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Everything posted by JB0

  1. The problem, though, is that trying to change the way games are played often leads to gimmicky games reguardless (Yoshi's Touch & Go), games that don't really take advantage of the new technology (Splinter Cell DS), or games that try to shoe-horn the new tech in with disastrous results (Tiger Woods DS). Or barbarous kludges like the NES gamepad and DualShock... Or the much less shitty light gun.
  2. How so? Tilt controller, tilt stick. Not that diffrent. I think the hardest thing would be moving characters around in a 3d space. Imagine trying to play the next Prince of Persa game with this thing. I haven't played the modern PoP games, but an intuitive way to provide input in 6 axes seems a good thing for a 3D game. My bet? The big blue "home" button is for resetting the motion sensor's "center" point. *chuckles*
  3. Except we don't have a Mario game announced. The promo video wasn't actual gameplay shots, it was just a conceptual thing. That's probably what the home button does. Resets the center position. And it's RF, so it doesn't need to stay pointed at the set. Heh.
  4. Not me. I prefere the keyboard/mouse combo when playing PC specific games. I only bust out a gamepad when playing an emulated game that was designed around a pad. I use a keyboard and trackball for PC games. Partially because I've got limited funds, and really can't afford to keep throwing cash at every potential keyboard replacement. The keyboad is a lousy text input device. It's an even worse gaming device. Were I designing a PC gaming controller from scratch, I'd probably wind up with the bastard child of a Microsoft Strategy Commander and a Nostromo Speedpad. *nods* Depending on the game, you could also use the motion tracker as an analog stick replacement. It has the potential to work really well. Or really really poorly in a shoddy port attempt.
  5. Oooohhh... Pity RType Final 2 was just irem's April Fool's joke... Always been more of an RType person myself. I've used them all too... and always wound up going back to conventional controllers. 20+ years of gaming, and that's just what I'm used to. I mix it up a fair bit. One of my biggest gripes with the modern industry is the lack of variety among controllers. Everything's a DualShock knockoff, and that's just a half-assed upgrade to the SNES pad anyways. I'd give the N64 more credit if the 2 "wings" were mirrors of each other. As it is, it's just a silly design. Honestly, my favorite controller, design-wise, is the much-loathed Atari 5200 stick. I really think the designers of that generation were on the right track, although they never perfected it. INTV, ColecoVision, and 5200 all approach the same concept from diffrent angles. IMO, Coleco had it totally wrong. Mattel and Atari were both on the right path, but neither ever reached design maturity, though I think the 5200 stick is better constructed than the INTV pad. If Atari had capped their fire buttons' silicon inlays with hard plastic buttons like a modern controller, and put a centering mechanism on the stick, it'd be light-years ahead of where it ended up. But like everything, the 5200 stick is not well-suited to all games, even given my suggested alterations. The Jack-of-all-trades approach annoys me. I LIKED the overabundance of squirrely 3rd-party controllers in the NES era, as even if a lot of them were totally retarded there were some REALLY GOOD ones out there too. But that's just fine. That's just what I wanted to hear. It winds up being like the DS... innovative controls for innovative type games (Feel the Magic), conventional controls for more conventional type games (Castlevania). It also makes a lot of sense given the current marketing strategy is heavily focused on their back catalog. Hell, their base controller has an NES pad built-in.
  6. You know, as long as we're playing on the same team I don't really mind what the games are. (except sports games, never liked them) Well, I pulled the trigger on a GameCube. Even if it doesn't have the best co-op games, it's cheap, the games & accessories are cheap, and she LOVES nintendo chars! 329040[/snapback] Good call, IMO. The 'Cube's got some sweet games. And at the price, it's not hard to justify.
  7. I'd like to point out that A. Mattel, not Nintendo, was responsible for the Power glove. B. The Power Glove was being mapped back down to a d-pad and button pair. Nothing was ever INTENDED to work with the glove. C. Yeah, tech's more advanced. It's smaller, lighter, and pr'ly requires much finer movements, enabling you to just rest it in your lap and twitch it a little.
  8. I think it's a different Zelda game I'm thinking of, but one of them definately allows you to have some crazy GBA Multiplayer fun. 329017[/snapback] Yah. You're thinking of 4 Swords. ... Which, like Crystal Chronicles, is action-adventure, not RPG. Sadly, co-operative multiplayer just isn't very popular on any system.
  9. IGN has a ad video Nintendo was running. http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/651/651...id_1249127.html The girl about halfway through that's staring in awe at her ability to make Mario jump is priceless. I use a trackball and keyboard for PC games. Never found an adequate substitute for the keyboard. Yah. That's been one of Nintendo's major marketing points, is the NES download library they're gonna have(details to be announced later). Didn't think it was gonna influence the controller design, but.... Hey, no reason it can't emulate the SNES too! And with the modular control, they can do it right!
  10. Yes. You have to draw a VHS logo in the air and then a power symbol, though.
  11. Yah. Just live by my motto: People suck.
  12. How so? Tilt controller, tilt stick. Not that diffrent. ... Funny thought... everyone that trained themselves to NOT wave the controller around will be at a disadvantage. But yah, swordfighting games would work REALLY nice.
  13. REVOLUTION CONTROLLER ANNOUNCED! GYROSCOPES! IPOD AESTHETICS! MODULAR DESIGN! fartING MODULAR CONTROLLER! It may as well BE the liquid-metal pad I was joking about... http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3143782
  14. Well, 40 centimeters comes to about 15 inches high. 328803[/snapback] yeah, but it's still a statue. I meant 12" figure as in action figure. Where you can pose it. Maybe like that superposeable one that came with the manga. 328829[/snapback] Admit it... you just wanna put the transparent plugsuit on it and set it in lewd poses.
  15. I agree. The title of this thread has "Close me" written all over it. Oh, and by the way. Grow up. How old are you anyway? Getting intimidated by a 12 year-old. And a fat one at that, according to you. If you want to look for some way to harrass your brother, go on over to the forums at AnimeNation and bitch to the other teenagers. I'm sure one of those chuckleheads over there will be glad to help you. Geez... 328815[/snapback] Seconded.
  16. JB0

    Macross PS2 Game

    Holds the door switch down, I take it? Always thought that should be fairly easy to do. Hell, I think that was part of why the PS2 had a tray loader to begin with, to avoid swap tricks.
  17. It's a totally diffrent rape of the characters than the Fox version. Movie version was what the stars would be like with 70% more angst. It's a decent show, just not my taste in entertainment. Fox version of the TV show was just... ugh.
  18. I'd shoot for a light gray instead of pure white, personally.
  19. Also interesting: There will be no core system in Japan. The japanese consumers, in their infinite wisdom, have expressed ltittle to no interest in it. And from http://www.insertcredit.com/ SAM AND MAX! "Sam & Max, the popular adventure detectives of PC adventure history, are set to return to the gaming world, courtesy of Telltale Games. The surprise announcement came at the end of a keynote speech last night at the Future of Digital Entertainment conference in San Francisco; Sam & Max creator Steve Purcell gave the mostly Freelance Police-experienced developer the go-ahead to make the game, which will not be related to last year's cancelled sequel."
  20. Seconded. That dark blue doesn't work as-is.
  21. We do. Just not (usually) in arcades. But yah... head-mounted display + motion cab = best idea ever.
  22. JB0

    Macross PS2 Game

    The game CAN'T be PAL. Macross games don't get out of Japan, and Japan uses NTSC.
  23. *chuckles*
  24. A journalist friend of mine who has spent a fair amount of time with Kojima (last summer when I was in Tokyo I called him to see if he wanted to hang out and he couldn't because he was watching Steamboy with the guy) passed along to me Kojima's vision of hsi works; that is, they all roughly take place in the same world. The Metal Gear series, Snatcher/Policenauts and Z.O.E. all take place along the same timeline. 328538[/snapback] I've heard that before. Sans Zone of Enders.
  25. I've seen pics once before. Of the transparent plug-suit version(you can see it in this woefully tiny pic... http://www.hard.co.jp/solid/images/d_02.gif). But yah, damn nice statue.
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