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Everything posted by JB0

  1. If by "a little light on the paint apps" you mean "completely devoid of paint", you do recall correctly.
  2. I had a friend with the jet and helicotper, if I recall.
  3. Well, F-15s also don't have giant freaking laser cannons attached to their sides. I'd say this is somewhat different than swapping parts on real world jets. 403236[/snapback] They also don't fold into giant robots bent on interstellar domination.
  4. ! I FORGOT! I wanted XPanders toys. They were these miltary-ish vehicles, and you tripped a button or switch that released a clip, and they folded out into a gun platform or seomthing. I got a jeep and a 3-wheeled motorbike thing, but the line died before I could get anything else.
  5. *shudders at the thought of ANY Toonami being considered "old-school"* Let's see... The die-cast lion Voltron set. I never got past Yellow and Green. And they broke. Sky Lynx. Saw it on a shelf, thought it looked awesome. Didn't get it. Optimus Prime. I got PowerMaster Prime, and then the Gen2 reissue, but it wasn't the same. Mainly because I was a heck of a lot older, and a hell of a lot less forgiving of a toy with such limited articulation. Jetfire. I got one from a friend much later, but it looks like he lost a duel with Starscream. His armor's broken, his gun is gone, and there's some nasty gouges in the nose like a dog chewed on it. Pretty much anything from MASK. I wanted MASK toys, but I wanted Transformers more. The "SDF-1" toy. How could anyone NOT want it? An NES. I got one eventually. From my cousin after the PS and Saturn came out. And just to scrape the barrel a little... a BioDread Strike Fighter. Captain Power was one of the few shows where I really wanted the badguys. That's probably all the signifigant stuff.
  6. It WAS a good line. But still no "wockawockawocka."
  7. How so? It's a student parody film of video game adaptations these days. What's there to hate? 403126[/snapback] These days? Are you implying they EVER knew how to do it right(other than to not do it at all)?
  8. Starscream says: "Back off. I need posable feet."
  9. Oh there is a Macross game for nes? I don't think I have seen it. Hey quick semi-off topic, which emulators are good for master system and nes? I was pretty lost with them, once when I tried to figure it out. 403012[/snapback] The most accurate NES emulator is Nintendulator. But it's slow(side effect of accurate emulation, sadly) and lacking in features. NESTopia is the best overall right now, if I recall. Master System... I think Kega is the best for that. I haven't kept close tabs on it. The FamiCom Macross game is really one of my favorites in the series. Just random blowing up of stuff while Shao Pai Lon plays in the background. I assume you mean unzipped it. It should just drop in and replace your current one. Either way, there's documentaiton inside the zip that explains everything. If you weren't using MAME, but actually using MAME32, you probably aren't very familiar with command-line applications and need a frontend. I recommend EmuLoader. http://www.mameworld.net/emuloader/
  10. Probably, actually. 402978[/snapback] Crap --- I'm not sure what version it is, but it IS an older one. I'd better see if there's a newer one. http://www.mame.net/ http://planetemu.net/ 402992[/snapback] Thank you, JB0! I ran the "rechercher" function on Planetemu, and found out that macross has some other stuff (choujikuu?) written in front of it. That was my problem! As for the new version of mame, I wish I could understand the site better. Do I download a binary archive? Source code? I'm kinda' lost. Thanks once again! 402997[/snapback] Binary. Source is the actual code. It's useless without a compiler, and only really useful with some programming knowledge.
  11. Probably, actually. 402978[/snapback] Crap --- I'm not sure what version it is, but it IS an older one. I'd better see if there's a newer one. http://www.mame.net/ http://planetemu.net/
  12. Probably, actually.
  13. Works here... Are you getting sound out of other MAME games? What version of MAME are you using?
  14. I don't care if he's hot pink with a Nerf sticker if it opens the door for a classic Shockwave. Hmmm... I wonder what the new Meg would look like in solid purple... Speaking of which... Shockwave and Galvatron weren't realistic guns either. Of course, they weren't Megatron. Not bad. It's no Bug, but they managed to get the general feel(spoiler aside). And after all these years of waiting, Bumblebee finally has HANDS.
  15. Darn right, you son of a daughter!
  16. You don't, but Sony does. Sony doesn't give two licks about the console segment, much less the XBOX 360 itself. Sony's crosshairs are on Toshiba and HD-DVD... The PS3 is Sony's budget first gen Blu-Ray player. That's a damn foolish thing to do, given that the PlayStation has been the only thing keeping them from bankruptcy recently. I think it was less than a year ago that Sony Computer Entertainment(AKA the PlayStation division) was the ONLY part of the company to post a profit. They NEED to focus on the actual game market until their finances stabilize. The 500 unit still has BluRay. Which is a large part of the problem. BluRay just isn't cheap enough for mass market yet. And the gimped version isn't for people like me. It's still a grossly overpriced game console. I think 400 is a grossly overpriced game console, actually. I'm watiing for the 360 to have a round of price cuts before I start seriously looking at it. That depends on if the PS1's multi-out connector makes good enough connection for hi-def component video. Flash RAM slots matter to me. That's it, though. I think I said as much earlier. Unless I want to move some data off the system. Maybe take it to a friend's house, or import some PS1/2 saves(which will also require the purchase or construction of a memory card reader). We don't know that the PS3 outperforms the 360, and won't until software is actually available. I have serious concerns, given the Cell is almost all floating-point math and video games are primarily integer math. The 360 processor has 3x the integer power of the PS3 processor, given they both run at 3.2 GHz. And there's the possibility of major bottlenecks in the system design. All the processing power in the world isn't any good if you can't move the data around equally fast. Such bottlenecks plagued the PS2 for it's entire life. But the damage from the initial price is done. A lot of people are pissed about it, even though it won't really be available at launch. And 4-5 hundred is STILL too much in my opinion. I consider 300 the price cap for a game console, as do a lot of other people(there's a very good reason MS has 2 versions of the 360).
  17. Anamorphic widescreen means the widescreen image takes up the entire frame on the media. As opposed to letterboxing, where part of the frame is sacrificed for black bars. Just widescreen could refer to either approach. The problem with letterboxing is that since the whole frame isn't used, the picture has a lower resolution than an anamorphic one. The advantage to letterboxing is that on a media without anamorphic support, such as VHS or LaserDisk, a TV would have to be manually adjusted to get an anamorphic image to display properly(if the necessary controls are even available to the end user). But every DVD player out there supports anamorphic video, so there's no advantage to letterboxing on DVD.
  18. Agreed. Post space war 1 (and the annihilation of Earth's surface) anything goes. It could be 'space bucks' for all we know. Though, as Macross is made in Japan, I feel the producers leaning towards the Yen... Except Japan doesn't exist anymore either. The yen would be equally illogical, though their currency would probably closely match real-world yen values for purposes of familiarity. But it's the most logical option. With all the old nations destroyed, and the New UN being the only notable government, it makes sense for them to make a currency that isn't tied to a specific nation. Cliche sci-fi "credits" in short. Perhaps. But the UN after the unification war is far more powerful than the modern-day UN. It's possible they had a UN equivalent of the euro circulating alongside national currencies, or even replacing them.
  19. XBox does, and it's a PC. It's all a matter of how it's marketed. Put it in the right box, with the right software running, and no one cares. Which was really my point. Like I said... start with a Vaio. Sony doesn't HAVE to sell a boatload of them to lower the tech price. HP, Dell, and everyone else does it for them. Use XPEmbedded. Add a Media Center-style interface to it(which is really what the PSP and PS3 have). Add a few proprietary software hooks for drop-in gaming. Maybe use a custom graphics card variant(again, like the PS3 and XBox). You have a system with virtually no hardware development costs, that performs as well as anything you could've developed in-house, and it's still got a console-like hardware consistency and interface. I actually don't do a lot of gaming on my PC.I just don't see where a 600$ game machine justifies itself when it's half-assing a home theater PC's job. PS3 actually matches the price of a low-end HTPC, and it's a much more limited device. You're locked in to Sony's music store, Sony's movie store, Sony's choice of formats, etc. The quick and dirty example of this is the ubiquitous iPod. Got a pile of iTunes tracks you wanna listen to? If you have a HTPC, it's no issue. If you have a PS3... it is.
  20. I'm not actually AGAINST extra features, but they shouldn't come at the cost of game functionality or drive the price up past a certain point. The fundamental problem with building up game consoles is that once the price rises to where they're competing with PCs, they get stomped by the PCs. Consoles can't fight with PCs on an even footing. They're far lower-end, but they're far cheaper because of it. That price is what makes them a viable option. I've already got a PC that can do more than a PS3 or XBox 360. The fact that it can't do BluRay right now is a minor issue, given that a BR drive takes about 5 minutes to add. If they want to blur the lines, they should just make a PlayStation Vaio and be done with it. Put a keyboard on the system case like the old Commodore64 and company, ship with a Vaio-branded USB gamepad, and just call it a day. Competing with PCs isn't a winnable fight.
  21. I don't keep score, honestly. If you hadn't said it, I wouldn't have even noticed. I find "fart" hilarious, though.
  22. And Battlebots was just America\'s version of the british \"Robot Wars\" only less appealing. 402391[/snapback] Wasn\'t both just radio controlled lawnmowers with nailguns strapped on them? 402476[/snapback] Pretty much. 402558[/snapback] that\'s not fair... sometimes they had hammers. 402593[/snapback] Robot Wars actually banned ranged weapons, so hammers were a rather popular weapon. Except they didn\'t work worth crap. Most popular attack seemd to be a wedge-shaped front so they could run under the other guy and flip him. 402611[/snapback] Weak. What kind of an attack is that?? 402658[/snapback] A surprisingly effective one.
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