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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Fairly early on. And I was one of the people that got VP1 while it was still available new. Never got the A ending, though. My A playthrough is mostly done, but not finished. PS1 basically died. It randomly reboots, and being totally unpredictable just makes it incredibly infuriating. So I pretty much have to play on the PS2, which I've heard exacerbates VP1's crash issues. I don't know if it's actually true(Althena knows gamers make up enough crap about these things), but the last time I tried to play, it crashed three times in a row. That turned me off picking it back up pretty fast.
  2. Metal Saga on the PS2 is pretty good. So was Radiata Stories. I admit to being more han a little behind on RPGs. I've got a small pile I bought and never started in on, or got distracted from fairly early(I'll come back to you some day, Valk Profile 2!) .
  3. To be fair, many game sites are well-known for giving numerical scores that have more to do with how big the game's name is than actual quality.
  4. Naw, you could do CT. Solely because it's so open(for a JRPG). Once the reach the End of Time, they go into the trashcan warp, fight Lavos, get raped, and die. "BUT... THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE." See? It's perfectly faithful to the game AND short enough for a movie!
  5. Macross as harem anime? *shudder*
  6. Basara's not dense. He just doesn't care. I voted Hikaru. Solely because if the infamous "ditch Misa to hang with Minmay" incident.
  7. What 'bout Lunar 2? LUCIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. No, IGN. Best watermark placement ever.
  9. I actually haven't seen Dynamite.
  10. And Megaman 9 just keeps getting better, with the Blue Bomber pledging to eliminate the greatest evil in video games today!
  11. Short version: Wikipedia screwed up. It's not an autobiography, just a regular biography.
  12. Pretty sure it's on the board somewhere. Kawamori knows where, though.
  13. Ooooh, VF-9 looks nice... *digs up some pictures* As long as you don't see a GERWALK... and ignore the pope hat.
  14. We have a brief reprieve. This was just a test firing. The partical collisions don't start until October 21st. THEN we get sucked into black holes, converted to strange matter, and utterly annihilated by a "vacuum metastability event" all at once. At least a VME will propagate close to the speed of light. We'll be dead before we know anything happened. On the downside, for anyone that isn't us... it'll take the entire universe out. I pity the poor fools on the far side that will see it coming and be unable to stop it!
  15. But not easier than Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryl. The K just gets in the way. One more reason why Sheryl > Ranka.
  16. I'm supposed to be ashamed of Last Starfighter?
  17. Oh, okay. I retract my capslock.
  18. But what about the ones we DON'T play on TVs? Handheld systems, computers, arcade machines? They're called video games because they use video displays instead of fixed pattern displays(Game&Watch and Speak&Spell are both examples of this, though hardly the first) or text printouts. Yes, some of the earliest computer games used printers for output, most notably Trek. As you might imagine, this was not popular with the people paying for the paper the mainframes were chewing through. Ralph Baer argues that only games connected to actual raster-scan televisions are video games. His definition has problems, both for the obvious reason of it's not what everyone else means(is Asteroids a video game? How about the Gameboy? Baer says no) and that it makes the nature of your game change with what you're displaying it on. For example, while my XBox is connected to my LCD computer monitor, I'm playing computer games. But when I take it to the living room and hook it into the slightly-aged CRT TV, the exact same games BECOME video games. By the same token, if you hook his ancient Odyssey prototypes up to a modern LCD TV, they AREN'T VIDEO GAMEs ANYMORE. He's just bitter that Computer Space beat the Odyssey to market, that Space War predates the Odyssey even further, that several other games predate even his earliest unbuilt design sketches, and that the Odyssey, despite being the very first home video game*, was a COLOSSAL FAILURE. *Or first video game, that thing Pong TOTALLY ripped off, everyone else sucks neener neener neener, as Baer insists.
  20. I've got it! The one movie adaptation to rule them all! WORMS.
  21. Sorry, but he had a pretty big hole in him. And hard vacuum doesn't do nice things to people under the best of circumstances. There's no believable way to bring him back. The only way he survived is if they upload his brain to a new body, a la Grace. Lacking any evidence that he was a cyborg in the first place(on the contrary, Frontier outlawed cybernetics), he's dead. Certainly, the timing was cliche, but... it's been an incredibly fierce war. People die. Even the good ones. At least Klan didn't go Romeo and Juliet on us.
  22. Mach Rider! Road Blasters! Fast cars/motorcycles, guns, explosions! What's not to like?
  23. No Blast Works? Everyone needs to support Kenta Cho! ... Personally, I'd've rather seen Torus Trooper go retail than Tumiki Fighters. But TT is available as a bonus on the disk!
  24. Well, the PE movie wasn't based on the game anyways. It was a film adaptation of the original horror novel that the games are sequels to.
  25. Grace's non-human physical attributes could be explained through excessive cyborgification. I think she began life as a wholly organic being, and went totally overboard with aftermarket mods. Though at this point, having swapped bodies after detonating the dimension eater, whether she's technically a human with a "pimp my ride" body or an android becomes a philosophical argument. You could argue that the being that was Grace died when the bomb went off, and the current Grace is a new being that just HAPPENS to have the memories of the old one. Which is a complete pain in the rectum, and gives me a headache. ... Of course, she could've moved into a cloned organic body with MORE cybernetics. I forgot for a moment that they got that tech from the zentradi. Anyways... boobies.
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