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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Just a thought on the whole deculture thing... Wouldn't the term carry a different meaning to a modern human-allied zentradi than it would to an "uncontaminated" one? For a native zentradi, culture is kinda like the boogeyman. If you're a bad little zentran and start hanging out with girls and listening to music, the culture will get you. And then the head admiral will have to vaporize your fleet. It's a Bad Thing. So stay away from the dirty miclones. If you see one, run far away as fast as you can. Don't look at them, don't listen to their song. If you do, even for just a second, The Culture will get you. But for the transplanted zentradi that've successfully assimilated with humanity, it's not so scary. The boogeyman's already come, and they kicked his boogeyass back across the galaxy. Now they're free to hang out with girls, listen to music, and even dance at the disco! They've embraced culture, and it's pretty sweet. Well, except for the disco part. But I hear that's dead again.
  2. Yes. Though we are unsure exactly what this word of apparently zentradi origin means, it seems to convey a sense of appreciation and gratefulness. So sankyou from the bottom of our fanboy hearts.
  3. Hikaru was also a professional pilot before the show ever started. He was flying from a quite young age.
  4. Also, if you would be so kind as to release subtitle files that can be used on raw unsubbed videos it would be appreciated.
  5. Suffering from nosecone envy, I guess. Anyways, back to the important part. Q-RAU! YEAH!
  6. But now every time I watch a QRau fight, somewhere in the back of my mind a voice will be going "You know that's a comic-relief chibi in there, right?" DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I SUFFER BECAUSE OF FRONTIER?!?!?!?!
  7. I just watched it. A. Ranka has the best backpack ever. B. ZOMG QRAUS!!!!! C. There are things which should not be done. Chibi-meltrans rank very high in that list. (Un)fortunately, we know Band is incorrect. Exedol: LISTEN TO MY SONG! Kyun-kyun! Everyone else: SHUT UP! PLEASE!
  8. I use Media Player Classic and FFDShow. I have no desire to mess around with codec packs.
  9. I never saw one. no real surprise. My area's not big on Transformers, so they get a relatively small amount of shelf space.
  10. I haven't seen the show. I should probably find some torrents or something.
  11. Well, Classics 2 looks like a win to me. And a big fat lose for my wallet. ... QBeeeert. QbertQBertQBertQBERT! I may have to buy the G1 Prime reissue. I DO have one of the umpteen-bajillion prior reissues, but it's the G2 one with the black trailer. And waitwaitwaitwaitWAIT. I admit I haven't been keeping close tabs on the line, so everyone else probably knew it was coming, but... Animated Ultra Magnus isn't an Optimus Prime repaint? Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse?
  12. Or they said whatever they thought people would believe because darn it, Classics was ending NOW and they weren't gonna issue another wave. It's also possible they just realized that Classics would be weighted towards the Decepticons if they did all 6 seekers, and having a larger "bad guy" roster wasn't something they wanted. It's not like large corporations are always immediately and completely honest with consumers. Ramjet was a nobody too. But I am MORE representative of the average retail customer than the fans that buy stuff from every line. Or just a fairly picky Trannie fan. Regardless of if it was reasonable or not, people STILL aren't going to be happy about it, especially with the new seeker that nobody wants coming out now. No matter how many history lessons and repetition of the official corporate line they see, they're not going to cheer up. And they will whine forever because BotCon exclusivity has (apparently) locked these products out of retail forever. And I'm still skeptical that there was no feasable way to get them to retail the first time.
  13. But not all. Ramjet, for example, had new molding. And was a minor character. Granted it was probably part of the original Starscream/Skywarp mold in the first place, but the fact is they had new molding for a minor character, and clearly planned to do repaints of the mold in the first place. And Ramjet was also the release that made us think the other seekers were coming. They had a conehead mold. They had an alternate wing mold. Evidence is that they planned for seeker repaints from day one, and not just half-assed Starscream redecos. Proof, please. Just because Hasbro's official statement was they wouldn't sell doesn't mean it's true. Classics is probably the ONLY line I've bought into significantly. I own all of them except for Cliffjumper and the MicromastersMinicons. Every. Single. One. Admittedly, I PROBABLY would've skipped Ultra Magnus if he hadn't been a Skywarp bundle. More likely I would've thought harder about it, then picked him up anyways, since he'd probably have more paint apps if he was a standalone. Which isn't to say I don't like him. Just that he wasn't really a very compelling repaint and would've had trouble commanding a Voyager price tag. I've grabbed a few movie toys, and a few more Cybertron toys, and a few Alternators(one or two of which I have some buyer's regret over). Classics is the ONLY line that I can say I liked every single toy that came out of it. I admit this isn't a statistically valid sampling, but I choose to refer to it as a piece of anecdotal evidence. This is also very important to consider: No one CARES what it was intended as. What we care is that it was totally awesome, and apparently did fairly well as a mass-market line too since it's coming back. We all know the history. We're also all still peeved about the BotCon incident, because we all had a seeker we wanted. I was really looking forward to Thrust, even though I was pretty sure he'd have Classic Ramjet's wings instead of the VTOL fans. We're even more peeved since Classics is returning, with MORE seeker repaints, and we STILL aren't getting the ones we want, because QBerting BOTCON did it! Would we have minded if they'd shown up as sets like Skywarp did? Probably not, as long as we got our jets. In retrospect, I really should've bought some extra Starscreams and Ramjets to repaint, but the whole teardown/paint/reassemble thing isn't something I'm comfortable with, especially since it'd be my first real attempt at doing anything like it. But on the other hand... I'd have Thrust. Maybe not with wingfans, but even if it took 6 tries I'd STILL have paid less than a BotCon set.
  14. I used to have a lot of GoBots as a kid. Dunno what happened to them. But yeah, I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. That or referring to the more modern Playskool GoBots line. Your choice.
  15. I propose the thread be dubbed GoBot Blitzwing Edition.
  16. It's also pretty much an accelerated version of what happens here. No one likes to think about it, but a few years after you die, your grave is just an arbitrary patch of dirt with some bones in it. Unless you're cremated.
  17. Too bad Itano never got the note that Max was just THAT awesome. Could've saved himself some work. Seriously, he passed a 1A in an ill-fitting uniform off as a real zentradi soldier(briefly). Just being painted blue apparently makes the impossible possible(and how did he get the head laser under that hat anyways?).
  18. The version of that I've heard is it was a patch to CORRECT an animation error. The guys drawing the episode had given Max a giant beam gun(much like Gamlin would routinely use many years later, strangely enough) that he one-shot'ed the recon craft with, and it was too late to completely redraw the sequence by the time anyone else found out. Hence a lot of missiles were added to Max's VF so he could still one-shot it, but do so from an appropriate tech level. That way they just had to reshoot the attack scene with a missile rack(hastily drawn) and some missile trails(probably recycled) overlaid on the Valkyrie instead of the deathray that was initially overlaid. That's why you never see that particular expansion pack ever again. It was the anime equivalent of white-out. It's interesting to know that AnimeFiend isn't incompetent. Though I shall now never forgive them for farming Virgin Road out to Star Pro without adequate information to draw anything right instead of never forgiving them for animating Virgin Road. As you noted, it's still their fault, though it's management's fault and not the animators'.
  19. Or "The truth about the Vajra is... they're pretty badass. And they kill stuff. Beyond that... who cares?"
  20. Gattai has the best image quality... provided you download the .ass file and combine it with a raw. I found all the presubbed videos to have rather low image quality. The HD raws are beautiful, though.
  21. Could've been an excuse to introduce a bit of realism regarding space to a viewing audience that's never gotten to see it before, and typically believes you pop like a balloon. We've had TWO decompression incidents now, which is a rather stark comparison to the zero of everything else. ... Okay, so there was one in the original TV series, and if I recall it was included for similar reasons. But I'm not sure the Britai spacewalk counts, what with all the subsequent dialog talking about how badass Britai was for not dying immediatly when he hit space(certainly he WAS badass, but it undermined the original point of "hard vacuum isn't immediatly fatal"). And like that first time so very long ago, I'm sure there's people misunderstanding the point of the latest one and going "Gee, it sure is lucky they were near the emergency shelter" instead of getting that there's LOTs of these shelters peppering the ships so you're ALWAYS near one, and the ordinary civilians(okay, so our heroes aren't ordinary, but...) are trained to find the nearest shelter if they see a dome failing. (It's probably less important in the main dome due to the massive volume of air and self-sealing dome, but on the smaller ones it would be a serious concern). What we've learned from MacF so far: 1. You too can survive hard vacuum. 2. That doesn't mean you play around with it. I just want to know why the VF-25 carries a lightsaber-knife. Oh, and is it me, or do the lobsters have some sort of obsession with Ranka?
  22. Probably just that everyone's seen them already. Though we've already used more bandwidth discussing the OP/ED validity than would've been used linking them...
  23. I strongly recommend grabbing the raw and using the .ass files Gattai's been releasing. The quality difference between the raws and the pre-subbed video files is huge.
  24. Are they still VFGirl cosplayers if they're naked?
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