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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Gunstar + Lego = Awesome++. The first one is definitely the better Gunstar, though the second one makes the better Lego kit. The third one sucks. It looks nothing like a Gunstar at all. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was trying to do Commbattler VWEE!. And then I would be impressed.
  2. You're a braver man than I.
  3. Phantasm. Any episode that uses the title animation signifigantly tops the charts, by default.
  4. A. Blak valkyries can't be evil. They're too cool. B. There's not a lot to compete with in the Milky Way. Most sentient life was exterminated during the war with the protodeviln and the sustained zentradi/supervision army combat afterwards. The zentradi continue to sterlize planets featuring civilization into the Macross 7 era(which is the most recent entry in the Macross timeline). What? NO! The Jeniuses are too badass to be assassinated! Now Hikaru and Misa... They're established as missing, and it'd bring closure to the Megaroad 1, albeit in a way sure to incite riots. But the anti-UN would be better told in the past era. An expansion on Macross Zero, or maybe even a pre-Zero story.
  5. And 2036 is non-canon.
  6. But did they have sexual relations with that woman?
  7. I think having one at a time is bad enough. Besides the whole idea behind that system would be to procreate. I'm not super cool on the idea of a dozen kids knocking on my door two decades from now calling me daddy or all these ex-girlfriends trying to get child support off me because the "UN Mass Repopulation Program" turns out to be like every other UN Program. The flight pay just ain't that good. 373357[/snapback] You forrget, the modern UN and the Macross UN are diffrent beasts. The Macross one is an actual world government(interplanetary government post-colonization), as opposed to a loose alliance of national governments that don't really have to do anything the UN says.
  8. Apparently you should.
  9. Still lost in space, I'd assume.
  10. Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 88% Serenity (Firefly) 88% Moya (Farscape) 81% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 75% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 75% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 69% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 69% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 63% SG-1 (Stargate) 44% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 44% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 31% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 6%
  11. My favorite movie summary ever was "Godzilla VS Mothra: Giant lizard Godzilla fights giant moth Mothra."
  12. They're kind of stuck. If someone has 10 games they bought at 50$ a piece when they were new, they have 500$ in software that's unusable without a new deck. Emulation isn't an option, and there's no compatible hardware. I don't see 10 games as an unreasonable level for a casual gamer. For someone that considers it a hobby, it's quite easy to have in excess of 2 grand locked up in one system's games, even with a bit of bargin-bin diving. At that point you can sell the games for a miniscule fraction of what you originally paid, keep them on the off chance a new system falls into your lap, or cough up another 150 for a new deck. For the casual gamer, the PS2 is likely the only system they have, and they've lost access to their entire game library. For the hobbyist gamer, sheer quantity of releases means the PS2 will likely make up the majority of their current-gen collection. 372853[/snapback] Ok , assuming the casual gamer has 10 games,, that they brought and played on their PS2. The System then breaks down. If the owner buys another PS2 for replacement it’s obvious that the owner like his 10 Ps2 games enough to spend some more money on a new PS2 in order to replay them. Why would you buy another PS2 to replay 10 or 20 games that you think sucks? But why would you HAVE games you think suck lying around? I make a point of getting rid of the stuff I don't like. I could assemble a list of 20 GREAT games for almost any system. And quite bluntly, the casual gamer likely DOES have 10 games that suck, though he'll debate the point. There's a disturbingly high number of casual gamers that think a game is good or bad based on how lavish an ad budget it has. Their opinion of the game is based on commercials and box pictures, and no actual game play will change that. A large percentage of these gamers have PS2s(because Sony has had the most lavish ad campaigns). WAY too many people are operating on the level of "Hey, I can make the shiny pictures on the screen move! This is awesome!" when evaluating games. ... Of course, it's the same market that's making retarded TV shows and movies successfuly, so it's not much of a surprise.
  13. They're kind of stuck. If someone has 10 games they bought at 50$ a piece when they were new, they have 500$ in software that's unusable without a new deck. Emulation isn't an option, and there's no compatible hardware. I don't see 10 games as an unreasonable level for a casual gamer. For someone that considers it a hobby, it's quite easy to have in excess of 2 grand locked up in one system's games, even with a bit of bargin-bin diving. At that point you can sell the games for a miniscule fraction of what you originally paid, keep them on the off chance a new system falls into your lap, or cough up another 150 for a new deck. For the casual gamer, the PS2 is likely the only system they have, and they've lost access to their entire game library. For the hobbyist gamer, sheer quantity of releases means the PS2 will likely make up the majority of their current-gen collection.
  14. Sony had their own stuff. They promised real-time graphics equivalent to FF7's FMV in 1st-gen software. In fact, they had a demontration of it running at E3, allegedly on real PS2 hardare(as things turned out, it ... wasn't.). We're not there NOW. Regardless of who said what quote, Sony lies. There's actual examples on the PS1, PS2, and even the PS3.
  15. I really should count my games again. I know my 2600/VCS is in the lead, with over a hundred carts and roughly 60 unique games. A lot of it was bulk aquisitions, hence why I have 4 and 5 copies of some games. Think my PS1 is first runner up. Something like 40 games. It's really not a very balanced collection. I plummet all the way down to one for XBox games(Panzer Dragoon. Don't have an XBox, or the #'d be higher). As far as completion goes... Virtual Boy is by far the highest percentage, at a whopping 86% of US-released games and 55% of all games(not counting regional variations). mazing how far 12 games goes when the entire system only has 14 US titles and 22 games total.
  16. *puts on steel collar* Seconded!
  17. Sadly, no. Video games only make news when coupled with violence or half-assed launches(which I'm pretty sure are only covered in anticipation of violence). Particularly as the systems weren't bad out of the box, but just wore out very fast. "Disk Read Error" is almost as well-known a phrase as "blow on the cart." As Mike said, Sony lost a lawsuit over it. The settlement only covered select models, however(SCPH-30001 through 50010. Surprisingly, the original 10001 isn't there).
  18. And that's what's REALLY important. 372478[/snapback] Quoted for truth. Bring on the holo-ta-tas. 372485[/snapback] Pervs. 372488[/snapback] Yeah, so? 372520[/snapback] An expression of admiration on my part. Now, if I could just see the M7 Bridge Bunnies naked, I would be a happy man. 372534[/snapback] I think there's some doujinshi....
  19. How do you know he's a witch? 372302[/snapback] Mob mentality? Um... bsu is a witch! Burn him! 372514[/snapback] Now we've just gone too far. bsu is a WARLOCK! You have to DROWN him!
  20. And that's what's REALLY important. 372478[/snapback] Quoted for truth. Bring on the holo-ta-tas. 372485[/snapback] Pervs. 372488[/snapback] Yeah, so?
  21. There was a 7800 version of Impossible Mission as well. And unlike the others, there wasn't any false advertising. Due to a programming bug, the game really WAS impossible.
  22. "I've met tons of people who think BloodRayne is way better than Underworld 2..." Yeah, he sure has his sights set high with that one... "And besides, says Boll, what exactly is it that we are expecting from him? After all, he is using videogames as his source material, and they're hardly reknowned for their complex characterisations and sophisticated narratives." Ummm... you ever consider choosing a source that you find more suited for the medium?
  23. It's not limited to visual art or non-commercial or anything like that, either. It IS just a fundamentally diffrent viewpoint. Japan's been very light on the emulation front, and as I understand things, most of that's because they view it as wrong and evil to pirate software that's been out of print for 2 decades. The exceptions tend to be on "hard core" systems like the Saturn and X68000, though there was A decent FamiCom emulator from Japan for a while. (For the record, SSF's latest release is probably the first truly viable Saturn emulator, though it takes a hell of a machine).
  24. And that's what's REALLY important.
  25. The only legit copies are japanese DVDs. And they are, obviously, japanese only. I'd recommend downloading fansubs.
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