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Everything posted by JB0

  1. So I shouldn't post pictures of the "transformable Mini Cooper"?
  2. But the VF-1 isn't near the size of an F-14 376903[/snapback] But it's bigger than it's single-mode contemporaries were. The Dragon 2 is longer, but the shape of the plane results in less overall volume, if I'm not mistaken. And volume is what we're concerned with. It's also not a design that lends itself well to a simple transformation. You're STILL not understanding what I mean. I'm saying they're using an older design because of volume reasons. There just wasn't physically enough space in a "modern" Macross-world plane to fit all the parts they needed, regardless of where they attached. The sleeker planes seen in Macross Plus and Seven are the direct result of advances in the technology that allow for more complex transformations and smaller parts. Without those advances, you're very limited in what kind of plane designs you can use.
  3. You apparently totally MISunderstand me. The VF-1, even if it were non-transformable, wouldn't look like real-world contemporaries because aviation went in a radically diffrent direction in the Macross universe. The flashbacks to Roy's service in the unification wars show planes that never existed in the real world. The timeline forks AT LEAST when the ASS-1 crashes in 1999. The presence of F-14s in Zero indicates that it can't fork before the F-14 came into service, and the Compendium lists F-14Ds, which means the D upgrade had to come out before the timelines diverged aviation-wise. That places us as matching Macross through 1990. Likely, 1999 was the point where things broke away from the real-world. From there they broke away FAST as overtechnology from the Macross let them do things they never dreamed of before. Any real-world planes in development as of 1999 would have been scrapped, as they were instantly rendered hopelessly obsolete before they ever made it into production. And the other point is simple... the VF-1 looks like a step backwards from Macross planes like flashback Roy's Dragon II because they had to compromise for the variable design. A Macross modern design had no room for arms, legs, chests, heads, or the massive pile of servos needed to move everything around. So they reverted to the older F14 and F15 designs so there would be enough room to put a robot inside.
  4. But of course!
  5. The first 2 points are continuity torubles. I was just speaking in terms of aesthetics and feature set. It wouldn't really make sense for the VF-1 to match real-world contemporaries, because 1. real-world fighter development didn't go in the same direction as Macross fighter development, and 2. The VF-1 was a first attempt at a variable fighter. The tech was primitive and placed severe restrictions on the vehicle design. Real-world planes lack any transformation mechanisms, and don't have to make compromises in the design to accomodate them. Essentially, the decision to integrate GERWALK and Battroid modes forced them to use a less "modern" fighter design than they otherwise could have.
  6. Heh. Sometimes it's mroe fun to make up a story. Teh mute button makes DragonBall Z watchable.
  7. As opposed to, say, Final Fantasy? 376716[/snapback] With a little trial an error (or even better, a FAQ) it doesn't take long to figure out the commands. I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying, dullness and ease of play haven't exactly stopped localizations before. Haven't played Giren's Greed, but I have played Front Mission 1 and 3. Forget why I quit playing 1, but 3 I was just spending more time in pre-battle menus than I was in battles, AND hit the point where I was getting my ass handed to me repeatedly no matter waht I did. The latter doesn't bother me in and of itself, but I'd rather it either hand my ass to me fast or only do it once or twice, not 6-8 times in a row, with each time taking an hour or so. It's a good game, and I'll come back later. It just becomes very easy to sink a lot of time into it and gain nothing.
  8. True. As opposed to, say, Final Fantasy?
  9. When did HG hire Mister Ed?
  10. Which is almost all lifted straight from DYRL. 376339[/snapback] In what way??, the animation for the game was made years later and it's even made in computer IIRC 376490[/snapback] SOME of the Saturn game animation was made years later. MOST of it was clipped from DYRL, digitized, and pasted in. 376578[/snapback] WOW!! I want to see a version of DYRL? with all that animation! Request new DYRL? directors cut! 376609[/snapback] Would actually be a good idea. The movie could do with the game lead-in. As-is, it's a somewhat disorienting beginning, especially if you haven't seen the TV series. ... We ARE both talking about the DYRL sidescroller, right? I didn't miss a game anywhere?
  11. Seems Atlus licensed SRW Original Generation and OG2 for localization. Sure it's not the anime crossover licensing nightmares we(or at least I) WANT to see, but ... SUPER ROBOT WARS! IN ENGLISH! LEGALLY! http://atlus.com/cgi-bin/press?press_release_id=11
  12. How does the saying go... 2% of the users, 98% of the attitude. Don't get me wrong, Macs are great machines, just not enough (in comparison to PC) software out there. Of course this is getting OT. That's my PoV too. Yeah, I do too. So much for that argument. As for Mac and Linux zealotry vs. Windows... the reason is probably because Mac and Linux users actually have something to be proud of with their operating systems. Please... I can crash any of the three in 5 minutes with the right software running. Admittedly, I haven't had much of a chance to muck with OSX yet, so my last experience was with the hacky kludge that is OS9. But I wouldn't be surprised if I could take OSX down equally fast. An operating system needs to do two things. It needs to provide a usable interface and it needs to run software. Windows is way ahead on the running software side of things, just because it has 95% of the market so most software is Windows-exclusive. This also makes it way ahead of the "running poorly-coded apps that explode in your face if you breathe wrong" side of things, just because there's more apps. Interface is down to personal preference. All things considered, the Mac interface is roughly equal to the Windows one. Linux has minimal effort spent on user-friendliness. The general attitude from the Linux camp seems to be that if they had to learn to do everything the old way, then so do you. It's the problem of having the entire OS and interface designed by computer geeks. I've got nothing against any of the OSes, really. But when people start ranting about how mine sucks and I'm a retard because I don't use their OS and so forth, it doesn't exactly engender any good will. The Mac heads are the ones most often running their mouths, but they look rational when a Linux zealot starts talking. ... Or acting. *shudders* One of the nice things about the Mac side is that while they can talk and talk and talk and talk, they CAN'T reformat your hard drive and install MacOS while you aren't looking(subject to change rapidly, as OSX86 has a hack out to let it do just that now). Linux zealots can and some of them will.
  13. May've been a minimal amount of usenet quibbling, but the online world was massively diffrent back then(and lots smaller). I disagree with your point of view on the TV series. The TV series is vastly superior in terms of writing. Agreed with teh movie version of Plus, though. So, I have only the OVA of plus, I take it I should really get the movie edition. I've read before too that it's better. Basically it was quite a surprise to me that there would be so noticeable difference. Yah. There's a lot less suspension of disbelief in-between the beginning and the end(most notably the bullshit "I stuck live ammo into his gun so he'd throw it away and start punching me and I could steal his gun, then shoot him and frame him for attempted murder all at once" segment is gone), and the YF-21 VS Ghost fight is light-years ahead of the OVA version.
  14. Which is almost all lifted straight from DYRL. 376339[/snapback] In what way??, the animation for the game was made years later and it's even made in computer IIRC 376490[/snapback] SOME of the Saturn game animation was made years later. MOST of it was clipped from DYRL, digitized, and pasted in.
  15. Was it set per block of hours plus per minute if you went over? (like cell phone plans do now?) Just curious.... 376405[/snapback] Depended on the ISP. I think some were free on those hours. I'm glad we got past the per-minute charges on internet usage. Even today, a lot of thngs just run faster during those hours. Lot less people hitting the servers.
  16. And as long as you don't preach it, I don't mind. I'm a firm believer in competition, and I'm glad to see Apple's market share rise in recent years(though it's still got a long way to go). Mac users are just an easy target for jokes because of the zealotry with which a small minority will push the product. I'm sure you know the kind I mean. At the rate things are going, it'll all be Linux cracks in a few more years, though. The Mac zealots have calmed down a lot, and the Linux guys are getting louder lately.
  17. If Harmony Gold is evil, then you should probably turn off your computer and chuck it in the trash because Microsoft is evil as well. Or reformat and install Linux. ... Hey, OSX x86 has a hack out to make it run on ANY IBM clone instad of just Apple's. Apple isn't evil, right? Ten thousand raving fanboys can't be wrong.
  18. Which kind of metal? 376382[/snapback] I'm betting magnesium.
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!... I'd watch it.
  20. Yah. That was what I meant too. PLAY AS TEH JPOP SINGER!
  21. No. While sexually segregarted, the zentradi in teh series are coworkers, not archnemesises... nemeses... whatever. Because no matter where you are, english is the language of choice for aviation.
  22. Ah yes... all the way back to Art of Fighting, if I recall. I always play as him. Galford has the dog(was checking something for someone recently, and that was one of 2 characters that got playtime) Didn't realize he was a pallete swap + new head. I'll have to look closer next time I fire it up.
  23. *thinks* Was Hanzo, right? I like Samurai Shodown, but I don't play it very often.
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