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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I have an idea... The Constructicons were scaled down and re-issued in the Generation 2 toyline. It won't be quite as imposing as the REAL Devastator, but it'll likely be far cheaper than getting a complete vintage Devastator, and higher quality than the bootleg. Nah, but likely it will be PG-13 at most in the US.There were a number of crazy people who jumped on the Transformers bandwagon (there have been alot since 2004) that demanded that Transformers will suck unless it was rated R18 with explicit human violence. And sex. YES, inappropriate sex in a movie based upon a toyline sold to kids. You know, because all the 'True Fans' are adults now who can handle seeing Spike have sex with his girlfriend. Morons. 413590[/snapback] Spike would NEVER have sex with his girlfriend! We all KNOW he's gay for Bumblebee!
  2. But my point was I want free selection. Hmmm... I wonder if there's any Action Replay codes to use the QRau... Blech. No such luck.
  3. Not really. We're only counting electrical power, but thermodynamics counts all energy. As a more conventional example: By our count, burning coal generates far more energy than we put into it. By thermodynamic's count, it generates far less, with most of it being lost as heat. They're getting really close. I'd bet in the next decade it'll be viable. And actually, there HAS been one totally viable solution. Unfortunately, it was deemed a serious security issue, as the solution involved blowing up a constant supply of fusion weapons in a cavern underground. It worked, but the steady supply of nuclear weapons moving into the facility would've made it far too easy to "lose" a few, so the project was abandoned.
  4. Of course. Remember, this is the root that everything else is based on. Even MSIE borrowed a lot of look and feel from Netscape Navigator, and Mozilla Suite was the next generation of Netscape. Seamonkey is just Mozilla Suite after the Mozilla Foundation terminated their namesake and forbade anyone continue it under the old name. Remember, Seamonkey is an unofficial project(though Mozilla Foundation HAS provided an infrastructure for it's development, and it WAS a Mozilla product as the Mozilla Suite, it's not considered one anymore). But yeah. Mozilla Foundation seems to believe they should focus on one or 2 products to the exclusion of all else. As soon as they shifted their focus from Mozilla to Firefox and Thunderbird, Mozilla almost totally disappeared from the Mozilla website well before it was killed. And while they have other products, mentioning them would take time away from pimping Firefox and Thunderbird.
  5. The problem is making a fusion reactor WORK. Fission is easy, but fusion is a lot more difficult. To date, there are no successful fusion power plants, though they have a few that hypothetically would have surpassed break-even if they'd actually been equipped to generate electricity(break-even is the point where you get as much usable energy out of the reactor as you put into starting and sustaining the fusion reaction).
  6. But the pickles were only in the original series and DYRL. I R CONFUZZLED!
  7. Yeah, I know what you mean. What you describe isn't possible TODAY. No, they were hacked. It's the only way for there to have been any translation at all. ... Actaully, I lie. It's possible the original games were like that. A lot of original japanese games have the basic stuff in english. Heck, the FamiCom controls are even labelled in english(actually, all game systems since then have been). Japan's wierd about that for some reason.
  8. No fun at all. Just take my post as a joke, like it was intended.
  9. They're doing another OG series? Fun.
  10. They were promising translations? That's funny. 413350[/snapback] No, they weren't. Then why did you throw in that they didn't translate it? I know the NES is radically diffrent in design from the FamiCom. I know about copiers too. I also know the diffrence between ROMs and ROM images. The FamiCom also had an official disk drive that was discontinued largely because pirates had adopted it as their preferred format. I call bulllshit here. Even today there's no way to do an auto-translator. Not even for even just menus. You were playing hacked ROM images and didn't know it. There's a lot more in a FamiCom->SNES adapter than remapping cartridge pins. While the SNES was undoubtedly designed with backwards-compatibility in mind, the final result was NOT compatible. The "adapters" contain an entire NES clone inside them, and use the SNES solely for controller input. The Sega Genesis, however, WAS backwards-compatible. Aside from making SMS carts connectable, all the Power Base Converter had to do was tell the Genesis it was in 8-bit mode instead of 16-bit mode.
  11. Indeed. Melt down is a fission-exclusive effect. You'd get a nice fireball out of a fusion reactor, but nothing really explosive since there's not enough fuel in the reactor for a weapons-grade reaction or enough pressure to sustain fusion once it ruptures. Yup. A. Valks use fusion. A clean fusion reaction, no less. There's nothing to decontaminate. B. A damaged fusion reactor likely WILL explode, just not in the sort of detonation that even a small nuclear bomb provides. Expect something more akin to a damaged blowtorch. C. The VF-1's reactor generates 650 megawatts plus engine thrust per engine, and it has 2(the compendium entry implies each engine has it's own reactor). That's 1300 megawatts per VF, which is comparable to modern real-world nuclear power plants. Fission and fusion are fundamentally diffrent technologies to start with, though. Most notably, fusion doesn't require a large mass of highly radioactive substances and many fusion reactions don't leave signifigant radioactive substances behind(but even the dirtiest fusion reactions are far cleaner than fission reactions). There's a disturbingly prominent confusion surrounding fission and fusion as well as weapons and generators that rears it's head every time this subject comes up. In short: Fission is dirty. Fusion isn't. Generators don't blow up like bombs because they're built to create a sustained and controlled reaction instead of a single violent uncontrolled burst of supreme power.
  12. But in the cartoon series later they established that a "dead" transformer COULD be rebuilt(and very very early in the comic books). Thus, Optimus Prime returned from the grave in an attempt to regain supreme leadership of children's television... I mean of the noble Autobot warriors. They're symbols that carry no meaning except to the autobots and decepticons. Why hide them? Mirage had optical camoflauge, though! Yes! Awesome action sequences are a must!
  13. Here's the problem. It's based on an H game. But there's no sex. They only even come close once. There's barely even any nudity. There you have it, the Y chromosome review of Fate.
  14. But it HAS an anime series. 2, actually. They recently did an OVA based on OG, and there's also a TV series about Cybuster. Sadly, no one has yet gotten the raw testicular fortitude needed to deal with the licensing mess for a anime crossover Super Robot War anime.
  15. Because a breached reactor actually isn't anything like a bomb. Beyond that... In space scenes, spherical explosions are correct for ANY detonation other than a shaped charge. Any deviation from spherical is a result of an uneven explosion or atmospheric interference. Of course, nukes are still really hot, and should probably be white instead of orange, even without an atmosphere to incandesce. In an atmosphere, the famous mushroom cloud is an artifact of the size of the explosion, not an inherent property of a nuclear detonation. The detonation superheats a very large quantity of air, which rises rapidly, then spreads out as it cools down. Even if they DID explode like a bomb, the VF and Destroid generators just aren't big enough to cause a mushroom cloud.
  16. http://www.gamefaqs.com/search/index.html?...m=All+Platforms Pick your version, and select codes.
  17. That explains that.
  18. Still rather restrained. Though I didn't know the cheat codes unlocked FAST packs.
  19. They were promising translations? That's funny.
  20. That's all that's in it? Sheesh, I'd've thought Nintendo would know better by that point. the snes was really easy to fix. The usa sytem has 2 pegs in it which block the japanese cartridges due to their shape. this is what i did to mine. http://www.gamesx.com/importmod/snescon.htm the chip you said, only stops you from plaing pal game on ntsc systems. I know that. The first run of US SNESes didn't even have the blocks. I thought that they upgraded the electrical side of the lockout scheme after the SNES, since they knew physical diffrences were meaningless. But I don't care enough to look it up right now. Those cheated. They had NES and SNES clones inside them. The clones ignore the lockout chip, because they don't have a matching one. could you play pal games? Assuming they weren't timing sensitive, or Super Mario RPG(possibly other SA-1 coprocessor games, I can't recall). All the lockout chip does on the NES and SNES is muck with the reset button. On the NES it pulses reset once a second until it syncs with the chip in the cart. On the SNES it holds reset until it syncs with the chip in the cart, which is a bit cleaner from an aesthetics perspective. This is due to it's origins as a jury-rigged hack to a system that had no lockout provisions. More complicated configurations would have necessitated actual hardware changes that would require software modification. Mario RPG has a modified cart-side scheme that prevents ROM reads if the lockout chip hasn't synced. This was mainly to prevent europeans from importing the US version. Disabling the lockout chip through either passthrough dongles or cutting it's connection on the board was popular in Europe due to the crappy state of the market there. You can also do software detection of refresh rate to augment the regional lockouts as well, so a disabled(or even swapped) lockout chip won't enable you to play the game(though a video mode switch will, and I think that's possible on the SNES). There's no comprehensive list, but a lot of software did this. Again, it's only effective to segregate along the lines of Europe/US+J. Annoyingly, one of the games that DID do it was Terranigma, which is supposed to be a very good game, but the translation was only released in Europe.
  21. *shrugs* Most of the swearing felt out of place to me. I never said they were covering up a bad movie, just that they sprinkled profanity in at random to push it from PG-13 to R. I'm generally a pretty good judge of what'll be a bad movie. The last really big dud I miscalled was probably The Core. And that was so bad it WAS funny.
  22. I hope he doesn't fart.... The last R-rated movie I saw would've been a lot better as a PG-13. They injected profanity in as many random lines of dialog as they could for the sake of getting an R, and it made for some comically bad lines. 413069[/snapback] I'm moderatly curious what movie this was. 413098[/snapback] Was called "Inside Man". About a bank robbery. Neat movie. And I guess the lines weren't really bad as much as they were blatantly out of place.
  23. That's all that's in it? Sheesh, I'd've thought Nintendo would know better by that point. Those cheated. They had NES and SNES clones inside them. The clones ignore the lockout chip, because they don't have a matching one. You can't spell ignorant without IGN, as they say. I've got a dim view of the gaming media as a whole.
  24. I hope he doesn't fart.... The last R-rated movie I saw would've been a lot better as a PG-13. They injected profanity in as many random lines of dialog as they could for the sake of getting an R, and it made for some comically bad lines.
  25. How? I've never seen a trick to allow unlimited FAST pack. That'd add a lot to my enjoyment.
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