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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Flashback 2012 is the LAST thing you want to bring. It's got absolutely NO merit to people that don't have any existing relation with the Macross franchise. ... Well, I suppose it's possible they'll enjoy it jsut because it's japanese, but...
  2. in the end however it is Konami's game and they can do what they want with it. just because Hideo kojima says it is the only way, does not mean that he is in charge of Konami. while he designed the Metal Gear Solid Games , i do not think he is the original copyright owner of the Metal Gear series , remember metal gear came out in the 1980's and I am pretty sure Konami holds the basic rights to it. chris 342219[/snapback] Kojima designed the originals too. And while Konami DOES hold the rights and CAN do whatever they want with it(See: Snake's Revenge), Kojima currently seems to have a fair bit of clout in regards to "his" games, perhaps due to how long he's been with the company(or how much cash he's made them).
  3. To be fair, then, I'd like to point out that Fusion was really my second experience with Metroid... the first having been the original. I'm mostly (blissfully) unaware of the continuity, having really only played the original, Fusion, Zero Mission, and the first Prime (and of those, only having finished Zero Mission and Fusion). That helps a lot. You don't get that nagging voice in the back of your head yelling "The omega metroid is immune to beams!" during the final battle, for example(in fact, every evolution past the basic jellyfish{which can only be frozen, not damaged} is, excepting the ones in Prime, which are convenienly exempted from the issue due to extensive phazon mutation). ... I'm also still holding a grudge about the battle with SA-X. I spent a couple of HOURS unloading missiles into it before I gave up, looked it up online, and swore profusely at the idea that it was immune to explosives. Never considered beams, because it ran counter to everything I've learned through 4 and a half Metroid games(Prime at least had the scanner to warn you about nagging problems like weapon immunity). ... Should I point out that Zero Mission breaks Prime, since Samus can't head straight from Zebes to Tallon 4 in her REAL ship? Or would that be mean and spiteful? Personally, I resented the linearity. Not because it was there(it's been there since Metroid 2, which was every bit as linear as Fusion), but because it was so blatant about it. Every time you did anything, every door was locked immediatly. It felt like the game was thumbing its nose at me. "Oh, you wanna play with your new powerup? That's nice... hang on while I lock the door to every room you want to might want to use it in." I prefer the more subtle kind seen in Metroid Prime and the RPG Castlevanias. New powerups let you reach previously inaccessable places, and thus enforce linearity without the game actively telling you what to do(unless you left Prime 1's hint system on, which is a good way to go insane).
  4. I was just pointing out that sans gunpods both planes are spec'ed with similar forward firepower. The YF-21's big firepower advantage in F mode comes from rear-firing weaponry. The YF-19's wing lasers are forward-firing only, and it has a single laser pointing back. The YF-21's arm lasers are 2-way, and it has 4 head lasers pointing back. But for a frontal assault, both planes have 2 lasers, of seemingly similar class(if model #s are any indication). In GERWALK or battroid mode, the arm-mounted YF-21 guns would be more versatile than the wing-mounted YF-19 ones due to the extra range of motion available(the YF-19 wings are clipped to the less-aimable legs) and afore-mentioned back-firing capability(I belive the 21/22 is the only GERWALK/battroid with rear defense capability). Just don't reach out to the side and fire backwards... 341976[/snapback] Very credible thank you for clarifying! 342155[/snapback] No prob.
  5. That would have kicked much ass. A, I think John Woo optioned the rights to Metroid, and B, I kinda liked Fusion. 342072[/snapback] A. Woo is like the third person to do so. B. Ignoring the game's merits or lack thereof, it seriously broke the continuity of hte universe. There were a lot of rather blatant contradictions that were clearly the result of someone who had never seen anything but a rough outline of the Metroid franchise. To be fair, I found Zero Mission to carry similar faults. They were just less verbal about it(and I never felt like the game was actively mocking me).
  6. It's okay. Was just hanging out with my box for a few days.
  7. Mister Driller could take Do any day of the week. Personally, I'm still waiting for someone to get a Metroid movie out so I can bitch about how badly that was f'ed up. Of course, after Fusion, it can't be too bad.
  8. I was just pointing out that sans gunpods both planes are spec'ed with similar forward firepower. The YF-21's big firepower advantage in F mode comes from rear-firing weaponry. The YF-19's wing lasers are forward-firing only, and it has a single laser pointing back. The YF-21's arm lasers are 2-way, and it has 4 head lasers pointing back. But for a frontal assault, both planes have 2 lasers, of seemingly similar class(if model #s are any indication). In GERWALK or battroid mode, the arm-mounted YF-21 guns would be more versatile than the wing-mounted YF-19 ones due to the extra range of motion available(the YF-19 wings are clipped to the less-aimable legs) and afore-mentioned back-firing capability(I belive the 21/22 is the only GERWALK/battroid with rear defense capability). Just don't reach out to the side and fire backwards...
  9. So your basicly saying midgets are evil bastards. 341787[/snapback] Of course they are. Otherwise they'd look you in the eye when they were talking.
  10. Did you get her name, address, daytime phone #, and daily schedule for stalking purposes?!?!?!?!
  11. Nah. He actually sees this(though this particular upgrade turned out to require XP).
  12. The YF-19 DOES have integrated weaponry, as does (I think) every VF since the original Valkyrie.
  13. Just because it's quality entertainment doesn't mean it's gonna sell well. A lot of very good programs have died because people just didn't care.
  14. I'm not quite sure how ghoomer being FUBAR(or attempting to activate a non-existant exploit) is MS writing buggy software. 341038[/snapback] not saying ghoomer is related to MS, since i've deleted everything in there, i get alot of nonexistent processes trying to run. i still get lots of popups, now i get them in firefox too. windows is windows. just saying MS writes buggy software, always making it harder to do stuff. i really miss the old DCL days....ahhh..vax/vms..... Ah. IMO, their products are better than they're goiven credit for. Not the best ever, but still fairly decent. It's their business practices I don't like. Yeesh. This is the sort of problem I forsaw when they originally announced the activation scheme. It's ALWAYS time to build a new computer. Honestly, I have a lot of fun building/upgrading/sidegrading/downgrading boxes. I just like messing around in there. We've got the printer here attached to the "main" comp and shared, so everyone on the network can use it(all... 3 boxes right now. Must... build... more...).
  15. I'm pretty sure only Will Smith is man enough to take on the Premadator. I rented that POS and came very close to making myself eat a bullet because of it...I'm just glad I didn't see it in the theater, the feeling of utter violation would never wash off. I didn't think it was that bad, really. Not a strict by-the-book adaptation, but then, neither were the TV series and radioplay. And from what I gather, most of the script was laid out by Douglas Admas before he died.
  16. Well I'm not IN Canada but am from Canada (Vancouver, BC) ..... does that qualify?? ok then all UK Macrossworlders down to the pub for a pint 340939[/snapback] I thought you guys went metric. 340946[/snapback] Nothin' to do with measurement... a pint will always be a pint. Besides, who ever heard of ordering .473 litres? 341210[/snapback] Just get a half-liter. Surely your livers can handle a little extra.
  17. I'm not quite sure how ghoomer being FUBAR(or attempting to activate a non-existant exploit) is MS writing buggy software.
  18. Actually, Nimoy began to come to terms with Spock during the production of 3. He only agreed to do it if they'd kill Spock, but before production was over he had explicitly asked for them to insert a hook where they could bring him back later. Hence the mind meld with McCoy and the Genesis Planet funeral. He tried. It tore. And I'm having a blast watching him have a blast playing Denny Crane.
  19. There wasn't anything special about the ship in Macross. Just the miclones on it. ... And the nukes. Remember, they came here to destroy it and its crew.. So was the magic bicycle protoculture-powered?
  20. It wasn't shown to have any super powers beyond the barrier systems in Macross. Just lots of nukes. The concept of he victory being due to a special property of the ship was introduced in Robotech. And the commentary that introduced it yammered on about barrier inversions and missed the fact that the barrier was a human invention, not original equipment.
  21. Uh, it's kind of old news. ADV tried to license it, and Big West balked when ADV got HGs approval. 340979[/snapback] I never heard it. I'd heard rumors that Pioneer licensed it. Rumors Pioneer shot down with a statement to the effect of "If we had it, don't you think we'd say something?"
  22. Same with Macross Zero. 340967[/snapback] I didn't think there were ever any confirmed attempts at licensing that one. It was almost certainly passed over precisely because of the HG issue, but...
  23. And Greedo shoots first would work here! ... Ecept he's dead. Boba Fett shot first?
  24. Because nobody would buy it. 338008[/snapback] Sure they would. Lots've people've bought the bootlegs already. 338009[/snapback] Yeah dude... Like 16 people on Macross World, thats like TOTAL justification for bringing it to the US! 338943[/snapback] I'm pretty sure it's higher than that. Even bootleggers have operation costs to cover. 338944[/snapback] They are selling to Japan too. So as far as the US goes, not really part of their market, but they won't say no to a sale either. 339053[/snapback] Fair enough. I concede the point.
  25. Well I'm not IN Canada but am from Canada (Vancouver, BC) ..... does that qualify?? ok then all UK Macrossworlders down to the pub for a pint 340939[/snapback] I thought you guys went metric.
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