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Everything posted by JB0

  1. The only legit copies are japanese DVDs. And they are, obviously, japanese only. I'd recommend downloading fansubs.
  2. COVER-UP! Seriously, I just thought it was odd that I saw the tuna head at Robotech immediatly after it was taken down here. And thought I'd have some fun with it.
  3. It's possible the contract is worded vaguely enough that lawyers could fuss back and forth all day. Either way, HG doesn't NEED an iron-clad contract. They just need to be loud. The bigger companies prefer to go after the greatest profit. Regardless of who wins, a legal battle cuts into profits, thus making Macross products less attractive than other products without legal battles attached. The smaller companies can't afford to fight things either way. Screaming "lawsuit!" quite likely IS all there is to it. But it's also all that needs to be there, unfortunately. Being a manga, Trash had no music for Victor to demand it's share of. Which is why it was picked up, as it seemed a straightforward enough license.
  4. Stop injecting logic and RIOT! Or maybe you're IN ON IT! FISHNAPPER! YOU'RE A FISHNAPPER!
  5. Having emu'd it, Zillion 1 IS less action-based. It's sort of like the SMS version of Metroid. Only with computers to hack.
  6. It's a little-known fact that Mos Eisley Spaceport was renamed 4chan in 1987.
  7. I should start adopting the avatars of other people at random, just to sow confusion. And encourage others to do the same.
  8. I was looking for something earlier, and wandered, wholely against my will, into Robotech.com(You will never find a more wrteched hive of scum and villianry.) And what do I see but the beloved tuna head being despoiled by the RT.com logo! Certain that my eyes were playing tricks to drive me back to the light, I return here, only to be met with THIS! Our tuna head is GONE! They soiled our cartoons. They blocked our toys. They maybe-scared-away our games. All that pales in comparison to the THEFT OF OUR SMELLY FISH HEAD! Clearly, this is a case of grand theft tuna, and steps must be taken immediatly to ensure that HG doesn't get away with it! I propose a shower strike as a show of solidarity for the fish! Until HG returns the tuna head, odorous waves intact, and issues a formal apology, let our BO waft to the heavens as green clouds of sympathy! If we don't fight now, they may steal YOUR head next! FIGHT THE POWER! NO FISH HEAD, NO PEACE! No, I'm not actually bothered by the change of banner
  9. JB0

    What The? Ohhh Wow

    MAME is a "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator." An emulator is basically a software recreation of a specific computer. In this case, MAME has several computers in it, all arcade machines. Three of those machines are for playing Macross games. You need MAME(from mame.net) and the ROM images for the specific game you want to play(from many places, I use planetemu.net) You extract MAME to your hard drive, and stick the ROM images in MAME's "ROMS" directory. May need to do some other configuration too. MAME32 is a tad more user-friendly than the command-line versions found at MAME.net. I am, however, morally opposed to it. You'll have to find it yourself, as the copies I'm finding require a fileplanet subscription. *rolls eyes* Which file?http://www.macmame.org/ has the emulator. http://planetemu.net/ has the ROM images. 372089[/snapback] i mean...er...the file for the macross game, the installer... 372108[/snapback] The installer would be ... well, if anything, the emulator. I don't know if MacMAME comes with an installer. If it doesn't, you don't need one. The game would be the ROM images. You need BOTH programs to play. You run the emulator, which runs the ROM images.
  10. I vote for "some time period where humanity ISN'T engaged in a global or interstellar war with itself, space aliens, or computerized pop singers."
  11. It's not stated, but it's implied by actions. A while back, Tokyopop wanted to release Macross 7 Trash. They got a license from Big West. Then they got a license from HG. Then HG started hyping it. Then they lost the Big West license. Then HG deleted the Trash news articles on their website. While it's fan speculation(no statements were made that I know of), it's believed they lost the BW license for playing ball with HG. As HG claims that "Macross is © Tatsunoko Productions", seemingly across the entire franchise, for Trash to carry HG's seal of approval and legal boilerplate would have been damaging to BW's legal standing. Especially they were actively suing Tatsunoko over copyright at the time. It's a safe bet that BW is anti-HG until such time as HG backs off on their Tatsunoko copyright claims. And as BW has licensed distributors for non-SDF products in the past without Tatsunoko's or HG's involvement(see Plus and 2), they likely don't agree with HG's interpretation of the distribution license either.
  12. JB0

    What The? Ohhh Wow

    Which file?http://www.macmame.org/ has the emulator. http://planetemu.net/ has the ROM images.
  13. I'm sorry, but how does a system that sold over 100 million units considered a disappointment? By what reasoning? I know I know, we are on an anime discussion board, but we are all older here, can we please leave the fanboy-ism at the door, please? 372075[/snapback] I'm talking about disapointment from a gamers perspective. It shipped with an, poorly designed controller for starters. A d-pad that was worthless for any extreme use (shooters are unplayable on it). Along with a lack of triggers (making racing games pretty much worthless), as well as poorly placed analog sticks (pressing both towards the center results in thumbs hitting, which is a pain). Furthermore, it was identical to the Dual Shock that shipped with the PS1 (save for the pressure sensitive buttons-- which were a joke), which was a pretty good example of Sony's general lazy attitude. Sadly, that's what was WANTED. There's a VERY large portion of the market out there that believes, for whatever drug-induced reason, the DualShock is the perfect controller and all others are just pale shadows of it's greatness. I'll give 'em pressure-sensitive buttons. I'm sure it looked good on paper. Might've even worked if they hadn't been preserving the digital feel. But who knows how losing the feel would mess with other games. No argument here. I define good system in terms of software. Hence, it WAS a good system, just because of the library. The Jaguar, by comparison, is really neat hardware, but a lousy system. I wouldn't call it lazy. They DID put a lot of work into the internal design, they just cocked it up royally while doing so. Price point's still undetermined. And the controller actually seems like a massive improvement, if it ships. It looks like they ripped off the 'Cube pad, which is the most comfortable input device I've held in a long time. Of course, the massive negative feedback about the "batarang" means that the DualShock3 will PROBABLY wind up being a wirelss DualShock2. Ah well, there's always 3rd-party controllers.
  14. Actually, it's more an anti-Sony propaganda piece than anything else. Because while Sony is a bunch of retards with their collective heads up their asses, they have a marketing team that's second to none. That = mass market acceptance, which = more games. I can't speak for everyone else, but I'm looking forward to PS3 games, not the PS3.
  15. The games are based on the anime. As I understand it, it was a HUGE cross-promotion gimmick in Japan. Though I haven't heard of the Lazer Tag side before, it makes more sense with it added in(and when explicitly looking for it, it DOES come up). Sega was making the Lazer Tag clone, so they had free access to the gun design(which answers the big question mark the usual story leaves, since Sega's no longer PAYING Tatsunoko for the privelige of making a light gun that looks like a Zillion gun). Tatsunoko licensed the Lazer Tag stuff for the cartoon, and Sega capitalized on it by packing a Zillion gun in with their game hardware AND making games based on Tatsunoko's cartoon. So they had MASSIVE cross-promotion in Japan. Zillion toys were advertised by the cartoon and SMS. The Master System was advertised by the cartoon and toys. The cartoon was advertised by the toys and SMS. Of course, Sega was footing the bill for the toys and games, but Tatsunoko paid for the cartoon, which was the biggest ad. Translation: Macek is the enemy of all anime.
  16. *laughs* For what it's worth, their analyst is a bit ... stupid. The 90 nanometer process Sony is using is the STANDARD now, not cutting-edge stuff like he believes. 65nm would be the leading-edge(Intel's using it in their new Core parts, which aren't yet widely available, though they've officially launched). And you can't really repair a defective microchip, regardless of where the defect is. He's probably confused by the fact that PC manufacturesr can, in many cases, disable the defective areas and sell the chips as a lower-end part. The best-known example being the 486SX, which had a disabled floating-point unit, but the typical example now(and the reason he's confused) is a chip with damaged L2 cache RAM can be sold with the damaged part of the cache disabled. ... Though the modern processor tiering isn't actually driven by failure rates. They bin the parts by what they WANT the yields to come in at, and make a mint off high-end parts that are, for the most part, identical to the low-end ones(I suspect part of the reason the P4 and Athlon64 have integrated heat spreaders is to avoid end-user reconfigurations such as AthlonXP's famous "pencil trick", since the configuration jumpers are all sealed away). So it's actually VERY doubtful that there's near as many cache failures as there are half-cache chips. But that's another thread entirely. Anyways... Merril-Lynch's analyst doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, and it's a shame people are listening to him.
  17. To add some alternate angle interest.... the Sega Master System's light gun was based on the Zillion gun(if I recall, the gun carried the Zillion label in Japan).
  18. Which would explain a lot.
  19. I thought Bandai only did one mecha series. They must've thought the label said GundamBuster.
  20. Very true, but Kojima is probably capable of finding someone who WOULD be a good director for it, and then serving as an advisor where needed. 371289[/snapback] He's already shown excellent judgement by saying UWe Boll has no chance whatsoever.
  21. I agree here. That's one of the things I enjoy about Macross' sequels. We're not being hit with rehashes of Hikaru over and over, so each new story lets you see the Macross universe from a diffrent perspective. Even the ones I didn't like added to the depth of the world.
  22. I'm assuming the F-22 is our most advanced fighter? We can't even get the thing to do a cobra manuever? Why would one limit it's abilities? 371262[/snapback] As I understand things, it basically has to do with the fact that if we let our fighter run on the upper edge of it's capabilities, it'd turn the pilots to something resembling strawberry jelly. I'm sure one of the avaiation people can correct me.
  23. Because changes HAVE to be made. The raving fanboys won't admit it, but what makes a good movie and what makes a good game are totally diffrent. I admit most of them could have been handled far better, but the perfectly faithful adaptation the gamers invariably clamor for JUST ISN'T POSSIBLE. I agree that it isn't possible, my point is that the MGS games in general are cinematic enough to not need a movie. If kojima were to write the script himself and have super-control over the directing then i'm sure the movie would be great but that'll never happen. Writing and directing for most game to movie conversions are usually outsourced to film-making professionals. I'm not picky about the movie being based perfectly on any of the MGS games but from my nostalgic viewpoint an outsourced movie without much Kojima involvement just doesn't seem necessary. I actually suspect Kojima wouldn't make a good movie director. I don't question his ability as a script writer or game director, but he's used everyone doing EXACTLY what he wants, because he makes the entire world he's directing. He's also not greatly experienced with camera work, which is one of the tasks a movie director has to deal with. Game cameras are a totally diffrent ballgame, as style takes a backseat to clarity. And nothing really NEEDS a movie. It's the kind of thing that's done because people want to see it. MGS2: Sons of Liberty? That's a personal opinion. Gamers got pissed off at raiden, not at the gameplay and graphics which were absolutely stunning at the time. MGS2 may not have a very satisfying ending but the story was still engaging and interesting none the less. Most of the complaints I saw revolved around the story. Raiden was a prominent figurehead, but hardly the primary gripe. The NES adaptations didn't kill it. Sons of Liberty didn't kill it. It can survive a bad movie, which generally isn't held against the games regardless. True. But given how much I like the series right now I'm just too cautious to want to risk seeing a bad movie. Fair enough.
  24. So... Pre-7 = comic relief and tentacle rape rejects. Post-7 = a bad guy you can really hate.
  25. JB0


    I must kill you now.
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