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Everything posted by JB0

  1. what were these controversial lines they are referring to? 338931[/snapback] I remember someone threw a hissyfit because int eh first ep, Roy's subbed as saying "the neds of the many outway the needs of the one" instead of quoting the exact population of the city when he's denied authorization to look for Hikaru. Didn't hurt the meaning at all, but added a mild Trek reference. There were a few lines like that. No real change of the meaning, just a bit of "tweaking."
  2. You're confused, Roy. That's MY job description.
  3. Why do I keep thinking ADV's gonna use the Rawbooteck songs?
  4. I'm confused... What does Bandai have to do with anything?
  5. OR for a slightly more permanent solution...
  6. Agreed. 338675[/snapback] ...
  7. YAh. But he got better, so it's all right.
  8. Officially a trend, I guess...
  9. I love you, you love me, homosexuality.
  10. This same market's also been eating Robotech up. It's possible that, ignorant of the truth, they'll ignore the Macross DVDs anyways because Robotech is "the dub version of Macross." It's ALSO possible that they're curious about the show's origins and WILL buy real Macross once a dub is available.
  11. A semi-homage to a strange GBA/DS courtroom drama game. DS version's got a US release as "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney." Yes. My awesome powers of mind control let me manipulate your perception of the words in the box. ... But sometimes I just cheat and use the form. http://www.reset931.net/saiban/ The first 3 links above the guy let you pick a lawyer to object with. The 4th is an ad. Unleash the evil. We could use a new sith lord. HAHA!
  12. 338440[/snapback] Just for you.
  13. I think they're banking on people not knowing jack about emulation. A lot of poeple don't. That's what drove NES prices up through the roof a while back. They wanted to recapture their youth, and saw no way other than to go out and buy it all back.
  14. You are... Nerds++! And by making a programming joke, I default myself into the category of nerd, so no offense.
  15. *shrugs* I just got sick of bickering the Rev maybe a week after the controller was unveiled. 338391[/snapback] ahh. I wasn't so much trying to rag on it, rather to announce my "wait and see" stance on it... sorry if it came across as harsh 338399[/snapback] It didn't really... I just sorta snapped.
  16. If I recall correctly... 1. Get a Macross Mastercard(japanese-only, of course). 2. Rack up a certain balance before the contest date. 3. Everyone that had X yen on their Macross Mastercard was entered in a drawing for a black 1/48. I think they made a few, but it wasn't a whole lot.
  17. *shrugs* I just got sick of bickering the Rev maybe a week after the controller was unveiled.
  18. It's too late. Once a thread has drifted off-topic, only the mightiest of wills can force it back on-topic. Soon it will move into a discussion of AgentONE's biceps. And the governator's acting. That is the way of all threads here on MacrossWorld.
  19. Yeah, because paying half-naked women to pretend to be interested in you is a lot cooler than debating a 20 year old cartoon. 338312[/snapback] It's certainly more fun. For participants and spectators alike.
  20. Welcome to 2 months ago.
  21. Well, when I do that, I get 4. When you do it, you get 268.2 and then assert boldy that it's really the only reasonable conclusion. 338250[/snapback] 2 + 2 = 4 2 & 2 together is 22 Learn your math. (j/k) 338272[/snapback] And 1+1=10.
  22. That's where Shadow Force comes into play. If they really did sink so much money in that it's sink or swim, then HG will soon be a non-issue. 338157[/snapback] We can only hope.
  23. And we're back to square 1 of any Macross product... Harmony Gold. They blocked VFX2, they blocked the Yamato toys, and they'll block everything else. ... Except M7 Trash. They didn't block that, because they got royalties. Big West blocked that, becaues they don't like the idea of someone with no rights to their work getting paid for it.
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