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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Because Ivanov is more fun to say.
  2. Shake them haters off! I'm not very impressed with Starscream myself. I don't absolutely despise him, but he's probably the least impressive of the Animated toys I have. Even worse since he's a voyager. Next to Grimlock and Prime, he's just all-around weak(though why Fire Truck Prime comes with what appears to be a Lazerbeak bootleg instead of a proper ax, I'll never know).
  3. Yes, that's it. That has to be it! Yes, but Gamlin got Millia's -1J blown up. Speaking of cannon fodder... Why are the destroids considered weak when we see so many more VFs getting blown up?
  4. Well, they mentioned the Megaroad mission in the original TV show. Admittedly it was only in the post-war arc, which wasn't originally part of the plan, but... Even without the intent to TELL stories of the colonization, it helps if you explain how you've rebuilt the population enough in 2 years that it's a viable option.
  5. It was close, but I voted DYRL Focker. Was that or Gamlin. ... What, he lived? Oh, my mistake. Was thinking of Bowman.
  6. The great Starscream can only be properly represented in the class that best describes his role! ... No, not retard! That's not even a class! I obviously meant leader! This message was approved by Starscream. ... Okay, I did what you asked. Now can you PLEASE point the null-ray somewhere else? THANK YOU.
  7. It's also worth noting that a LOT of the destroid fatalities in the original series were in one scene, recycled many many times(It is, coincidentally, the same quick shot that the Orguss Valkyrie is in). So... don't get assigned to a Defender on bridge defense, and you'll be fine. But yeah, destroids are doing longer range kills as well as being more specialized, making them look less effective than they undoubtedly are.. The Spartan and Tomahawk are the only ones I'd consider capable of in-close fighting, and they didn't see a lot of action for most of the show. If a Defender or Phalanx position is over-run, they're kinda screwed(though really, shouldn't the Defenders and Phalanxes have Tomahawk and Spartan escorts to handle closer stuff?). And, of course, the heroes are flying Valks, so the camera isn't focused on the destroid action. Hikaru's team is sent to reinforce a destroid team at one point(Kamjin bashes Hikkie's head in before being recalled by Britai in a flashy manner), but the implication is that the other destroid teams are holding their own, and it's only the one area that needs assistance. And as far as reinforcements go... calling a nearby VF team makes more sense, because they ARE faster and more easily repositioned. They may not have as much armor or firepower(depending on VF "pack" loadouts), but that's a secondary concern over getting some fresh guns there before the position is overrun. Certainly, the destroid must've proved it's worth since they're making new models in Frontier, which warms my heart almost as much as Isamu one-shotting the retired Monster broke it(I still cry myself to sleep thinking about that scene occasionally). And, of course, there's the variable Monster, but... it's the Monster. Had they retired it, they wouldn't have any heavy artillery mechs. A VF with GBP equipment can fill in for most other destroids, making a reasonably general-purpose mech(and as of the VF-25, you don't even lose the versatility of the Valk in the process), but the Monster's weapon class pretty much requires a mech built around the recoil concerns and possible nuclear splashback. Certainly you could substitute missiles for the cannons, but you wouldn't get the projectile launch speed, and the warheads would be easier to track.
  8. Or does it just mean Minmay invites slapping?
  9. I rest my case. Though I was under the impression she started life as such, and was just cyborgified to the point where it's hard to say now.
  10. To be fair, the Macross' systems were all still a bit flaky. The boobytrap caused some serious issues when they tried to use the ship PROPERLY afterwards. That or Global's just making up excuses to cover for his crew's ineptitude in Global Report.
  11. But there's only one point relevant to this discussion: He refused to set foot in Macross City. If your manager refuses to work in the place with the best states and the most people, he's a bad manager. Grace fails as a human being, but Kaifun fails as a manager.
  12. Well, I think Capcom should hire the guy for Megaman 9 promotion. Rainbow Road... *twitch* 'Scuse me a minute. *pounds the stuffing out of a few SNES decks* Okay, I think I'm better now. SNES isn't a very good shooter platform, really. Most of those wound up on the Genesis. It's got a few gems, though. If you like the Gradius games, Parodius is more or less the same thing, just on acid. Speaking of gems... Space Megaforce/Super Aleste does indeed rock on all levels. Compile + shooters = awesomeness. I must, however, respectfully disagree on one point. Super R-Type is ass, largely due to the omission of continue points. There's no reason why dying to the boss should send you right back to the start of the level. It makes for an atrociously bad port of the game, even if there aren't a lot of R-Type 2 ports to choose from. Just get a PlayStation and a copy of R-Types. That's all you need as far as the arcade versions go(unless you wanna do it right and get arcade boards, or leet warez rawmz and a copy of MAME). For the SNES, get R-Type 3 instead.
  13. NO! This must be stopped! And there's only one thing powerful enough to defend against such evil! Ima anata no koe ga kikoeru "Koko ni oide" to Samishisa ni makesouna watashi ni Ima anata no sugata ga mieru Aruite kuru Me wo tojite matte iru watashi ni *watches the zentradi battleships take aim on exelius and dreamweaver*
  14. No one needs to know about your doujin collection.
  15. Megaman 3: The SONG!
  16. JB0

    Downloads for Game

    The internet seems like a good place to check.
  17. I think that has more to do with screen time than anything else. DYRL Kaifun, like most characters, doesn't have enough time to get established as anything with any depth.
  18. The Macross zentradi theme was pretty orchestral...
  19. Oh. Just an accurate representation of how often I shoot my mouth off?
  20. To be fair to Kaifun(not that he's a great guy), there WEREN'T a lot of big high-profile venues. The Earth had been almost totally annihilated, and pop concerts weren't exactly high on the priority list next to repopulating the species and not choking to death on dust and noxious fumes. The entire human race had a count roughly equivalent to the city of San Jose. Just finding a place with enough population to justify a concert that wasn't ALSO totally sick of Minmay concerts was a heck of an accomplishment by itself. Hene why she wound up doing charity gigs at Stone City and such. You can only do so many shows in Macross City. Though Kaifun refused to set foot in Macross City, sooooo... her manager insisted on not visiting the single biggest venue on the planet. That can't be good. Vote for Kaifun!
  21. As I understand it(padded as such because I can't read japanese, so my sources are rather... limited)... Overtechnology is a catch-all term for ANYTHING reverse-engineered from the ASS-1/Macross. While some tech (like airplanes and computers) may not be directly spawned from the ASS-1, it almost certainly was advanced by it(ultralight alloys, advanced power sources, room-temperature superconductors, more efficient semiconductors), making it an application of overtechnology even if we DID invent it here. So... pretty much everything except cold fusion is overtechnology. Macross uses "hot" fusion, as implied by the term thermonuclear reaction and the fact that the fuel is converted to plasma. There's some differences between fusion as we understand it now and an overtech thermonuclear reaction, though it seems to be related mainly to the methodology used to start and sustain the reaction. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Overtechnology http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Thermonuclear_Reaction http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Reaction_Weapon adds another wrinkle to the fusion discussion, since it seems that the same term is used for multiple classes of weaponry. Gubaba: My post count is probably a bad thing. But none can question my passion for the franchise!
  22. They discuss that in the show, actually. Kamjin may be a deranged, self-important, insubordinate, ally-killing lunatic, but he's not (completely) stupid. He makes sure his back is covered before he does anything. He obeys his orders to the letter, while completely ignoring the intent. Or he arranges it so there's a plausable excuse. Like that scene where he's ordered to fire across the Macross' bow. It's set up so it looks like the gunner just screwed up his aim. Then he has the poor guy killed in a "technical malfunction" so he can't confirm he was acting under orders. Everyone KNOWS what happened, but they can't PROVE anything. It's likely why he was left in charge of his forces, despite being enough of a problem to be pulled off combat duty. No one could PROVE anything, but everyone KNEW he was a loose cannon. So they stuck him on patrol duty to keep him out of trouble until Britai got stupid and called him in. Same situation applies here. Britai knows Kamjin will have a suspiciously convenient bout of communication interference if he leaves any room for doubt. He intentionally uses the most obnoxiously visible system at his disposal, to make absolutely sure there's no question about if he heard it or what it meant. And Kamjin curses Britai for throwing a wrench into his standard operating procedure before ordering the retreat.He's enjoying his little standoff, but he knows better to stick around in PROVABLE defiance of direct orders.
  23. Honestly, I'm not sure. I haven't seen any Robotech in ages, so I barely remember the music(in fact, the intro is the ONLY music I can recall). I loved the opening last time I saw it. Of course, last time I saw it was also the FIRST time I noticed the cheesy 80s video editing effects(state of the art for the time, but they sure didn't age well). The intro music really strikes me as "Diet Star Wars." In fact, I've tried to hum it before and transitioned into the Star Wars theme. *hits YouTube for a refresher* Okay... I SORTA like it. The arrangement they use is bit too fake, but the underlying score is decent. I think a remix is in order. I keep laughing when I hear sound effects spliced over the music. And it's DEFINITELY Diet Star Wars. I like the Macross song too, but sometimes for the wrong reasons. "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is stupid, but fun. It makes me laugh. Maybe Robotech didn't fall too far from the source material after all? VISUALLY, the Macross intro is far superior, due in large part to the consistent theme. The Robotech intro, of course, is spliced from all three shows' intros, and suffers a bit from the incoherency. But the opening "filmstrip" on Robotech's intro is one of my favorite parts, dampened a bit by the fact that Macross also transitions from not-show to title sequence well.
  24. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3752...s_hironobu_.php Interview with the producer of Megaman 9. I thought it was an interesting read.
  25. Deluxe is the smallest. Seriously. Then it's Voyager. Then Ultra. Then Leader(which is NOT limited to actual leader characters). Topped off with SUPREME!11111 Edit: My bad. Deluxe is SECOND smallest. Legend is smallest. Or maybe Mini-Con. but that's more a second line than a toy class.
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