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Everything posted by JB0

  1. And for us, it went from a neat idea with way too much crap hanging off the legs to something we'd actually buy. There's 2 sides to this argument, and plenty of people that thought the final version was an improvement, regardless of the fake fuel tanks and wrong shade of gray. I wouldn't have bought the original version regardless. The new one I'll probably grab once it comes out in a real Starscream paint job.
  2. We know who the military was betting on. The Ghost. You COULD make an argument that Supernova was actively set up to pit Guld and Isamu against each other, to provide a major spectacle to "prove" that it was a good idea to remove the human element from fighter piloting.
  3. I was taking you literally for the sake of being silly.
  4. We should hack his board with pitchforks?
  5. VF-1 Millia 1:1. Fully-functional. You know it's in the pipeline. And if it isn't, Yamato's raped my childhood.
  6. If you only list one number, it should be 480 for DVD. Single-number resolution is understood to be a count of the horizontal lines, and DVD only has 480 lines of resolution. DVD = 720*480. Which yields a total of 345,600 pixels. 720p = 1280*720. Which results in 921,600 pixels. Short answer = depends on the TV. Long answer = what Gaijin said, plus a technical note explaining why it's display dependent(because fixed-resolution displays already HAVE resampling hardware inside, so it comes down to whether the DVD player or TV has better resampling).
  7. I've seen script kiddies using Final Fantasy 8 names. Surely you don't have good memories of FF8...
  8. IT'S AN ARWING! STARFOX IS GONNA KICK SOME ZENTRAN ASS! Seriously, I know it's the wrong time period and everything, but that IS what it looks like in that pic.
  9. I have TWO 32" tubes. A Sony flatscreen TV from fairly recent, and a Mitsubishi monitor from the 90s(official max res of 800*600, but it makes a damn good s-video display). The Sony needs me to dig into the service menu and adjust it. It's as close to perfect as I can get it with the official end-user controls. The Mitsubishi just has aged phosphers, so the contrast level is just a hair low. Sony carries the nickname of Herniator. Mitsubishi = Screenzilla.
  10. Those will probably be even worse, since you 'll be able to see the artifacts from the overcompression in addition to the original low image quality. And I have to point out that the best-looking HDTV to date was a tube set. Tubes aren't inherently inferior. They're just easier to screw up.
  11. *passes out the party hats*
  12. Interesting. Also interesting that they skipped the AV part of the question entirely.
  13. So you're saying flash isn't supported because the DS lacks the space to download it? That's actually a MORE severe issue than my hypothesis, as it prevents the system from supporting Flash at ALL as opposed to just supporting it really choppy.
  14. I'm a bit more skeptical. The DS is a much lighter machine than the PSP. I have doubts it can render the level of Flash that's expected at a reasonable framerate.
  15. Maybe you saw an earlier one than me, but the first one I saw had a giant mess of kibble on the legs that was nothing whatsoever like the animation and just looked nasty. Prime is a hell of a lot closer to the animation than either version of Starscream. I agree the added conformal thingies on the sides/arms were stupid. And that I'm holding out for a vintage paintjob before I even consider buying one.
  16. Well, if he can copy-paste a forum exploit, he can probably copy-paste something more troublesome. He's still a script kiddy, and thus still a complete retard incapable of doing anything more than copy-paste. ... Wonder if he was even sharp enough to spoof his IP. Be hilarious if he wasn't. Heehee... I love paranoids. And kids trying to sound smarter than they are. IP lookups can be fun, though. Find some brats reveling in their anonymity, get their IP, get their ISP and city with that, then ask how the weather in their hometown is. They shut up fast. I had someone threaten to hack my computer and "steal my media player" once. That was pretty hilarious at the time.
  17. I'd be more worried about the guns. Child safety laws tend to screw weaponry up badly.
  18. Ooooh, we could call naked Magnus "Anti-Scourge!"
  19. I think Ultra Magnus is the best example. I don't really mind the trailerless Prime. Sure it affected nostalgia and truck mode, but it had no real impact on the robot, which is what the point was. But Ultra Magnus without a trailer is... not Ultra Magnus. If you aren't gonna include the trailer for a Magnus release, you may as well paint him orange and call him Stacks.
  20. No? It's been sprite-based for it's original PC incarnation and subsequent SegaCD game. Went polygonal on the PS2, but was still a 2D game.
  21. A Guncon would've actually been a major step up. Strip the orange paint off and a Guncon looks like a real gun. Was playing with one of the older gray models once, a gun collector walked in and started trying to identify what model gun it was. That's not going to happen with Classics Meggie, because he's very clearly a made-up weapon(Hasbro's even selling it as a "blaster"). Personally, I think with a more subdued color scheme he could do justice to the original anyways. And I intend to buy him just to spite all the politically-correct anti-fun whiners out there that made people abandon toy guns in the first place.
  22. I dunno... it IS Japan...
  23. I like them too. I LOVED that feature as a kid, though I have no clue why. And I loved the GoBots too, honestly. They turned from robots to vehicles, which was the important part. They're just an easy joke.
  24. Yah. The rubsigns were among the most identifiable traits of Transformers. I mean, if it didn't have rubsigns, it could be anything. Even a GOBOT!
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