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Everything posted by JB0

  1. We mailed off for something with KoolAid points when I was little. Never got it.
  2. Because changes HAVE to be made. The raving fanboys won't admit it, but what makes a good movie and what makes a good game are totally diffrent. Just to grab an example... if the Mario movie had been a faithful adaptation, it would've been 90 minutes of a fat guy running around jumping on mushrooms and plucking fireballs out of his nose. I admit most of them could have been handled far better, but the perfectly faithful adaptation the gamers invariably clamor for JUST ISN'T POSSIBLE. Several parts can be scrapped, as they serve no purpose narrative-wise. Remember the shape-memory card to arm/disarm the nuke? Yeah, there's a REAL good reason to make people run around and catch pumonia for an emergncy disarming mechanism. How about when you first meet Sniper Wolf? And you have to backtrack ALL THE WAY to get a rifle? They're both pure game filler. ... Actually, the whole Sniper Wolf arc won't work in a movie. Sniper VS sniper is just plain BORING to watch. And no movie audience will forgive the fact that she's still alive and fit for a rematch after taking several shots to the head and chest. That arc, movie-style, is over FAST. Wolf clips Snake, Snake fires back and wounds her fatally. They meet BEFORE the first shot is fired, not AFTER a shootout. Vulcan Raven is a problem too. The man carries a gun BIGGER THAN HE IS. Add an exoskeleton or leave him out for the movie. He's just not credible. ... Really, a movie based on Metal Gear Solid would leave most of the content out. A lot of it is "game filler" that doesn't advance the narrative, and isn't very interesting to watch. Liquid's in. Ocelot's in. Grey Fox is in. Meryl's in. What good is a movie without a romance interest? Sniper Wolf makes the cut under the hot villain rule, but her story arc is dealt with massively diffrently. Decoy Octopus COULD be in, but he's so easy to miss in-game that he'll probably be skipped over on film too. If Psycho Mantis makes it, it'll be abbreviated, and in a radically diffrent form than his digital showing. Raven's almost guaranteed out. 95% of all codec conversations are gone. Select Otacon, Naomi, and Campbell calls are the only ones that are really important to the story. The others are concessions to the game, though "Deep Throat" provides an interesting plot twist, and might be retained. All conversations will be rewritten. The games have far too much monologue for their own good. Sniper Wolf: I am... dying. Your last shot... pierced... my lung. Please... listen to my... life story... though it may take... a half-hour... to tell. I know... I said my lung... is bad.... but I've still got... more than ... enough air... for a lengthy... monologue. Most equipment will be scrapped, because there's no way for Snake to carry it all around, and don't add a lot to the movie. They're toys implemented for a single in-game purpose. The Box is in, but ONLY as fan service. </wishful_thinking> I'd expect binoculars, the pistol, a couple of grenades, a missile launcher for the Metal Gear fight, the codec, maybe the IR goggles... a VERY slimmed down gear set. Cigs SHould make it in under fan service, but I'm not confident that they will. MGS2: Sons of Liberty? If you consider the entire Metal Gear franchise instead of just the Solid games, Metal Gear 2 has issues as well. Having Big Boss come back as a cyborg is pushing things JUST A LITTLE. The NES adaptations didn't kill it. Sons of Liberty didn't kill it. It can survive a bad movie, which generally isn't held against the games regardless. And given how much control Konami gives Kojima over the license, odds are good it WON'T be a bad film. If it is, it won't fall in the writing.
  3. Nintendo's said in some interviews recently that the only reason they hadn't ALREADY done a DS browser is that they thought a 3rd party was going to do it. While it was rather stupid to just sit back and WAIT, you have to admit that it was pretty obvious, and 3rd parties HAVE historically done that sorta thing. Anyone remember the GBC PDA cart? GBA MP3 cart? GBA digital camera?
  4. PS1 waws actually VERY easy to program for. It's a simple design, and Sony was the first company to offer C++ dev kits(as opposed to writing the games in raw assembly). That's part of why it won over the Saturn, actually. It was also cheaper to make, far better marketed, and free of to the inter-division feuds that were plaguing Sega at the time*. The Saturn was a monster but it was very difficult to bring out it's full potential. And Sega wasn't supplying any C++ libraries, partially because it wasn't how the industry worked at the time and partially because the compilers of that era handled multi-threaded code rather poorly, making it almost impossible to get anywhere near the Saturn's full potential without using assembly. If you were pushing the Saturn to the edge, you had two SH2s(the central processors), an SH1, and a 68EC000 variant all running code at any given time. AND timed the code to eliminate RAM conflicts, as the Saturn architecture had the SH2s sharing all resources, so they couldn't even read in instructions at the same time. There's also a pair of DSPs, one of which is also your sound hardware(officially, the 68000 was part of the sound system, but it wasn't actually required for anything, similar to the z80 in the Genesis), bringing the processor total to EIGHT. And any graphics code was addressing two GPUs, each of which had a totally diffrent feature set(one chip was responsible for sprites and polys, while the other was dedicated to backgrounds), and making sure both chips were on the same page at render time. By comparison, the PS has 1 R3000 CPU, 1 GPU, and 1 sound chip(which DOESN'T double as a processor). All code runs on the R3000, which issues orders to the other parts. So there's no RAM contention issues, no sync issues, no nothing. As long as you're giving the right commands, it's all good. And since it's such a simple system, the era's compilers did a very good job of churning out reasonably decent code, though as the system aged developers would turn to hand-tweaking the assembly to squeeze out a bit more performance or pull off a certain effect. The PS2 and Dreamcast, ironically, were reversed. The DC had nice C++ libraries at launch and a simple architecture, while the PS2 was a mess internally(not as much as the Saturn, though) and had no libraries(Sony thought that since developers were working so heavily with assembly at the end of the PS1 that they'd want similarly intimate control over the PS2 from day one). * As I understand things, Sega Japan was kind of annoyed at Sega America for making the Genesis a success when it flopped in Japan, and they weren't above doing REALLY stupid stuff just to remind Sega America that they had no real power. Stuff like telling Sega America to develop a 32-bit upgrade to the Genesis, pressuring them to create it as fast as possible, and then telling them about the Saturn AFTER they'd finished the 32x. Or making the Saturn an incredibly complicated piece of hardware because Sega America asked for a single-processor solution.
  5. Kojima has a goatee. Who knew?
  6. I'd imagine the safe speeds for transformation are far higher on later fighters. Refinements to both the mechanisms themselves and the supporting overtech(stuff like the SWAG armor) likely go a long way towards upping the tolerances. That'd make it a lot less of an issue on a state-of-the-art YF-21 than a primitive testbed VF-0.
  7. Good thing all of those games still get 2D games released, eh? As for bringing this back on topic, anyone seen the new Bumberman game for the 360? http://img108.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=l..._X360_F898a.jpg 370727[/snapback] Just a few minutes ago, actually. Top article at Insert Credit right now. Bomberman + online multiplayer = win. "First-person bommer" = WTF?
  8. Awww, no new features aside from an external mic hookup...
  9. Tifa's tits always scared me. I, for one, am GLAD she got breast reduction.
  10. Gotta copy and paste it into a new window. THEN it works.
  11. The Nintendo 64? Mario 64 + Starfox 64 = win. 370283[/snapback] Was Starfox in the first year? I thought it came out later, with the expansion pack. It was the Rumble Pack premiere game. Dun recall exactly when that was, but it was well before the Expansion Pack(which was with DK64 initially). I never liked Mario 64, for the record. Me and 3D platformers don't get along.
  12. Personally, I haven't seen a system with a "must-have" 1st-year line-up in a long time. SNES was probably the last one.
  13. "The fastest GDDR3 chips are able to keep up with the rest of the system. But the slow memory chips can actually slow down a game so much that it is noticeably slow to gamers, sources said." Or, you know, crash the machine when they're run at speeds they can't handle, since consoles usually don't have provisions for multi-speed RAM connections?
  14. Actually it looks like a Skyfire. Jetfire was the name of the toy, but Skyfire was used in the cartoons and stuff..
  15. I am just quoting people, what the hell!? 369967[/snapback] It's because you're replying in the wrong thread.
  16. JB0

    What The? Ohhh Wow

    OOOOOOOOOLD news. Macross emulation has had sound for quite some time(2 years now, actually). And it's ALWAYS had sound in teh ROMs. MAME just didn't know how to render it initially.
  17. Pity. I always liked the Easter Island logo. ... It just needs a little Gradius ship ddive-bombing while an Arkanoid paddle smacks a ball at it.
  18. I had assumed most of those were created for non-miclone'd zentradi post-war, as they needed to eat too. Except the chickens. I've got no idea what's up with that. And don't forget the scene of the Macross firing the Main Gun in cruiser mode I thought it couldn't do that? That was why the transformation became nessesary. That was a terriblly animated episode. Animefriend should have impaled for the horrible job they did. Glad they weren't put in charge of doing DYRL. 369945[/snapback] I could be wrong, but I think it was a hybrid image. I remember it as being in attacker mode, but oriented in the frame so it was "lying down", and with the "arms" in cruiser position.
  19. That's not in debate. I wholeheartedly agree with that. Just not replacing lies with more lies. Creating a pile of BS to make Sony look bad isn't actually counterbalancing Sony's BS to make them look good. It just lends credibility to Sony when you get called on your BS. Riiiight.... so you really expect both companies to miss an ENTIRE GENERATION leaving MS completely unopposed?
  20. Ugly? UGLY?!?! HIKARI NI NARE!
  21. Good article. Sure it's skipp'n on the details, but who wants to get fired over something like that!!! The person writing the article isn't hte one that'd be fired. It's all the people allegedly providing him with the material that would. Ya know what's better about it? That it shows precisely how absurd the anti-Sony fanboys will get. There's so much absurdly wrong stuff that there's no way in hell it's anything remotely based in fact. What it IS is a Kutaragi-style laugh. "There's just no ROOM for a BD-ROM, laptop hard drive, and a circuit board! Woe is me!"
  22. There was a game for the PC called MAcross 2038 I believe. 369362[/snapback] PCEngine. Which is a diffrent beast entirely. In the US, the PCEngine is known as the TurboGrafX 16. Was also 2036. Which is close enough to 2038. And technically, was a SuperCD game(there's 3 or 4 diffrent levels of PCEngine CD capability, depending on what hardware and/or boot card you have, with the main diffrence being how much RAM you have to work with, and SuperCD happens to be the best-supported level, if I recall).
  23. Is it just meo, or does anyone else get nauseated by the level of bullshit A1 spews?
  24. Mine SMELL like a dead rotting dog, but they aren't that large.
  25. Haw. A day after shaving, I've got enough hair that it'd be impossible to mistake me for a woman. My facial hair has always been very fast-growing. And if you look at my arms, you'd be justified in mistaking me for a balding monkey, but definitely not a woman.
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