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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Which is a massive improvement over where the thread was before. IIRC, the word "partisan" I'd always believed came from the Partisans, pro-Communist resistance fighters in Yugoslavia during World War Two, although they probably did pick up the name from the weapon... That would make sense too.
  2. We never DID get a Phantom Striker. Tried like 3 times. ... Why did the badguys get the best vehicles? The Phantom Striker kicked the PowerJet's ass. And the Interlocker was fully functional, whereas the Energizer wasn't even capable of doing anything but play target practice. 327062[/snapback] and easily qualified as making the most annoying sound EVER.... 327067[/snapback] Oh yeah.... I'd forgotten that, but you're right. All the way up there with baby Mario.
  3. Personally, they get old fairly fast. Every now and then is okay, but weekly... no thanks. Too true. I blame party politics. People pick a side and then just sit there booing the other guy, without even looking at what they're booing or why. It's easier than actually considering facts. Seconded. Reminds me... I did a research paper on medieval weapons back in high school. Was kind of surprised to see partisan pop up as a weapon name. 'S a nasty variant of spear. The design had an axeblade mated to the spearhead originally, though it evolved into sharp pointy prongs instead of an axe. Either way, it was probably a nasty thing to be on the recieving end of, and I think we can all guess at why it was adopted for a political term.
  4. I meant to head out on opening day of War of the Worlds. Not to watch it, just shout "THE ALIENS CATCH COLD AND DIE!" at everyone waiting in line to buy tickets.
  5. We never DID get a Phantom Striker. Tried like 3 times. ... Why did the badguys get the best vehicles? The Phantom Striker kicked the PowerJet's ass. And the Interlocker was fully functional, whereas the Energizer wasn't even capable of doing anything but play target practice.
  6. Look at the bright side: It's probably the only Monster in UNSpacey history to fire on an enemy and NOT get blown up.
  7. What? 326956[/snapback] I dunno, but isn't WS a WonderSwan?
  8. I love that show.
  9. *takes quiz* I'm Agent ONE.
  10. The second is the link I found earlier. And it DOES look a lot like the same guy.
  11. When messing with quote tags, always use preview. Trust me, I know. As wierd as it gets at times, I do like this attribute of the license. It's a big universe, and anything is possible. Whales in space, flying statues, weapons derived from the human spirit, pop stars saving humanity, and yes, even jolly green giants and 50-foot women.
  12. It wasn't his spiritia. It was his singing. Basara's soul simply refused to let his songs be butchered any further by Gamlin's attempts to sing them, and returned from thr afterlife to stop it. Seriously, Renato's explanation is quite likely it. Gamlin was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Only it was more like he lifted enough straw off the load to unbreak the camel's back. But now the analogy doesn't work anymore. But thinking about it, there's actually a small message here. Gamlin was just one person. He wasn't musically talented, remarkably close to Basara, or anything like that. Outside of his Valkyrie, he was just one more person. But he was the one more person they needed. Everybody's important. Sure it's a tired cliche, but it's a GOOD tired cliche. It's a reflex that happens when Gepelnitch's spiritia gets too low. Not a conscious action.
  13. PowerJet XT7 and Phantom Striker. Wait... Mattel actually paid someone to do a GOOD JOB on the cartoons? *debates rewatching 'em* And the tapes didn't come with the toys. They were sold seperately. For the record, teh eppilepsy effects are badass. How would you shoot stuff without the flicker? 326440[/snapback] The tapes came with the jets. 326689[/snapback] mine didn't came with one unless I threw it away along with the packaging. 326692[/snapback] Hmm, when I get my desktop computer working again, I'll grab some screencaps or maybe record some videos off my old VCR. I really love these. There were 3 tapes in total. You could buy them separately but I recieved one with my X-T7 Jet and I watched it religiously from 1987 until 1999 when I discovered ebay and was finally able to scrounge up the other two episodes. 326694[/snapback] Mine and my sister's power jet were both tape-less. Parents bought her "BioDread Strike Force" and me "Raid on Volcania." We stumbled upon Future Force Training a year or 2 later in a dollar store. ... Only they weren't called dollar stores back then.
  14. All future Star Wars analogies are now moot. AgentOne wins.
  15. I just did a search for "Gall Force mecha" to see what we were talking about, and found a properly credited one. ... And it DID look enough like invid mechs that I can see someone thinking it had to be an "abandoned Robotech design." But I think a lot of the pulling-in comes from teh RPG side of the fanbase. RPGs are known from pulling random elements from other media in to fill out a story. It's just the RT people's dumb fault that they're taking unofficial campaign fodder as canon.
  16. You got it all wrong, gay dancing spidey. Karl Rove is Palpy, Cheney is Vader, and Bush is just some guy that gives speeches. 326606[/snapback] Isn't his avatar just the lamest thing ever? Must be an M7 fan. And as it seems we are getting political here: Having a pussy avatar and being a flaming liberal usually go hand in hand. 326609[/snapback] What? You guys don't like his avatar? I thought it was hilarious the first time i saw it. It looks like an idea for a bad cameo on an episode of The Tick or something... "Evildoers cannot withstand the might of my justice dance!" http://www.starterupsteve.com/swf/gayspiderman.html
  17. That's not entirely true. My wife has friends down there and she asked about this. For years, everytime it came to vote to use more money to fix the levees, the people voted it down. The local and state governments are to blame as well. I can't stand Dubya but ya can't blame him for everything. Also the levee that failed was labelled by the Corp of Engineers as complete. It was as high as it needed to be and the maintainence was all done. They just weren't intended to handle better than a Cat3. Nope. Once he got his sealegs he was actually fairly effective in getting people to safety. And he was passing money to the people he saved. Sure it wasn't very much cash to Penn, but it's a hell of a lot more than most people are doing, particularly the loud ones.
  18. Either way, Cheney's the baddest-ass badass that ever badded an ass. Remember when making Star Wars analogies that while Vader was evil, he was still the living breathing incarnation of awesome.
  19. And once Sean Penn got his sealegs, he did all right. Got his boat plugged up and moving, and he was giving out to the people he rescued. Beats the heck out of some of the other people that just sat there shouting about how Bush did it.
  20. Soaron and Blastarr. COOL!
  21. I'd heard the big protest wasn't the violence and mature themes, but the merchandising. It was at the time when shows-as-ads were just starting to pick up, and people were concerned about it. And as Captain Power took it to new heights, you got people complaining that not only was the show a half-hour toy commercial, but that you HAD to have the toys to enjoy it fully. ... Obviously they never watched it, but really, how many activist groups know crap about what they're bashing?
  22. PowerJet XT7 and Phantom Striker. Wait... Mattel actually paid someone to do a GOOD JOB on the cartoons? *debates rewatching 'em* And the tapes didn't come with the toys. They were sold seperately. For the record, teh eppilepsy effects are badass. How would you shoot stuff without the flicker?
  23. It's also pretty banged up. I thought the rough design was similar, though I admit it's a stretch. But DYRL isn't real. 326417[/snapback] It is roughly similar, but I think it is of a different design. I believe that the Supervision Army had an ability to alter and repair ships that the Zentlaedi lacked, so it's possible to see multiple derivative craft. For all we know, ASS-1 was an obsolete hulk prior to its arrival on Earth. 326437[/snapback] I would actually expect that. You boobytrap your retired husks, not your shiny-new state-of-the-art.
  24. You guys have all the best shows! GIVE IT BACK!
  25. As I understand thigns, it had a very strong adult following, especially for an alleged children's show. Captain Power, Hawk, Tank(how very imaginative...), dun recall the other 2. Token black guy was Scout. Chick was Pilot. Power was the only one to use his real name. *cut/paste* CAPTAIN JONATHAN POWER MAJ. MATTHEW "HAWK" MASTERSON LT. MICHAEL "TANK" ELLIS SGT. ROBERT "SCOUT" BAKER CPL. JENNIFER "PILOT" CHASE If I recall, Scout had holographic camoflauge, so he could look like anyone else. Hence he got to be a... well, a scout. Just remembered... I used to have a Captain Power comic book. Power was visiting his father's grave. Flashback sequence to explain how the story got from civilized world to post-apocalyptic with homicidal mecha hunting people and sucking them into computers. Still do have all 3 of the cartoon videos, for what it's worth. http://darkstar.st/captainpower/soaron.html I know Soaron likely looks better in motion, but... Man, this used to be cutting-edge special effects.
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