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Everything posted by JB0

  1. So yeah... wonder what'd happen if I said Mario Kart is the only good racing game series...
  2. 336138[/snapback] Man, that pic brings back some memories. I had the Porsche and Leader One, too. And the semi, and a tank, and... I still have the space shuttle. I honestly can't remember what all else I had.
  3. 335792[/snapback] I used to have an assload of GoBots. Some of 'em were pretty awesome. ... Wonder what ever happened to those? I know the VW broke after a very large amount of abuse, but that's the only one I can account for.
  4. As stated, that was an error. Nope. They were down on Earth, and not really capable of docking with the Macross anyways. The attachment of the 2 boats was a jury-rig to increase the amount of resources available to the crew of the Macross. Mainly mecha, as the SDF had very few onboard, and even fewer launch facilities(much of it's weaponry was intended to come from the ARMD-1 and AMRD-2 that it never had a chance to mate with). The boats in question were indeed our favorite mythological greek naval vessels.
  5. Likely not. Given they died in the space fold when their ships decompressed, they ceased to be relevant fairly early.
  6. I would pay to send man faye into space and have the vessal set a coarse into the sun. 336045[/snapback] I'd rather it was the Goatse Guy. If you think ManFaye is bad, it's only because you have not known true horror.
  7. You know, the VF-1 bombing is a blatant fake. This last photo from an AP photographer on the scene paints a far more disturbing tale. The Federation did it, and is conspiring to blame UN SPACY. The world community hates UN SPACY and will do anything to make them look bad.
  8. I haven't seen anything expressing fear. Certainly not in that article. You're a 'tard, BTW.
  9. I checked the catalog at my library once. They'd had the Ghost in the Shell manga, but gotten rid of it. .... And when they HAD had it, it was filed in the children's section. REAL smart...
  10. I didn't mind my room thjat much, though. It's as much a matter of knowing your kid as anything else. Damn skippy! Beat the parents if their kids are monsters!
  11. I could never find MY dad's mech. So I just rode around on my bike and threw newspapers at old people after a round of Paperboy. Same here. Well, spanked. No mouth washing. Of course, it doesn't work on everyone. Spanking my sister only made things worse. She just got pissed.
  12. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    More or less. There's some where it's flagged that have MAJOR issues. But if I recall, Mac Plus has nothing visible, except perhaps if you have an original board to compare with. Ah. *tests* Okay, I think I see(or hear, as the case may be) what's going on. Player gunfire kills any other sound effects currently playing, which includes the fanfare at the beginning of the stage. Based on sound type, the fanfare isn't running on the music chip with the background music. I'd bet the music's running on the FM synth chip(YM2203) and the sound effects and opening fanfare are coming on the twin OKI6295's, which are ADPCM sample playback chips. But this is all only tangentally relevant. ANYWAYS... the driverinfo.dat file says there's a sound processor(NMK004) that's currently being simulated, and inaccurately. It's quite possible this is causing the problems. I can't believe they'd intentionally kill all sound effects whenever you fired unless they ran out of voices, which doesn't seem to be the case.
  13. Someone should tell MGREXX a lot of things, none of them polite. But MGREXX would just come back and explain why they were a high-school dropout and how his degrees from Imsmokinsomegoodshit University make him better than everyone else.
  14. Too true. While growing up I knew a lot of other kids who's parents would buy them any kind of game and wouldn't know what they were about. My parents on the other hand knew what I was getting. They would get me games and stuff that were violent, like Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Doom II, etc. because they made sure I knew the difference between fantasy and reality. Besides my Mom ended up playing them more than I did, and I had to sit and watch her go on rampages in the games since there was only one computer, and my mom claimed higher priority! My mom rules. 335750[/snapback] My parents kept an eye on what I was playing too. Never could persuade them that it was worth spending time on actually PLAYING, though. Of course, that meant more game time for me, so I can't complain.
  15. But goofy. And I liked the Pretenders.
  16. Not that goofy when compared to the Headmasters, Targetmasters, Powermasters, and Pretenders lines. Actually, my first thought WAS "Star Wars Pretenders!" ... Too bad the 'bots look like ass. They don't look like the characters they're based on OR like 'bots inspired by the characters. They just look like half-assed toys that are expected to sell on name alone.
  17. How many 9-year-olds have 50$ lying around anyways? Not an awful lot. And for the odd exception... Stores that restrict sales to minors just get irate parents coming up and complaining to their cashiers because little Timmy can't by Druglord Bloodsport: Vice Titty while they plunk down the cash and vow never to shop there again. ... Then come back later whining about how their game had boobs, drugs and violence in it and they never should have sold it to little Timmy. Despite the large visible M rating on the front of the package, the drug use, graphic violence, and mature sexual themes content descriptors on the back of the package, the words druglord, bloodsport, and titty in the title, and the fact that they DIDN'T sell it to Timmy and attempted to explain to Timmy's parents why not at the time of purchase. Ultimately, this legislation does nothing because PARENTS, not children, buy the games.
  18. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    Presumably there's still some bugs. MAME32 won't be any better, as it uses the same emulation cores. I doubt they're dummying out the warnings, though I'm pretty sure there ARE some MAME builds out there that do so. I tend to ignore those errors unless something is blatantly wrong, as the MAME team sometimes forgets to remove them after the errors are fixed, doesn't put them in when errors DO exist, or just flags errors that no one but them can see. I didn't notice anything blatant, so I was assuming it was "close enough."
  19. Funny, I was thinkin if they want to make it good, they will need to leave Robotech out of it. 335599[/snapback] What if they use the Governator for Rick Hunter's new voice?
  20. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    What sort of screwups? Depending on what it's doing, it may be config-related.
  21. I think they've already gotten their hands on their joysticks...
  22. Sorry...figure of speech... though no more false than the playable 360's on E3 being G5's and Xenon development units.....point being is both make claims and this time around both appear (so far) to be delivering what they showed before. 335298[/snapback] I may be wrong on this, but if I recall, Son was trying to pass the E3 video soff as arel while MS was making a big deal out of the fact that it WASN'T real. Let's not forget way back before the PS2 launch, the Final Fantasy VIII demo? It was running on some SGI machines, yet was hooked up to a PS2 controller so the camera could be controlled in real time. Sony claimed it was running on actual PS2 hardware. 335313[/snapback] Actually it WAS on real PS2 hardware. Sort of. They took the PS2 video chip and hooked it straight into a gig of RAM, then uploaded the program into the RAM and let the graphics chip go wild. Which served the dual purposes of giving it WAY more space to work with than it would have in the actual system and well as freeing it from the bandwidth issues the actual system has.
  23. I'll gladly take the proprietary connectors now that they're putting component connectors in the box. 335246[/snapback] I've got a half-dozen RCA cables lying around anyways. You know, unless you'd like to imply that my 2-decade corroded wires from the Atari era are somehow inferior to a modern cable with adequate shielding. ... Reminds me... my AV switch came with a "component video" cable. That was so absurdly thin I can't believe they rated it for ANY video. My composite wires have better shielding. Hell, the 2-daeade 1st-era wires are better shielded. Not suspect. Confirmed fakes. Nvidia came out and SAID they weren't running on the PS3 chip, the PS3 chip wasn't finalized, no PS3 silicon had been made, and it was actually a pair of their then-upcoming PC boards running in SLI mode.
  24. Woot! Bigger Reiko pic!
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