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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Nintendo did a GBColor remake, then lost the rights. I'm sure someone's done a GBA version since then. But... honestly, I don't really see paying 20$ for a new copy of a game I already own 2 versions of(Nintendo NES + GBO). There's only so much you can add to the concept without making it into something else, and I quite like the original "pure" form.
  2. I'd believe it. If I recall, the XBox 360 is slated for 350$ in Japan(no craptastic crippleware model AND they get a discount). Sony has the Playstation name, whereas Microsoft was a complete non-issue in Japan this generation, but they can't afford to price too high above the competition. 400 is about the max they can go for without risking sticker-shock defections.
  3. Exactly. It also won't play any original GameBoy and GameBoy Color games you find in GameStop and EB. What this means to me is that I have to drag a GameBoy Color around for portable Qix, Tetris, Metroid 2, and Link's Awakening with my next upgrade. Sadly, I never got any GBC games worth owning.
  4. JB0

    Macross PS2 Game

    Japanese PS2s only play japanese games. That's not backing the games up. It's pirating the games.
  5. Here she is. 339648[/snapback] HAHA! I thought they'd pulled that trick back out. Glad to see it's still there.
  6. The fusion reaction alone CAN'T provide thrust. ... Well, it could provide a small amount if you sprayed your waste products out the back, but not a signifigant amount due to the small masses involved. If I recall, the inlets shut and reaction mass is injected into the jet engine for propulsion. Reaction mass just means matter that's thrown off a space ship to create an acceleration, and has nothing to do with nuclear reactions. The large objects Hikaru was throwing around in his "fishing expidetion" early on in the series were reaction masses, albeit cumbersome ones. Term comes from Newton's 3rd law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Because of this law, the action of throwing matter out of a thruster pushes the thruster back, and the ship with it. Without the 3rd law, space travel would be impossible. First of all, the explanation I provided is a simplistic example in laymans terms which is technicially correct given most cases of fusion/fission. Like I said, I'm no engineer or scientist; I can only discuss the subject from the basic understanding of an amateur. Discussion into what can or can't happen is not answering the question concisely; it creates more complexity than is needed to answer the questio. Fusion/Fission are complex subjects, but the answer to this particular question need not be so. Fair enough. I tend to point things out just because there's so many misconceptions about the technolgy(as the existence of the thread indicates).
  7. I thought both styles had their merit, personally. Robotech(and DYRL) has the extended cohesive song for maximum dramatic effect. Though We Will Win seemd to carried a strong military theme, which would run the risk of negating the culture shock effect on the zentradi, it was still damn catchy, and gave the battle a more cinematic feel. DYRL, of course, went with the same concept, but dodged the military theme. In SDF Macross, however, Minmay just runs through her existing repertoire of songs. BUT the one she's singing always matches the mood of the scene in a way the single super-extended song couldn't have. That was was what REALLY struck me about that episode when I ran through my Animeigo disks, was how well each song complemented the specific sequence it was heard in. Even the songs that I'd found annoying at prior points in the show all slid right in and justified their existence for the episode.
  8. Some innacuracies here. It's possible to get safe elements out of fission. In fact, given enough time, all radioactive elements fission into stable elements. It's just not easy or efficient, because the bigger atoms are far easier to split than the smaller ones. Once your nucleus gets smaller than the effective reach of the storng force, inducing fission becomes nearly impossible, and you have to let natural emission decay take it's course. And fusion does not NECESSARILY emit neutrons. But it can. Of course, they'll all be dumped into the reactor, so there's no fuel or waste products to worry about storing later. This is basically right. There's a few possible nitpicks, but they're minor, and excessively technical for the discussion at hand. Only notable one is that you'd get your fuel and reaction products belched out, but these are not necessarily hydrogen and helium. In fact, pure H reactions have been abandoned in the real world, as I understand the issue. Partially because it's a dirty reaction if you aren't using pure deuterium, and partially because other reactions offer more bang for the buck.
  9. The above is accurate. Everything below starts drifting off into common misconceptions. As others have stated, fusion reactions like overtech generators use make use of non-radioactive materials. And depending on the specific reaction, may or may not create radioactive materials as a side-effect. The He3 reaction is interesting because there's no particle radiation, which means no radioactivity. Yah, since every known nuclear generator design extracts electricity from the heat generated. The Valks have a double-coolant, since the thermonuclear reactor is ALSO used to heat the propellant used to send it flying about in fighter mode, or hovering in GERWALK. A. modern reactors are fission, and fusion is a totally diffrent tech. B. Nope. Coolant isn't the problem(though there are some heat pollution issues from reactors that use river water for coolant). The problem is the leftover radioactive isotopes after the fuel rods are "spent." Fission of uranium doesn't leave you with stable isotopes. It leaves you with some stuff that's radioactive for very LONG periods of time. Tens of thousands of years long. Annoyingly, we have the technology to fix this NOW. It's possible to use the "spent" fuel in a second "breeder" reactor, which reduces the life to a far more managable hundreds of years, as well as leaving you with stuff that's far less nasty before it expires, but anti-nuclear activists have crushed any new reactor construction by tying efforst to build them up in so many lawsuits that it's not economically feasable. No more than Hindenberg was. No. A fission reactor CANNOT explode like an a-bomb. It may "melt down". but it won't blow up and vaporize anything.There's risk of steam pressure breaking something, turning your reactor into a "dirty bomb", but not of a nuclear explosion. Fusion reactors are even safer, as the reaction requires active effort to maintain. Break your reactor and you get a jet of flame out the side, then just leaking hydrogen, helium, or whatever other fuel you use(H is the easiest to work with, He has the potential to be the cleanest). Of course, if you use a volatile fuel like hydrogen, you may get an explosion from your fuel tank catching fire. But again, it's non-nuclear. For one, nuclear warheads use diffrent tech than power plants. 2. The silo isn't a weapon. It houses a missile that has a weapon mounted on it. 3. No. A nuclear explosion requires the nuclear material to be mated JUST right, and there's both electrical and mechanilca safeties in the weapon to prevent accidental firing, for obvious reasons. A modern fission reactor can't be reduced much farther than it has been, due to the nature of the technology and need for extensive supporting equipment. A fusion reactor could, hypothetically, be reduced much farther. As you've said, Macross cheats by using "overtechnology." Gundam cheats too, by using fictional particles to create an enhanced confinement of the reaction. But a basketball-sized fusion reactor is hypothetically possible(though you won't get a lot of power out of it, since the more matter you fuse at once, the more power you get).
  10. Someday someone's gonna take the Hasselhof GIF and chain several loops of it in, and the last one'll zoom into the Goatse Guy. I know this ebcause someone is always looking for new ways to link the Goatse Guy.
  11. Fair enough. Can't blame him, really. But hey, if his kid wants to squander a birthday on duplicates, it's his loss. *nods* Like I said, I don't think anything in the GBA family should still be on shelves, much less new revisions. But they didn't upgrade the previous one at the same time they introduced the new one until this gen. And now they're doing it doubles, with an SP++ AND the GBMicro following the DS. The Micro is LESS THAN the SP. No 8-bit compatibility. ... But it's smaller and purdier, with the nifty aluminum shell. </self-undermining> And in my experience, parents can't keep track of things anyways. I was forever having to write down what I was asking for, or repeat it a dozen times.
  12. Sadly, Nintendo's yet to clarify their policy regarding this thing. I'm betting a full library of 1st-party software and some 3rd-party stuff. Castlevania's likely, based on the GBA Classics series. Assuming that is indicative of a good working relationship with Konami, that also means Gradius, Contra, and Metal Gear(even if the NES entries ARE best left forgotten). Tecmo, sadly, isn't very likely. They're decidedly pro-MS right now. So no Ninja Gaidens. Likely a small fee. With luck, sub-dollar levels for Nintendo properties, sub-5 for 3rd party titles. Admittedly, this is a tad pricey for something you can download for free off the 'net, but a lot of people still don't know about emus, and with luck, Nintendo's gonna be using a good emu. All the currently available emus have some issues, particularly with color accuracy. Fair enough. Nintendo tends to be my preferred platform. I like the squirrely stuff that the 'Cube's gotten.
  13. did a search for revolution guess it wa in a non revolution post 339375[/snapback] http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=328859 The word Revolution was in it.
  14. *sighs* We know. We've seen it. Repeatedly.
  15. Parents don't know... that is the problem. Nintendo releasing a "new" handheld so soon after the DS made most parents think it was something "different" from the SP. The guy in my office that bought his kid the Micro bought it because he thought it was the new wave in handhelds for kids... his son probably knew better but he was fooled. Mmmm... that can be a problem. I seem to recall some people thought they needed an SP to play new games, back when it first came out. I was a tech kid, too.
  16. Regarding the original topic, I gather SP=special is a common abuse of abbreviations in Japan. I've seen it in enough games, anyways. The hell? They need to put their foot down and just say "No, you already HAVE a GBA." Hell, my parents didn't even buy me an NES until after the SNES had taken over(actually, I got an SNES before the NES, despite 5 years of begging). Well, it works for 'em. I gather it's driven a lot by the japanese market, where they want the tiniest piece of crap they can get their hands on. ... The Micro IS damn sexy, though. IMO, the GBA should be dead now. The GBMicro shouldn't have been made, and they should've focused on the DS their exclusive portable system. Only reason I see to buy anything but a DS at this point is for 8-bit software, which doesn't run on the DS or Micro. And I have a Color for that because the Advance has a crappy d-pad and the SP is too damn small. Also IMO, the SP should've been slapped in a similar case to the original, and not a total redesign. Again, I gather this was largely because the japanese wanted a smaller unit. SP also should've started with a half-decent screen that wasn't plagued with ghosting and wash-out issues, but that's a whole 'nother story.
  17. I'd bet it'll come out shortly after dubbed Macross. They'll pr'ly skip Southern Cross, as the people that cared in the first place seem to be very few.
  18. Not so simple as you make it out to be, really. An alternate point of view is that the piece was created to be easily accessable, and having it in a foreign language and subtitled detracts from that accessability. So is it more important to maintain the exact physical nature of the production as it was originally released, or the spirit of the production as the creators intended?
  19. Of course. What's the point of killing Superman if you can't say you violated his anus afterwards?
  20. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    I doubt they know. *nods* 'S a fun game. Not as insane as more modern japanese shooters, or even the oldest entries in the genre(Defender ring any bells?), and not as rigid as it's contemporaries. ... Sadly, I like the chaos. Seconded.
  21. JB0

    macross rom for MAME

    Pfft. I was playing arcade games back when they weren't beatable PERIOD.
  22. Hey look HG blows monkey sacks! But we all already knew that. Hey look ADV and HG are in bed together, I wonder what kind of bastard spawn they'll drop from their crotches... *chuckles* Not quite the angle I was going for, but it works. Was just saying, it seemed fairly obvious to me that they were gonna do a second release later, particularly given how they handled Rawbooteck. URAHHHH!!!
  23. Pretty much. I was fairly sure after it was originally released they were gonna do a second release with a dub. Especially after "There's no such thing as Robotech Uncut, and we can't do a remaster because we lost the edit list... oh, wait, we DID have some extra scenes and a remaster. My mistake. Hope you don't mind having to buy another set."
  24. I assume this means you've never seen any of the animes. There's a full timeline HERE. The short version is: In 1999 an alien ship (belonging to a group known as the Supervision Army) crashed on Earth. We rebuilt it, and named it the Macross. Ten years later, space ships belonging to the Zentradi showed up. They're a race of genetically-engineered warrior clones with no civilization. And they're at war with the Supervision Army. Our ship automatically fires on theirs, due to a booby-trap left in the computer by the previous owners. This starts a war between humanity and the zentradi. Eventually, the main fleet of the zentradi forces that have had contact with humanity arrives to exterminate humanity and the zentradi that have been "contaminated" by human culture. Much of the Earth is decimated by orbital bombardments. But we win the war, with the help of the "contaminated" zentradi, who are accepted into human society. And in 2012, we launch the first of a series of space colonization missions that cintinues through to VFX2's 2050, to spread humanity among the stars and ensure that we can't be wiped out by an assault on a single planet. That's the original TV series, which is the most complex and most important to the continuity. In 2040, a computer pop star known as Sharon Apple tries to take over the Earth by brainwashing everyone. She is killed by test pilots Isamu Dyson and Guld Bowman, in a pair of prototype variable fighters. That's Macross Plus. In 2045, one colony mission, the Macross 7 fleet, encounters a group known as the Varuta, which are an army for a race known as the protodevlin. Rock star Basara Nekki saves the universe from them. That's Macross 7. There's also a prequel series known as Macross Zero, that takes place pre-2009, but it's not relevant as VFX2 was written before Macross Zero. I don't know what VR3 is. I would assume you mean Macross M3, which was a Dreamcast game.
  25. Because nobody would buy it. 338008[/snapback] Sure they would. Lots've people've bought the bootlegs already. 338009[/snapback] Yeah dude... Like 16 people on Macross World, thats like TOTAL justification for bringing it to the US! 338943[/snapback] I'm pretty sure it's higher than that. Even bootleggers have operation costs to cover.
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