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Everything posted by JB0

  1. That is one extremely fugly Bayformer?
  2. They should roll all the work into a new game called "Duke Nukem Now" and begin development of the sequel to that under the title of Duke Nukem Forever, thereby keeping Duke Forever as vaporware.
  3. The fact that they killed the Classics line. As for why Dirge didn't get new wings but Thrust did... I would guess that they put all the wings on the original mold set, and they didn't have room for all 4 wing sets. Starscream had to have accurate wings. He's Starscream. And it cascades out to Skywarp and Thundercracker, so it gets half the set right, including the most important. Thrust needed his wings, because they're too distinctive. At which point, it's either Ramjet or Dirge. And they went with Ramjet.
  4. Space Megaforce was hardly a one-shot. Outside the US, it's known as Super Aleste, which makes it's heritage as part of the Aleste series well-known. You'd probably also enjoy some of Compile's other shooters, since they were all basically the same formula. Especially Blazing Lazers on the TG16.
  5. Cybertron Prime IS pretty fun. I didn't care for super mode, though.
  6. Thrust got his wings right?!?! I want it! ... DAMN YOU HASBRO! DAMN YOU TO NEBRASKA!
  7. If I had been thinking of SEED. Besides, mine has the advantage of a semi-plausable-sounding point.
  8. Perhaps... The SDF doesn't HAVE a canon paint scheme! The overtech armor utilized on the Macross has a reflective flux feature to minimize the effectiveness of focused EM radiation weaponry by rapidly altering the wavelengths it reflects and absorbs, thereby ensuring there isn't a "weak point" in the spectrum. A side effect of this is that the reflected visible light, and thus apparent color of individual segments varies as the armor cycles wavelengths. Said technology is utilized on the Valkyrie but the reverse-engineered form doesn't fluctuate rapidly in the visible wavelength, so it's used for programmable "paint" schemes instead. How's THAT for a steaming pile of BS justification?
  9. WE GOT DEATH STAR! And Sun Crusher! And World Devastator. And... well, you get the point. In a no-holds-barred fight, the Empire wins. They're not afraid to pull out the big guns for the ultimate in scorched-earth tactics.
  10. See also: Sarcasm detector? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac-rooooooooooosssssss!
  11. Ya know what's bad? I was just thinking exactly the same thing. I suspect they were abandoned, but to be honest, I never saw why they were on the VF-1 in the first place.
  12. Haw@video. Prime's reaction to Wheelie was great. And Blurr especially. "Out of all the autobots to survive..."
  13. No iMUSE = lame. The original and CD versions of XWing and TIE Fighter had an adaptive soundtrack that varied in connection with in-game events, and seamlessly shifted from one piece to another. The Collector's Series version had redbook audio, which is... well, static. That's part of why many fans prefer the DOS versions, despite them being visually inferior. MIDI FOREVER! The "TIE Fighter is harder" comments are kinda funny, actually. XWing was well known as an obscenely hard game, at least in it's original form. TIE Fighter was toned down significantly. Sure you had shields in an XWing, but you were also fighting against overwhelming odds. They toned several of the levels down massively for the CD-ROM edition and the subsequent VS-engine versions due to complaints. You also get access to shielded ships in TIE Fighter, so it's not really like you're flying naked. Heck, the game is the origin of the TIE Defender that showed up in some of the novels and made XWing pilots excrete masonry. The Defender is deliciously powerful as a side note, even if the TIE Advanced looked better(and for sheer style, NOTHING beats the Interceptor). Indeed. DEATH TO THE REBEL SCUM!
  14. Don't forget the original Atari arcade! Sure it's just Death Star runs to infinity and beyond, but it's damn slick Death Star runs.
  15. Good! This means odds are that Thrust is just a red Ramjet too! Sucks if you're actually GETTING the 'con 'bots, but I'm not, so I'm happy. The extra paint apps ARE nice, though.
  16. And being the BAD GUY is just icing on the cake. I really should hunt down the CD version of that game(I gather the final expansion pack was only available there, and Defender of the Empire ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but hell, I never made it through the original retail campaign). ... And get a DOS box set up again to play it on. I really love the old LucasArts games, though. 'Specially musically. iMUSE was awesome.
  17. I dunno about Chad, but Nolan Bushnell says go Wii60. He plays his 360 the most right now, but he thinks the Wii is pretty badass too. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/04/18/joystiq-...der-and-restau/ And no, I have NO idea why they used the pool photo.
  18. It's worth noting that the original Street Fighter 2 bosses played Musical Names on the way to the States. In Japan, M. Bison was the boxer resembling a certain well-known ear-biter. And Street Fighter 1's boxer was named Bison, though Capcom never did decide if it was the same guy in both games(there's official material that goes both ways). Anyways, they decided there was a good chance M. Tyson might sue over M. Bison, so they swapped names around to lessen the likeness. Vega was originally the crazy guy with the cape, and Balrog was the jumpy dude with the claw. Sagat beat the crap out of anyone who tried to steal his name, because he's hardcore like that.
  19. It's not necessarily true that they knew it was there. There's a LOT of monkeying you can do with a person's mind, even when you AREN'T writing it from scratch. Even more you can do in a setting where you ARE writing it from scratch and have magic mind control powers on top of that. It's well within the realm of possibility that until they heard the appropriate command, they would have no memory of the order.
  20. Aren't the F-14s in Zero supposed to be upgraded with overtech hardware? So locking on to her with an F-14 doesn't really prove much, since it's not using the real-world hardware.
  21. *laughs* Okay, that alone redeems the insanity generated by your RPG crossover.
  22. I'd like to imagine that 1-65 were all different ways to execute JarJar. Most of them slow and painful.
  23. Yeah. I meant the center ones they imbed in the trunk lid/spoiler.
  24. That explains why car brake lights seem to have a bizarrely high failure rate. I'd always chalked it up to being stuck outdoors exposed to the weather and temperature fluctuations. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle!
  25. That makes no sense, given LEDs last pretty much forever. The batteries are what prevent you from burning the LED out.
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