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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Ah. The Pope-heads! They do look goofy.
  2. I haven't played that game in years but IIRC there were two endings, right? Two entire stories, actually. All depending on one dialog choice after... the second mission? Absurdly early in the game. 377893[/snapback] Wasn't it right before the second mission? SPOILER ALERT. Right when Ryogo asks you whether or not you want to goto the construction site? Yah. That sounds right. It's been a long time. My sister answered no. I'd guessed it had a good chance of being the fork. As I've never beaten the game, I've never started a new file, and seen the other side of the plot.
  3. No biggie. I get that a lot. I think it's more that there's no actual reason TO close the thread yet. Admittedly, better threads have been closed for lesser reasons than those present here(regardless of your views, there ARE some fair justifications for a lock buried), but it all comes down to the whim of the guy with the button.
  4. I haven't played that game in years but IIRC there were two endings, right? Two entire stories, actually. All depending on one dialog choice after... the second mission? Absurdly early in the game.
  5. Unless your salad dressing is made of people... "Soylen dressing is PEOPLE!!!" *laughs* FLYING PICKLES!1111
  6. You know, you actually have no capacity to close this thread. Unless a mod or admin is offended by/pities it, it continues in perpetuity until it ceases to draw posts. At some message boards, the announcement that you were going to kill your thread would merely convince the powers that be to leave it open in perpetuity for amusement purposes. Vee. Eff. Zero. A weak-minded fool. And a troll. And a good source of comic relief. I didn't call you stupid. Implied, perhaps. There's a big diffrence there. See, we all HAD this discussion back when Macross Zero came out. Everyone recognized the VF-0 as a VF-1 remake, and we had a big back-and-forth about whether the real VF-1 should have been used or if the VF-0 was actually a decent idea.
  7. Geh?! Even more confuzzled. No wonder it doesn't quite look like a VF-4 in battroid mode. That means in that opening scene where i'm quite sure Max was using the VF-4, Miria wasn't using the VF-4. Gotta go home to check later. Whitedrewcarrey: In a way it looks kinda cute, almost like a JM. I'm not really fond of the newer VFs with the cockpit as the head though. Was the VF-9 called the VF-X-11 during prototype as described by MAHQ? 377846[/snapback] I don't think any of them use the cockpit as the head. They have an obnoxious folding nosecone that buries it inside the chest, though.
  8. Calling the VF-0 anorexic and using the above side-by-side lineart pics for comparison is being a bit unfair to the VF-0. Although in the above pics, the VF-1 and VF-0 appear to be the same size, this is not the case. The above pics are not in scale to each other and in fact the VF-0 is actually much larger than the VF-1. See the pic below for a correct in-scale comparison of the VF-1 and VF-0. Far from being anorexic, the VF-0 looks like it could easily kick sand in the face of the VF-1. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/graham...-comparison.jpg Graham 377832[/snapback] It still has skinny girly arms.
  9. You know the MacZero section consists of 3 stick figures of Shin, Roy, and a VF-0, right?
  10. True. It dos slow things down a lot. Was better when you forced an eject with your handgun, and they were dumb enough to let you steal it next turn.
  11. The VF-1 was also, in-continuity, designed as an airplane first and foremost. The Lancer 2 was intended to be humanity's primary space fighter. And it's more "western" in styling. INERTIAL DAMPERS! YAY! Of course, the original trilogy Star Destroyers(which are much larger than their prequel counterparts) were also built in space and never meant to enter an atmosphere. On the other hand... NEVER take a TIE into an atmosphere. Repulsors or not, those solar sails mean it has NO maneuverability(and yet, the novels and comics insist the Empire used them for atmospheric combat instead of something that can turn...). The A-wing looks pretty streamlined, even though it's not really designed for aerodynamic flight. If I had to take a Star Wars fighter into the atmosphere, that'd be the one I'd use.
  12. They're close enough that I've had many people tell me tha tthey can't tell one Gundam from another. The VF-1 comes in roughly a dozen diffrent paint schemes. As near as I can tell, he just dislikes the idea of retroactively overhauling his creations, so he gave it a new name and tweaked the chronology a bit to get the VF-1 out of deployment for that time period(the original timeline had the VF-1 in mass-production and deployment by the time of MacZero). It's pretty freaking obvious to anyone that LOOKS at the dang thing. The only possible cause of confusion is chronic stupidity. VEE. EFF. ZERO. The whole "unofficial redesign" thing Bandai keeps pulling is just retarded. The only reason they do it is so they have more model kits to push. It's also why recent Gundam shows have had more than one "Gundam."
  13. 'Cept he didn't take her home. He clubbed her and then went back to her place instead of bringing her home.
  14. I feel the opposite; I liked managing a small squad of chars with their own specialty. However, this really hurt in the missions when ALL the chars have to be thrown in because only 5 out of ten of my members would be up to par with the enemy. With FM1, you're given around 18 members, but I still used only 4 or five of them. As soon as they gained a couple of key skills, they tore up every mission. To make matters worse for the enemy, the weight restriction was real loose, so I could have a Wanzer with two missile launchers, a shotgun, AND a claw arm. Oh, and I can't forget the handy supply truck that repairs all broken limbs. With all that, FM1 is the only FM game that allows one member to win battles by himself. 377538[/snapback] Heh. I should clarify. I hate when games give you a lot of characters, offer no valid reason for any of them to be kicking back and relaxing, then restrict what you can deploy in a fight where there's no sane REASON to be holding anything back. Even a "tag-in" concept, where you could bring reinforcements in as the main force fell, would vastly improve things. It's actually a long-running peeve of mine in any genre. It's insane, it blows the hell out of continuity, and it gets on my nerves. ... Especially when my 4th and final Wanzer loses it's last arm to run about like a headless chicken and THERE'S ONLY TWO ENEMIES LEFT ON THE FIELD! I have no desire to play the same stage over and over and over in the simulator to build levels, (maybe) learn skills, and scrape up cash for upgrades. I despise level-building grinds like that. If it had a random map generator to kill the monotony, I'd be more interested. And seriously, this was bothering me long before I hit the wall.
  15. Could be worse. A small site logo is by far the least offensive "substitute" image I've ever seen.
  16. Hell that sounds better than the battle assault series...wait a tick...why not just turn the battle assault series into that. Maybe a patch. 377333[/snapback] I'd buy it. Pr'ly won't show up as a patch. The 2D Battle Assault games hade a fairly elaborate sprite engine. Each piece of the mech is a seperate sprite, and they use the PS' rotation hardware to animate them. That's how they get fluid animation with battle damage on large sprites with the PS1's limited RAM. Sexy little hardware trick too, if I say so myself(I love seeing creative hacks to work around system limitations, and they're rarely as visible on the modern platforms). But! Battle-damaged MS girls! The 3D one... 3D's just harder to work with and I'd bet their engine is ill-suited to showing flesh.
  17. FM3 was actually the last FM game I played. I disliked how few units you could field at a time. YES! I hate SRPGs that give you a pile of units, then place a low cap how many you can field. I always subscribed to the mass chaos theory. Throw a million units out and overwhelm the enemy with numbers. FM3 was worse about it since all the mechs were THERE storywise, they just put their guns up or something.
  18. I think KAwamori should hire Katoki to redesign all the VFs. And give them beamsabers.
  19. Great. 2 of the ugliest(but not THE ugliest, as I have been shown before) super robots to ever disgrace the genre. 377343[/snapback] I knew you are gonna say that. 377488[/snapback] Damn, I'm getting predictable... Ummm... GRENDIZER AND JEEG ARE PERFECTION IN EVERY WAY! VOLTRON IS A FESTERING HEAP OF POO!
  20. No. And even without the legal nonsense, the pile of licenses they'd need for a US release pretty much ensures the anime crossover ones won't make it. The 2 SRW games licensed are Original Generation and OG2. Neither features any anime mecha.
  21. Macross isn't whored out the same way Gundam is. And when Kawamori HAS designed new VFs for merchandising, he's given them new numbers and attached a story. I think it would be safe to extrapolate that he's just not a fan of the shameless recycling of designs Bandai does. The VF-0 exists PRECISELY to avoid having two diffrent VF-1 designs floating around. Then go with the dang VF-0 already. Paint scheme is meaningless on a VF. Especially the VF-1. And the Katoki Wing is a pretty poor way of making your point with the VF-11, given Katoki radically changed the thing. I'd argue a VF-11 is as close to a VF-1 as Wing Ka is to original Wing. Your "picture" has almost no detail. It's hard to tell what ANYTHING is. Besides which, an 11S could've been done. It's never been drawn because it's never been needed. Like I said, there are TWO "remakes" of the VF-1 already. If you don't like one, there's another one waiting for your attention. This whole thread is just stupid.
  22. You are wrong. It's the vast majority of people on this thread saying that. The few that aren't are here out of morbid curiosity. Hey, if Japan built this, everyone would be happy! There's a jet in it!
  23. Apology accepted, then. It really SHOULDN'T be modernized. Kawamori COULD have made a much mroe complex transformation then. He could've done it on the VF-0, also. He chose not to, because the people IN MACROSS can't do it yet. It wouldn't make sense for a VF-1 to have as complex a transformation as a YF-19, because the YF-19 has three decades of technological evolution in it. It was, within the Macross continuity, a first attempt at a variable fighter. The mechanisms used in the VF-1 were big, bulky, and only capable of doing simple transformations. It'd be like making a movie set in the 1970s and using LCD TVs on the set. Once you scrap the basic design of the VF-1 and start integrating design features from later VFs you can't really call it a VF-1, can you? If you want a more modern VF, we have the 4, 11(which seems to be exactly what you're looking for), 19, and 21. If you want a restyled VF-1, we have the VF-0. I don't see a point behind redesigning the VF-1 when it's been done twice already, particularly not if it won't actually be USED for anything. IT'S. JUST. STUPID.
  24. And the boxy leading edge is stolen from the F-15. Also gives the plane enough fuselage to make a decent chest, which is difficult to do without either a large splitting fuselage or a far more elaborate folding nose like the YF-19 has. That part wasn't a negative comment. I was just guessing at where you were going with it. And the eyeroll smiley gives that apology the feel of sarcasm. I'm not sure if that was the intent or not.
  25. Great. 2 of the ugliest(but not THE ugliest, as I have been shown before) super robots to ever disgrace the genre. 377343[/snapback] ...did you just call Grendizer a 'disgrace'? what the christ 377404[/snapback] Aesthetically speaking, yes.
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