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Everything posted by JB0

  1. That's where Shadow Force comes into play. If they really did sink so much money in that it's sink or swim, then HG will soon be a non-issue. 338157[/snapback] We can only hope.
  2. And we're back to square 1 of any Macross product... Harmony Gold. They blocked VFX2, they blocked the Yamato toys, and they'll block everything else. ... Except M7 Trash. They didn't block that, because they got royalties. Big West blocked that, becaues they don't like the idea of someone with no rights to their work getting paid for it.
  3. Yup. That hobo on the street never DID pay me back. I think he spent it on booze.
  4. I'm in. But I have to ask... Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
  5. That film doesn't deserve to be the cause of any banishing...except that of itself. But I suppose that's wishful thinking. 337792[/snapback] I rather enjoyed Stealth. Was far better than it was made out to be, though admittedly with it's share of flaws. 337816[/snapback] that chick hd a nice ass. 337839[/snapback] And THAT was certainly a good point.
  6. Must... post... GBA screenshot...
  7. Doesn't have to be a VF-1J. Full-scale Millia would do nicely also. I'm not picky. -Al 338069[/snapback] I like my girls a little more down-to-Earth. In that their heads aren't 15 feet above it when they're sitting down. You have to understand, the board gets a fair # of die-hard Robotech supporters that come here just to troll. So people tend to automatically assume the worst of anyone showing a particularly strong pro-HG sentiment, whether it's a justified assumption or not. ... Not that support for HG is a popular POV to start with, but it's not automatic cause for lynching. You'll take far more abuse for liking the wrong Macross productions than you will for liking Robotech.
  8. Yeah, he was one of Dr. Lang's assistants on the SDF-1, but stayed behind after the SDF-3 left and performed "experiments" on Dana Sterling. 338035[/snapback] ... AND could make himself invisible which is why we never saw him in Masters. 338039[/snapback] NINJA!
  9. Yes... The full-scale VF-1J Millia tops my list easily.
  10. Also feel obliged to point out that there WAS an attempt to bring the "Trash" manga over. Of course, Big West/HG issues killed it.
  11. Because nobody would buy it. 338008[/snapback] Sure they would. Lots've people've bought the bootlegs already.
  12. Awww shieet, I think you just figured out why Ridge Race 6 won't end up being the greatest racing game of all time: NO CRUISE MISSILES. Yup. It's one of thsoe little details that gets overlooked in most racing games.
  13. Don't forget you have to butt heads with Harmony Gold too.
  14. Or bring hte movie edition, and if they get bored tyou can fast-forward to nekkid Lucy.
  15. Damn! Sorry JBO, I was just looking forward to discussing a REAL racing game in this thread... 337843[/snapback] Well, we can talk Roadblasters. It's LIKE racing. ... You know, if racing involved not running out of gas and blowing the crap out of everyone with cruise missiles, as opposed to coming in first.
  16. As I understood it, the power struggle was largely how much credit (and what share of the profits) Sony would recieve. I've heard that. Heard that it was over publication control, too(Sony had CD manufacturing facilities, Nintendo didn't, so Sony would have the production control). And that Sony wanted to make a totally new system that just HAPPENED to be SNES-compatible, instead of an SNES add-on. Whoich was clearly ironed out if they had hardware finalized, though it likely would've left both sides annoyed. The complete truth, sadly, doesn't seem to be available. An interesting analysis, considering that most people just figure that if the then-market leader would have just stuck with Sony, the now-market leader, that Nintendo would have be the defacto leader today. I suppose I'd have to consider the facts more carefully before I made any judgements either way myself, but one thing everyone can agree on is that had Nintendo and Sony's partnership remained, we'd be looking at a much different landscape going into the new generation. *nods* It WOULD have delayed, if not totally prevented, Sony's entrance into the market. I somehow doubt that they would've remained allied longer than the SNES life, though. And lacking Sony's strong competition, what would've stopped Sega from becoming #1? ... Okay, BESIDES their own inept management and petty inter-division battles(the latter of which, interestingly enough, is dragging Sony down now). Arguably, Nintendo could've been a contender with the N64, had it not arrived so late to the game. By the time Project Reality/Ultra 64/N64 was out, most people had already settled on a next-gen system. RIP, PS2.
  17. Glad to spread the word.
  18. No they didn't, that itself is just fan fabrication/exaggeration. The entire "DYRL is a movie" nonsense was generated from one throw away line in the first episode of M7 that doesn't even reference DYRL. ... It's completely silly to suggest DYRL was made or even retconned into being in continuity given that Kawamori openly is not very interested in maintaining tight continuity. 2031 February Space War I made into a movie, "Do You Remember Love?" Premiere of this movie which portrays the Battle with Golg Boddole Zer and the love of Lynn Minmay. It becomes a big hit, and the Minmay boom rekindles. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2013/index.html Silly or not, it actually WAS retconned into the official continuity. 337752[/snapback] Yeah, like I said, 10 years later... And I am talkin REAL human time, not fantasy land fruit cake time. 337753[/snapback] I';m not arguing that it was originally planned as such. I think it's fairly evident that no such thing had been considered. The official continuity wasn't laid out until much later(if I recall, it was hammered out during the production of Plus, as the existence of sequels necessitated a "real" version of events). Just that it was granted the movie-within-a-movie status it does, in fact, hold.
  19. That film doesn't deserve to be the cause of any banishing...except that of itself. But I suppose that's wishful thinking. 337792[/snapback] I rather enjoyed Stealth. Was far better than it was made out to be, though admittedly with it's share of flaws.
  20. Whoah...what is this RealPS1 you speak of? An advanced PSX emu of some sort? Link? 337807[/snapback] It's THE most advanced PS1 emulator around. And the only one with 100% compatability.
  21. A. You sbouldn't fart on your mother. It's not nice. B. Track editor? I think that's the first interesting thing you've said all thread.
  22. Aw, c'mon. Look at my logic. I wasn't exactly trying for rational. But 3D graphics ARE badass. ... I need to build an adapter for these LCD glasses I've got kicking around. It's just one of the sound hardware plugins. Coded by a guy that calls himself Eternal. If I recall, the benefits were mainly that it provided the most accurate emulation. Aside from dodging a few bugs, that also = better sounding games. Quoted for truth!! I have avoided epsxe lately due to the whole "juggling plug-ins" dilema. It's simply too tedious for it's own good. Unless there's a one for all plug-in that's optimal for the majority of games out there, I'll stick with the likes of ZSNES, GBAdvance, J-Nes, Mame, Kawax, and Gens 337553[/snapback] I'm using VirtuaNES at this point. Last I heard, it was the best. Sadly, my PS1 isn't easily moddable, or I'd just slap a chip in and burn my games. Surface-mount components are the devil. Or anything that requires > average accuracy. Which is why I just went with the best PSX emu of all... *hugz PS2 * I do miss save states though I've got you beat. I run RealPS1 for most of my software. Sadly, bugs in RealPS1 keep it from running japanese or burned games. VP's easy. ... If you happened to live near a MalWart that's so incompetent that they still have it on the shelves at original retail 2 years after release. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not THAT hard to find. 'S just pricey due to demand.
  23. Spoken like a person who hasn't actually watched any Gundam. 337748[/snapback] Indeed. Gundam Wing had FIVE whiny male protagonists.
  24. No they didn't, that itself is just fan fabrication/exaggeration. The entire "DYRL is a movie" nonsense was generated from one throw away line in the first episode of M7 that doesn't even reference DYRL. ... It's completely silly to suggest DYRL was made or even retconned into being in continuity given that Kawamori openly is not very interested in maintaining tight continuity. 2031 February Space War I made into a movie, "Do You Remember Love?" Premiere of this movie which portrays the Battle with Golg Boddole Zer and the love of Lynn Minmay. It becomes a big hit, and the Minmay boom rekindles. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2013/index.html Silly or not, it actually WAS retconned into the official continuity.
  25. Best plan yet. Nukes solve everything. Primary weapon seems to be lasers. It'll run out of fuel before it runs out of ammo. If you can dodge it long enough to drain the tanks, that's another valid strategy. Personally, I'd rather not play an endurance game with a computer. Yes. PPB = love. Preferably with an automated or readily-accessable mechanism for moving the disks to intercept. Near as I could tell, they were still using manually-positioned barrier disks, which would be a serious performance damper in most situations.
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