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Everything posted by JB0

  1. The collar was also turned up and tugged as high as it went. I can only assume the hat pulled down so well because the 1A has a tiny head relative to proper human/zentran proportions. Really, though, the only way it works at all is if Max jumped someone about Britai's size. And Britai can rip a Valk apart bare-handed, so it's not too likely...
  2. If anyone missed it... Jacks' a loon. http://vgcats.com/jack.php
  3. Here you have some lineart 318657[/snapback] Note that a battroid is about equal to a LARGE zentradi, but comes well above the average height. So there IS some fudge room, though the ings alone make it very unlikely a battroid would ever fit into zentradi mecha.
  4. That's just because The Blasphemy has colored a lot of people's perceptions of the one true anime.
  5. I sure hope that you don't have any, then. 318455[/snapback] Wow...that was a cogent rebuke. 318461[/snapback] Now, now... write at a level appropriate to his vast intellect I'd recommend "OMG U R TEH SUX!1111"
  6. Roy actually joked about having it replaced with "my small penis." 318318[/snapback] Haw. DO IT!
  7. Someone should put Stealth into the word filter. Can you imagine seeing a thread titled "Just saw Not-A-Macross-Plus-Ripoff and it's a total ripoff of Macross Plus"?
  8. Are things always that expensive in Europe? 318292[/snapback] As I understand things, the prices in Europe tend to be set in a make-believe world where 1 pound/Euro = 1 US Dollar. So, at least for video games, yes.
  9. I thought they were added in because the animators had made Max shoot a giant laser beam and there wasn't time to totally redraw the scene.
  10. On a related note, I've heard people espousing that Myth: Robotech was ported back into the Macross timeline. Source: LSD?
  11. Source: Fans who don't remember the show that much. Roy was actually shot by squad of Q-Raus. And ONE of those QRaus was Millia. From there Milia had to have fired the fatal shot, because only the best zentradi pilot could hit the most-experienced human pilot. It's silly, of course. Even in TV people don't have an aura that repels bullets shot by someone of lesser skill.
  12. Blech. I still think the E10 rating does more to confuse the issue than anything else. Not that I think Hollywood's PG and PG13 aren't similarly messy, but they're grandfathered in. People have had two decades to get used to them, and have(though with the content being a floating target, people keep having to adjust their expectations). On the ESRB's side, people are STILL complaining that the ratings are confusing, though not even Granas knows why. It's been a decade, and the ratings state VERY clearly what the appropriate audience is. I think ratings categories for Everyone(G), Teens(PG13), and Mature/Adults(OMG TEH R!1111*) is a quite reasonable rating system. Adding more steps just muddies the waters. But of course, it's all marketing. There's a collection of parents that understand the ESRB ratings denote age appropriateness, but not that they're only suggestions. Hence, E10, for kids whose parents don't grasp that they're mature enough for some T games. Same reason M exists, really. Retailers, not understanding that adults play games, refuse to carry AO games. So they claim they're for 17-year-olds instead of 18-year-olds. No real diffrence developmentally. But because the law says 17 is a child and 18 is an adult, and people pretend the law actually affects biology and you magically become signifigantly diffrent on your 18th birthday, M is acceptable to retailers. *I ALSO think that "restricted" is a poor rating label, as the word carries a certain negative connotation without meaningfully conveying information. It sounds more like it belongs at the top of a banned books list than as a descriptor on a movie intended for "mature" people. NC17 is at least clear. No Children. ... End tangental rant.
  13. No problem at all. A lengthy, intelligent post with interesting facts is WAY better than "U R RONG!111" I'd like to excerpt this factoid in your post, which, while not highlighted, is directly related to the topic at hand. Many films which are rated R have been targeted at teenage audiences. In 2000, due to issues raised by Senator Joseph Lieberman, the National Association of Theater Owners, the major trade association in the U.S., announced it would start strict enforcement of ID checks for R-rated movies. This is where the FTC foudn teh software industry superior to the movie industry. While the publsihers of Fifth Element actually sued Nickelodeon for not selling childern's advertising time for its PG-13 movie, the ESA has made great effort to keep the ads targetted at the intended audience, even forming the "Advertising Review Council" to ensure ads fore a game are appropriate(no targetting little kids for your T+M games). Admittedly, the ARC is a recent evolution, and didn't factor into the FTC review.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Ya know, if I hadn't already voted, I'd be tempted to plunk a vote for Yang down JUST to be wierd.
  15. While the reasons for their existence are as you stated, the game industry STILL has the most comprehensive and effective system. Now moving on... I was saying the software industry as a whole, not ESRB, was self-regulating. And the ESRB DOES have a fair degree of power and control, despite your claims to the contrary. http://www.esrb.org/esrbratings_faqs.asp "In the event that material that would have affected the assignment of a rating or content descriptor is found to have not been disclosed, the ESRB is empowered to compel corrective actions and impose a wide range of sanctions, including monetary fines. Corrective actions can include pulling advertising until ratings information can be corrected, re-stickering packaging with correct ratings information, recalling the product, and other steps the publisher must take." These powers come from contracts signed by the publishers submitting the games, giving the ESRB legal teeth should a publisher refuse to comply. You've yet to cite any evidence whatsoever of the ESRB's impotence. It is one thing to claim something. It is quite another to make a point. Finally, for someone of your awe-inspiring intellect( ), it's kind of sad that you can't even spell "veil" correctly.
  16. So are people not returning your messages? Maybe they just don't like you. Don't take it personal man... People are fussy on this board. I can name 10 people who wouldn't likely return a message from me, but thats because they are pussies. Maybe thats your problem too, maybe you PM pussies. 318004[/snapback] I am adopting "PMing pussies" as the latest euphemism for heterosexual intercourse.
  17. Actually, according to the Federal Trade Comission, the ESA is the only one of the three media organizations that has an effective self-policing ratings system(aside from being by far the most comprehensive due to the inclusion of content descriptors). MPAA members regularly target age-inappropriate movies at children, and the RIAA's entire system consists of an "explicit content" label that's used solely to advertize the harsh language in rap CDs.
  18. Fair enough, point is there aren't seven little kids running around the house... Also, can't they drive a lot younger in M7? So that'd be nice too, even less kids around. And people like M&M still got the nannie brigade backin' 'em up. 317975[/snapback] Yah. I was just pointing out why they're hooking 'em up so young, and why Max and Millia popped so many out. Yah. Komillia was born in 2011, Mylene in 2031. Assuing she did her civic duty, Komillia should have made mom 'n' dad into grandparents well before Mac7. But she fell into a PCEngine, never to be seen again in a canon production, so it doesn't matter. So sad...
  19. I'm pretty sure that scene was used way more than twice. It was a stock animation sequence, so almost every time some destroids got scrapped, so did an Orguss Valk.
  20. Remember, the Earth's population was decimated not too long ago. Went from 6 billion people to just over a million. There's a LOT of repopulation that needs to be done, especially if they intend to further reduce the populace by sending people away on colonization missions. Having 2 kids in your 30s and calling it quits just won't cut it. Breeding early and often becomes important to the survival of the human race, so we roll societal standards regarding marriage and sexual activity back a bit. If you're capable of having children, you should be making babies.
  21. I wants it! Sheesh, why does no one start threads about the GOOD games. 317766[/snapback] Here you go : http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/AGB-P-BH6J.html 317784[/snapback] I already knew where to get it. Thanks, though.
  22. If I was looking at each woman in Macross as realistic, I'd have to go with either Claudia or Lucy. They both had good looks, a great sense of humor, and they both knew what they wanted. They were also exciting and interesting women, they knew how to have a good time but they could also talk about more than makeup or clothes. Everyone other female in the Macross stories were either messed up, had issues, or were just plain drifting with no direction, with Misa being a possibility with a bit of coaxing. 317804[/snapback] A lot of them just never had any time spent on their character. Like... every bridge bunny ever.
  23. I wants it! Sheesh, why does no one start threads about the GOOD games.
  24. Doesn't really predict its demise, except possibly on the first flight. You could argue it predicted the Challenger's death, as they mentioned exploding solid rocket boosters. But again, they were expecting them to fail on the test flight, not once they were in "routine" use. And it doesn't do much explanation of the history at all, really. Just that the program was over budget, below spec, and behind schedule. If you want history, read the CAIB report.
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