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Everything posted by JB0

  1. My PBS station is still running "Are You Being Served?". They try to work it in every episode.
  2. It's nice to see some Kutaragi that's ACTUALLY made up, instead of just sounding like it is.
  3. As I understand things, any Vehicle Voltron content is pretty much impossible from a legal standpoint. World Event Productions lost the Dairugger 15 license.
  4. Versatility? 361351[/snapback] Well, given they could launch gear out of a rail gun and Big G could dock with it in mid-air(done regularly for the dividing driver), and Goldymarg was deployed to the battlefield by the same railgun, it always seemed that adding a transformation step was a tad... stupid. And yes, I DO realize that picking on the logic of a children's show in a genre full of outright absurdities is a bit absurd to start with(especially since I'm not picking on the equally absurd Choryujin and Gekiryujin)(Gee, I really seem to like 'absurd' today). I SHOULD just laugh at the anime-world logic that says you need to add legs and AI to a hammer. And I DID laugh when they introduced him, actually. So I guess I'll drop it now.
  5. And heck, if you're getting it to be like Prime, you need the trailer anyways. ... Just make sure it's an air-conditioned trailer.
  6. I was talking more about the idea than the implimentation thereof. See, I always took the MGS idea as being one more of that Snake had all the raw material to be good, but Snake was Snake because of his own choices and his own experiences. Same thing with Liquid and Solidus. They all shared the raw material, but they became the people they did because of their own choices and own lives. Except Liquid was supposed to be the crappy asthmatic Steve Urkel version of Big Boss. *chuckles* I've never heard it put that way before.
  7. Because he did some parts swapping. Genesic GGG is the big one with animals everywhere. Original 3G has vehicles that clip onto the lionbot. And then he swapped heads and forearms for fun. I strongly recommend it. It's a damn fun show. http://anime-in-action.edwardk.info/ Have to scroll down a bit, as GGGFinal is listed before the original series. Yeah, the Goldion Hammer was a bit of an absurd upgrade, even for a super robot program. And it's one of the more obvious concessions to the toy line. Official excuse was the backlash from the hammer was too powerful for Gaogaigar to bear by itself, so they needed an upgrade to use it. The hammer itself was needed because 3G's built-in killer move put too much strain on the pilot, and was gonna kill him eventually. But they never did explain why the upgrade needed to be a triple-changer that transformed into a robot and a tank as well as a giant fist. Basically, it was a way to make the new robot more appealing, since it turned into a weapon for Big G.
  8. Voltron. Genesic 3G is a tad overdone for my tastes. Honestly, hair? Forearms also need a redesign. Cylinders are lame. As far as Hell and Heaven goes... http://licos.web.infoseek.co.jp/mia/other/GGGG/56.jpg It can't QUITE get the fists together. It might be "close enough" though.
  9. That's because everything but CRT is actually a fixed-resolution device. If you feed it anything other than native res, the display has to up/downsample to that resolution, which invariably introduces scaling artifacts.
  10. Coulda been worse. I would've stuck him with "Yang Neumann's bitch."
  11. You actually thought Arnold was natural? 361018[/snapback] *shrugs* More like didn't care. 361046[/snapback] That guy is more important than Jesus, Ghandi, and the Dali Lama combined. EVERYTHING he does is important. 361189[/snapback] Jesus, Ghandi, and the Dali Lama were a combiner trio? Why don't people mention that more often?
  12. *slowly walks around box for 10 minutes so footprints don't fill too fast* *gets bored, breaks your neck* Yes, I actually did that in MGS on mroe than one occasion.
  13. You actually thought Arnold was natural? 361018[/snapback] *shrugs* More like didn't care.
  14. Oddly, I thought the cloning/genetic engineering bit was a tad silly. Why can't Snake just be good, instead of good because he's a customized clone of someone who was good? ... It didn't hurt that the super-smart, super-sighted genetically-engineered super soldiers couldn't see 4 feet ahead of themselves and would follow footprints in a circle around a crate until you got bored and snapped their neck.
  15. Damn, and I thought I was just pulling stuff out of my ass.
  16. Not exactly. But as I expected, they're made with PCs in mind. I don't think they'd play at all on a standard DVD player. 360874[/snapback] There's also a 480i allowed in DVD spec. It sucks, though.
  17. If I had to guess, I'd say they don't like the funky resolutions needed for a 16*9 aspect ratio. Just an offhand guess, though.
  18. No gay space monsters eh?! The hero doesn't wear a dress!? No pink space equipment with boobs!??? NO WONDER YOU DIDN"T LIKE IT! 360886[/snapback] It didn't have any thickly-accented steroid-abusing Californian governors ether.
  19. Yes it was. So let's see if I've got this: rotoscoping involves drawing over pre-existing live footage? For example, since the original He-Man cartoons were rotoscoped, does that mean there was a live action representation of those episodes, that was then drawn over? 360813[/snapback] Bingo.
  20. Add me to the Liked Titan AE list. And I'm glad DeathHammer isn't remaking anything.
  21. But it's okay, because there'll be a host of players with either BIOS updates or cleverly hidden menus to disable that "feature." 480p? Or 720i/p?
  22. You're mistaken. Snake deals with all problems by sneaking up behind someone in a cardboard box, jumping out and strapping C4 to their back, then hiding around a corner until they get near someting flammable or a large number of friends.
  23. Ferries eh? So M7 fans haul people, cars and trucks across large bodies of water? I think you meant to say fairies, like this one for example! Actually, I think he meant ferrets.
  24. It's Ram-Man!!! 360305[/snapback] *laughs* I was thinking the exact same thing. Except replace "Ram-Man" with "That HeMan guy with the spring legs and the helmet... what hte hell was his name? Something-Ram?"
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