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Everything posted by JB0

  1. SHOCKWAVE! SHOCKWAVE! SHOCKWAVE! ... And a f'ing mass-market Thrust...
  2. I see I lucked out. I never did pay for an extended warranty. Which WAS stupid. But now it's just a gamble that paid off.
  3. I dunno.... given the way GM's been pimping their license...
  4. 'S not theory. At least, not the first 2 points. It's electrical fact. Smaller transistors with shorter connections between them reduce part resistance, which results in less waste heat generated. 65nm parts WILL run cooler than their 90nm versions. And other things being equal, cooler parts reduce overheating issues. The only way the new parts WON'T reduce overheating is if MS redesigns the cooling to be less efficient or less reliable since they "no longer need" a heatsink quite that big or fans that move quite that much air. And the cooler staying the same is just assumption at this point.
  5. Bumblebee "suffers" from Starscream Syndrome?
  6. Ooohhh, nice! Fixes his mobster victim look too. The official transformation leaves him looking like he just had a cyberball bat taken to his knees. Barricade's the only non-Real-Gear I've bought so far. And yeah, the punch mechanism sucks. Almost as much as his lack of hands(yes, I know there's fingers molded into the quarter panel insides. They don't count and you know it. ). Edit: Huh. I hadn't even noticed he HAD toe spikes...
  7. Not until I get a MASK movie!
  8. Or they were watching stunt planes with smoke generators. But heck, the lack of pilots kills the disguise anyways. May as well go all out.
  9. No. The disks don't have enough space, and the end result won't adhere to any reasonable standard.
  10. Mine have the feet... They also have instructions to pull down on the feet to extend the legs. Which results in detached feet, but what the heck, let's do it anyways! As far as the shoulders go... I think Hasbro is just unwilling to acknowledge that joint exists. They insist on leaving them up for the boxart and everything too. On NotLazerbeak, they missed the hinge to angle the wings up. And forward. Those 2 steps make him a LOT nicer looking.
  11. That's easy. Cut a hole in the side of the box, run wire there, glue the battery pack in it. I've been kicking around stick ideas for a while. More PC-oriented, due to MAME. Modular so I could match arcade panels(and play around with layouts, like classic Atari-style right-handed directionals). But being me, I had plans for something extremely modular. Scavenge a few controllers and wire the boards up to a standard connection, mount them in a box, and I could easily swap the "brains" of the stick out with a cartridge for any system I owned, 2600 to 360. I need to dig some notes out and actually make one.
  12. It had a theatrical release. But fun thing... they still use 4:3 film for movie releases. They actually matte it down for the movies. In the case of animation, the entire 4:3 frame is almost invariably drawn. So you actually GAIN image area. As far as the "HD master"... Either Bandai's planning an HD-DVD/BluRay release, and this is made using a cleaned-up remaster made for that, or Bandai is full of poo. DVD-Video disks CANNOT carry HD video, as the resolution is explicitly 720*480. And if you're distributing it on DVD-ROM (which... isn't really that useful. People tend to not watch movies on their computers.), you're limited to something like a half-hour per dual-layer disk(which clearly isn't enough for this).
  13. Yeah... Which would've useful if I remembered anything besides "Energon Arcee, only in blue" Though the price classes they use amuse me. Mainly because "Deluxe" is so close to bottom-end.
  14. Ummmm... Good question. I didn't realize there were two. Shows how much attention I paid. Repaint of Energon Arcee, whichever class she fell into. ... How can I know that, and not whether it was 6 or 10 bucks? I'm really a special kind of special here. *rummages at Hasbro's site* Scout.
  15. Good to know. Now I can be a cheap bastard and use my 1 free month of Live Gold to download Mechassault updates! ... And, you know, play a game or two. Maybe. ... As soon as I run some copper across the house for my 'Boxes.
  16. The Target I went to earlier had Arcee on the shelf already.
  17. Speaking of ball joints... Why the HELL is Hasbro ignoring the ones on Barricade's arms that let you flip the front quarter-panels down. He looks infinitely better without them jutting up like they keep illustrating him. Right now I've got Barricade and Not-Lazerbeak. Kinda wishing I'd held off on Barricade for a little while. See if a Voyager mold pops up. Something with, I dunno, hands maybe. But he's still neat, head excepted(I REALLY hate most of the movie heads).
  18. I hate myself for this... I'm seriously considering buying a trio of the digicam 'bots and claiming they're Reflector.
  19. I think it's Prime's fault. If he'd written "Don't grab the handles! Stick your fingers in the holes!" on the back of the Matrix, Magnus wouldn't have gotten blown up. "And that's who you'll be from now on, Kup! Sh!tpiece!"
  20. I know they weren't just going hunting with a REALLY fancy rifle. But it's funnier that way. Be honest, you laughed at the idea of a Tomcat launching a Sidewinder up a camel's "tailpipe" too.
  21. Or Seamonkey. http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/
  22. "Narrated by" is stretching it a bit. They ARE in character, though...
  23. I still think they should have done SOMETHING with Flower Girl, instead of just finding a way for Basra to blow her off every episode.
  24. "Yup, that camel almost got away. Was a tough fight, but I got the better of the dirty humpback in the end."
  25. MY EPISODE PREVIEWS! THEY'RE SILENT! NOOOOOOO!!!! I was wondering how they were gonna handle that, since they didn't make much sense after being (un)scrambled. But... silence?
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