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Everything posted by JB0

  1. We think that REGARDLESS of what you're arguing. Largely because you always argue it with blind fanboyism and completely fabricated "facts." They've already got Bandai signed on for a Super Robot Wars game.
  2. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    Presumably, if XBox MAME has been updated moderately recently... ... I don't see any. May work if you do something like install Linux on your 'box then install the Linux MAME. I make no promises, though. which one? macross plus or macross ii? 334652[/snapback] Or DYRL even. I still hate when people pin "rom" on like an adjective. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A ROM VERSION OF A GAME! ROMS ARE THE CHIPS THE GAME WAS DISTRIBUTED ON! THERE IS NO MAGIC RECODING IN THE EMULATION PROCESS, JUST DUMPING! ... Sorry. I've mostly gotten this under control(I can handle people calling the games roms, which is a major improvement), but I still pop every now and then.
  3. "Luke, I am your father. And Solo's. And Lando's. And Ackbar's. And even that damned quasi-homosexual protocol droid's." ... Wait, he IS the quasi-homosexual protocol droid's father.
  4. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    That's what I was saying in my post... I'm suprised MAME .68 will actually RUN macross. He didn't seem to believe you, so I figured I'd emphasize the point.
  5. I view it as Price Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back. Sony's announced as "not for households" so MS announces 400, but knowing that's too high, they also announce a 300 deal. The fact that it's a complete ripoff flies right over the heads of "Average Joe" and "Mom 'n' Pop." Sony has to AT LEAST match 300 in some fashion now. 350 if we factor in that the PS name can sell less for more. At 400, you'll see a lot of defection from Sony to MS BarginBin Deluxe Package by the ignorant masses.
  6. Only if they launch at a reasonable price, as opposed to Kutaragi's "not for households." And again, 'd like to point out that the PS2 was only relevant as a DVD player in Japan. Outside of Japan, DVD had gone mainstream well before hte PS2 launch. 333962[/snapback] I doubt the PS3 will launch anywhere near the lone Toshiba HD DVD player marked for $899. Do you honestly think stand alone high def players will penetrate more than one in a console? The PC market angle also is a factor. 333994[/snapback] DVD did. And with the way Sony's been talking lately, it's hard to say. XBox360 is already launching at an exhorbitant 400$(I don't consider the "core" system an option, and neitehr should you).
  7. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    I strongly believe in getting my emus straight from the source. www.mame.net in this case. As far as ROM images go, I use planetemu.net.
  8. Only if they launch at a reasonable price, as opposed to Kutaragi's "not for households." And again, 'd like to point out that the PS2 was only relevant as a DVD player in Japan. Outside of Japan, DVD had gone mainstream well before hte PS2 launch.
  9. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    Oh, for the love of pete... Your MAME is ANCIENT. Update the gundamned emulator and be done with it. MAME .68 will not run Macross with sound. EVER. IT's got nothing to do with the ROM images(All teh sets out there are the same). The code to emulate teh sound just ISN'T THERE. Why people keep expecting a build that's several years old to be as functional as the latest release is anyone's guess.
  10. Answer: they use single layer discs. A next-gen game that hits 15MB would be impressive. 25GB will work nicely. In fact, it's highly unlikely that that the PS3 would ever use a dual layer 50GB BD-ROM. And by biased, I'm sure you mean contradictory to your rabid Sony fanboy-ism. 333746[/snapback] Damn straight..........except for the fanboy remark. 333762[/snapback] Perhaps you'd prefer worship? The fact that you cited a bunch of neutral articles as pro-BluRay just proves the matter.
  11. I didn't forget; it was omitted 333740[/snapback] Oh, okay.
  12. You forgot the part where HG came in, renamed Gore to Alfred Dole, relabelled the reactive armor as reflex armor, changed the general meaning of the discussion, and gave the jet pack mystical symbolism.
  13. I figured that's what you meant, since that's what'd be a common sense preference by just about anyone who's ever even considered wanting an Xbox 360. Allard or Bach, I can't remember which, already hinted in OXM though, that their strategy would be more along the lines of releases a new model 360 with an HD DVD-ROM, and then having large games release in both multiple DVD-9s AND HD DVDs (kinda the way PC games release on both CD-ROM and DVD-ROM today). Which would absolutely suck, because it'd be basically giving the finger to all the early adopters. 333537[/snapback] Guh... At least they'd dual-release them instead of ignoring it totally.
  14. I actually don't. I didn't bother to buy to many movies on VHS because they were bulky and suffered from poor quality that got worse with use. What few movies I did have (Transformers: the Movie, Robocop, Star Wars, etc) I replaced with DVDs. Over here it was a matter of watching the movie or not. And some of our VHS isn't DVD-able. Like Captain Power. Which I haven't watched in years, but... If they do an upgrade later, I hope it's available to people who already bought their Xbox 360s, instead of only existing in a premium rehash. I HATE buying things twice. I didn't even consider new system. I immediatly thought add-on box, a la SegaCD(Super CD-ROM, JagCD, whatever). Price should be relatively low, because there's not a pressing need for more hardware on the 360. The PS1 could've used a bit of help, but everything past that's run it's entire life without hitting any major problems horsepower-wise(IMO).
  15. Exactly. If they'd included them in the theatrical release, less people would buy the DVD.
  16. SNES music is lightyears ahead of GBA music. GBA, sadly, is using basically the same sound as the original Gameboy. Not that there's anything wrong with PSGs, but they're kind of dated, particularly the one the GBx uses. 333199[/snapback] Indeed. This is one reason why I'd rather they released the game for the DS. Some improved visuals would be nice, too. 333294[/snapback] It's why I'm glad the DS exists. Was nice of Nintendo to put out a portable system that WASN'T rapidly assembled while in panic mode.
  17. I dunno... It looks like it'll be interesting. But on the other hand, it also looks like it'll be the "neat idea, steaming crap of an execution" kind of interesting.
  18. SNES music is lightyears ahead of GBA music. GBA, sadly, is using basically the same sound as the original Gameboy. Not that there's anything wrong with PSGs, but they're kind of dated, particularly the one the GBx uses.
  19. Like I said... Arr, matey.
  20. Yah. 3's allegedly coming for the DS. With luck, it'll go through this time. It was being done for the WonderSwan Color, but got axed. With further luck, it'll get a US release. To date, 3's the only one without a legal US release. Starting to look like it's cursed, though... Sony's opinion doesn't matter. Squeenix doesn't have any exclusivity contracts, Sony doesn't own a controlling share, nothing like that. Squeenix just makes most of their games for Sony's hardware. Not just Final Fantasy Tactics, but VARANT STORY as well. A friend of mine played the hell out of demo at TGS or E3 a year ago and said it's fantastic. 333124[/snapback] Yah. From what I've heard, the game engine draws a lot from Vagrant Story.
  21. The US DVD liner notes had several of them too... http://www.animeigo.com/Liner/MACROSS.t
  22. So SRW Alpha. Alpha Gaiden had Macross also. So does the new Alpha 3.
  23. I suspect whichever CD it is, it involves the phrase "Arr, matey!"
  24. Just means they aren't scary anymore. Actually, 12 looks set to completely revitalize it. They've finally ditched the stand-in-a-line-and-stab-air paradigm that's been stubbornly held onto since the NES. I'd argue that they've finally strayed far enough from the formula to make a game with interesting gameplay beyond dorking with the equipment. *chuckles* I actually count 9 as one of my favorites in the series, though. For a hopelessly dated game engine, it was damn fun to tweak.
  25. For shits and giggles, I downloaded hi-def (720p) video samples from one of Microsoft's sites. The difference between it and a regular DVD movie was nothing short of stunning on my 52" Toshiba DLP TV. That said, though, I simply have too large of a movie collection. While a high-def disc format would be nice for future movies, I'm just not ready to start replacing anything I've already got. Yah. We've stll got a fair # of VHS tapes kicking around for that reason. That is, sadly, a somewhat likely scenario. I know a guy who bought a DVD player when they were still asking $1000 bucks for one, but most people just aren't willing. *nods* Yah. Sony's gonna eat massive losses on the PS3 to move it. And it'll pr'ly be udnercut by standalone players, just like the PS2 was outside Japan. *nods again* If they do an upgrade later, I hope it's priced low enough that there's no reason NOT to get it.
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