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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Check the brawl in the restaurant. Kaifun hit at least one person. He also threw booze at Minmay. Anyways... It's also worth noting that Hikaru was, at one point, a pacifist. A major point of his early development was coming to terms with the fact that sometimes life throws situations out that just can't be resolved peacefully, and that arc peaks in Transformation with his decision to enlist after the destruction of the rebuilt Macross City(and I only just realized that's not the painfully literal episode title it seems to be...). Hikaru's still not going to run out and pick a fight, but he acknowledges the necessity of taking up arms in defense of your home, your people, and your world. IMO, Basara is Hikaru, just without that moment of realization. He never accepts that sometimes you can't solve a problem in a non-violent manner, and gets pissed when people make him resort to violence. Singing to a group of street thugs trying to punch your lights out isn't any more effective than sitting in a park and sulking while aliens shoot at your space ship. Fortunately for Basara, singing to interdimensional invaders trying to eat your soul IS more effective than shooting at them, and his stubborn adherence to an ideal is ultimately to humanity's benefit.
  2. I actually find this a HIGHLY unfair argument. The zentradi are established as having a long, proud tradition of sterilizing any planet they come across that has "culture." They were not shown as being inclined to negotiation once the cultural contamination became obvious. MAYBE the war could've been avoided had the Macross not been rebuilt, or not been booby-trapped. But as things happened, the military didn't really botch anything. In fact, throwing the Macross to the wolves was a sound strategical move. The enemy's interest WAS solely in the battleship, as far as anyone could tell. When the Macross left Earth, the aliens followed it, and expressed no interest whatsoever in the planet until the Macross returned. And when it left again, the aliens left with it. ... And then they signed a peace treaty with the Macross hours before their boss came to blow everyone to hell. Certainly, the military's immediate dismissal of Misa's first-hand experience with the alien fleet was poor judgement, especially since the viewer knows she was 100% accurate. But there WASN'T any evidence they had a fleet the size of her report, and eyewitness accounts ARE prone to extreme variability. Especially when the planetary sterilization was a planned demonstration. That was VERY easy to fake. Their later observations of the fleet during their escape are disrupted and colored by their attempts to escape. It is NOT what you would call ironclad evidence. Also note that by this point in time, the spies are already aboard the Macross, beginning the chain of cultural contamination that will ultimately lead to the decision to sterilize the planet. Things had already started rolling at this point, and the ultimate conclusion was arguably inevitable. And this is only tangental, but... for all the military's pride and arrogance, the Grand Cannon WAS relevant to humanity's victory. The allied fleet advances towards the zentradi flagship through the path cleared by the Grand Cannon, sparing them a large number of ship-to-ship battles. Kaifun is an apeface. Before the end of the war, he blames the military for the Macross' situation. Which is only partially accurate, given the Macross fired an automated attack to start the war. AFTER the war, he acts like the military wandered into the Zentradi fleet, punched Bodol in the nose, and laughed at him. In point of fact, the military had ALREADY DECIDED not to start a fight with aliens when Britai first showed up. The first shot is beyond human control. The second shot is by the zentradi. After that, opportunities for discussion and a peaceful resolution to the conflict are surprisingly limited, especially since the aliens spend most of their time on the other side of the solar system. Notable typos fixed during the production of this post: A continued traditional confusion of Kamjin and Kaifun. Britai = Britain
  3. Well, he DOES...
  4. To further muddy the waters, there's also the VF-1X, an upgraded VF-1 with increased performance and modernized controls.
  5. You probably OWN a cheap bridge. I have my 360 connected to my PC, and XP is bridging the wired connection to the wireless one. Granted, my 3690 is right next to a PC, but... Also, I'm using a wired-only router to connect the 360 and PC. A crossover cable would be saner, but A. This left me the option of taking the PS2 and XBox 1 online, and B. I already HAD a router. A crossover cable would have cost money.
  6. Don't forget naming Megatron's gun Leader-1 in Armada! I think that was just spiteful. Okay, we get it. Transformers won. No need to go dragging the GoBots through the mud like that(It doesn't hurt that I absolutely LOVED my Super GoBots Leader-1). They also did a series of "Go-Bots" in Generation 2. Cars with HotWheels-style axles. But the point is taken.
  7. Actually, SDF really DOESN'T need a BR release. The film grain is the ultimate determination of whether there's a point or not in this case. If you can see film grain, you've hit the limits of your source footage and a higher resolution transfer is meaningless. The film grain was visible in SDF. Of course, Animeigo stripped it out during the remaster, then added some of it back in, but the fact remains that the DVD transfer has a higher resolution than the original footage does. I don't know about the audio quality, though. Presuambly more space would help that, but BluRay is overkill. I suspect, with no real proof, that part of the reason for ADV's lower quality(as compared to Animeigo) audio track is because they reduced the bitrate to fit more content in, since they have the glorious upsampled-from-mono, 5.1-even-though-there's-almost-no-subwoofer-content dub track. If I owned the ADV disks, I could make more than a guess.
  8. Geez, it's been a while since I messed with mine... I should bust them out and check them. Then immediately burn backups. Only disk I've ever had crack on me was a Tyrian 2000 game CD. It was just sitting in the box, I pulled it out to listen to the music, and it split in two.
  9. Dave already answered. 'S why I'm considering changing my current DVDRW out for an SATA one(now that they, you know, actually make them). ... Well, that and I have a black case and a beige writer. I'd LIKE to get a BR reader + DVDRW, but those things are silly expensive.
  10. Seconded. Unless you've got a compelling reason not to(like attempting to go total SATA), optical drives are the single most reusable component.
  11. Moremore importantly, when is the original cut that Lucas has promised we'll never see again?
  12. For some reason, I'm getting a weird Last Starfighter prototype vibe from that first pic.
  13. I wasn't really trying to be rude. Sorry I came off that way. I genuinely thought it was an innocent oversight(one that's easy to make, even if you know better). Anyways, confusion cleared. We're all gonna die. Eventually. Resume normal conversation.
  14. There's actually an excuse for this one. Most of the destroids were packed into the Daedalus and got blasted in the initial boarding operation. Certainly they should've brought more VFs in, but...
  15. Right. You're missing the other side of that coin, even though you use it to make your point with Betelgeuse. Since we're looking into the past, we have no way of knowing if a star has actually exploded or not. There is, in fact, no guarantee that WR104's Wolf-Rayet has not ALREADY detonated, possibly a VERY long time ago. If that star explodes today, we won't know for 8 millenia. But if it exploded 8 millenia ago, we'll be finding out any day now. Of course, this is a lot of discussion for a gamma ray burst that only MIGHT be aimed at us.
  16. You've gotten it exactly right, actually. People tend to forget that we don't see things as they happen, because they're used to the incredibly short distances of terrestrial life. It's easy to forget that we're seeing ancient history when we look at the night sky. Heck, you can see the birth of the universe if you know where to look(the blanket microwave background radiation is an almost unimaginably red-shifted Big Bang).
  17. They've even got a Light/Dark side motif going. ... Ps3 is the dark side of gaming? Hmmm...
  18. I thought Kirk was a tad unique among Feddie captains. Weren't most of them supposed to be a bit more... reserved?
  19. My favorite is"gold-plated connectors for superior signal quality" on OPTICAL audio cables. ... And Monster's short-lived PS2 controller extension cord that promised to get the signals from the gamepad to the console faster so that your games would be more responsive. But that's a bit outside the bounds of this thread.
  20. Probably. That seems to be how these things usually work, regardless of company. Can't stop us from dreaming.
  21. And all that is very interesting, but largely irrelevant to a wish fueled by the recent involvement of the design team on the website news posts, an area they have not traditionally had great input on.
  22. In fact, there's a large enough volume of air that it should have a natural rain cycle. NASA's Vehicle Assembly Building is a large enough room to experience natural rain, and a colony ship is, obviously, MUCH larger.
  23. *laughs* Vulcans don't let logic guide their decisions. They use it to JUSTIFY their decisions, which are guided by carefully hidden emotions. Put a bunch of vulcans in a room with a problem, you'll get a bunch of vulcans patiently explaining to each other why their solution is the only logical course of action and their respected comrades are misguided and/or illogical. Sign me up for the romulans. I always thought they always needed more screen time in the later shows.
  24. Hot. That was the first Dresden book I read.
  25. One of the secret ships in Tyrian(type NORTSHIPZ on the titlescreen) had a secondary special weapon(tap the button to change your rear-fire mode to select it) called "SDF Main Gun" and it was a big fat laser of omnipotence. Arguably it was a Robotech reference, but...
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