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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Contest is best series, as a whole. I haven't cared for either series much lately. Been in a more action-oriented mood.
  2. FF will win. But I'm not voting. I'm ignoring the "contest" as I do every year.
  3. After Sound Force is formed, he IS part of the military. And whether he's an ace or not depends on if he has to kill them or just remove them from the battle. He takes entire squadrons out of the fight single-handedly. I thought the M&M VF-22s were...
  4. That I can accept, but even then, Max was still able to fly through all the Varuta defences alone in his VF-22 even with his "diminished" ability. However I doubt it was age that blunted his edge, it was most likely his command. You don't get into too many dog fights in the Captain's chair. 421314[/snapback] Max was probably sneaking out and blowing crap up in his VF-22 when no one was looking. I bet "The Masked Fighter Pilot" was a popular topic of M7 news. Right behind "That Crazy Rockstar Fighter Pilot". So you are saying that Basara is drunk? 421316[/snapback] nah, he's more probably stoned 421340[/snapback] That... actually explains a lot.
  5. I never really saw the argument for anti-war sentiment in the original series. At the very least, it's far more subdued than most anime with the theme. Heck, one of the major story points is the anti-war Hikaru realizing that there ARE times where fighting is necessary, and becoming a highly-respected squadron leader. And the Macross itself, Earth's biggest and baddest warship, winds up saving humanity in a violent, if highly unorthodox, manner. It's really a refreshing change of pace from the standard "WAR IS BAD! STOP FIGHTING BACK!" of so many other shows(*cough*Macross 7*cough*), and I appreciate that they DID acknowledge that sometimes every peaceful solution fails and you just have to fight back. As long as we've got destroids!
  6. He defeats a LOT of varuta pilots, though. Sure it's non-lethal, but he still removes them from combat.
  7. NANANANA Cain't touch this!
  8. The stealth valk IS cannon. You just can't see it because it's stealth.
  9. Alternate attack... Dang it, now I have an image of Isamu, Texas Ranger doing a pinpoint-barrier roundhouse kick. This is all your fault, somehow. I thought he was referring specifically to artificial manufactured pop stars, of which Sharon is the pinnacle. From that angle, he WOULD respect Basara, who not only isn't manufactured, but has actively resisted "selling out," even though it would make him more famous and get him lots of money. ... Story-wise, of course. In reality, Fire Bomber is more manufactured than Sharon.
  10. *laughs* True. I guess blue hair gives you supernatural abilities just as well as anything else. Hence why I said it becomes an endurance match. Basara's gonna become less effective as he tires. While the same is true of Isamu, Isamu's not in any danger.
  11. Meh. A good tube will show the issues just as well as a good panel. But yeah... does Manga do ANY of their releases right?
  12. Guld was another highly-skilled pilot, probably considered of similar skill to Isamu. And he had a neural interface elevating him to superhuman levels of perception and response time. Nope, but it does mean you'll win a fight if you hit. If you don't... I believe Isamu was the pioneer that first adapted the pinpoint barrier punch to single-pilot mecha, so he's still well-armed once his ammo runs dry. Sometimes being too similar causes more annoyance than being total opposites. Besides, VS matchups aren't concerned with the why and how.
  13. If I recall, Roy's death in DYRL was supposed to be Kamjin's big entrance/exit. Could be fan misrepresentation, like the Roy VS Millia thing, though.
  14. AND he's already done the musical warfare thing and come out the other side. Next to a insane computer with extremely effective brainwashing subroutines, Basara's weapon of choice is a trivial headache inducer. Worst-case scenario, it becomes a war of attrition, with Isamu tiring Basara out until he ceases to dodge and block effectively. Sure Isamu's gonna tire too, but Basara won't counterattack, so no worries. Game, set, and match. Isamu wins, no contest.
  15. JB0

    Ps2 Game A.c.e 2

    Sometimes it helps to be lazy with the search terms.
  16. Max is officially good with women too. He just found one he wanted to keep faster than Roy did. Though how hitting everything without a Y chromosome makes you better at anything other than collecting STDs is beyond me. Hikaru learned from Roy. Max was more or less "InstantAce: Just add ammo." He was outfighting Hikaru straight out of training. Roy also got coke dumped on his head. Max is still cola-free. So Max being smart enough to stay sober when he was on duty makes Focker the better pilot?
  17. JB0

    Ps2 Game A.c.e 2

    i checked gamefaqs, they only had one for a PS1 game. 'S because the game isn't called DYRL. The official title is Super Dimensional Fortress Macross(or rather, the japanese equivalent thereof), like the TV show. Just do a search for Macross and you'll find it fast enough.
  18. The Roy Focker Conspiracy! Tonight on Fox!
  19. Solid Teflon. Everyone knows it's non-stick, but less people know it's also slippery.
  20. Max was awesome too. And thus we come to the first law of Macross: The Jeniuses rule.
  21. Enterprise series was a hack, it was to PREquel the original series yet they used higher grade equipment 90% of the time! gah sry, i just didn't like the concept.. wasn't it Gene's son who wrote that anyways? 419817[/snapback] I don't think any Rodenberrys were involved.
  22. Awesome, thanks for the link! That first unicron prototype was just hideous. amusingly hideous though. 419786[/snapback] Yah. Hard to say which of the G1 protos was worse... I think the blue+yellow one, but it's close. That Beast Wars one was awesome, though. The big backpack on the BWNeo one kind of hurt the robot's look, though, allowing the Armada/Energon version to compete on robot mode(despite an abysmal planet). Would've been neater if it BWNeo's backpack was hollow and folded out or collapsed or something.
  23. it mentions the hatches being able to open, but it previously had shown Basara sitting on the dome of City 7. so it kinda makes you wonder, + why would you want to expose the agricultural sections to an alien enviroment? i could potentialy kill all the plants, or worse, even if the atmosphere was similar to earths, it doesn't mean the plant life and spores of such are. (makes ya wonder a bit more don't it? about them being on an alien world, and walking about without a care in the world before running extensive tests on the plant life/air/atmosphere/and so on ) 419404[/snapback] Isn't that SSOP? (Standard SciFi Operating Procedure) The only time I've seen people walking around an earth-like planet in environment suits was in Serenity. Even then, they took them off after everything was determined to be normal - of course in that case, Miranda (the planet) was terraformed, so it WOULD be ok. In M7, I just assume that the Macross 5 already ran all those extensive tests before they decided to set down. 419438[/snapback] They used suits in an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. ... But it was backwards. They confirmed the existence of disease-causing organisms and THEN they started using suits.
  24. Hmm..interesting. That I didn't know. 419728[/snapback] It actually makes sense that the Phalanx varies so much. According to the Compendium, it was a rushed hackjob that was created aboard the Macross(likely as a supplement to it's minimal anti-mecha defenses). So rather than building each one to spec, it makes sense that they would use whatever spares they had to make Phalanxes, or tweak the design as deficiencies appeared. The spec is just the "ideal" Phalanx.
  25. Unless Holographic Versatile Disc becomes viable enough to dominate the PC storage arena, leaving both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD to compete in the movie arena. If the HVD Alliance also doesn't unsurp them there. 419629[/snapback] Of course, at this point we'll be lucky if computers ever move to freaking DVD, never mind higher-density media. Seriously, how much software STILL comes on CD? 2 disks of OS, 4 disks of game, all to snake a few dollars out of some poor sap that thinks his Pentium 2 can run Windows XP and FEAR.
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