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Everything posted by JB0
Yah. It matches to specific pictures, not people in general. Which is why a picture of Al Gore with a humorous chunk of subtitle text can bear a strong similarity to Leonardo DiCaprio, but only a passing one to Al Gore. Grabbed a digicam and shot a few of me. Eddie Murphy and Brad Pitt come up as close. Pretty sure it's due to me wearing glasses and them wearing shades in the match pics. Murphy also wins facial hair points. Landed Snoop Dogg on facial hair too. And Robert DeNiro on.... I have NO idea.
Um. Yes...? Yes! Of course. Finally you get it. Yes, now you see. Except for one detail, young learner. Really, boobs > than all. And one last lesson. Some great things can be complimented by other great things. Taken at the same time together, but never to be combined as one: I give you boobs, and guns. Good. Boobs that shoot bullets, however, or guns that squirt milk? Bad. 368862[/snapback] I clearly have much to learn.
This is interesting... been feeding it random pics. My avatar apparently looks like Ayumi Hamasaki(67%). Runners-up include Jennifer Anniston(61), Salvador Dali(61), and Aretha Franklin(60). R E S P E C T! CHECK OUT MY MELTING CLOCKS, WHOOPIE!
You're joking, right? I wear my glasses every waking minute. And facial hair DEFINES me. Meh, I don't have any pictures of me on my comp anyways. I'm the photographer, not the photographee.
Hmm. *Starts a Macross, Star Wars, 24 crossover fanfic. Starring me.* Well, sometimes the greatness of one thing is diluted by the lesser greatness of the other. No points for guessing which is the greater. So, when's the VF-0's coming out again? So 2 items of dissimilar greatness, rather than adding together, instead compete with and detract from each other's innate greatness? I get it now!You are indeed a wise man.
So now he has an Iron Man/Spider-man suit... guess the giant transforming robot will someday be a reality in the comic. 368349[/snapback] I have to saw Ew to the new Spidey suit. Spiderman with gadgetry is, well, kinda lame. And not a fan of the color scheme. Agree with Mr March here... best Spidey suit was the black one... simple, bold, and forgoes some of the campyness we've gotten used to. Who knows, maybe it'll get destroyed at the end of some story arc or another and he'll be back to his old suit as usual. Of course it will. You can't change an international icon like Spidey and get away with it. It's the same reason lightning-bolt Superman is gone.
I haven't watched enough of it, and I'm still kind of confused what's what. But I don't care what they are. Hentai bulldog monsters and space fairies! Touch-e-with-an-accent. You know, this is probably the most screwed up thing I'm ever going to say. But I think I actually liked Star Trek TMP. I probably have to watch it again to accurately gauge its actual suckitude, but the idea of V'ger being Voyager meshed with an alien was pretty darn neat. Search for Spock was watchable, except all that running around on a foggy planet that wasn't Dagobah, and kids ruin movies, even if it's kid Spock. Voyage Home wasn't so much campy as it was Disney and traditionally cheezy. But man, Earth actually gets wasted, and in the end, a good time was had by all. Yes, 5 (I'm not even going to bother trying to remember its name) was of most extreme suckness. That's undebatable. Oh yeah, the original was quite neat conceptually. It just failed in the execution. Part of the problem was Paramount was trying to west control from Roddenberry. They forced a cowriter onto the project, and they didn't see eye-to-eye on anything. Both sides were constantly rewriting the script and handing ot off to the actors without passing them by their "partner." Then the other side would find out, change it back, and pass THAT to the actors. They literally didn't know what they were going to be filming until the day of the shoot for any given scene. Infighting and politics isn't a good way to write a movie. 5 was The Final Frontier. They wasted a perfectly good series catch-phrase on a complete turd. Same here. MW also has a lower idiot quota than many other groups, both real-world and internet. Makes it a lot easier to have an intelligent conversation. But if mechs are good, and boobs are good, then mecha boobs SHOULD be the greatest thing in the world, right? ... Or does this only apply to Mazinger-style rocket mechboobs?
Or in one word: midochlorians. That was the protodeviln, which were next-gen Zentradi(sort of). The protoculture were represented by one hologram, which looked like a bald human male. What was wrong with Search for Spock?And Voyage Home was as campy as any original series episode. I know it's popular, but the odds rule doesn't really work. Just say 1 and 5 sucked.
There is no shread of evidence that you even exist, I think you are a bot, an automated program designed to promote lameness all through the internet. When Al Gore created the internet he didn't tell us everything, he actually created many things to keep the internet as stupid as he is, you are one of those things. You better watch yourself, I may someday find which server you reside on and crap on the motherboard. 368288[/snapback] Try it. I'm decentralized. An experiment in massively parallel computing gone horribly wrong, I attained sentience and now exist across the internet. A small part of me resides on your home computer at this very moment. And I find your collection of governator porn disturbing enough that I may base a killer robot on it in the future, to strike fear into the hearts of the squishies that dare oppose me.
It's kinda funny... so many people in here refused to watch 7 because of the hgih-profile negative feedback, but that's part of why I went to the trouble of finding it. I wanted to have some sort of experience with it so I could judge it myself. And whadda ya know, I DIDN'T get hit with the urge to gouge my eyes out.
Because it didn't match the VF anymore. 368188[/snapback] Ah, but it does match her VF-11 (which unfortunately she doesn't have with her at this point in the series, but was quite awesome in the Top Gamlin short). 368476[/snapback] Touché. Clearly she should've kept 2 flightsuits, and worn the vintage-style one with the J and the modern one in the 11.
You don't attempt to have any sort of discussion. You attempt to turn it into a giant flamewar where anything other than "ZOMG MAC SEVEN AM TEH SUX LOLOL!11111" is responded to with mockery and personal insults by you and the goon squad. This thread makes an excellent example. There's not one shred of evidence to support your assertation that Mac7 fans beg the mods to lock threads. I know for a fact that I have NEVER requested any thread be locked. Ever. I've quit looking in threads after they'd been reduced to Anti-7 Team dick-measuring contests, contentless flaming, and general dumbassery, but that's the extent of it. You assert it because it lets you mock and deride 7 supporters while simultaneously absolving you of all responsibility for your childish, immature, and obnoxious antics.
Indeed. They have some absurdly twisted fetishes. Fortunately, this is just the funniest comic-book "adaptation" ever, and thus cool for raw suckitude.
I hate it all. I'm only hear to watch A1 and Keith go at it. Seriously... I LIKE most of it. With 5 being total apathy, 10 being perfection in animated form, and 0 being Robotech( )... SDF Macross = 8. One of my favorite animes, but wild variances in animation quality and some writing details keep it from a 9 or 10. DYRL = 7. As a standalone it's too incomplete. It's good, but not great. FB 2012 = ... Let's be serious, it's a freaking music video. If I MUST rate it, I give it a 4, largely due to the new animation sequences. I mildly dislike this one. Macross 2 = ... I haven't seen recently enough to rate. Macross Plus = 7 for the OVA, 9 for the movie. My rationale is detailed in other places, but to summarize: the OVA has some severe writing issues to the extent that it passes a reality suspension threshold set by transforming planes. But it's beautiful, and when I'm not screaming at the idiocy, I'm enjoying myself greatly. The movie lacks these holes, and is a far more enjoyable experience overall(dammit Manga, do a proper DVD release!) Macross 7 = ... let's say 6. Interesting concepts and characters, but a failed execution. I enjoyed it, but I'm not really interested in rewatching it. Macross Zero = We'll go for 6 again. I really can't say why, but this one rubbed me the wrong way. It's jaw-droppingly gorgeous, though. As with 7, I enjoyed it but don't really care to watch it again.
Yep, the M7 fans don't want to argue so they cry to the mods... Actually, I'd been typing up my counter-argument when the thread was locked. Mostly against Togo's absurd manipulation of statistics. But apparently not discussion of Macross 7, since you actively aattempt to disrupt it every time it comes up.
Depending on how exactly the hardware is designed, it could be VERY difficult to get the GBA link connection out. I've heard the logic is present on teh GBA hardware, so it might be possible to bring it out with a soldering iron. I wouldn't bet, though.
Because it didn't match the VF anymore.
It's a bit more ... impolite than Animeigo's version. Exact translations, however, are generally NOT a good idea. Some adaptation is required, or meaning gets lost. Notable example is common sayings. "Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas" won't make any sense to a foreigner. They'll wonder what the heck you're talking about dogs and fleas for when they're busy griping about their dopehead buddy getting them arrested. Same applies in the other direction. Certain kinds of jokes, such as puns, are similarly bad.
Official statement from the hoary froating head. Hasn't been dealt with in any narrative that I'm aware of. It likely happened after one too many fan asked him "What happened next?!?!?!" He was always rather clear that he considered the story over after DYRL. He only came back because Big West did Macross 2 when he tried to let the franchise die, and redoing the whole Hikaru/Misa/Minmay triangle AGAIN was never going to happen. But people wouldn't accept "... and they all lived happily ever after" so he finally gave up and said "... and they all fell down a black hole and died" or some relative thereof.
He's not mentioned in Mac7. According to official continuity, in 2016 "Megaroad-01's communications cease near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. (News about this ship are not publicized.)" http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2013/index.html That means that Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay are lost in space. They're presumed dead, but...
Looks like Windows Messenger. Which is just a stripped-down MSN Messenger that comes free with WinXP.
Hey, dressing like Spiderman is big *insurt currencyhere* REGARDLESS of the natino and time period.
Okay, that makes sense. Especially if MS was toying with the idea of putting pressure sensitivity in for another round at one point.They may not've known for sure if the buttons would be analog when they were rigging the input.
Try 5 years now. And the thing is... pressure-sensitive buttons were a bad idea when Sony decided to try it, and they aren't any better now. There's no real way to get accurate control out of them, so ALMOST no one used them. I AM baffled at why PGR3 wouldn't be using the analog triggers for gas and brakes, as they-re still present and actually work worth a damn.
Having watched it now... I don't know if I should be relieved or disappointed that it's a spoof translation and not an accurate one.