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Everything posted by JB0

  1. It's Ram-Man!!! 360305[/snapback] *laughs* I was thinking the exact same thing. Except replace "Ram-Man" with "That HeMan guy with the spring legs and the helmet... what hte hell was his name? Something-Ram?"
  2. Yes, but Kojima clipped a chip on his neck to immobolize him while he hooked the brainwashing goggles up, then programmed him to A. do whatever Kojima asks, and B. bark like a dog when ever he hears the word "kleptomaniac."
  4. Maybe he's doing both at once... remember Psycho Mantis?
  5. So are you, it seems. Won't shoot your sacred cows if you stay away from mine, deal? Reflex sucked. It's an indefensible screwup. End of story. No. They didn't. Other studios DID follow HG's example, for the record. Ask a Sailor Moon fan about the Dic dub sometime. Or a Clamp fan about Cardcaptors. And those are MILD compared to the HG hackjob.
  6. The "normal" ones are post-count based. All the one-offs are custom titles. I don't think any were by request.
  7. Right. Hence the reverb effect. It's a cheap way to fake an alien voice being overlaid by a translator. Oh gods, you're one of THOSE people. It's reaction, as in nuclear reaction. "Reflexor" doesn't have quite the same ring to it. That's one of the biggest translation screwups HG made("protoculture = battery" being a rewrite issue). Yes, Sammy's a valid US name. Too bad the character's not from the US. Don't worry. Eventually HG will go under. Yah. That was right before everything went to crap. Manga released Macross Plus in the US in '95, and HG blew up a few years later(if I recall, the new broader interpretation of their license started when people imported Mac Plus merchandise). Probably because that was about when they realized Robotech was old enough to have "retro appeal."
  8. Unfortunately, Kojima has already said that the chances of him doing another MGS beyond this are small (or if there is one, he's said that more likely than not he'd let someone else direct it)... it would be a hollow threat at best at this point. 359981[/snapback] He also said that after 2, though. Anyways, strip the Solid off and just make it Metal Gear.. He's having a lot of fun with Acid as far as I can tell.
  9. And thus were our retinas spared.
  10. This is HG. Tehre's ALWAYS a draconian conspiracy going on. Not gonna happen until HG gets less pig-headed. They aren't going to mix/match. The cool reverb is gone. A zentradi would also be speaking zentran to a zentradi, not english. That's really too bad for you, as it's the official romanization AND an actual finnish name(Shammy happens to be from Finland). Actually, they couldn't. Neither HG nor ADV has the rights to either program as far as anyone can tell(though HG claims otherwise). And even if they did, they can't get the source material from Big West, who vehemently disagrees with HG's interpretation of the license and refuses to give them anything unless they pay for it(which HG won't do, because they "already own it."). Again, not gonna happen. HG refuses to pay for a MacZero license, as they recently decided their Macross license covers all aspects the entire franchise instead of just the TV series(they even claim they have a copyright on the TV series... *rolls eyes* ). Big West isn't going to just give it to them. DYRL... had something like 4 seperate english licenses out at one time. The problem is that no one knows who, if anyone, still has a valid license, and nobody wants to go to court over it. So everyone's waiting for someone else to make a move. And even if they do sort it all out, they still have Harmony Gold waiting for THEIR day in court. BTW, if you want more detail about the legal situation between HG and Big West, see the legal debate thread. And welcome to the board. Keep your doorknobs away from Agent ONE and you'll be fine.
  11. If you go back to the original games, the plot is a lot more pedestrian, with far less genetic engineering, evil twins, and cyber-WTFever(I never playd Solid 2). The original games would make a good movie. Maybe even Solid, if you take a few liberties(the thermal-sensitive card in particular showcases the game-ness of the writing, as it serves no purpose other than to extend the length of the story through backtracking). First game(from http://www.msxnet.org/gtinter/mgear2us.htm and their translation of the MG2 manual): A bunch of mercenaries have set up a giant fortress/nation known as Outer Heaven. Rumor is that they're developing a new next-gen battle weapon that will make them #1. Foxhound sends in Gray Fox to infiltrate Outer Heaven and find out about this new weapon. He gets captured, and his last garbled report mentions "Metal Gear." So Foxhound sends in their best and brightest ... err, scratch that... their freshest rookie with no experience whatsoever, Solid Snake, to infiltrate Outer Heaven, rescue Gray Fox, and finish the job. Snake gets into the fortress, steals some guns, shoots some guys, yakyakblahblah, and rescues Gray Fox, who tells him that Metal Gear is a hyper-awesome walking battle tank with incredible armor and nuclear missiles(presumably short-range, as there's no room for ICBMs on the thing). Snake proceeds to rescue the scientist that Outer Heaven was forcing to design Metal Gear for them(and his daughter they were using to blackmail him), and finds out the vehicle's weakness. He goes on, smashes Metal Gear, and finds Big Boss. Turns out Big Boss is actually the head of Outer Heaven and has intentionally been sabotaging the mission(hence why a raw recruit was sent in instead of the finest men in the force). Hence why he was personally operating the radio. None of Snake's reports have made it past Big Boss, so Snake, Gray Fox, and Big Boss are the only people that know anything. And Big Boss is gonna kill Snake, rebuild Metal Gear, and take over the world MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Of course, in the end, Snake wins the fight, Outer Heaven is blown up, and Big Boss dies in the burning rubble. Except he doesn't. He comes back as a cyborg for Metal Gear 2.
  12. I was already thinking that. ... On a more serious note... the only good reason I can think of to make such claims(if we ignore the Kutaragi Amusement Factor) is VGA mode. If they can hook to a computer monitor, the availability of higher refresh rates makes >60FPS a reasonable goal(remember, console environments keep VSync on at all times for image quality purposes, so your frame rate has to be less than or equal to your vertical refresh).
  13. smashmydirector.com?
  14. They don't care as long as they get paid.
  15. DUH DUH DUH! ... Aww, hell... they'll probably begin at the beginning, so even the non-Solid part of the story isn't safe.
  16. Until it breaks. Can piggyback VCRs and DVD-recorders too, and use AV out to feed their NTSC tuner on channel 3 to a modern set. There's still an upper limit to how long NTSC equipment can be scrounged. 359398[/snapback] Even the modern sets have NTSC tuners still btw. You'll be safe for another decade or so. 359408[/snapback] I know. I'm thinking a bit more long-term. As long as we're expressing concerns about composite video falling by the wayside...
  17. I'm betting a 50$ diffrence if the PS3 comes in close to the 360. A 150 price differential is rather ... excessive. Of course, the PS3 isn't looking like it'l come in diffrent classes of console. So if they undercut by 50 with the REAL 360, the gutted version DOES wind up with a 150 undercut.
  18. Until it breaks. Can piggyback VCRs and DVD-recorders too, and use AV out to feed their NTSC tuner on channel 3 to a modern set. There's still an upper limit to how long NTSC equipment can be scrounged.
  19. Mmmm... some goodies there. I need to get me a PCEngine/TurboGrafx some time. Both systems have native AV solutions, though the TG16/PCE depends on what model you own, and accessories if you have an RF-only model. I play a little of everything. Only hit anything very often when I get a new game for it usually.
  20. Yeah. I'm a borderline collector. Odds are good I'll wind up with a 7800 and some of those other systems eventually. I've actually got a Studio 2 around here somewhere, though I've never used it. Not exactly missing anything great from what I know of the system, but I really SHOULD fire it up some day just to see how bad it is for myself.
  21. I'm not worried about my NES and later. Composite's easy enough to support(what with it carrying the same signals as s-video and component, it's just a comb filter or 2 to split them back out and reconstitute the original component video signal), and I don't see it going anywhere for a while. I'm worried about my pre-NES stuff. My Ataris and INTV are RF-only. As soon as NTSC tuners disappear, they're dead. There's AV mod possibilities for the VCS and the 5200(though the fact that I have a 4-port makes that a pain in the rectum), but there's no good solution for the INTV. Thank god the Vectrex has an integrated display. ... Well, until something breaks in it.
  22. The cue sheet on my reet warez copy of VFX2 has an audio track defined(actually one and a half. I have a broken cue sheet.). It has at least one redbook track. If I had to bet, I'd say the intro/end is redbook and the rest is something else, but that's just a guess. DYRL PS has no redbook that I see.
  23. The thing with Macross isn't that it's not possible, but that it's not beneficial. The animation is so flat that Animeigo had to actively introduce noise after the restoration to bring it to a viewable level. It has clear gains from progressive scan and the resultant loss of "fringe" artifacts , but the benefits of a higher resolution capture are questionable. And the original film is still available(really amazing, given how many have been lost...), but it's in horrid shape. It's scratched, torn, faded, and so forth. Thats' why the japanese releases have been so lacking in quality. The laserdisk release of Macross actually included a note apologizing because everything looked like poo, and explained that it was because the masters were in atrocious shape.
  24. That's exactly what was going on with Guld. US norm is for an echo on "thought buggles." The echo in SDF Macross was diffrent. It was meant to emphasize that they weren't REALLY speaking a terrestrial language. It was an alien language that was being presented as japanese for the original broadcast TV audience's convenience.
  25. Use a PS2 compatible PS1 Gameshark (try saying that 10 times fast) or an Action Replay on your flip top. The only imports/backups that it won't work too good on are those with Redbook audio, fortunately very few games (first gen) use that format. 359206[/snapback] Actually, while not mainstream, it WAS a sustained practice through the entire system's life. Bust-A-Move 99, for example, has a redbook audio soundtrack. ... And in a shining example of why most people got over it fast, the music pauses for a second every time it loops, and the lead-in to the song has to be replayed because you can't easily cue to an arbitrary point inside the song. Even when you use streaming audio, there's better formats than redbook for video games. You can actually see the lesson learned multiple times on multiple systems. The PS was just the last system people learned it on.
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