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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I have pics!
  2. What a difference an extra kanji makes. It's fixed now. 325268[/snapback] YAY! *goes back to grumbling about might've-been-cancelled games*
  3. Yah. That was the impression I got, that GEpelnitch was a male who had posessed a female body for his use until his personal body was available again.
  4. NUCLEAR POWER! ... Seriously. It's a clean, safe source of energy that a few people with too much cash have made totally unfeasable by suing everyone that tries to build a plant. Not that I want the legal system closed off to people, but it's too easily abused sometimes. Seconded. Seconded. Especially if we take this literally. I enjoy the idea of a bunch of idiots hopping around with a slug lodged in their posterior.
  5. Indeed. We need him to go away, and replace him with someone more militant. Do what we want, or be nuked. 325209[/snapback] Guys, no need to delve into politics here, whether you agree with Bush or not, he has had his share of successes, and failures. What you would constitute as success or failure vary depending on your view, but either way, it's not a great topic to bring up. I thought we were both being flippant and sarcastic... I can't imagine how they COULD be as bad as NO. Everywhere else has drainage.
  6. All how you look at it. Gepelnitch's host body WAS female, even if the character was male.
  7. And here's a resized picture of the bridge that fits on one screen... ... That and board attachments automatically create a thumbnail, further reducing it.
  8. Spoiled brat. Too pricey a toy for him to be anything else. He needs taking down a notch.
  9. Indeed. We need him to go away, and replace him with someone more militant. Do what we want, or be nuked.
  10. Thoguht I'd point out that half of the oil used in the US comes FROM the US. And half of our imported oil comes from Canada, our communist neighbors to the north.
  11. What use would a laser with bluetooth be?
  12. Yes, but I'd be hard-pressed to say what they are right now...
  13. I haven't heard any such announcement. And my brief Google search doesn't turn anything like that up. I HAVE heard some in the US complaining because very few nations have offered aid, though. It DOES seem like something of a slap in the face, given that we routinely offer aid up every time something happens internationally(and often get criticized for either not doing enough or butting in where we don't belong). Yah... it's staggering to consider. It essentially has been. Louisiana law doesn't have provisions for anything CALLED martial law, but they DO have provisions in their state of emergency laws that serve a similar effect, and state of emergency was declared last friday. http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2005...martial-law.php Well, part of it is that it isn't JUST the people that died in the hurricane and aftermath. New Orleans doesn't bury their dead, because they tend to rise back up during the next rainstorm. They keep them in above-ground mausoleums. Mausoleums which were inundated in the same flood waters as everything else. So basically every dead person in NO is out there bobbing around now. Every culture handles things a little diffrently. It's really one of the interesting things about people, how diffrently 2 groups will approach the same situaiton.
  14. If I recall, most of NO IS black.
  15. That's what's wrong with Plus and Zero. No bridge bunnies. 325149[/snapback] Well, there's always Lucy in Plus. Singular, and there's not even a bridge for her.
  16. That's what's wrong with Plus and Zero. No bridge bunnies.
  17. Lasers make everything better. And plasma claws. Don't forget plasma claws.
  18. Appears Squeenix is sick of the clamoring of fanboys. 324891[/snapback] And why not? I know I'm sick of Squeenix's fanboys (and girls, since their games seem to have more female fans than other series... you think the stream of shonen protagonists might have something to do with that ). 324961[/snapback] I'm sick of them too, don't get me wrong. Just didn't expect Squeenix to essentially come out and say "We aren't doing it, now leave us alone." I think you were looking for bishonen, BTW. *still annoyed at the death of the never-officially-announced Parasite Eve sequel/remake*
  19. Seconded. Seriously, I find the Robosapien more interesting than the Roboraptor. Though I've been seeing the raptors in stores for some time now.
  20. Fair enough. I'd credit Voltron more than Robotech for my interest in anime, though Robotech certainly had more lasting appeal. Or maybe (Gods, I hate to admit this) Sailor Moon, as that was the program that made me aware of anime AS anime, instead of just as cartoons. But yah, most people automatically identify with the one they saw first.
  21. Robotech was not presented as anime either. It was pitched as just another cartoon. Yes, that's true. And THAT is what originated much of the raw hatred Robotech experiences today. Harmony Gold refuses to say. So no one knows.
  22. I don't fit your case(grew up on Robotech, dislike it now), so ... You mean the animation and toys that can't be released in the US because every time someone tries to Harmony Gold raises hell? Riiight. Why would we be looking for Robotech-branded Exosquad toys if Robotech never existed? I don't see anything that makes Robotech the better choice for any age level. I could read well enough when I was 5. But this wouldn't be an issue, except that Harmony Gold refused to let anyone dub the original programs. Again, I don't see how. I see HG brandishing Robotech, using it as a sword to defend it's market from the evil japanese merchandise that, lacking an accessable american market of any sort, is targeted primarly at japanese consumers.
  23. I think that's where most of the outright hate comes from. Otherwise it'd just be another forgettable hackjob from an era full of them.
  24. Appears Squeenix is sick of the clamoring of fanboys.
  25. As the grunts in HALO say when you throw a plasma grenade on them: "VERY BAD THINGS! VERY BAD THINGS!" 324857[/snapback] HAHA! But yeah... this smells of more napalm than a Mac7 thread.
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