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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I immediatly thought QRau when I saw that scene. Admittedly, I didn't look really close. I just saw a lot of butt-hauling and a missile swarm.
  2. MAHQ is notoriously bad outside of their Gundam sections.
  3. Well, a '53 'Vette doesn't look a lot like an '06 Camaro, either. The "NosGer Kai" has a VERY similar style and weapons loadout to the QRau. Big shoulders packs, forearm cannons, twin chest cannons, metric buttloads of missiles, "high heel" feet... Looking at pics(MAHQ is good for that, if nothing else), the DYRL NosGer had antennae added to the head and a totally redesigned foot, giving it a more QRau look(ironic given the DYRL plot should have caused mech designs to diverge further, like the ships and character designs did, instead of becoming more closely related). The "Kai" foot looks more like the QRau foot than the DYRL NosGer, though(higher heel and a "bell-bottom" flare on the front of the leg). The head and hands are the only really NosGer parts about the NosGer Kai. If it IS a NosGer descendant, the implication is they discarded the original design and developed a new one based on the QRau.
  4. In that case, I'll take the disk off your hands. Seriously, I recommend giving it a play if you haven't already done so through some less-legal means. It's a pretty good game, as franchise shooters go. Looks like a good page. I just thought I'd offer corrections on the introductory paragraph, since ... well, since I know way more about games than I should. "In 1992, Masaya released Macross 2036 on the PC Engine (known in the US as the Turbo Duo)" PCEngine is the TurboGrafx16. Or the entire hardware family. The PCEngine Duo is the TurboDuo, which is equivalent to a PCEngine + Super CD-ROM^2. Or PCEngine/TurboGrafX + original CDROM/TurboCD with System Card 3(which makes the original CD expansion a SuperCD). The PCEngine Macross games are SuperCD titles, if you want to ID specific hardware variant. And yes, the PCEngine family is a confusing trainwreck. "Macross 2036 was planned to be released in the US, but due to the lukewarm response the Turbo Duo received here, the project was shelved." The TurboGrafX as a whole received very little attention. Not really relevant to the article, but much of it was NEC's fault. They didn't really understand what the american market wanted to see in an ad, and chose some of the worst possibhle games to bring over. I wasn't aware a localization was actually planned, though. I thought it just made it into the import section of a few game mags as "A Robotech game!11" And "schmup" isn't the normal abbreviation. I'd actually just spell it out as "shoot 'em up" because it looks less silly.
  5. Yah... there's some neat toys in the line. I've only got Prime and Scrapmetal due to recently-fixed budget issues. And now I'm cursing at all the people in this area that don't respect the pure awesomeness of transforming robots. No one here has a good Transformers section. And dammit, I want Soundwave!
  6. Precisely. They're not really defined beyond "the zentradi's ancient enemy." There's no official statements I know of on the intricate details. It's a safe bet they made LOTS of clones from one person, as otherwise it wouldn't have been an effective means of population expansion. I don't recall anyone saying it was a 1+1 process. There's no documented overtech genetic engineering. And the fact that they had to abandon cloning due to rise in birth defects implies inbreeding boosts, which implies they weren't tweaking the genes. Given the final production VF-7 wasn't a drone, I doubt it. Probably just parallel naming.
  7. On the other hand... [attachmentid=37616] The game's actual title screen says Scrambled Valkyrie in english. It's header says "Shooting Macross" though. Thank goodness THAT didn't make it as an official title.
  8. I never really cared for that plot. The "war between the sexes" wasn't very interesting, elegant, or satisfying to me. And I don't see how it's alien. Personally, I thought it was simple to the point of being cliche. I preferred the undefined enemy the zentradi were set against in the ancient past, lost to the mists of times presented in the original series.
  9. Ah, so that's where MAHQ got that idea. I need more books.
  10. If I recall, zentradi/meltrandi is the race, zentran/meltran is the individual beings. Meltrandi isn't considered a seperate race outside of DYRL, though.
  11. I'm pretty sure it's just MAHQ being Gundam-y. I can't think of any Macross "kai" mecha aside from Sound Force. 'Sides, it bears more resemblance to the QRau than the NosGer in the first place(in that there IS a visible relationship). So "Queadluun Rau Kai" is probably less inaccurate.
  12. And many people would have been less happy, too.
  13. I dunno if it's confirmed, but there's not much point if it's not a P38(or at least a close knockoff). If they make him something else... say, a Desert Eagle(big gun, easier to fit robot parts in), there's no nostalgia. He may as well be Gen2 Meggie.
  14. Fans are apparently pretty fickle. Masterpiece Prime sucked because his truck wasn't accurate to a real truck, even though his 'bot was naer-perfect and his truck was fairly decent. And a bunch of people griped really loudly that the sacrifices to the truck were inexcusable. MP Starscream sucked because his robot wasn't wholely accurate to either the show or the toy, even though his jet was near-perfect(as toy jets go), and his 'bot was pretty decent. And a bunch of people griped really loudly that the sacrifices to the robot were inexcusable. Now Megatron's focusing on the robot like Prime did. And people are griping about the gun, before there's even prototype shots.
  15. Oh, c'mon... you think they can pass up the opportunity to use the character-inappropriate, no, anatomically IMPOSSIBLE "These pretzels are making me thirsty"?
  16. I've got G2 Prime, a (relatively mildly) abused Jetfire... but no 1/48. This will likely change when/if Yamato reissues Millia.
  17. Y're welcome. And HELL YES! How about gun Megatron with a My Little Pony accessory/target dummy?
  18. 'S another bot I don't have. I have some guns that'll fit, though. Sludge's rocket launcher seems to use the exact same handle size as Hot Rod's flamethrower.
  19. Indeed it was the point. But it was ALSO the point that you could rip in as a fighter, unload a swarm of missiles, flip to robot and drop down on someone gunpod blazing as the missiles flew in in a scene of supreme awesomeness and carnage. Can't do that here most of the time. I do agree it's heckuva fun a lot of the time. You can even kill Minmei by dropping a stadium on her!
  20. Don't have Armada Prime. I've got G2, Powermaster, Classic, and Cybertron. I'm tempted to make a crappy photocomic of them arguing about which one's the "real" Prime. But it'd be crappy. I did notice his gun looked better if his arm was twisted around. But shoulder interference limits that to straight-arm poses. I waited years for transformers with joints, I'm not going back now. I enjoy the flame in auto mode. And by enjoy, I mean I keep going "nana nana BATMAN!" every time I look at it. In robot mode, I put the flame to the side. ... And debate drilling out the cross-shaped restrictor so I can load an old dinobot missile into it. It'd look better, even though it's too short to latch. They can tilt down, but they can't swing back while staying vertical. So there's a workaround, but not an optimum solution. And yah, for the price they kick ass.
  21. The cel shading gives Battlecry a leg up on every non-sprite Macross game, aesthetically speaking. Battlecry tried to balance that by peppering ground missions about. Gravity makes the battroid useful, especially with the "roller-skate" foot thrusters. The problem THOSE ran into was that a lot of them were too crowded to use fighter mode(though I tried at just about every opening). I think it was at it's best in the non-urban ground stages. There was enough room to fly, but still enough level ground to run. The QRau duel in the not-really-a-lake was the showcase for that, IMO. You could pick any mode you wanted and make an effective combat strategy. Especially with the combination of rubble piles and tall columns scattered about. Flying the fighter between the columns was just too fun to NOT do. The groundless stages I usually stuck to fighter, and the urban areas were mainly battroid or GERWALK, depending on the situation.
  22. If that's the one I think it is, it's the one where I wound up flying directly above the Cat's Eye doing nothing but dropping flares. My hatred of that stage knows no bounds.
  23. Half the reason I bought Hot Rod was for the matrix tease, honestly. And Bumblebee's been tortured by Shockwave for quite some time over here. He kinda snapped, and now that he CAN hold guns, he's latched onto the biggest possible.
  24. Honestly, if I were BB, I'd be worried about self-inflicted injury. Recoil on Powermaster Prime's rifles is probably pretty bad. And in the retake of that scene(which I may wind up using photobucket to post), Starscream and 'Bee both have one gun on Megs and one on each other. I <3 the backstabber. Edit: Gogo photobucket. Retake, part 1. Retake, part 2. Mainly because I couldn't let part 1 stand as-is. And this is why Hot Rod never shows up in these fights.
  25. Added Hot Rod and Starscream to my collection. I now have all the Classic bots except Astrotrain, who really doesn't do much for me. And thus, I had to photograph a battle scene or 2. Edit:And the board is being beligerent. I never even hit submit since I couldn't get my files uploaded. Don't know what this post is here for. ... And now one shows up 1.5 times? ARGH!
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