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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Aw, c'mon. Look at my logic. I wasn't exactly trying for rational. But 3D graphics ARE badass. ... I need to build an adapter for these LCD glasses I've got kicking around. It's just one of the sound hardware plugins. Coded by a guy that calls himself Eternal. If I recall, the benefits were mainly that it provided the most accurate emulation. Aside from dodging a few bugs, that also = better sounding games. Quoted for truth!! I have avoided epsxe lately due to the whole "juggling plug-ins" dilema. It's simply too tedious for it's own good. Unless there's a one for all plug-in that's optimal for the majority of games out there, I'll stick with the likes of ZSNES, GBAdvance, J-Nes, Mame, Kawax, and Gens 337553[/snapback] I'm using VirtuaNES at this point. Last I heard, it was the best. Sadly, my PS1 isn't easily moddable, or I'd just slap a chip in and burn my games. Surface-mount components are the devil. Or anything that requires > average accuracy. Which is why I just went with the best PSX emu of all... *hugz PS2 * I do miss save states though I've got you beat. I run RealPS1 for most of my software. Sadly, bugs in RealPS1 keep it from running japanese or burned games. VP's easy. ... If you happened to live near a MalWart that's so incompetent that they still have it on the shelves at original retail 2 years after release. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not THAT hard to find. 'S just pricey due to demand.
  2. Spoken like a person who hasn't actually watched any Gundam. 337748[/snapback] Indeed. Gundam Wing had FIVE whiny male protagonists.
  3. No they didn't, that itself is just fan fabrication/exaggeration. The entire "DYRL is a movie" nonsense was generated from one throw away line in the first episode of M7 that doesn't even reference DYRL. ... It's completely silly to suggest DYRL was made or even retconned into being in continuity given that Kawamori openly is not very interested in maintaining tight continuity. 2031 February Space War I made into a movie, "Do You Remember Love?" Premiere of this movie which portrays the Battle with Golg Boddole Zer and the love of Lynn Minmay. It becomes a big hit, and the Minmay boom rekindles. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2013/index.html Silly or not, it actually WAS retconned into the official continuity.
  4. Best plan yet. Nukes solve everything. Primary weapon seems to be lasers. It'll run out of fuel before it runs out of ammo. If you can dodge it long enough to drain the tanks, that's another valid strategy. Personally, I'd rather not play an endurance game with a computer. Yes. PPB = love. Preferably with an automated or readily-accessable mechanism for moving the disks to intercept. Near as I could tell, they were still using manually-positioned barrier disks, which would be a serious performance damper in most situations.
  5. The emulator itself doesn't make a terrible difference, its the sound and graphics plugins that make a world's difference. Play around with Pete's and you might be surprised. The last time I fired up ePSXe was two and a half years ago on a P4-1.5 and GF4-4800, using ePSXe 5.2 (I think) with the latest Pete's and Eternal plugins. Blew the socks off hooking a PSX up to the TV, and no slowdowns either. mm... speaking of which, I need to finish Vagrant Story Admittedly, laptops, specifically their graphics cards, typically don't really provide the sort of horsepower needed for emulations. 337500[/snapback] You insult canada with that ati 9600 only 64mb but enough to play black and white 2, doom 3 and half life 2. 337530[/snapback] ATI sucks. Because only nVidia offers 3D graphics drivers. http://www.nvidia.com/object/3dstereo_78.01.html
  6. I'd give even odds in that situation, unless Max dragged out his VF-1.
  7. I went from a TNT1 to a GeForce2MX(during the GeForce 4 period) to a Quadro 3000FX(which is a GeForce 5900 Ultra equivalent). Most of my emulation's been older stuff, though. Arcades and SNES and so on. And THAT is why I hate modern system emulation. I'd rather have an emulator that focuses on accuracy and runs most games under a single config than one that requires you to juggle plugins, change settings, etc.
  8. A common misconception. The emu itself is responsible for as much as the plugins. Typically video chipset is utterly irrelevant to emulation, as long as you have enough VRAM for the frame buffers. MOST emulators don't do anything with the graphics hardware aside from throw the final image up. Hardware-accelerated graphics are the exception, not the rule. And tend to be a bit glitchier than software-based solutions, as there's not a 1:1 mapping of functions, though most of them are usually "close enough." As a current example for me: RType Delta runs nearly flawlessly under Pete's software plugin. Switch to hardware-accelerated, and the title screen disappears, the pause menu and continue screen are corrupted, and the end-of-level summary refuses to show. All in exchange for jacking up the resolution of a game that's STILL low poly and low texture. Sure it's running at 1600*1200 anti-aliased, 2xSAIed, low-poly, low-texture, but... everything's still "just a box." Exaggeration. My comp can't push the above-quoted show. I can get 1024*768 anti-aliased, though. Forget what filter options I can do.
  9. No way man, Outrun 2 is amazing. Easily the best post-Dreamcast game Sega has released, and probably the most fun "racing" game of the past 5 years. 337439[/snapback] Awww, I can't bait the 'tard a little more? Honestly, I haven't played any Outrun to date. I just picked a big name. ... Wait, I played a Master System/GameGear one once.
  10. Thank you!
  11. Ripping it takes a PC and CD-writing software. In Nero(the app my writer came with) you use CD Copy and set output to "image writer". BitTorrent is a file-sharing app. Seeded means that someone has the whole file. It's possible to get the whole thing from an unseeded torrent sometimes, because BT downloads non-sequentially, and if there's enough people with diffrent chunks, the torrent as a whole has the complete file.
  12. I dun really know where to get disk images right now. I'd recommend used game stores. Might pay too much for it, though. Popular title.
  13. *saves* I would like the original, though. I assume the purple background seen in the first pic of the thread is original. Mine's the white background one, and seeing it with the purple explains the odd lighting on Komillia.
  14. How fast is it? And you can download games OR use game disks. BUT due to the nature of disk access emulation(it's FUBAR and doesn't work at all like a real PS does), it's far better to rip any real game disks you have to disk images and play from the hard drive. Avoids some frequent and vicious crashes in some games. *rummages up some links* http://ngemu.com/psx/index.php Pete's software graphics plugin is the most accurate. His hardware plugin is fun to use, but not as accurate. Last I heard, Eternal's sound plugin was the one to get. The only 2 emus worth bothering with are ePSXe and PSXeven. IMO, PSXeven is better due to the fact that it's possible to reconfigure the emu without closing it after you've loaded a game. It crashes a fair bit while doing so, but it still makes testing plugins and configurations far easier.
  15. Sony didn't buy the PS.Nintendo contracted with Sony to develop the SNESCD add-on. By most counts, there was a signifigant power struggle between the 2 that led to Nintendo cancelling the Sony-made SNESCD on the day it was scheduled to be publically unveiled. The hardware was finished and games were in mid-development. They then signed with Philips for CDi technology. Then bailed on that and made the "no benefit to CDs" excuse, and were mocked by the public at large for it.* Sony, being irked by the sudden unaking of the rug, and even more irked by the fact that Nintendo left them for a FOREIGN company, overhauled the SNESCD expansion into a complete game machine and released it as the PlayStation. And took the market through a combination of damn good marketing and cheap hardware. *Of course, if Nintendo HAD gone through with the SNESCD, it would now be cited as the beginning of their downward spiral because it wouldn't sell as well as the SNES. So in hindsight, it was a good move, though they lost most of their credibility with the N64 anyways. I don't know. I mean, yeah, they probably won't make a gun attachment. But, I think they mentioned that the controller could work like a light gun regardless. So, I'm still holding out the hope that I'll see a Duck Hunt sequel in my lifetime. (Or, maybe at least the controller would work with the original Duck Hunt, since the Rev will play NES Roms? I've never got a light gun to work with an NES emulator, not even on console.) Yah. Their NES emu quite likely traces the wand location and calculates screen target from it. I've got a DC emu that supports the gun. It's not very reliable though, and the DC homebrew scene is basically dead, so it was never improved.
  16. It's like MGREXX with more sex and less forged degrees. Anyways, Outrun's better. The original, not this BS polygon crap. ... But Roadblasters is better still, and the pinnacle of driving games. IT's all downhill from there.
  17. Kinda surprised they didn't all catch cold and die.
  18. The Macross "bible" is Macross Compendium. Unlike literally every other online source, the Compendium is officially sanctioned by Big West, and everything there is guaranteed offical and as accurate as is currently available.
  19. thread starter here, As is evidenced by your user name... People were just pointing out that ths SDF2 was never built, not even in DYRL. The thing is that the SDF2 concept art was ALSO a representation of the plan for the SDF1. In continuity, the Macross was originally intended to dock with the ARMD1 and ARMD2. Britai prevented that, and when they did the bad space fold that took Daedalus and Prometheus, they retrofitted them on to boost their mecha stores and give them more launch facilities. The Prometheus' catapults were especially useful given that it requires reaction mass to accelerate in space, which seemed to be lacking from the ship's integrated hangers. Every bit of starting velocity is that much less reaction mass expended, and thus the Prometheus became the primary place for VF launch. (I ASSUME the ARMDs had catapults of some sort as well). And as DYRL was attemtping to condense things greatly, they skipped most of the setup. So they went with the finalized Macross to avoid having to explain why there was an aircraft carrier hanging off a space ship. 'Cuz lets face it, the boat arms were really kinda cheezy if you didn't know why they were there.
  20. I loved that show. Damn shame it got canned. Exactly mach 1, actually. EVERYTHING comes out on DVD. But then I knew that when God, the Devil, and Bob made it.
  21. No, it doesn't make sense. The issues present are diffrent for the physical and mental aspects. It's not possible to "overclock" the brain, so it's still processing at the same rate. That rate is what the neural interface is tied to. If you start feeding too much data inot the brain, you won't get a brief period of super-human clarity before you go mad or burn out. You'll just get garbled signals from the overlap and be unable to "see." Saying it was recklessness implies there WAS another option. Isamu couldn't have kept up with the Ghost unless him and Guld had traded planes. Had he chosen to give his life in the attempt, he would've rapidly lost control of his own vehicle. ... Well, I suppose he could've pulled it off in the OVA version. But the sustained fight used in the movie wouldn't work for anyone with physical controls. Nothing but conjecture, while Guld's BDI/BCS gave him more time to control the YF-21 when his body was destroyed, he was also an inferior pilot to Isamu (and even aside from that, different people react differently to situations). Again, had Isamu set his mind on giving up his life to take out the Ghost, he could very well have done it too. It's not conjecture. Guld was a physically stronger individual. And he punched himself in the gut and smashed some internal organs when he opened up the throttle. Isamu simply COULD NOT match the Ghost's maneverability. He would be PHYSICALLY UNABLE to manipulate the controls. The first high-G maneuver would see his hands ripped from the controls. And there's still no proof that Isamu was a better pilot. In the OVA version. In the originally planned movie version, it was a hell of a lot more than that. Doesn't need to warp space and time. Just needs to be a bit faster than the opponent. Okay, allow me to rephrase. In terms of awareness and reaction time, Guld and the Ghost were on the same level. He didn't have to open his eyes. That much was made clear. Design-wise, if they couldn't create a new sensation for a fuel gauge or ammo count, they'd hijack an existing sense. Low fuel could be represented with a hunger sensation, for example. And even if he had to page between diffrent sensors, he could do so much faster and still had a more intuitive output. The only really good reason to force a manual flip that I see is bandwidth restrictions. Which, admittedly, is a concern. It's not really clear if the test sequence seen in the OVA where Guld shifts from visual to IR to XRay is demonstrating a limitation of the BDI or if it was an attempt to produce an image that, while showing a Guld's-eye view, was still intelligible to conventional eyes. He DID dive in before the test started and ram Guld's targets. The VF-11 booster dropped into Guld's drone fight is debatable. I have my doubts Isamu could have precisely targeted the release of a malfunctioning rocket engine, but coincidence only gets you so far. He loaded live ammo into Isamu's gunpod behind paintballs and a few blanks so that Isamu would hit the blanks, believe he was out of ammo, proceed to engage Guld in melee combat, gain the upper hand, knock Guld to the ground, and proceed to sit there kicking him, all while conveniently throwing his gun to the ground in reach of the YF21's arm that he avoids damaging, so Guld could grab it and shoot Isamu. I've always passionately hated that scene. Not because it portrayed Guld in a bad light, but because it was absurdly over-contrived to the point of complete non-believability. I simply COULD NOT suspend disbelief enough for it to be rational. The entire OVA collapses for me right there. Just saying, neither side actively interferes with the other side's tests in that version of events. I don't think he had planned it that way, but it was the end result. His space fold was a one-way trip. He lacked the capacity to leave Earth. And after smashing the Ghost, he would've been in a very poor position to argue the point. *nods*I'd gathered he intended to smash the Ghost while it was being shown off. Probably inactive on an airfield. But he might not have thought things through beyond "Kick the robot's shiny metal ass!" Yang tagging along opened another strategy, though. Hack the Ghost.
  22. Either way... wasn't the Megalord originally planned as another SDF-style battleship? So it could be argued it's a glimpse into Macross history. That's what they were GOING to make before Space War 1 ended. After SW1 they had a not-insignifigant set of zentradi battleships, and the desire to launch a long-range colony mission, so priorities changed and they retrofitted the paritally-completed Megalord into the Megaroad.
  23. So what series is this exactly in? or was it just another thing they put in 2012 like the VF-4 Lightning? The Megaroad only shows up in 2012. But it was mentioned at the end of the original series. There's not a single set date. The Compendium runs with June 2012 in the chronology, but mentions that several dates are offered up in diffrent references. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2010/index.html
  24. You, sir, are awesome. I can't wait to see the finished product. That pic was one of the first Macross pics I found on the internet, though I had no clue whatsoever who it was or where it originated at the time. It's still one of my favorites, as my avatar demonstrates. Off-topic, but if you have a higher-res version kicking around, or know where I could find one... My copy's got a lot of JPEG artifacting in it.
  25. Definitely. I don't believe so. She may have issued it's orders, but she wasn't flying it directly. Lacks adequate combat knowledge to do so, really. You saw how effective she was shooting anti-aircraft guns at Isamu. Honestly, it's not a good anti-mecha weapon. Too slow, and far too visible during the pre-fire period ... Nice attack radius, though. And killer range. I think she was a loon. She didn't have a problem with killing, it was just killing on her terms. Well, it'd be kinda hard for a computer to grasp concepts like death. IT's a lkot easier to fix up copper and silicon than flesh and blood. If your hard drive crashes, you just restore form a backup(speaking of which, I need to make one...). If your 'bot gets blown apart, you rebuild it(unless you're in the Transformers movie). Disassemble, reassemble! Even if they don't get brainwashed, having their hands on the wrong joystick won't exactly be condusive to long life. Going into a known hostile comm situation, I'd shut down all recievers. ... And Guld would've been even more vulnerable if Sharon had chosen to attack him mentally instead of leaving the Ghost to do it's work. Once she hacked into the computer, she'd have direct access to his mind instead of just flashing hypnotic patterns on his HUD. Downside of a neural interface is you're VERY vulnerable to hackers. Definitely. But wasn't Yang trying to hack Sharon when she took control of the 19's displays? They were androids silly. They don't know this but the same inventor of astro boy (he is even more mysterious than those 5 mad scientists that appear in the anime) created the kids especially for the gundams so that they could withstand the pressure put on them by using the gundams. The major sally girl mentioned they were not even human so maybe they have some kind of combination of nanomachines and living tissue mixed together? This also explains the survival of the cockpit exploding and hiro survives this. No way a skinny kid like that would survive. Well that's my theory anyway. It can also explain thier superhuman reaction speed. Newtypes don't exist (see ending to gundam X), it was just a myth invented to make humans feel inferior to thier own kind (splitting them in two groups) as a distraction so the machines would take over some day by pitting them against each other. But these star androids are like the good machines that don't even know they are machines, but are still helping the humans from destroying themselves because an alien race (who the inventor borrowed the technology from) gave them souls. It's like blade runner, one of these days the truth about the 5 gundam pilots will come out and they will realise they are replicant-like machines created as tools to keep the human wars on earth as balanced as possible to prevent the humans wiping themselves out totally like the protoculture. Of course! And then Optimus Prime will lead the Voltron Force against the Dinosaur Empire!
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