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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Which actually makes a lot of sense. The more velocity they acquire from the ship, the less reaction mass they have to expend to get up to speed. YES! As stated, the movie picked up a good bit into the series, and things were shifted around a bit. Presumably the FAST packs were developed earlier in the movie continuity. From there, it makes sense to equip all fighters with them as fast as possible. Especially since the DYRL SDF lacked a launcher, so all acceleration was provided by onboard fuel. Hence priority was placed on building FAST packs and equipping them.
  2. How about the flight suits?And it doesn't make sense to be using a totally new interface. The cockpit should've borne a resemblance to the early VF-1s.
  3. There was an Evil Bad Guy. He made giant monsters. The robot smashed the monsters and saved humanity. And in the US, it was Tranzor Z.
  4. If anyone cared, they COULD drive the price of imported products up. Drop a heavy tarriff on anything coming in from overseas. NAFTA, of course, is the opposite of that.
  5. tri-Ace is god. And if Squeenix doesn't localize this one, and do it well, there will be hell to pay. I'm still pissed at Enix over Star Ocean: Blue Sphere.
  6. I never said I did. I didn't care, so I never considered their honesty. All I wanted was Macross, subbed. And I got it 5 years ago. The brand confusion is as prevalent as ever. People still believe Macross is "japanese Robotech" and that Southern Cross and MOSPEADA are "seasons 2 and 3 of Macross." Well, yeah. That doesn't mean we can't point out their shameless abuse of the fans. People wouldn't have plunked down the cash for the original releases if they'd known that one with the features they wanted was coming. HG wouldn't have made a release WITHOUT the high-demand features if they hadn't intended to double-dip. I half-suspect that's why the sounds were changed on Robotech Remastered, just so people that held out and got the cleaned-up extended version might go back and get the originals just to have non-crappy sound effects. Is it cynical? Yes. Has HG justified the cynicism? Also yes.
  7. Explain the DYRL-stylings of Macross Zero then. There's some mention of re-engineering his body at the same time he restored his size in the Compendium. Which would serve as an explanation if we prefer the TV version of everyone's favorite walking encyclopedia. IMO, he's fugly in either incarnation.
  8. Riiiiiiight... But Minmay doesn't love Hikaru, at least not much more than a close friend. She realizes after Kaifun leaves that she is all alone and that she's sacrificed everything and everyone to make her dream of becoming a singing star, a reality. In the post war eps, she is "trying" to reciprocate Hikaru's feelings and develop a relationship between the two, but ultimately accepts the fact, during the final assualt on the SDF1, that her first love is her music an nothing else. 350192[/snapback] Sure she does...in the same way that Hikaru (thought he) loved her. The point I was trying to make is that she winds up alone, and with a career in tatters. Interest in Minmay waned seriously after SW1. During the war, she was something everyone could rally around as they were all (literally) in the same boat. But, post war, everyone was too busy with other things, and there was Minmay playing dives. 350195[/snapback] Taht was one of the things that always stuck out to me. Minmay really could've been anybody. They were starved for some new media, and she was around(remember, the zentradi were blocking communications for most of the trip home). I assume they got some Earth media in with their resupply, but given the Earth had just banished them, it might not exactly have made the best seller list. When your entire audience is a single city that's been cut off by the enemy, it's a LOT easier to be a big celebrity than when you're on a planet with people spread out all over the place, and probably with the rest of the world growing it's own singers, actors, and so on.
  9. Join the club.
  10. The Macross underwent a major refit immediatly after the end of the series. Otherwise it would have no cannon, no right arm, and a big chunk missing from the side. The general argument I've seen is that DYRL is the visual style of the world, but the TV series is the plot(and given the TV series visual style fluctuates wildly at times, it makes sense to not use it for visuals). Regardless of the excuse, once they started making sequels A version of the original story had to be chosen. The official continuity says that version is the TV series, likely due to it's greater depth. DYRL got tucked into the continuity as a movie within the Macross world because they didn't want to totally discard it, which was the alternative for a massively contradictory version of Space War 1.
  11. I've never really understood why people think Flashback is such wonderful capper. If memory serves, we see Minmay wander around the streets, then decide to go on the Megaroad. . . Hikaru touches her arm at the concert and Misa smiles at her. Joy. I'm not sure that adds any more closure or a sense of completion any more than the original ending in Farewell to Tenderness. 349992[/snapback] Interesting, I always saw Flashback as a replacement for the last 9 episodes for DYRL. As in the TV show had the last 9, so DYRL gets Flashback to finally tie things up. *Nobody bring up the whole M7 movie within a movie thing, thats just stupid and was invented 10 years after production, so if you ever talk about it, you are a douche-bag. 350083[/snapback] But DYRL is a movie within the Macross universe!
  12. Ditto! Besides I was one of the early people who paid A LOT for the set so it could be produced, for that price now I could get two fracking sets. So pass! 350055[/snapback] Same here. I love my beautiful black box.
  13. I've never really understood why people think Flashback is such wonderful capper. If memory serves, we see Minmay wander around the streets, then decide to go on the Megaroad. . . Hikaru touches her arm at the concert and Misa smiles at her. Joy. I'm not sure that adds any more closure or a sense of completion any more than the original ending in Farewell to Tenderness. 349992[/snapback] Seconded. It's an extended AMV. There's no real content in it. But it IS fun to watch.
  14. For the moment, Gaogaigar. All the lion-y-ness of Voltron, none of the heads sticking out of ankles.
  15. As I understand things, it was planned as a 3-season show, they were forced to cut it to 2 to get on the air, and the success of the first season got them permission to do a third season. Of course, the show had already been rewritten for a 2-seaosn run, so they had to pad it out. Global Report and Phantasm were the obvious fillers in the "main" show, and then the final 9 episodes let them do some stuff they'd previously scrapped(Roy and Claudia's "courtship" and add a few new ideas in as well.
  16. I find it interesting just because of what it is. Too many stories end with "and they all lived happily ever after." Macross DOESN'T. We get to see what happens next. We see zentradi having difficulty adapting to human civilization. Some of them leave to become scavengers, others riot. While Kamjin's group was the best-organized and equipped, he wasn't the cause. We see humans trying to restrict zentradi access to a miclone chamber, which the zentradi view as a right. We see an Earth brought to the brink of destruction, and a humanity struggling to make their homeworld a home again. The bombardment damage didn't go away with the bad guys. We see Kaifun being an ass. Well, more than usual. He sees a world that doesn't fit his views, and that he doesn't understand. So he falls back on what he knows, and starts anti-government riots just for the sake of rioting. He also takes up a nasty drinking habit and becomes abusive to Minmay. We see Minmay collapse. She's nowhere near as popular as she was on the Macross, and without a massive throng of fans to distract her, she's realizing her life is empty and meaningless. And yes, we see Hikaru act f'ing retarded and nearly ruin his relationship with Misa. It's actually in character, IMO. Hikaru's just STUPID outside of an airplane. Deos the arc have it's flaws? Sure. But it's still one of the things that makes Macross unique. Those last 9 episodes are some of my favorites just for the view of the world that they offer.
  17. Good point. I like Riker as well. Wasnt he suppose to get some command? 349752[/snapback] If I rcall, in the show he turned down a few promotions because commander of the Enterprise sounded like a better job than captain of some other ship. He's still a commander as of the last movie. Brief google search shows he got a field promotion to captain when Picard was assimilated, but it sorta got brushed under the rug in future episodes. Sulu got a command, though.
  18. It's funny, but it wasn't until I reread this quote and went back and watched some episodes that I realized just how much I enjoyed that aspect of the show. That's another thing that grounded Sisko in reality as a person and a character, in addition to making some very good TV. 349598[/snapback] I think that might've been part of why I typically list DS9 as my favorite Trek. It was much mroe a character-driven show than an event-driven one. Though I did like DS9 less in the end. Particularly when the writers decided to make Sisko absolutely definitely the Prophet of Bajoran religion. Initially he just did his thing, and tried to dissuade the bajorans of the notion he was some sort of religious figure. But towards the end, they went all-out hardcore Bajoran-Bible-thumper with him. ... But Enterprise still has the worst ending in the entire franchise. I flipped it off after about 5 minutes, and I sat through the entire run of Voyager.
  19. You have got to be kidding me. There's quite a few episodes where he would knock someone out with a judo chop to the back of the neck ala Austin Powers! He would use that goofy two handed hammerblow to a man's back and knock him out... How in the world do you knock a person out with a hammerblow to the back?! Hell, if he was that effective with that move, he shoulda been a PRIDE Full Contact champion! Knockout via hammerblow, 5 seconds into the first round, Kirk wins!!!! The funniest move I ever saw Kirk pull off was where Chekov or Sulu went nuts and tried to fight him in the medical bay. Chekov lunged with his knife while there was a bed between them. Hilariously enough, Chekov came up a whole foot short, so Kirk actually pulled on Chekov's wrist pulling him so Chekov was face down over the bed and followed it up with a judo chop to the back. A JUDO CHOP TO THE SHOULDER BLADES!!! RENDERING HIM UNCONSCIOUS! :lol: 349573[/snapback] Would you believe it's a primitive form of the vulcan neck grip?
  20. Interesting point up there... Picard IS a really good example of who you'd want leading YOU. Unfortunately, those people don't make for very good television.
  21. That's actually an excellent point there, especially when you look at Picard. I've always enjoyed his perfection and blind sense of duty and obligation, but his character never really made sense to me when they tried to portray his youth as being "brash, arrogant and cocky," and always at the center of trouble; how would you go from that to being a model of perfection? 349448[/snapback] Getting stabbed in the heart usually changes people. 349486[/snapback] Usually makes them a tad less animated than Picard was, though.
  22. OK, having never played either game, I was able to research a few things. The first figure is Milia and Max's daughter (can't recall her name off the top of my head) who appears in the "Macross 2036" game. The other two figures are characters from the "Macross: Eternal Love Song" game that appears to take place during or close to the same year. Anyone who has more detailed info is invited to chime in... 349441[/snapback] Wel... both games are non-canon. 2036 is a fun sidescrolling shooter. It seems to depict a mission to capture a second factory satellite. Kamjin and LapLamiz seem to be back for more, their death in both the TV series and D?YRL notwithstanding. Possibly just the next iteration of clones. Eternal Love Song is a strategy RPG. I've never played it.
  23. Whoa, a trio! 348963[/snapback] Please don't go Keanu on us! But dude, trenchcoats are SO COOL!
  24. Regardless of vacation status, it's a glint in MY eye...
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