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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Depends on the model. The Compendium has 3 diffrent Varauta VFs. A VF-14 knockoff, a VA-14 clone, and a VAB-2D compatible. http://macross.anime.net/mecha/index.html They're at the half-way mark.
  2. You're lying, JBO. Why must you lie? Next you'll be telling me the tooth fairy doesn't exist... :P 330942[/snapback] No, the tooth fairy's real. But I'm afraid I have some bad news about the easter bunny...
  3. I agree with you JBO. However, my point is that the character Basara is not believable. I've seen enough loons that I'd believe someone like Basara is out there. He's not NORMAL by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not supposed to be anyways. I don't recall him ever asking FOR clearance. Basara seems to have gotten a lot of leeway because he was part of a project the captain was interested in. They mentioned at one point that the area Basara lived in wasn't exactly supposed to be on the ship to start with, but that excuse seemed pretty weak given everyone knew where it was anyways. HAHAHA! Ace pilots like Capt. J.D. McConnell Jr. (16 kills) and Maj. J Jabara (15 kills), of Korean War/Mig alley fame, survived by shooting down their opponents before they were shot down. As did the other 37 American aces of Korea. A total of 792 MIG-15s were shot down, for only a loss of 78 F-86 sabers. If shooting has nothing to do with flying in a aerial battlespace, than explain why so many planes get shot down? Diffrent facets of the argument here. Being able to shoot someone has nothing to do with skill as a pilot, but it has a LOT to do with skill as a combat pilot. And Basara IS a combat pilot. It's debatable how much shooting he does, since it's all non-lethal projectiles.
  4. Oddly enough, I was messing with the PC version the other day. Appears to have some nasty bugs in the 3D acceleration code. From what I can tell , it worked with DirectX 5, DX6 broke it, they patched it to fix that, and either DX7 broke it again or the DX6 fixes didn't work right. Should work nicely in software rendering, though. I need to sit down and test that.
  5. Wasn't that supposed to be the same year that the Moon was blasted out of Earth's orbit by a massive nuclear explosion condemning all 311 inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha to an uncertain future? And the Macross was gonna crash and end World War 3, too. 1999 was a busy year of non-events. Heh.
  6. C:\yaddayadda\bookmarks.html is my homepage. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php is my first bookmark, though.
  7. I quiot believing all the end of hte world prophecies after we failed to get in the Crystalis war back in 1999.
  8. It's after 10 sets of quote tags. For future reference.
  9. Basara DID fire live ammo a few times. Perhaps not often enough, but he DID do it when he felt it was necessary. He just didn't feel it was necessary as often as everyone else did. It's not covered why, but (if I may be allowed to pull stuff out of my ass for a moment)this may have been due in part to Minmay's idolization post-war. She's been pitched as more or less single-handedly saving the world with her singing, and it's quite likely more than a few people have gotten sucked up in the mythology and forgotten the reality of dogfights, missile clouds, and particle beams.
  10. And then there was Macross 7, where everyone ejected and got their souls eaten... Yah, if the battroid falls down, ejecting will get messy, unless there's a provision for popping the canopy and blasting out(then you only have to worry about the back). Same applies to a GERWALK that takes a tumble, though. In space, of course, it doesn't matter your orientation. Hikaru almost died quite a few times. VF-1D got clipped in the initial zentradi assault, self-destruct of the zentradi recon vessel, Britai kicking his ass into some spikes(a brown Valk woulda just blowed up there), the whiffed Daedalus attack(by far his closest call in terms of injuries sustained), and twice in the final battle of Space War 1(zentradi missiles took off the arms, and debris from Grand Cannon collapse shattered the canopy).
  11. On the other hand...
  12. Big problem I see with these shows is that who you are matters. If you get shot and don't have a name, you explode. Doesn't matter where you were hit If you get shot and have a name, odds are pretty good you'll come out all right. Your vehicle may be damaged, but it still works. Worst-case, it's non-functional, but also non-volatile.
  13. *shudders* That's bad lighting for anything.
  14. It held on for a while after PS2 launch. And I don't see how the DC can be argued as anything other than current gen. Short-lived current-gen, sure. But still current.
  15. Yes, but Sony killed them with hype and released at a reasonable price. Wich is a shame because the Dreamcast was not a bad system, and had an excellent library of titles. Also, the Dreamcast released at a time when people were not thinking about moving up a generation, many critisized Sega of jumping the gun. As things were, the Dreamcast was no longer competition by the time the PS2 launched. While I suppose that's possible with the 360, it would require Microsoft to suddenly drop support for their own console before the PS3 hit the market. 330881[/snapback] But Sony still wasn't the first out the gate on the current generation. Sega was.
  16. the newer sps are now backlit. http://media.gameboy.ign.com/articles/652/...mg_3086349.html 330865[/snapback] They're still too small, though.
  17. By that logic, Sony was dumb for releasing the PS2 when they did. Look at what happened, Sony released first, they released the weakest console of this generation, and wound up on top because they released first and had such a huge install base. There's a lot of factors to take into consideration when predicting who will come out on top. Price, games, when the system launches, how well it sells early on... 330845[/snapback] Sony released SECOND. Dreamcast was first.
  18. Why did you have worries in the first place? It's always been known that the Revolution would be back-compatible with Gamecube controllers. 330792[/snapback] It's still not confirmed that 'Cube pads will be usable in Rev mode. It's a safe bet they won't be 100% compatible, as the Rev controller has more axes once hte analog stick handle is attached(8 VS 6). So... the real question is why you never bought the Soul Calibur 2 stick to go with the game. Worked tolerably well AND it was sexy. ... There was a Street Fighter for the 'Cube?
  19. And they quickly used up that space it provided. Game developers have taken five years to get around to using more than HALF the space it provided. The PC industry STILL hasn't moved from CD, though this can be attributed in part to the fact that PC games heavily compress the data and require it to be decompressed to a hard drive before play. True most do not right now. But right now, the cost of 2 dual layer DVD's is equivalent to the cost of a single Blu Ray disc...(actually almost close to $2 at this early stage and expected to be less than $1 by the time next year rolls around). Cost will pay for itself in the long run... But the game industry right now uses 2 single-layer disks instead of a single dual-layer disk on the rare occasion that they use 2 DVDs. After five years, the number of games that exceeed the space constraints of a single 1-layer DVD can be counted on one hand. The long run assumes the game industry is going to start in on massively larger games immediatly. I would bet that the # of games that exceed a dual-layer DVD next gen will similarly be countable on one hand. It's as much of a problem as in the movie industry. Dolby Digital sucks. IMO, game sound is currently "good enough". Admittedly, I do not have a particularly great home theater, and tend to not absorb many of the details while engaged in the game. I agree it's going to be needed. I just disagree it's needed this generation. Except having too much costs more money. And not having too much is never a problem. Not having enough is a problem, though.
  20. Except the primary reason games went from carts to CDs was the lowered cost and better response time to demand, which translates to higher profit for the publishers. The space-to-cost ratio being VERY favorable next to ROMs was the primary reason. Which let them make much larger games, as well as cheaper ones(though they never DID pass the savings on like they promised). Which raises an interesting point... We were filling entire CDs shortly after the media became available. Multi-DVD games are VERY uncommon, and the game industry currently only uses half the capacity of each disk(as they refuse to pay for the dual-layer manufacturing process).
  21. ROFL Not to mention your money won't be funding some criminal organization somewhere in Asia huh 330521[/snapback] Another good reason. PIRATE ROBO GO! WAREZ CANNON! FIRE!
  22. 'Cube pad DOES fit the hand quite nicely. And does a good job at fitting everyone's instead of a specific target group like some other companies... Thing I like about the buttons is mainly how easy it is to rock from one to the other VS a diamond(can't rock onto the top button from the bottom one on a diamond). Distant second is quick visual ID. Seeing a kidney bean on screen connects in my head a lot faster than a letter, which in turn connects faster than a geometric shape. The GC pad problems are IMO... Z. It's small, awkwardly positioned, and nearly useless. It looks like an afterthought, and that's because it is. Was shoved in at the last minute because they didn't have enough buttons for Smash Brothers. Sidenote: This is also why it's a nice solid microswitch instead of a mushy rubber dome button. Wasn't room for another rubber dome. D-pad. Flaky and inaccurate. Ironic, given this is the company that first popularized the device. Start/pause. It's way off in the middle of nowhere. Of course, everyone screws this up except the Genesis 3-button pad and the 5200 sticks, so who really cares? All 3 are relatively minor. Sadly, the Rev looks to have the worst position for start/pause since the 2600, Master System, and 7800 put it on the deck(though the 2600 only had start, not pause). As near as I can tell, it rests under the heel of the hand, meaning you'll have to slide your hand down to pause.
  23. Legality being equal, why pay for something when you can get it free? BITTORRENT POWER ACTIVATION! *strikes cheesy pose*
  24. What, my friends have too much of a life? Sure. Ah, a laptop. Externals for the win, I suppose.
  25. Fairly minimal. Either way... internals for the win. And if all your friend's videos and music can fit in 25 GB(single layer), you need better friends.
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