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Everything posted by JB0
They may have been. They amy also have been assimilated into the new Varuta army. Are you perhaps implying the YF-1R ISN'T totally awesome?
I use games for tuning too. Symphony of the Night used to be a favored one for some reason. As far as DVD/PS2 diffrences... run the calibration DVD on the PS2? One thing I've noticed with my freebie Screenzilla is that everything I have hooked to it is starting and ending the image at diffrent places. ... Especially my NES. It shifts the picture WAY to the right. Mmmm... makes sense. I'm admittedly not very familiar with that aspect. I know they use RCA jacks, though! Yah. Good LCD = big sticker. Most people can't tell the diffrence, so skimping on the driver circuits is a good way to cut costs. Super-blue is odd, really. They overdrive the red because more red makes the TVs look "better" at a glance. I say that everywhere... HDTVs being fed HD source material that's been downsampled to NTSC RF so they can feed all their TVs the same signal scares me. Side effect of flatscreen, if I recall. You can't have the beam focused at the center AND the sides unless the tube has a spherical surface. So the beam is focused at the center, since that's the most important part, and gets progressively worse further out. On a widescreen, this aggravates things greatly.
Actually JB0 I think you just fell into a trap set by one of my pet peeve sites Dave Deitrich's Macross Mecha designs. Like the RRG it fills in it's own (mostly well reasoned) BS to fill out the descriptions of most mecha and ships, but unlike the RRG it doesn't point out where it's BS and where it's official. I haven't found anything in the official continuity to support his claim that the ASS-2 was never found again (incidentally I do believe that term ASS-2 is his creation as well). If you can point me to some piece of info supporting this that's not on Dave's site I'd love to see it. 389021[/snapback] Well, poo. I THOUGHT I'd seen that on the Compendium. Checked the right area of the chronology, and nothing. Mind must be playing tricks on me. ASS-2 was just a more convenient name than "that wrecked supervision army ship in the factory satellite episode." Logically it'd be ASS-4,750,000 or something, since we ran into a lot of alien vessels fighting the Zentradi.
Switchbox? That's what I use to manage excess s-video and composite feeds. ... That and plug-swapping...
And the fact that the official continuity says they couldn't find it when they went back supports the booby-trap notion. The trap failed, so it folded somewhere else to wait and try again.
That's what I've heard. Of course, a bad CRT is better than a bad LCD, just because it behaves exaftly like all TVs for the past 50 years. No resampling, persistance, artifacting, banding, just fuzz. There's so much involved in an LCD that I'm incredibly cynical about them as a rule. Maybe. ... Or maybe someone will roll out the neural interface and we can quit converting electrical impulses into light so our eyes can convert them back into electrical impulses. </tech-fetish>
Awww. I got a 33" monitor free recently. Replaced an ancient composite-only TV(current gen stuff was on a 32" Sony in another room, so this also unified all my games on one screen). Not really HD-suited(won't go past 800*600@60), but it's sharp(and I don't have anything HD-capable yet). Got composite, s-video, and RGBHV, which should fill in for component in most cases. Downside is I need to drag a VCR in here to return my Atari-era stuff to operation(I only really PLAY the 5200, but the Big Sexy justifies it). I'm still baffled as to how they NEED that big of a brick. Their hardware team needs to be slapped.
Really? I see a LOT of diffrence between composite and s-video. Haven't done a proper s-video/RGB/component comparison. Largely because my systems lack standard outputs, and I don't really feel like blowing a hundred bucks on cables just to test.
Awww, c'mon... Everyone knows you aren't a REAL mod until your first abuse of power.
I always assumed the major diffrences between the 2 vessels were because the ASS2 was a twisted and mangled wreckage.
Funky. This is most definatly one of those situations where the games quality could go either way. I just hope that the game has something like a storyline. hehe. I don't care about the plot, as long as tri-Ace maintains their usual fun factor in the gameplay. I'd like to see both Macross AND a tank game using a modernized variant of Sony's old Dual Analog joysticks. ... And another Sandlot game. Their games are just too darn fun to not get the treatment.
You may be doomed, but you have saved others with your sacrifice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHXLkIv6ML4...&page=1&t=t&f=b This is not sucky. It carries the JB Seal of Quality.
I've heard that. I'd like to know how it's encoded on the disk. Varying depths of the pits or what?
And as always, a game I must have shows up for a system I had very little interest in before. "Microsoft announced they have partnered with tri-Ace to develop and exclusive RPG for Xbox 360, the game will be jointly developed by tri-Ace and Microsoft Game Studios."
The new icons are sexy.
Mech VS squishie... I love Bandai.
It's not backwards-compatible with anything but the GameCube. It has downloadable emualtors for the others. TurboCD would be more appropriate. Sayuing TurboDuo games is like calling SegaCD software CDX games.
Later revisions of the PS2 have turned a profit. But MS and Sony DID get in a price war with the GameCube, sort of. They kept their prices 50$ above the 'Cube. Nintendo's "ZOMG KIDDIE!1111" reputation meant they didn't have to price-match, but they couldn't let the 'Cube get too far ahead, or they became "overpriced." Another important factor to remember is that while the PS2 console itself was initially sold at a loss, the Computer Entertainment division of Sony was still profitable. And, right now, most of Sony's other divisions aren't. So, while Microsoft can lose more money than some countries' annual GDP on the the Xbox/360, figuring they'll make it back through Windows and what not, Sony can't afford to lose too much money on hardware.... SCE's profits make up for the money their losing on televisions. Nintendo, mind you, is sitting pretty right now. The Revolution could be a spectacular failure (which I doubt), costing Nintendo millions... and they'll make it all back on the DS, which is apparently like some kind of license to print yen in Japan right now. 388285[/snapback] As I understand things, Nintendo is one of the most profitable entertainment companies on Earth. If I recall the last numbers I saw, in terms of software companies they posted profits greater than the #2 and #3 slots combined. It's amazing how everyone glosses that over. Last year everyone was going on about how Nintendo's profits were down 80% and such. Everyone ran around chattering about how it was proof Nintendo was doomed and Sony or MS was going to buy them out, while ignoring the fact that Nintendo was posting a profit while MS' game division and Sony as a whole were posting losses. I'm not sure if it was more funny or sad.
Later revisions of the PS2 have turned a profit. But MS and Sony DID get in a price war with the GameCube, sort of. They kept their prices 50$ above the 'Cube. Nintendo's "ZOMG KIDDIE!1111" reputation meant they didn't have to price-match, but they couldn't let the 'Cube get too far ahead, or they became "overpriced." Yes. We need news! The scary part is this is downright talkative for Nintendo. Historically, they've acted like everything's a classified need-to-know kill-if-it's-leaked secret of the utmost importance.
Typically, the game industry uses a 1:1 exchange rate for USD-Euro prices. It's part of why Europe just isn't a signifigant part of the market. If they get in a price war with the Rev, they're screwed. Period.
And people wonder why anyone would think Sony's in trouble...
You haven't lived until you've seen an SD VF-1 strike a pose. Oh sweet! Info High, FM synth style!
No.I know where to download a disk image, though. ROM doesn't mean "pirated software"
If I had to bet... pillarboxing of 4:3 sources. Well they better because the signals change over pretty soon! Anyways I kinda pity the people who have HD and get the Rev with it's lower resolution, because they are either gonna be switching back and forth between screen ratio's all the time or will have an ugly black ring around their screen. 387129[/snapback] A. There ARE 4:3 HD modes. B. Letter/pillar-boxing isn't that ugly. People are just obsessed with having full screen coverage. Which is why TV manufacturers make sets with absurdly high overscan. It guarantees no one will see any evil unused screen, regardless of how off they ship the sets.