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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Well, swinging the guitar around is unrelated to playing it. So the flight stick part is okay... sort of. So we've got a guitarstick, that's kinda almost maybe reasonable, if you squint a little. Now, the real question is how do we do the throttle. And the pedals. And the everything else. We already know that there's buttons mounted on the neck of the guitar for secondary functions(including real honest-to-goodness missiles, thank you, Ray!) Maybe twist the guitar neck for throttle? I know you can't get away with it on a real guitar, but... this isn't a real guitar. It shouldn't be hard to build one that doesn't rely on the vibration of strings, even without overtechnology(in fact, real-world guitar-based MIDI controllers have existed since the 80s). Pressure-sensitive pads down the neck for finger position detection and strings at the base for continuity with conventional guitars. Or even a set of strings at the base and a second independent set down the neck. The actual soundwave creation is all done digitally in either case, with the plucking of strings serving to issue MIDI commands(or some future replacement of MIDI) rather than create an actual soundwave(or electronic equivalent thereof). Really, something less conventional would probably suit their purposes better. But it would require a bit of retraining, and who knows if Basara would agree to use something less than a "real" guitar. http://www.hollis.co.uk/john/synthaxe.html Speaking of 80s MIDI guitars...
  2. Real life isn't built around the adventures of a single person, nor is it attempting to tell an interesting story. Macross 7 IS built around the adventures of a single person, and IS attempting to tell an interesting story. Unfortunately, it's built around a fundamentally unrelatable person.
  3. Only in the most ham-handed of shows does a character sit down and say "So yeah, I'm a dirty pacifist hippie with a guitar because when I was younger ..." There are ways to develop things WITHOUT the character just sitting down and explaining things. Ray seemed to have some knowledge, but as a third-tier character(tier-1 = Basara, tier-2 = Gamlin+Mylene), he wasn't allowed to share this information. Not to Mylene, not to Gamlin, and not to us. If I recall, Basara didn't do the customization. He got the plane from Ray as-is. And while the Jamming Birds were a complete and utter failure, this is through no fault of the 2-seater approach. In fact, there's a distinct advantage there, since the pilot is free to focus on piloty things while the musician is free to focus on musicy things. Also note that Ray and Veffidas were in a 2-seater. Because as third-tier characters(and I'm being generous including Veffidas here instead of with the flower girl and background scenery), they weren't important enough to get their own mechs.
  4. Problem is, a fold isn't instantaneous. Not even for the people inside the fold. And for those in real space, it takes even longer. How long were Hikaru, Max, Misa, and Kakizaki gone when they got captured? 2 weeks? And from their perspective, it wasn't even long enough to start worrying about where their next meal was coming from. If you're under attack, you need defenses NOW, not as soon as a carrier can be mobilized and make it through the fold lag.
  5. Maybe Ninja Gaiden? The NES game, I mean.
  6. But how did he get where he is? Basara's annoying to a lot of people, and I thnk part of that's because there's no attempt made to show people WHY he is how he is. What gives him this burning passion? Why does he believe so strongly in his music's ability to change the world? What made him such an extreme pacifist? We have ONE flashback of him trying to move a mountain with a guitar. That's simply not adequate, especially for a character that gets mad at OTHER PEOPLE when he's forced to resort to violence(the VERY FIRST episode has him yelling at Mylene because she MADE HIM punch someone). He's not a well-established character by any stretch, and it really hurts the show.
  7. FINAL FANTASY SEVEN LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111 Seriously... I think they COULD make a great Metroid movie. I also think they WON'T make a great Metroid movie. And to be mildly creative... Maybe the 90s Battlezone game? You know, the RTS/FPS hybrid? America VS the Commies IN SPACE! WITH HOVERTANKS! How is that NOT a recipe for complete awesome?
  8. NOT IF THEY WRECK HER PLANE! Actually, it's junk for another reason. Regardless of whether you think Kawamori should be allowed to make DYRL exist within the Macross universe, Basara isn't in DYRL. He's in The Lynn Minmay Story, which is a DIFFERENT in-continuity movie about Space War 1. It seemed to be a lower-budget, "made for TV" type of thing than DYRL.
  9. My two cents, and a Petite Cola: Slow start. Sad, but true. You WILL be tired of Planet Dance before it goes anywhere. Basara is freaking annoying. And he gets no character development. Mylene and Gamlin are FAR more interesting lead characters, despite their secondary status. Just focusing more on them would've made the show a LOT better. The show totally crashes after Operation Stargazer. But it's almost over at that point, so ride it out. It features a few interesting concepts, but they're poorly handled. Macross 7 is an OK show. It could've been a great one, but... it's not. I've seen FAR worse, though. Focus on Mylene and Gamlin. Pretend Basara is a secondary character. And pace yourself. Don't try to plow through it too fast, or you'll wind up stabbing yourself in the face.
  10. Ditto. Sheryl's had a lot of development to move her away from the stuck-up pop princess that she was at first. I don't HATE Ranka, but... she's deus ex out the machina right now. "hai guyz the bugz r raepin us IN TEH BUTT!111" "lol i hax them n steal their megahurtz wif mai songz" "ZOMG WE HAS BOTHACK!1111"
  11. Maybe when(if?) the movie comes out. Then we can complain about the horrible designs/script/acting of the movie instead. I have faith in Hollywood's ability to screw it up.
  12. And Halo Chick. But the world can never have enough chicks in powered armor.
  13. Aww, c'mon... they're the only people on Earth that HAVEN'T done Mai. You wouldn't want to deprive them of this unique market position, would you?
  14. Physics dictates that a breastplate placed on a comic-book girl will deform in accordance with the size of her chest. Always. You can't argue with science.
  15. Hey, if they put Iron Man's suit on a girl, it'd be pretty sexy too. So clearly the fundamental problem is girls look better than boys.
  16. I fixed it for you. I have to assume the "if" was a typo.
  17. Officially, there's no blood relation. Which, of course, means Kaifun is adopted or one of his parents had a kid with an undefined third party. Both Minmay and Kaifun are Linns. So IF japanese naming conventions for marriages follow western ones* , that means their FATHERS are the blood relatives, since the wives would both take their husbands' names. But there's not a lot of background on that issue. Just a note in Kaifun's bio that he's not a blood relative. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Linn_Kaifun_%28Lynn_Kaifunn%29 *All I have to go on is Misa Ichijo and Millia Jenius. It's a bit of a stretch to take a pair of "near-future" cartoon marriages and apply that as the standard rule.
  18. That makes more sense. Or it could be some form of genetic defect that's very rare among zentradi, but not rare among hybrids. Since the zentradi are all originally clones, they didn't have to worry about eliminating the genes that caused various conditions, just ensuring they weren't active in the specific sequences they were using(obviously they botch it occasionally, or Klan wouldn't go chibi when she miclones). Once they start breeding, who knows what happens? And breeding with humans, who have a different SET of genes... well, all bets are off. You could have something like a gene that caused a mental imbalance that was always paired with a gene that blocked it in zentradi genetic sequences, but doesn't have a corresponding "blocker" in the human genome, or has a rare blocker. ... Oooooh, maybe there's even a name for it. Guld has Kamjin Syndrome!
  19. We actually don't know a whole lot about the zentradi. If the main fleets are in communication with each other, or reporting to a higher authority, or nomads wandering space looking for something to blow up, it's all speculation.
  20. It's still proof that BDI/BCS is NOT an integral part of the plane. As is the VF-22, which uses conventional controls. Especially as the YF-21 has features that they already knew would never see mass-production. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/YF-21#Structure But Guld has a history of issues, going back to when he was in high school. We're talking about a character that assaulted one of his best friends and maybe-nearly-possibly-raped the other(let's not even open THAT can of worms again), and then repressed his memories of the event for however many years afterwards. He wasn't exactly stable to start with. The message I got was that Guld's neurochemical imbalence was a pre-existing condition caused by his heritage, which meshes with his high school outburst. Though one wonders how big a problem this is with half-zentradi, since it hasn't come up with Mylene or Ranka... yet.
  21. The BDI/BCS was not an integral part of the YF-21. Not only did the Omega One have conventional controls, but the Omega Two was built with nothing BUT conventional controls, just in case the neural interface didn't work out. Furthermore, the BCS did not CAUSE mental instability. Guld's condition was pre-existing, and believed to be a problem with his human-zentradi heritage. Certainly it was SENSITIVE to a pilot's mental state, but that's a different problem. There's a lot of possible reasons the YF-19 won. Even in the real world, raw performance doesn't always dictate who wins. Shinsei Industries may've been in worse financial shape the General Galaxies, and needed the cash infusion to stay in business. GG DID have the most recent contract(VF-17), possibly making it Shinsei's "turn." The YF-19 may've handled more like a conventional VF than the YF-21's zentradi-influenced design. Especially in battroid, where the -19 retains the traditional foot thrusters as opposed to the -21's jetpack. When the dust settled, Isamu was the hero that killed Sharon and saved everybody. And he did it in a YF-19. But anyways... manned VS unmanned... Ummm... I may be mistaken, but I'm PRETTY sure that the controls in a Valk are hardwired to the computer, and not bounced off a satellite and returned to the flight systems. It would be just plain dumb to leave the computer with open external connections. No external connection = no remote hacking attempts. Just being computerized doesn't make you hackable. It's why nobody's hacked an F-117, or a B-2, or an F-22, or an F-16, or a... you get the picture. But what about communications, you say? They HAVE to have an open link for communication! And that makes them hackable! Put them on a SECOND computer, with no communications link between the comm computer and the control computer. They only meet in the instrument console, and there's many ways you could handle that to avoid the possibility of inter-system communication. Not the least of which is one-way communications between your console and the other computers. They can talk to it, but it can't talk back.
  22. So I finally got around to watching this one. Micheal went out in style. And Sheryl's back! It's on now, Ranka! Battle of the pop stars! ... It's funny, really. I hated Sheryl after the first episode or two. She came off as arrogant, self-important, and in general bitchy. A dozen or so episodes later, and she's my favorite character.
  23. Hey, is it too late to change my vote? Micheal > DYRL Focker. Yes, I'm running behind in my cartoons.
  24. I fall under none of the above, but... Some guy on YouTube is either full of it, or knows something about EA's exclusive Marvel license that no one else knows. That's why Marvel VS Capcom 2 didn't get a huge print run, and why Capcom hasn't done anything about the obscene demand. No one but EA can legally MAKE Marvel games. And EA doesn't own Capcom's software(especially not titles with Capcom characters in them), so... But enough of that. I wanna see a Spiderman anime... based on the live-action series.
  25. I think the main reason we haven't ALREADY seen a movie is that 0 was written as an OVA first. Plus began life as a movie. The OVA was the edited version, even though it was the first one released.
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