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Everything posted by JB0
It was a used book store, and they said they just hang up whatever loose items they should happen to get. So they must have found one or both of those sets of boxed prints, and decided to hang them up. lucky for me I guess. 321495[/snapback] Yes. Strange policy, but whatever works I guess.
You mis-spelled ridiculous. Just FYI. 324243[/snapback] Nope, thats the new way to spell it. Maybe you didn't get the memo explaining if I do something different, than thats just the way it is forever. I'm the trend setter baby. 324248[/snapback] Oh, okay. Thank you for informing me, as the memo did in fact get lost before it reached me.
You mis-spelled ridiculous. Just FYI.
Macross 7 was operating under peace conditions until the conflict began, so Battle 7's fighter squadrons at the time of the Fire Valkyrie's creation didn't need to be upgraded on a priority basis. I still say that logically, you upgrade select military vehicles before you go about rigging custom planes for squirrely pseudo-scientific endeavors. If I'd been running it, Diamond Force would've gotten first dibs on the VF-19s, and Basara would be flying a VF-11. Plenty of those to spare. That's interesting, to say the least. I wonder why the idea was dropped.
Actually, Chiba's early tests found it sent Gamlin into extreme distress. Of course, Gamlin had to eventually come to enjoy(or at least tolerate) Basara's music, as otherwise the show would've had heroes disliking heroes, which isn't part of the formula. *shrugs* Maybe I'm just bloodthirsty. Keep trying to kill main characters off. They still got very little action in the target-rich, panic-prone civilian environment. The UN Spacey fighters kept them out of the main goal for the most part. That's what I mean. Basara "showed" them how to create spiritia instead of just hunting down others that had it. It's not directly comparable to the zentradi situation, but there's some parallels if you stretch it enough. Something like that. And then right at the end of the final battle, Basara surged up to a high point even by his standards(after nearly blacking out with everyone else during Gepelnitch's hyper-lunch session). Interesting that everyone hit their peak as death loomed imminent. Now that I'm thinking about it... Looked like anyone, properly motivated, could do at least something. Not Basara at his peak, but certainly Basara at the beginning of the series. Which actually makes sense, if it's tied to how much emotion you put into it. The death of everything in the universe might be a tad abstract, but the death of humanity should be conceptually close enough to home to bring out some pretty powerful emotions. Particularly given that they aren't that far out from Space War 1. </rambling> *nods* It's just disappointing that they never went into any detail. I'd've LOVED to see that explained. Especially given the dim view that several of the other high-ranking officers took of the whole thing AFTER the protodeviln proved immune to everything but Basara's singing. So yeah, I have to agree with Gamlin. The question needs a proper answer. True. But my point was that Basara got his VF-19 before Macross 7's elite combat pilots. And he got a CUSTOMIZED one on top of that. I would think that Diamond Force's VF-17s would have been upgraded before they started customizing fighters for side projects with no real relevance(at least, not at the beginning of the series). Or given Basara an older plane, like Mylene's VF-11 and Ray&Veffidas' VF-17(and they got theirs AFTER the project had proven itself of signifigant and immediate military value).
Behold my patented mega-quote! ... What can I say? I find the discussion interesting, and intend to milk it for all it's worth until the thread degenerates and is locked. I agree they took the concept way too far. ... And too literally. But there was a bit more exploration of the concept that, while heavy-handed and overdone, was still interesting. A more ... subtle treatment of the subject would have been preferred, though. Less focus on sound booster laser cannons, more focus on the emotional impact and such. ... I grudgingly grant the speaker pods, as it answers the nagging questions of "what happens if they shut their radios off" and "what if you can't find the right frequency?" Mac7's argument would be it was because Minmay wasn't singing from her heart. She was a generic canned pop star, and while she had some impact, it was nowhere near what a "real artist" would have. Same reason that Mac7's Jamming Birds were totally ineffective. The inescapable irony of this is that Basara, Mylene, and company were an animated figurehead FOR a manufactured band, making them the most artificial group in the history of music. Back to the topic, though... This theme BARELY popped up in the original series(Kaifun said something about it right before he left, and Minmay said something about it right before hte credits rolled in the last ep). It's possible it was meant to be explored in more depth had there been a viable opportunity. I actually have this problem with MOST TV programming. They try to inject drama, but it fails because we all know the characters come out all right in the end. Focker's and Kakizaki's deaths were notable exceptions in SDF Macross, as was Hikaru's hospitalization. One more reason Basara should have stayed dead. "Gamlin's wingman" doesn't have quite the same impact as "over-excitable and seemingly-invincible star of the show." Actually, the military was quite effective until the protodeviln started coming out in person and the fighter pilots were reveealed to be brainwashed humans and zentradi. Between their inability to hurt the ringleaders and their unwillingness to hurt the cannon fodder, that tied their hands signifigantly. But even afterwards, they were useful in keeping the swarms of fighters from ganging up on Fire Bomber. Basara's passion only took him so far, and lacking an omidirectional barrier, he would've been toast without the military running interference so he could deal with the bigger fish. I seem to recall Gamlin personally saving Basara's life on more than one occasion. And this is part of why I think the entire show disintegrates after Operation Stargazer. On the other hand, how diffrent is it from Britai and company turning traitor and aiding us in the fight with Bodolza? ... Well, aside from the whole life-force-regeneration mysticism angle. But the base concept was similar, albeit (like everything else) hammed up a fair bit more in Mac7. Humanity's culture, represented through the musicians, showed the enemy another way of life that was preferable to constantly attacking everyone else in the universe. I agree with this. Part of what hooked me initially was actually the fact that Basara was so utterly insane. I wanted to know the WHY of the character. But it was never dealt with. He just IS. They showed Mylene grow a fair bit as a musician, but she was sitting in Basara's shadow for the entire series so it was more or less irrelevant because no mater how good she got, she was always just Basara's backup. Had Basara stayed dead, she would've been forced to grow into a singer of similar caliber, prehaps in the process enlightening us as to what on EARTH is going on in Basara's head. And I was just ANNOYED at Ray and Veffidas sitting there doing nothing. "LAUNCH THE SOUND BOOSTERS!" "Umm, why? Those 2 can't use them anyways, so it doesn't really matter and we may as well save the fuel for something more interesting, like, I dunno, SELF-DEFENSE?" "COOL POSES RULE! LAUNCH ALREADY!" "All right, all right... sheesh." Agreed. They needed to pick a theme and stick with it, if nothing else. Preferably leaning more towards Sivil and less towards giant bulldogs and feathery loons that think everything is beautiful. They didn't have much of a choice, really. The protodeviln were vastly above anything UN Spacey could throw at them, and their attempts to do so very nearly got the entire universe killed(but it worked out okay, because Basara came back to life and made them LISTEN TO HIS SONG! ). Not to mention the protodeviln and zentradi had diffrent motivations. To draw an analogy... The protodeviln hunted to eat. The zentradi hunted for sport. In fact, the protodeviln were trying to set up a "spiritia farm" so they could live a peaceful life, just sitting there farming people's souls. Basara gave them the ability to be self-sufficient. They no longer had a reason to fight. For the zentradi, fighting WAS the reason. That's actually an interesting point. It was tailored to a resurgence in super robot popularity, and explicitly constructed to sell both records and toys. The original series was only selling toys, and as I understand things it was one of the shows SETTING the trend towards more realistic mechs, not a follower explicitly constructed to be like other realistic mech shows. So the marketing angle was far less prevalent. As I understood Mac7, only the best singers are capable of regenerating spiritia. Seems to have something to do with how much emotion they put into their songs. Basara was unusually passionate about his art. It's quite likely that the protoculture's attempts at generating such an "attack force" were done more or less the same way that UN Spacey did*. In other words, they had a squad of totally ineffectual protoculture Jamming Birds. Extending the hypothetical chain of events, their Basara was likely in the wrong place, and his/her abilities went un-noticed by both the protoculture and the protodeviln. Or got killed early on. *Speaking of which... it was never really explained how Basara got his VF-19. It's implied it has something to do with Ray, likely through Dr. Chiba, but one has to wonder how a quack scientist and a retired pilot got the authorization to drop a pacifist civilian into the seat of a cutting-edge fighter. Especially when they didn't even have them for their combat units yet(the Mac7 fleet's first combat VF-19s appear with... Emerald Force, I believe it was, which is created after Diamond Force's decimation). One more plot point I would've liked to see dealt with.
You could burn the image to a CD and tell the emu to run the newly-created game disk instead of an image. It's ugly, but it works.
Macross 7 revisited a lot of the same themes as the original show. It handled them in a diffrent way than the original, but so did Plus, Zero, and DYRL.. Things died and got blown up in Mac7 too. In all the vivid goriness of the original TV series, no less. Actually, it was truncated and then re-extended. It came out at the originally planned length, just with a reworked story arc. And personally, I thought the post-war segment was part of what made Macross great. It didn't just close with "and they all lived happily ever after." They showed the aftermath of the war, with large portions of the Earth turned to a barren wasteland. They showed the zentradi's difficulty adapting to civilian life. They showed humanity's attempts to rebuild it's homeworld and assemble a defensive force to protect the planet. And yes, they showed Hikaru screwing his relationships up again. THAT actually bothered me. I was hoping for some character development. ... And that he'd stay dead after they killed him. Not because I hate him with the burning passion of a thousand suns, but because it would've left more room for other plot threads. That was one aspect of it. The whole "power of song" angle was another part. A poorly-developed one, though. Which really strikes at my persoanl problem with the show. They had several interesting plot elements in place, but very few were developed to a signifigant degree.
Seconded. By the time they added a second song to the program, I never wanted to hear Planet Dance again.
*bangs head on table* He HAS a Mac emu. He just doesn't think it reads that FORMAT of CD image(there's about a dozen).
Robotech honored by Science Fiction Museum
JB0 replied to Roy's Blues's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Voltron got raped too. Fortunately, plot isn't very important to super robot programs. -
Other systems that have been bitches to program for include the 2600, Genesis, and PS2. NO SYSTEM in the entire history of gaming has EVER been fully utilized.
All? Alpha isn't a variant. It's a whole series. The original story arc was SRW2-SRW4/F, with SRWGaiden thrown in for good measure. Alpha is a new story arc set in a diffrent universe, prresumably to avoid getting bogged down with too much backstory(though when you lug as many animes around as SRW does, it's inevitable...). I don't know how the rest of the games mesh. I'm pretty sure there's at least one more universe.
Probably the latter. 323515[/snapback] The train of thought probably goes: "Top Gun" was that movie about a bunch of pilots and jets, right? "Danger Zone" was a song from that movie. So images of jets must go well with that song. 323524[/snapback] Someone should apply the logic in reverse. Top Gun footage to Information High.
The new rumor is that it'll debut 9-18 at the fall TGS. And that it'll use a combination of gyroscopes and motors to provide tilt resistance. Fits with tech that they patented back in 2003... 323513[/snapback] Mmm... last rumor I saw was a pretty obvious mis-interpretation of a recent patent for a GameBoy with integrated tilt sensor.
Probably the latter.
Robotech honored by Science Fiction Museum
JB0 replied to Roy's Blues's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I used to think this, but when you realise that because of its existance it has killed any chance of fans getting to like the original due to not knowing anything about them, it kinda steals all the fanfare from the original creators. (it doesn't help that from now on toys relating to macross won't be available locally unless as "robotech toys" due to the legal problems. And there are no credits for them in the robotech outro are there?) I thought the first parenthetical note had more to do with the animosity than that it overshadowed the original. As far as I know, the Robotech hatred didn't REALLY kick in until HG declared war on the fanbase and started blocking merchandise. But you're right about the second parenthetical note. Original creators get no mention in the RT credits. As I understood it, it needed that many episodes for SYNDICATED release. HG could have just signed the single program to a network for saturday morning runs, but for the widespread 5-days-a-week-on-every-channel setup, they needed more eps. And even then, they could've done a faithful release, and had the 3 seperate universes under the Robotech label. Particulary as HG has made signifigant effort to minimize exposure to the originals. A lot of people think it IS a Robotech sequel. -
Robotech honored by Science Fiction Museum
JB0 replied to Roy's Blues's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The announcement killed them. They immediatly sank into the earth, spun around 3 times, and rose as enraged undead marauders with glowing red eyes. 323423[/snapback] Regular Zombies or some sort of Cyber Zombies 323427[/snapback] Cyber-zombies. Hyper-intelligent cyber-zombies. 323434[/snapback] No, they didn't come back as zombies, they returned as Dracula Bus: Bus of the Undead! Not mutualy exclusive. I've now got this image in my head of japanese cyborg zombies transforming and docking together to make a vampire bus. Damn you. Damn you to Wisconsin. -
I knew about that, actually. I don't see how this connects to FAN-MADE MUSIC VIDEOS.
Robotech honored by Science Fiction Museum
JB0 replied to Roy's Blues's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The announcement killed them. They immediatly sank into the earth, spun around 3 times, and rose as enraged undead marauders with glowing red eyes. 323423[/snapback] Regular Zombies or some sort of Cyber Zombies 323427[/snapback] Cyber-zombies. Hyper-intelligent cyber-zombies. 323434[/snapback] Well that explains the glowing eyes then. I bet one has tank treads man that would be wicked sweet. 323438[/snapback] Miyatake does. Kawamori has a plasma cannon on his left arm. -
I'm inclined to agree with this statement. Most of the Macross AMVs I've seen (this is back in the day though) were unoriginal and kinda dull. They all used M+ and all had that same theme (fighters and planes). The first was okay, then when all of them started to look the same..... 323351[/snapback] I was thinking the other direction. People think Top Gun misic has to have jets, and MacPlus has the best jets. 323420[/snapback] I wasn't referring to Top Gun music with M+ footage, just Macross AMVs in general. I have yet to find a decent Macross AMV...but I stopped looking years ago. 323435[/snapback] Either way, though, itl's a lack of imagination. Be it Top Gun AMVs or Macross AMVs.
He got clipped after he told Max to leave. Millia was right behind him all the way, without wingmen. Roy had his attention drawn away and 3 Q-Raus appeared and shot at him. Millia stuck with Max all the way. 323436[/snapback] My mistake.
Robotech honored by Science Fiction Museum
JB0 replied to Roy's Blues's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The announcement killed them. They immediatly sank into the earth, spun around 3 times, and rose as enraged undead marauders with glowing red eyes. 323423[/snapback] Regular Zombies or some sort of Cyber Zombies 323427[/snapback] Cyber-zombies. Hyper-intelligent cyber-zombies. -
Get an IBM clone? Seriously, I don't know the state of Mac PS emulation. IMG is a standard format, though. I'd try it first. After that, I'd look for an image converter(had to do this for my IBM-clone stuff a time or 2). Shouldn't be too hard to find.
That seems reasonable. They WERE insturmental in getting it produced, but DO acknowledge that it wasn't their creation.