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Everything posted by JB0

  1. A. I need to get that game. B. Why no Crueltear merch?!?
  2. I picked up a copy of ZOMG WARTECH!1111 a while back. (Seriously, the game would've sold a lot better if they hadn't tried to hide it's identity. Most of the people that cared totally overlooked it when it hit shelves because they didn't recognize it under the generic art and new name.). Haven't really played much with it. It seems very multiplayer oriented, and I'm more of a solo gamer. The concept is neat, though.
  3. You say that like it would be a bad thing...
  4. Indubitably. That was an awesome toyline. I never actually saw the cartoon, though.
  5. Switch your machine to japanese and it becomes red, just like on a japanese NeoGeo. Switch it to english and it's censored like on a US NeoGeo. The blood is just a new level in authentic emulation. Also: I heard MS is releasing a new 360 revision next fall with double the RAM, an integrated terrabyte hard drive, an HD-DVD/BluRay combo drive, and compatibilty with Wii and PS3 games and accessories! Seriously, why is it that even when an article is EXPLICITLY labelled as nothing more than a wish list or speculation(which is the same thing most of the time), everyone jumps on it like it's an official company announcement?
  6. I had texture pop EVERYWHERE. ANY time the scene changed. NOT exaggerating here. Sometimes just driving around a map. I'd find mineral deposits that the game just didn't texture until they came into view. And I was playing Ashley/Tali. Not Kaidan's fault. I don't buy the purge argument. Obviously it CAN purge the old textures from RAM, or there'd be no place to load the new ones and the game would become nothing but gradients. Sidenote: I'm curious what things would look like if the hardware designs had continued a push for ultra-high untextured poly counts and more accurate lighting models instead of changing direction for reduced poly counts and texture maps(and other "fake detailing" features that've been added since the original paradigm shift).
  7. Just think of it as a general expletive. Same way we would say "What the hell?!?!" or "Oh, sh1t!"
  8. I'm sure there was a sort of flash personality in Zentradi tech. Was pretty much a requirement for zentradi civilization. I just doubt they xerox'ed entire people. I figure each new clone started with a base personality and from there individual experiences made them progress differently. Either way, xeroxing whole adults would seem uncomfortably close to the zentradi post-war. I've always assumed they cloned babies and had a VERY generous incentive package on the foster parent program. Me Grimlock no want listen to him Basara's song!
  9. Mine were chocked with Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Film. Any character in the movie made it off shelves pretty fast. Though Prime and Bumblebee certainly had an advantage over the rest(they NEVER appeared, as opposed to rarely or only in Fast Action Battler form). ... Until the haunakwanzmas rush. Then they were choked with air and a keychain.
  10. I shot the monkeys and got a few renegade points. Tali and Ashley both yelled at me, too.
  11. Then why did tooling exist for Thrust's wings? Given it wasn't usable for repaints, and Thrust is probably the LEAST marketable seeker... The character roster in Classic is also pretty lopsided towards the Autobots, and the other 3 seekers would've made it a tie. I think they planned for a full set from the start, and backed out later. At best, they planned for store exclusives on the seekers and then couldn't find any takers beyond Target's Magnus/Skywarp set.
  12. Maybe 25? I only bought one Ultra, given I didn't start buying stuff until Cybertron's endgame.
  13. Well.... cloning doesn't transfer memories. Odds are VERY good that Macross' cloning, given it was meant to help maintain human civilization, popped out babies to be raised by adoptive parents. As for selective breeding.... Things could go several ways. I would assume all citizens were required to donate DNA, to maximize the gene pool. From there.... do you clone samples at random to maximize diversity? Or drag out the old eugenics concept and start trying to improve the species? Again, given they've just fought a war for your species' survival against a race of genetically-engineered super-soldiers. I would think that in light of that, actively tampering with the gene pool would be viewed in a rather dim light. Max and Millia's age is EASY to explain. Medical technology advanced as fast as every other kind of tech after the Macross crashed.
  14. Supreme is the step above Leader. Ultra is in-between Voyager and Leader.
  15. No original Zero? :'( Phantasy Star Online did it on the XBox 1. Dunno if PSUniverse does it.
  16. Sadly, the bonuses don't stack, but the penalties do. So a drunk guy with glasses doesn't fly as well as a sober guy with glasses or a drunk guy without glasses.
  17. What about drop-ins that DON'T grip tightly? ... Okay, so admittedly it's not a common design anymore. But my SegaCD2 needs approval.
  18. I was referring to instances where the subs were blatantly off. It happens.
  19. And that neither one matched the japanese dub.
  20. Yeah. Megs came out a lot better than I expected, too. I love chrome. This makes me want the whole damn J Classics line. Fortunately, I don't do a lot of internet shopping. My wallet may yet survive. ... Or I may make a habit of 'net shopping, and my wallet will descend into previously unseen depths of emptiness.
  21. Only some states. They were just making sure they had all the bases covered, so they could sell it anywhere in the US.
  22. Yeah. Cybertron's leader-class Prime is actually near Masterpiece Prime in my "fun-factor" rating. MP has the nostalgia edge, and heavy metal content, but Cybertron's is pretty slick.
  23. That's the funny thing.... As a kid, I loved Transformers... but even as a kid I was wondering where the joints were. Now? I like the aesthetic of the G1 toys, but I just can't stand them. They're unposable bricks for the most part, and several have serious proportion issues. I've found Cybertron, Classics, and Alternators to all have highly appealing toys(I wasn't looking during Armada and Energon). Classics is the most consistently appealing. Surprisingly, Cybertron outdoes Alternators in my book. Though I have some adorable cross-series fights on my shelf(Cybertron Unicron ripping a pair of Alternators apart is my favorite, really. It's a remarkably posable toy, though that backpack makes him seriously back-heavy.) Masterpiece.... is 3 toys and 2 repaints. Of which I own one. But MP Prime poses very well. One of the few Transformers I have that doesn't look absurdly stiff with the legs straight. Alternators and Masterpiece are G1 on crack. Cybertron and Classics are the toys I dreamed of as a kid.
  24. Well, hello again! As I said on the other board... It's not what you've specified but the Zanac series may prove interesting due to the adaptive difficulty system present. Difficulty level is constantly increasing until you start dying, and it selects enemy patterns to defeat your current subweapon. It gives out 1-ups like popcorn, but.... you actually need them. I'd hit Zanac X Zanac on the PS1, personally. It has recreations of the NES version of the original Zanac, the earlier Famicom Disk System version of the original Zanac, and the new Zanac Neo game. You might also look at Zanac EX on the MSX2 computer. It's a very pretty version of NES Zanac. The NES cart version is available on the Wii.
  25. Oh yeah.... game was devleoped by From Software, makers of Armored Core... and ACE? Suddenly I have a lot more interest in a J PS2... Anyways... pretty good developer for a mech game. So it seems safe to assume MWC has decent gameplay under the president of the great United States.
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