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Everything posted by JB0

  1. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    What sort of screwups? Depending on what it's doing, it may be config-related.
  2. I think they've already gotten their hands on their joysticks...
  3. Sorry...figure of speech... though no more false than the playable 360's on E3 being G5's and Xenon development units.....point being is both make claims and this time around both appear (so far) to be delivering what they showed before. 335298[/snapback] I may be wrong on this, but if I recall, Son was trying to pass the E3 video soff as arel while MS was making a big deal out of the fact that it WASN'T real. Let's not forget way back before the PS2 launch, the Final Fantasy VIII demo? It was running on some SGI machines, yet was hooked up to a PS2 controller so the camera could be controlled in real time. Sony claimed it was running on actual PS2 hardware. 335313[/snapback] Actually it WAS on real PS2 hardware. Sort of. They took the PS2 video chip and hooked it straight into a gig of RAM, then uploaded the program into the RAM and let the graphics chip go wild. Which served the dual purposes of giving it WAY more space to work with than it would have in the actual system and well as freeing it from the bandwidth issues the actual system has.
  4. I'll gladly take the proprietary connectors now that they're putting component connectors in the box. 335246[/snapback] I've got a half-dozen RCA cables lying around anyways. You know, unless you'd like to imply that my 2-decade corroded wires from the Atari era are somehow inferior to a modern cable with adequate shielding. ... Reminds me... my AV switch came with a "component video" cable. That was so absurdly thin I can't believe they rated it for ANY video. My composite wires have better shielding. Hell, the 2-daeade 1st-era wires are better shielded. Not suspect. Confirmed fakes. Nvidia came out and SAID they weren't running on the PS3 chip, the PS3 chip wasn't finalized, no PS3 silicon had been made, and it was actually a pair of their then-upcoming PC boards running in SLI mode.
  5. Woot! Bigger Reiko pic!
  6. Oh, good! We're near a rest stop!
  7. Actually, it's no secret the creators of Exo-Squad were BIG Robotech fans and drew alot of inspiratiosn and ideas from it (hence the tie -ins). 335248[/snapback] So that's why the badguys in the few episodes I saw looked like zentradi.
  8. Nice to have an s-vid'able Genny. I've not looked into doing it to mine. May consider it some time in the future. I've gotten a okay signal out of my Genny. Not great, but tolerable. My Gen2 sucked, though. Especially with the SCD online. Standard connectors == love. Failing true RCAs and s-vid's miniDIN4, gimme a normal DSub or DIN to work with.
  9. I dunno then. I thought you meant the stuff like the Spiderman collection. http://www.wickedcoolstuff.com/40yeofamspcd.html
  10. 32" direct-view CRT. With the scan velocity modulation disabled too, for extra clean image-ness. And the sharpness isn't high enough that it's going FUBAR(why can't it be a simple focus control? Why must they tie an edge enhancement circuit to it?). It's just that most of my PS games EXPECT the blur. Especially the 3D ones that are desperately trying to get around how badly the PS1 sucks at 3D. They use checkerboard shading to fake translucency, dithered colors to fake a deeper color pallete, and such. Get the sharper display going and it becomes painfully obvious that they're "cheating." Even some of my pretty sprite games, like SotN and Valk Profile, looked better in composite. Only PS game I tested that I genuinely think looks better with s-vid is Mr. Driller. I've noticed the blurry text, but shrug it off usually. It's the lesser evil, IMO. I know the SNES is SHARPER with s-video. I'm just not sure I WANT it sharper. Pr'ly do for the most part though, based on emulator usage. Sad sidenote: My Genesis is running on RF. I grabbed the connector to make a video cable, then realized I was out of AV ports. ... I need another switch. It's a damn shame what they did to that. I really need to replace my VHS tape, but I just can't justify paying the price the DVD goes for given the lack of quality.
  11. And let's not forget this one!
  12. Bingo. The point is getting 50 years of back comics in one place cheaply.
  13. I'd go as far to say composite was only barely ok for the 32 bit era. 335181[/snapback] I can't speak for the Saturn, but for the most part the PS1 looks better in composite than s-video. Most games are too reliant on dithering and checkerboard transparency to look very good when you remove the blur. ... I should stick my SNES on my 'Cube's s-vid cables again and do some more comparison. I'm not really sure which way I'd vote on it right now. Set it's currently hooked to doesn't go past composite and is in need of a tune-up, so it's a moot point.
  14. Intellectual giant? ROFL!! That is the most hilarious crap ever to crawl out of that black hole you call a brain this week. Also, picking a fight with Jemstone and JB0 really proves once again what a pathetic loser you are. Actually, I was sort of picking the fight with him. But really, it wasn't even much of that. Was just general mockery and harassment, with a bit of system war flavor.
  15. Don't forget that without a hard drive, you need a memory card(no save media is included with the ripoff package). That's 40$ added onto the price right there. So it's really only a 60$ diffrence between the packages. And IMO, they should at LEAST pack in an s-video cable. Composite ceased to be adequate with the current generation.
  16. At least it's not on the GayStation. Get it? GAYStation? Because, you know, it's gay. HAHAHAHA! 334935[/snapback] You dare mock the almighty name of "PLAYSTATION"!!!!!! Are you insane or just plain $tupid? Oh yeah, Xbox360..........WOW.........what a name. 334951[/snapback] It's better than GAY$tation. Yeah, GAY-DOLLAR-SIGN-TATION! That's an AWESOME name! 334960[/snapback] o.k. ....si, when you have no comeback, you get all weird and retarded huh???.......whatever dude. 335001[/snapback] You're giving up? Yeah, I thought so! You know you can't defend the GAY$TATION!
  17. Necrophile!
  18. At least it's not on the GayStation. Get it? GAYStation? Because, you know, it's gay. HAHAHAHA! 334935[/snapback] You dare mock the almighty name of "PLAYSTATION"!!!!!! Are you insane or just plain $tupid? Oh yeah, Xbox360..........WOW.........what a name. 334951[/snapback] It's better than GAY$tation. Yeah, GAY-DOLLAR-SIGN-TATION! That's an AWESOME name!
  19. At least it's not on the GayStation. Get it? GAYStation? Because, you know, it's gay. HAHAHAHA!
  20. I've heard Sony's recently given up on closing exploits since the homebrews are the system's primary selling point. Dunno if it's actually true. We'll know when 2.1 rolls around.
  21. The mention of Plus leaves me a bit confused.
  22. Well...the Compendium implies that the head laser can fire in pulses as well as single continuous beams... Although, when you think about it...it's firing so fast (and it is a laser) that it probably looks like a single beam... 334850[/snapback] Strictly speaking, it shouldn't have been visible at all. The whole point of a laser is it's focused. You can't see it if the photons are all travelling towards the target. While in an atmosphere you could get something out of the air dispersing light or reacting to it, space should provide you with a nice invisible beam. I cut them some slack on that because no one likes to see stuff blow up without a visible reason. As for making it a white beam... BAD CARTOON! BAD! If we get very picky, there's an awful lot of problems with the animation of the laser weapons in MOST animation. I was just sticking to the most basic issues.
  23. \I've always wondered exactly how much play those were SUPPOSED to get? Due to animation errors tehy were remounted in the nosecone IR sensors a few times. And a few times they were done up shooting bullets instead of lasers, again due to errors. So how many more times were they written in as used but weren't drawn in use because someone flubbed the scene? ... Maybe Kawamori should've written in eye lasers insetad It'd be goofy, but the animators wouldn't have been confused.
  24. Proof I've been on teh internet too long: I Read that as "Jack has a goatse now."
  25. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    Yep. Hard as it is to believe they didn't use anythign even inspired by the original shows. And for those keeping score, sound was added in 0.94u2.
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