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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Mind if I play devil's advocate for a moment? I think some of these CAN be poked at. It's been a LONG time since I've seen Mac2, so I can't take TOO good of a shot at this, but... -No reaction weapons UN Spacey is historically hesitant to use them, even when they have a ready supply on hand. Max had to call home on the other side of the galaxy in Macross 7 to get authorization to use them against the protodevlin. An enemy that had ALREADY proven itself capable of destroying entire planets, and according to zentradi history destroyed a supremely advanced civilization spanning most of a galaxy, was a controversial target. If that doesn't justify a well-placed nuke, then I don't know what does. It's entirely possible they have reaction weapons and just won't consider them, or that their entire nuclear arsenal has been phased out by Mac2. -No Fold boosters -No Pinpoint barriers equipped fighters What if they actually evolved the technology to the point where the barrier only activates right at the moment of impact, conserving the vehicle's energy resources by minimizing the barrier time? It'd LOOK like there weren't any barrier disks, but they WOULD be there. It's also a logical upgrade. We already know the PPB isn't invulnerable, so cannon-fodder fatalities don't really contradict this idea. They just imply that the Marduk weapons overpower the barrier disks. Admittedly, this is stacking assumptions, but most VFs tend to suffer from firecracker syndrome regardless of their official durability. -No Earth defense network Perhaps it was never rebuilt after Macross Plus? Guld and Isamu proved it to be somewhat ineffective. And Sharon proved it to be a serious security risk. (At least, it's a serious security risk if you go installing un-inspected foreign computers in the heart of your defensive computer network... MacPlus' sysadmin should be shot. Or the politician that over-rode his objections.) -Macross II's Macross has TV colors, which doesn't exist in any continuity but its own Fresh coat of paint? It wouldn't be the first time the Macross got overhauled between franchise entries, and the ship ended DYRL in need of some major work anyways. (It ended the TV series in even worse shape, but Plus clearly establishes that refit as the DYRL design). -The Bridge in II is more similar to the TV bridge than the DYRL bridge See above refit argument. -YF-19/YF-21 far outclass the VF-2J, VF-2SS, & Metal Siren. -Leg & ARMD cannons???? Refit. Arguably even a useful one, since it increased the size of ship you could successfully ream, and it's unknown how long the Macross was a major part of the Earth's defense before the Macross Cannon ships were operational(the additional guns indicates it WAS a major part). -Eden was one of many relatively close proximity colonies, don't you think said colonies would have detected the Marduk approach, alterted Earth, & sent backup? Only if the Marduk approached from EXACTLY the right direction. Space is vast, and it's REALLY easy to miss someone, unless you're expecting them and know EXACTLY where to look. Needle in a haystack doesn't even begin to cover it. Maybe needle in a planet... -Hologram technology in II isn't even remotely up to Plus's level. Turn-A proves Macross is part of Gundam!11111
  2. You should've seen the manhandling when I brought Screenzilla home. Old 32" Mitsubishi CRT. Over a hundred pounds. Took 2 people and a dolly. Max res of 800*600, but it takes composite and s-video feeds as well as RGB*, so it's got a bunch of game consoles hooked into it. *But DOESN'T have a standard VGA connector, so I had to make a semi-custom cable to hook my PC to the thing. Mainly because I was too cheap to pay what people were asking for a VGA->BNC cable. Next step: Build or buy a component->RGB converter, so I can get my XBox onto something that supports progressive scan(the XBox HAS RGB outputs on the system, but they're intentionally crippled to 480i only... bastards). That or get un-lazy and build an RGB cable for my Genesis. Composite sucks, and RGB is easier to get from a Genny than s-video is. ... Too bad soldering irons hate me. Every time I warm one up I get burned somehow.
  3. YES! And let's be honest here, all the Valks were REALLY good for was clearing the way for a Daedalus attack. Seriously, I like the idea. but given the destroids were restricted to operations on or within the Macross and the zentradi units were all spaceflight-capable... The only ones I think were REALLY effective during the war were the Defender anti-aircraft guns(which were almost perfectly immersed in their element) and Phalanx missile drums(which were jury-rigged hacks intended to support the Defenders). The Monsters weren't fast enough for anti-mech combat or numerous enough for anti-ship combat, and the Tomahawks and Spartans were geared too far towards ground combat. But with the animators focusing on the VF dogfights, there's no real indicator of how effective any of them might have been. Heck, we never even got to see the Ghosts, and they should've been out dogfighting with the Valks.
  4. YES! And let's be honest here, all the Valks were REALLY good for was clearing the way for a Daedalus attack. Seriously, I like the idea. but given the destroids were restricted to operations on or within the Macross and the zentradi units were all spaceflight-capable... The only ones I think were REALLY effective during the war were the Defender anti-aircraft guns(which were almost perfectly immersed in their element) and Phalanx missile drums(which were jury-rigged hacks intended to support the Defenders). The Monsters weren't fast enough for anti-mech combat or numerous enough for anti-ship combat, and the Tomahawks and Spartans were geared too far towards ground combat. But with the animators focusing on the VF dogfights, there's no real indicator of how effective any of them might have been. Heck, we never even got to see the Ghosts, and they should've been out dogfighting with the Valks.
  5. I heartily approve of this theory!
  6. Best. Fireworks. Ever.
  7. I don't know exactly how, but I'm pretty sure this news rapes my childhood.
  8. At least you poured your blood into a seeker capable of standing on his own. The leg wings REALLY help Ramjet's balance.
  9. I'd take the donation happily. ... As long as I imagined it being ripped out of his still-living body Mortal Kombat-style.
  10. No, because HG will throw a hissyfit over anything with the Macross name.
  11. If I recall, Kawamori's actually stated he's never SEEN Macross 2, so he has no opinion on it. So it certainly wasn't banished because he didn't like it.
  12. I've seen them for sale. I have serious doubts as to their effectiveness, as well as noise level. 'Sides, with a passively cooled VGA card, you'd want the slot cooler bringing air in and blowing it over the video card heatsink.
  13. I've seen that box all over the place for a while. Pretty sure Prime's supposed to have windows. I've been mildly tempted to pick the box up. But only mildly. And it's not exactly going anywhere, so why rush?
  14. Exactly. So what happens if they DO revisit Basara, but rewrite him to be some stereotypical angst-ridden twit instead of the Basara we all know and love(or at least love to hate)?
  15. I still haven't seen a second Jetfire. Prime is EVERY-F'ING-WHERE, though
  16. What if they rewrite Basara so he's all angsty and paints his Valk black while crying about how no one understands him?
  17. See the HG license debate thread in general anime. General consensus is that Tatsunoko has distribution rights for the original TV series. Maybe DYRL too. Harmony Gold argues that it was international rights for the entire franchise, which they got from Tatsunoko, so HG owns Macross outside of Japan. So redesigning everything won't fix anything, since HG will make it unprofitable to bring over regardless of legal standing. I'm mildly surprised they didn't sue Bandai because Gundam Wing had robots that transformed into jets and therefore fell within their Macross license.
  18. Saw an Ultra Magnus/Skywarp package. I picked it up, just because I like how Skywarp looks. I was tempted to leave some twist ties wrapped around Magnus after I got him loose. The clipped remnants were hanging in such a way that it looked like he'd ripped them apart while breaking out of a prison or something. But then they started falling off. I may do it on my next 'bot. This concludes today's episode of "Fun With the Box in Spite of Hasbro." Seriously, how about they use a third the twist ties and put the money they save into more paint apps?
  19. I thought the monsters had a 100% survival ratio. They only had 3 of them in the first place, and I'm pretty sure they hauled more than one out for the final battle against the bodol fleet.
  20. Well, that depends... will I be assigned to one of the 3 destroids that get blown up AGAIN AND AGAIN every time the zentradi attack the ship? Seriously, it depends on WHICH destroid. I'd take a Monster assignment in a heartbeat. They aren't even deployed most of the time, and they have enough armor to withstand more of a beating than just about anything else. But if it's a Defender, I'm placing better odds on the Valk.
  21. I'm leaning towards the latter, personally. But quit being unfun.
  22. Fine... buy whoever bought the mold after they folded. I know they survived for some time, as I saw a toy catalog in the late 90s with a version of the 'bot. Original phallic trigger version, no less.
  23. Oh, c'mon Hasbro... just buy the damn company already!
  24. Well, it's not exactly strange for a panorama camera. 9" isn't an odd frame width for professional applications. It captures enough detail that you can do a lot of serious studying of the image. And let's be honest, if you're gonna be one of only a dozen people to walk the moon, you want the best damn pictures you can take. But yeah, the camera was expensive. Pretty much everything we send into space is.
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