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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I thought hot coffee was an incomplete GTA sex game...
  2. Post some pics then if you have! 375164[/snapback] 375190[/snapback] AHHHHHH, I dont want to burst your bubble but is'nt she a bit, I don't know, flat chested? http://i2.tinypic.com/oszxqg.jpg 375194[/snapback] Seems to have a great butt, though. And ncie legs. "So long as you've got cleavage, who cares which way it's facing"
  3. You would be in a better situation to know that than most of us. I have no clue whatsoever how Malaysian copyright law works, or if it even exists. I know in many countries it's impossible for a foreign entity to get a copyright. In such a case the bootlegs would be illegal. Many others legally acknowledge foreign copyrights, but do nothing for enforcement, making them illegal in writing only.
  4. Nobody's talking about redesigning the YF-21. Does that work the same way for the Star Wars series? Did episodes 1-3 build upon the events in 4-5 since they were made after 4-5? 375332[/snapback] Well, actually, it expanded upon how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, Palpatine seized power, and Luke and Leia were hidden away. So it DID build upon the original trilogy. It did it in a rather poor fashion, however. And the designs are a definite yes as well. Many of the vehicles in the new trilogy ARE redesigns of the original triology ships, with tweaks to make them look a little diffrent(arguably, like predecessors of the OT vehicles, though they look like contemporaries or even descendants in several cases). Again, in-continuity timeline and real-world timeline are diffrent. There is not a team of cartoon scientists designing the VFs. They're being designed by a real person that exists outside of the Macross continuity. The VF-0 was rather clearly based on the VF-1 in the real world. In the Macross continuity it was a parallel design.
  5. One of the things I liked about Macross was that, while it worked, the VF-1 wasn't a very GOOD space fighter. It was an early attempt at an all-environment fighter, and didn't have enough verniers or reaction mass to excel at space combat. Hence the FAST packs.
  6. Essentially, you're right. As I recall, the VF-0 was larger because it used real jet engines. Which means bigger gas tanks, bigger engines, etc.
  7. He has to desync his timeline. Macross ceased to be anchored in the real world when it was created. It's timeline diverges from ours that point. Rather than renovating the VF-0 and VF-1 to look like modern planes(which really requires revamping the entire line, since he borrows elements of real-world design in all the shows), he would be better served by illustrating the divergent evolution of aviation. He touched on that in... I believe it was Lonely Night where they flashed back to Roy and Claudia's, umm, courtship. You can see combat aviation went in a radically diffrent direction while watching Focker's dogfights. Kawamori just hasn't fleshed out HOW it went there instead of here.
  8. Yes. Because we all know Sean Connery should play everyone. Even the women.
  9. Huh? I thought the final boss is Carl Macek? 374636[/snapback] No it's Reba West. he has to endure 2 hours of listening to her singing to develop an immunity. (the secret antidote is Listening to Mari Ijima Songs first) 374891[/snapback] But if you collect all 5 pieces of the Fabled HG License Agreement and rescue the Lawyer to decypher it, you attain knowledge of HG's limits. This unlocks a secret final stage. After you defeat West in stage 6, you go on to assault HG's offices, and Carl Macek is the REAL final boss. Defeating him gets you the good ending where HG is destroyed, Robotech is forgotten, and Macross merchandise flows freely into the US.
  10. Where is the logic in that? VF-0 is nice, but as a Valk before Vf-1... 374900[/snapback] It's not logical, that's the point. Anachronistic vehicle design has always been a problem with science fiction prequels producted decades after the original. Some sci-fi franchises have attempted to explain this contradiction by stating the prequel era was more influenced by artisans and esthetic designers as opposed to eras that followed, dominated by praticality and economics (such as Star Wars, original trilogy vs. prequel era). Macross however has made no such attempt to explain the obvious design contradictions between eras (and doesn't need to do so in my opinion). As a result, the VF-0's visual appearance is anachronistic in the design chronology of the Macross universe, appearing far more areonautically advanced than the VF-1. 374908[/snapback] I would've taken Macross' excuse as "The originall was a low-bduget 80s TV show. Zero is a high-budget 00's OVA." Much like I used that as the "Why don't klingons in Kirk's era have have brow ridges" excuse. ... Then DS9 had to blow it to hell with "Trials and Tribble-ations."
  11. Except the N64 was highly profitable. If Sony loses that much marketshare, they'll be posting massive losses. They may anyways, if the PS3 launch is like the PS2 one was. At launch, and for some time afterwards, the PS2 was sold at a loss, subsidized by Sony's other divisions. Sony's other divisions aren't that profitable lately. That's what people forget. Nintendo doesn't have near as much volume as the other companies, but at the end of the day they're posting the highest profits because their business model doesn't REQUIRE high volume to be profitable. Nintendo systems post a profit from day 1. There's no red ink flowing at launch. Nintendo also produces a signifigant amount of 1st-party software. That's a LOT more profitable (per unit) than the licensing fees Sony and MS are collecting from 3rd parties, and which form the bulk of their game division profits. Licensing fees for Nintendo are gravy, not meat.
  12. Why? They aren't going to have enough stock shipping regardless of when they launch. It's by design.
  13. That's just silly. The nanomachines eat away at Macross disks, causing the split-disk syndrome.
  14. 2 thoughts, really. 1. I don't see why the Valk needs to look like a liquid that resists flow. 2. Why are you asking in teh site fedback forum?
  15. I don't seem to recall the scene where Kamjin burst out of Kakizaki's chest. Must've missed it somehow.
  16. Not likely. MS is still working on stabilzing their home footing. They'd be insane to split their focus with a portable right now.
  17. More users, really. Everyone is sending the parts of the file they have. So it's possible to download a complete file from a torrent with no seed if everyone has diffrent parts of the file in question, and there's enough partials to make a whole file.
  18. Actually, they don't own the rights to use Macross designs in ANY derivative works whatsoever. They can't them in new live-action OR animated productions. Hence why all the characters in The Sentinels were redesigned.
  19. Gunstar + Lego = Awesome++. The first one is definitely the better Gunstar, though the second one makes the better Lego kit. The third one sucks. It looks nothing like a Gunstar at all. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was trying to do Commbattler VWEE!. And then I would be impressed.
  20. You're a braver man than I.
  21. Phantasm. Any episode that uses the title animation signifigantly tops the charts, by default.
  22. A. Blak valkyries can't be evil. They're too cool. B. There's not a lot to compete with in the Milky Way. Most sentient life was exterminated during the war with the protodeviln and the sustained zentradi/supervision army combat afterwards. The zentradi continue to sterlize planets featuring civilization into the Macross 7 era(which is the most recent entry in the Macross timeline). What? NO! The Jeniuses are too badass to be assassinated! Now Hikaru and Misa... They're established as missing, and it'd bring closure to the Megaroad 1, albeit in a way sure to incite riots. But the anti-UN would be better told in the past era. An expansion on Macross Zero, or maybe even a pre-Zero story.
  23. And 2036 is non-canon.
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