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Everything posted by JB0

  1. "Just use the keyboard." "How quaint!"
  2. I'll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!
  3. Dude, this forum is full of "those guys" that like to talk about this stuff. If you don't care about the topic, don't post . 417864[/snapback] Macross is a fair bit more consistent than Star Trek. We just poke at the places where the physics diverge from reality.
  4. What? The "core" bundle is 300. The component-video hard-drive-equipped "premium" version is the 400$ one.
  5. Actually once you get up to it's operating altitudes it can't go much slower than Mach 3. Pilots call it the "coffin corner" your speed is maxed out the air's too thin to go any higher and if you let your speed bleed off you stall, the U-2 actually deals with the same thing (even though it's going slow). It's part of the reason they only let the best pilots fly either plane. I thought it could fly at altitude down in the high 2s also. I knew there was LESS wiggle room, but not that there was NO wiggle room. They sustained for a while during that transformation. And would be used for maneuvering in space anyways(their primary purpose, if I had to bet). But I wasn't thinking just hover on the jets. You'd burn your vernier fuel fast that way. But you've got an atmosphere, albeit a thin one. It's even thicker at low altitudes(which is where the Bye-Bye Mars combat was landing) than the environment the previously mentioned real-world planes operate in. It's not like the wings are doing NOTHING, they just aren't doing quite enough in all probability. So augment the lift fron your wings with a light vernier thrust and voila, you can fly. I'd guess that GERWALK is a lot more effective close to the surface than a jet with vernier assist, but far less effective when airborne(what with GERWALK having basically no aerodynamics). It's supposed to be a ground-effect mode, after all.
  6. Shouldn't it be titled "Batman Continues"? Just a thought...
  7. Darn right! Remove the safety laws and let Darwin handle the rest!
  8. Except that aside from DDR, there's not a lot of room in teh market for constant churning out of updates. DDR HAS had "append disks" released before, though. It wouldn't actually be too tough to get the controller from guitar hero to work on any of the PC based macross games. If the guitar is not usb you can use one of those adaptors to make any ps2 controller work on pc (I bought mine at Fry's electronics--called kinky somthing). Then you just map the buttons of the guitar to the game. It would be pretty interesting to try. I'd try it but I don't have guitar hero. If the guitar is USB thats another story. 417788[/snapback] KikiJoy is known for being laggy, though. ... Actually, a lot of PS->USB adapters are.
  9. if they turned it up though that'd drain more power, and if attacked it could overload the system and essentialy shut down the whole shibang no? 417804[/snapback] Stuff flying through it and shooting stuff up the insides isn't exactly good either, though. And low-power or not, a shield can be overloaded.
  10. If Hasbro decides to pick it up and release him under the 20th Anniversary title or so and such there might be hope that it he’ll see an American release. But I don’t think there’s been anything official yet. One good thing that might come out of an American release though is a paint scheme that more closely resembles Starscream’s original colors. One can only hope. 417772[/snapback] I'm betting Hasbro WILL pick him up, and they'll release him in the "normal" paintscheme we know and love from years of animation and merchandising. Also! Found this looking for something earlier. 'S an AMV involving decepticons smashing stuff to some japanese song. The opening sequence was worth a chuckle.
  11. Sure they were. They're designed to keep 1 atmosphere of pressure inside while in a essentially 0 atmosphere environment. It's not a LARGE pressure differential, but it's still there. If nothing else, the contruction of all the vehicle's external seals is shaped around that one assumption. Re-entry is an interesting inversion of the norm. It's also noteworthy that only one face of the vehicle can take the heat and pressure of re-entry. ... Hikaru did re-entry in the 1S. I was wrong about SWAG armor having no established pressure effectiveness. I still have serious doubts about a VF-1's ultimate durability, though. This IS the vehicle that can be torn apart by a bare-handed humanoid. 50-foot or not, Britai is still flesh and blood, and shold've at least cut his hands up pretty bad. Blackbird CAN fly at operating altitude below mach 3. It certainly can't go subsonic at altitude, though. The U2, of course, can ONLY go subsonic. And an absurdly low subsonic at that. Don't forget the effects of g-forces on the pilots. When you go from mach 3 one direction to mach 3 in another direction, it tends to snap you around. Again taking a comparable real-world example, blackbird pilots have been known to crack their helmet visors when an engine stalled out and their head hit something in the cockpit. That's not even a full turn, just a rapid swerve. ... But inertia is one of those things that sci-fi has always had serious trouble with. Or sketched a lot of vernier thruster fire, though GERWALK is definitely the preferred mode for slow-speed combat in that environment, especially given the limited flight capacity of the regults and glaugs. Like I said, DYRL claims they can hover on verniers, so full-spread wings plus some vernier fire should've kept them aloft at much slower speeds than just wings. Verniers are also going to be a major part of maneuverability in a thin atmosphere(and IMO, verniers will be the main part of GERWALK maneuverability in ANY atmosphere). ... But the show was on a tight budget and schedule. So they were pretty limited in what they could do, and you rarely see verniers firing, even in space.
  12. 417639[/snapback] Now there's a good balanced character... "Could become invincible by typing IDDQD in Doom if it weren't for the fact that his computer blows up every time he enters the room."
  13. There's no gravity in space, thus no need for wing lift. On Mars, a naked valk weighs upwards of 10,000 lbs. 417666[/snapback] But it establishes signifigant thrust levels, as they can make very tight maneuvers in space, where thrust is the only way to do anything.. Also, asuming DYRL is accurate in this respect, they can do a grounded fighter->GERWALK transformation by hovering on verniers, so the verniers could also be used to augment the wing's meager lift. But the VF-1 is officially capable of Blackbird-style performance.Well in excess of mach 3 at 30,000 meters. At that altitude, the Earth's atmosphere is thinner than Mars'. So it's not an issue, because we have a real-world plane from the cold war that could fly on Mars, assuming there's oxygen. yes but that an unarmored transport, the valks are nicely armoured and can take some seriuos pounding, so i doubt a few bits of extra pressure is gonna hurt them 417722[/snapback] It's still a totally diffrent issue. A submarine is heavily armored and airtight, but I wouldn't count on it lasting 10 seconds in outer space. It's designed for external pressures, not internal ones. That was the point the professor was making, and it's just as valid to a heavily-armed battleship as it is to a naked transport.And Valks are designed to be light. Most of their armor is via overtech energy fields.We don't really know how those respond to pressure at all.
  14. Not so much a soap bubble, as an omni-directional barrier toned down a bit to let slow moving solid objects through. I always thought it was some sort of lightweight transparent material, like overtech plexiglas, and they blasted holes in it to enter/exit. If it was just a barrier, you'd think they'd just turn it up it to real barrier levels instead of lowering a defensive shell. Lot faster in an emergency. Being permeable to matter also presents atmospheric problems. A long-range colony ship can't afford a constant atmospheric leak, not even a small one. To say nothing of what happens if you lose power...
  15. Awww... that's just Famicom, not Super FamiCom. I was hoping for a minute I'd missed a classic TF game, and there was still a chance of one not sucking. *watches video anyways* That one used to be legendary in the emu community. The guy that did the translation patch wasn't sure he got everything because he couldn't figure out how to beat it, nor could his beta testers. Or the general public for that matter. The legend died because the game sucked too badly to sustain anything. Awww... they don't run through after Magnus upgrades to "RODIMUS COMVOY". And they aren't using the translation patch, so I have no f'ing idea what they're saying. But yeah, that BLUE DECEPTICON LOGO was a really scary boss, huh?
  16. Do I know my mecha or what? I love Big G, but the Genesic version is just too overdone for my tastes.
  17. supposedly all the "next gen" systems aren't encoded game wise (360 included) i dunno for sure as i haven't tried my 360 yet, but i do know the PSP plays games from anywhere (as i actually have a JP game or two working on my american PSP, no mods required), and only the movies are encoded by region. personly i skipped all problems with this by buying a used Japanese PS2 while i was stationed there figured why not... 417577[/snapback] 360 IS region-coded. I've heard jack-squat about the Wii's regions. PS3 is the only home system I've seen claimed as region-free.
  18. Damn... I was planning on going Mirage hunting this weekend, too. ... Are we sure he isn't just using his cloaking device?
  19. Check up on qi (chi),  気, or 氣. You can start with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi (haven't read it all, don't know how accurate it is, or isn't.) From it, you can kind of get an idea of the origins of the concept of 'the Force,' as well as some of the greater-than-human powers that some martial artists posses. Keep in mind that this is the cultural background or basis that spiritia exists in... but also strongly keep in mind that spiritia is not qi; and the two are different (I will admit that this is more an opinion than fact - based on what I know of both qi and spiritia. Similar but disimilar.) Thank you! I had a sort of vague notion of the term, but wasn't quite sure exactly what it entailed. I'm sure you know how that goes. And I will keep in mind that Wikipedia gets iffy sometimes(and that it's rather prone to vandalism, so even if the article is NORMALLY right it can be wrong NOW). I've seen both cases in action before. If I'm not mistaken(and I can't imagine there's very many pink firetrucks in all of anime), you're describing AnRyu and KouRyu. Those 2 are HyoRyu and EnRyu's "sisters" from Gaogaigar Final. http://www.goshouworld.com/GaoGaiGar/mecha_attack.htm Is that them?
  20. Try Gigantor(or Tetsujin 28, if you want the original japanese title). The original was black and white, and it's generally considered the first mech anime ever. It's been remade a time or 3, so there ARE color versions out there.
  21. The only Alternator I have is Shockwave. I tried to resist the lure, but seeing my favorite purple death machine on shelves again pushed me over the edge. He's 8 diffrent kinds of awesome, despite not being a ray gun. He's posable, articulated, well-proportioned... basically everything I thought the Transformers should have been as a kid. And as the picture shows, I had a lot of fun shortly after getting him. Note that my digital camera likes blue a LOT. He's very clearly purple in person, despite looking somewhat like a Tracks bootleg in the picture. As for Alternators VS combiners... Send Hasbro a letter telling them you want to see the Constructicons show up in the Alternators line. Alternator Combiners would kick so much ass that it's not even funny.
  22. i like that explanation but following the way they describe Spiritia in the series, it almost makes partial sense in a more scientific manner, since most won't agree to the existance of a "life force" and have belief all can be answered with math. It's an odd concept to western audiences, but I gather it's a much more accepted one over there. You won't enjoy it as MUCH without the dialogue, but there's plenty of eye-candy to be had once you work out what random symbols in the meny do what. This comes from a english-speaking-only Super Robot Wars fan. You might try to "preview" the series with an emulator. The easiest way to get a fair comparison would be ZSNES or SNES9x and Super Robot Wars 4. 4 has the gameplay of the more modern ones down, but it's much more limited animation-wise(obviously CDs and DVDs can hold orders of magnitude more data than SNES ROM carts). Be warned, though... you may find yourself wanting mechs you've never heard of before, just because they look freaking cool in the game.
  23. So you forced a biological explanation onto spiritia so you could do Macross' Phantom Menace?
  24. Only if they release a masterpiece Grimlock at the same time so you can set the battle up on your shelf.
  25. 3D Realms is actually releasing stuff again, though. Prey just hit shelves, and it's only slightly less infamous than The Duke.
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