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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Do those juggles work? I don't remember Scorpion able to throw his harpoon upwards diagonally. 354482[/snapback] *shrugs* The only juggle I ever learned was MK1's "uppercut in a corner, weak punch as fast as possible" move. Cheapest victory ever. And if you were playing 2-player, you deserved every bruise you got while doing it.
  2. Damm, that's a lot of work. Yeah, but Scorpion used the cheap MK juggles. Ryu's just lucky he didn't get caught in a corner. WEAK PUNCH INFINITE JUGGLE!
  3. Y'all are great, except for the tiny problem of Y chromosomes.
  4. All seconded. Except I'd rather shoot tiny metal balls from my overglorified toys than yellow foam balls. I'm old-fashioned that way.
  5. 99.9% of that is in game animation/graphics, if you notice, the hug part is part of Sakura's grapple and Ryu grapple moves, the frames were edit to make make it "sync". very impressive. very time consuming 354007[/snapback] Can't you just use the sprites from the rom? 354049[/snapback] They undoubtedly DID use sprite rips(though CPS2 ROMs are encrypted, SFAlpha whatever's been cracked for some time). It's still a pain in the butt, though. And they probably had to do some hand-editing of the sprites to make 'em fit right.
  6. 6 and 7 rekindle my urge to kill the creators of a certain notably bad pair of "science" terror movies. The thread title itself rekindles my urge to go play Afterlife again.
  7. Some men like small breasts. Personally, I feel that anything more than you can cup in one hand is a waste. It also lets you correct it if you accidentally crank 'em up too far. Past a certain point, they cease being attractive and just become scary, regardless of your tastes. And another congrats.
  8. He did it almost 2 decades ago. And it made him very wealthy(that wealth is what made his current political power possible). He didn't know he was gonna become el presidente.
  9. They were console MK, though, so it was sweat. Shun Goku Satsu! Speaking of moves... I laughed at Sakura's hyper moves.
  10. It's one of my favorites, too. I just wish it was FINISHED.
  11. The best is still the live-action King of Fighters... http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=HZM9uuPj8kU http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=qXfgiOx-GDY No, I don't know where to get the original videos, though I used to.
  12. Could compromise. I've got a Red Ryder BB gun from when I was little. Not the most powerful firearm ever made by any means, but for knocking some holes in paper it's reasonably useful. Could get a more powerful airgun for more paper-murdering fun. Yeah, but imagine how much easier home improvement products would be if you didn't ahve to deal with all those saws...
  13. "Coming after"? Do you mean point out valid flaws in an otherwise decent game? If so, then by saying "disk 2" I have "come after" the game. My review of it at the time was "half of the best game ever." While my tastes have shifted a bit since then, it's still half of an utterly incredible RPG. What apparently happened with disk 2 is that midway through the Xenogears development cycle the budget was halved to free more cash for FF8, making it impossible for the dev team to complete XG. The slideshow was an attempt to finish the story on a shoestring budget so the game could be released(presumably there were originally more FMV cutscenes planned as well, based on the feel of the game).
  14. Calm down there, fanboy, nobody's house got burned down. 353810[/snapback] Are people STUPID? I was saying WHY there was a backlash, not my specific problems with the game. As I said, I think it's a good game. Not a great one, but a good one. And my plot complaints are quite well-grounded given FF7 is a plot-driven game. I don't expect the most epic writing ever. I DO expect coherence. I've got quite a few novels, BTW. I enjoy reading, which is part of why I can be bothered to play an RPG with such a dated gameplay paradigm. I've also got Xenogears, Granda 2, Lunar: Eternal Blue, and a few other games that manage to carry a moderately deep story through to completion instead of leaving most of the plot threads unresolved. Xenogears is particularly notable given A. it's from the same company as FF7, B. it has an absurdly involved story, and C. it was released in a half-completed state. Which raises an interesting question. If Square can take a game that's an order of magnitude more comvoluted than FF7, scrap 50% of the content, and still manage to keep it coherent, than WHAT THE HELL happened with their flagship title?
  15. It's largely backlash from people who saw flaws in the game and were sick of hearing about how Square was some sort of divine being that could do no wrong as opposed to a video game company. Especially since the people claiming Square was so great were incapable of identifying any Square games EXCEPT Final Fantasy(Don't believe me? Ask how they felt about Einhander or Bushido Blade and watch the blank stares.). The game's runaway success DID have some negative effects on the industry, further fueling the backlash. The new gamers that came in with it were largely(but not exclusively) of the polygons-or-nothing FMV-for-life graphics whore variety, and a lot of very good games have been minimalized due to this rather large section of the market. Some have been denied entry to the US totally as a certain major hardware company has attempted to manage their image to keep this group following their system. Speaking solely on the game's content instead of outside influences(and my own personal take on things, obviously), FF7 has some neat features. It needed some more tuning before it was released, though. The equipment menus galled me with their simplicity, though I've come to realize that's because the primary equipment was actually materia, not the weapons and armor themselves. The fact that materia status changes become permanent on level up, while not mentioned anywhere in the game or manual, makes an active and focused management of the system critical to success. Speaking of which... the materia system could have done with a few tweaks(like character limitations on materia. Your meatshields shouldn't be able to use Bahamut Zero and Knights of the Round, as an example.). It still kicked ass, though. That's the one thing that disappoints me about Square coming up with new non-combat systems each game, I'll never see a refined materia system without an FF7 remake. The plot, arguably the most important element of a FF/DQ-style RPG, has more holes than a cheese grater. Not inconsistincies, just big gaping chunks of missing. The main character STILL didn't have a past at the end, after ... 4 diffrent tries, I believe. PLEASE don't explain how he's actually Zack, a clone of Zack, or anything similar. There's no evidence in the game to support that proposed backstory over any of the others. Vincent is getting one laid out in Dirge of Cerberus, but they'll probably leave Cloud alone. Hence why I consider it merely a good game. It's above average(not that that really says much*), but it's not making any "top xxx" lists in my opinion. *And no, I'm not nostalgic enough to really believe that the average game quality has fallen. The NES and 2600 libraries were full of crap too. People have just forgotten the bad games because they aren't worth remembering. And given I've already seen fresher gamers complaining about how much greater the PS1 library is than the PS2 library, I see no reason to believe this mental filtering isn't going to keep happening.
  16. Unfortunately, magalomania tends to make for bad rule. Of course, A1 could use his powers far dioffrent than his posting style indicates. But I think it's a moot point now.
  17. Same here, off and on. I've only beat 1, 6/3US, 7, and 9. (And Legend 2, if we want to count the rebadged GBO games that weren't really FFs to start with). I've had signifigant troubles getting through 2j-5 for various reasons(such as computer failures eating saves). 8 just wasn't worth the effort. Ditto for Mystic Quest. Tactics... I just get bogged down in SRPGs. I'll come back and hit it again in a few months. X and X2 I've only recently got a PS2, and I've been kinda burned out on RPGs lately. Haven't even given Star Ocean 3 much attention. I like 7. The problem is I JUST like it. If I ever come across as flat-out hating it, it's because I'm tired of hearing about how it's God's gift to gaming, how only Square can make good games, and how they need to remake FF7(A game that's STILL IN PRINT, FOR PETE'S SAKE!) instead of making a new game. But IMO, 9 is the best of the 3 "main" PS1 games. It's also one of my favorites in the series, despite the incredibly outdated gameplay. I'm also the guy that likes 2j, for what it's worth.
  18. I recommend "WASABI!"
  19. No, it's been a homo-freakshow since ancient Greece. 353208[/snapback] And that's why Zeus just threw lightning bolts. He was too busy with chicks to pump up.
  20. As I understand it, the only way they could convince Rodenberry to give the go-ahead for the new series WAS to give him omnipotence. He was so annoyed over the mucking about with the original series and first few movies that he didn't want to touch the franchise again.
  21. Yeah, because Macross World is nothing but flowers, stuffed animals and hugs. ESPECIALLY towards Robotech... 353155[/snapback] Oh, it is. It is. ... Flowers that shoot missiles(like in Star Trek), teddy bears with explosives in them, and hugs just long enough to get a knife in the back.
  22. We've also seen the mirror universe in DS9. And watching Dark Worf throw a giant hissy fit after he was defeated was hilarious. Look at it this way. Even Nemesis was better than the last episode of Enterprise.
  23. NOTHING can be worse than the gameplay of FF4-9+X2. Second what ya mean I made no sense ? We just have diffrent opinions here thats all. Let's not fight here, making enemys is thing I least want to happen in this topic. Did ya mean by Spirits Within they didnt pay off enough dept to pay off the expenses for the movie. They spent around 140 million and only made 78 million somewhere around their. That and FF8 fell massively short of forecasted profits. Those were the major things. A. Learn to punctuate. B. Square CHOSE to go to Enix. The merger was, as I said, mutually beneficial. And it wasn't exactly their first collaboration. Ever hear of Chrono Trigger? That was a Squeenix production before anyone had coined the phrase Squeenix. How is that Sony's fault, anyways? Square was the company that chose to start a movie studio, invest obscene amounts of cash in massive render farms, then release a movie that wasn't ready for release. Sony... translated FF7. That was developed before the merger. In point of fact, FF11 came out in Japan A YEAR BEFORE the merger. It's just one of the final symptoms of Square's inflated ego. They thought they could do anything they wanted as long as it carried hte FF label. This one was also completed before the merger. In point of fact, the japanese version was released several months before the merger. Or not at all. But it's highly unlikely given that Square had already determined after FF8 that it wasn't enough to carry the FF label to secure the loyalty of rabid fanboys. They needed to remind them of the massively over-rated FF7. And what better way to do it than to make a movie that claimed to close the plot canyons present in the original game. And actually, Advent Children DOES only exist because of Spirits Within. Square applied the experience they got producing TSW to creating another movie. And this time there'd be no doubts about sales, because "ZOMG IT HAEV CLOUD N TIFA!111" Actually, I'm pretty sure the first demos of FF12 with it's Vagrant Story-based gameplay were making the rounds at game shows before the merger. But I can't find concrete dates without actually expending some effort. The dev team IS made of Square talent, however. While the music composer(Hitoshi Sakimoto) has never actually been a Square employe, they HAVE hired him for previous projects, including Vagrant Story and FFTactics. Yes, I'm sure. You've already proven you're just shooting your mouth off without actually knowing anything.
  24. No "Last Starfighter" either.
  25. No, because you will have received goods or services for your donation. You could only deduct the amount of donation that exceeded the value of the lego ship - if you could prove through appraisal that the fair market value of the ship is less than your winning bid. But the fact that you bought it in a free market auction would tend to make that impossible and the IRS would crawl straight up your rectum. 352887[/snapback] Tally the block count and work the value out based on off-the-shelf lego kits. That'll reveal fair market value fast.
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