
  8. heh... just walk away. you can't win this. 320643[/snapback] True. A1's ego is proof that a perpetual motion machine IS possible.
  9. It should be noted that Britai is supposed to be larger and stronger than the ordinary rank-and-file soldiers. It may be a feat not performable by the cannon fodder.
  10. Thats 'Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger' to you. I suppose since you are picking on Arnold, you have accomplished more with your life. I've accomplished nothing with my life whatsoever. That doesn't mean I won't make fun of those I feel are make-fun-of-able, the Governator included.
  11. You seen my avatar? You want naked pics? I actually have some I could send to you, just ask the guys an Anime Punch. I am SEXXXAY!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAA. 319947[/snapback] But more importantly, Minmay becomes a whiny bitch.
  12. Last time I saw Thundercats, Lion-o was swinging his sword and shooting lasers...
  13. Bah-dum KSSH! Thundercats.... HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  14. JB0

    VF-X & VF-X2

    It's the gundam effect. A good pilot can turn even the most ineffectual mech into an unstoppable killing machine through sheer willpower.
  15. A1 voted A1. I DEMAND YANG!
  16. It's the flight HELMET that's special for the YF-21. And yes, BCS/BDI was discarded for the VF-22.
  17. Are you looking for that "special touch"? 319440[/snapback] I plead the fifth.
  18. Someone on the board ran through and translated the Perfect Memory stories a while back. I've got the PDFs, but the board doesn't seem to want me to upload them... *rolls eyes* Of course it would attach one after I removed it because it was giving me errors. Macross_Outside_Story___The_Plundering_Fleet.pdf
  19. Actually, they've moved on by now. DVD beats VHS AND Beta, and they were hanging onto Beta for the superior image quality(I think a lot of them had moved to Laserdisk before that). Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic. So sue me. I think Millia WAS the right person for Max. The fact that their marriage lasted for a half-century and through 7 children, in spite of cultural issues, says a lot. And Misa, rank or not, was right for Hikaru. I'm not saying there's only ONE right person for someone, but I don't believe you can make it work with just anyone.
  20. Realistically, one can't help but BE sexist offering opinions about those of a sex other than his/her own. You'll always lack perspective to properly judge those of the opposite sex. The degree of one's empathy is really the only difference. Hence the appending of "a-hole." What boggles me is when it comes from someone that is/claims to be married. "Be an ass. IF you're nice, the women run from you. Slap 'em around a bit and you can add a new notch to your bedpost every night. But that's behind me now, I'm married."
  21. You forgot how the blood represents a penis, the plane is a woman, and Focker is your urge to hump your mother. I figure we may as well get an ACCURATE Freud in here... Though to be fair, remember that Max caught him enroute to the privy Might count for something. 319268[/snapback] True... "HOLY CRAP THERE'S A GIANT ROBOT IN THE RESTROOM! ... Great, now I've got crap in my pants... Oh, robot plane is still the-OOF!"
  22. I'll hold out for the girl that is secure enough to have an intellectual equal around. ... Is it just me, or is everyone on the internet offering relationship advice(male and female both) a sexist a-hole?
  23. Thought for a moment that second one said "Second gamer dies after massive boner."
  24. Must be nice to leave your mark on the world.
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