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Everything posted by JB0

  1. ... I'd buy it.
  2. So... they get this past, then about 12.3 seconds later realize their wives are taken by faster nerds and start pushing to get polygamy laws changed? And you may've beaten me to Sheryl, but I have dibs on Yuki!
  3. I'm fairly skeptical that Nintendo would issue a major revision and not take the opportunity to update it in any meaningful way. So I'm holding out until we see some actual stats. I figure it's got a higher clockspeed at least, and more RAM would be a highly logical update(real RAM, not the flash RAM download storage stuff). Wish Nintendo would just spit out the silly stats that they know the fanboys drool over instead of doing this whole "stats don't matter" crap.
  4. A crown! Him Grimlock laugh at puny bald Starscream. Him Grimlock KING!
  5. I... have no argument whatsoever.
  6. That's just Gamlin rubbing off on you.
  7. How can you go wrong with Sheryl on your food?
  8. His marriage was ALSO falling apart at the time, so that might've interfered with the whole nostalgia angle. And to be fair, Max's "courtship" was farcical to begin with. I'm sure more than once he looked back at how they met and laughed at how dumb he was as a kid, even if it DID work out in the end. Woulda made a great story at parties, though. "So yeah, you know how we were the first inter-racial couple, right. You ever hear how we met? No? Lemme tell ya... I kicked her lovely ass at a video game. She tried to knife me to death later that knight, and I proposed to her on the spot." "Honey, you forgot the dogfights!"
  9. True dat! Rawket lawnchaas in da house! Fo' shizzle. Or something. For some reason, I can't type that class of weapon properly anymore. Every time I try, I hear the Metal Slug powerup voice.
  10. WHOO! Add that to the purchase list. Has there been word on if the DSi has ANY upgrades besides bigger screen and "flash RAM to store downloaded games"? And Chrono Trigger DS bothers me. They added an ending! I HAVE to buy it now, lest my decade-old encyclopedic knowledge of the game cease to be complete! You mean the Rondo of Blood remake? Don't get it for SotN. Get it for Rondo of Blood(you get the original AND remake! How can you go wrong?). The SotN PSPort isn't very good, from what I saw. I've been told the standalone release on the Playstation Store is better.
  11. Integrated hard drive! ONE SYSTEM FITS ALL!
  12. I've got the G2 Prime with teh Pimp My Ride black trailer. It's... enough.
  13. Tangentially related: I REALLY wish the laser rifle was reloadable. It's such an awesome gun for those first 3 seconds... and then it's nothing but dead weight.
  14. Well, according to Global report, the antigrav malfunction was the boobytrap's fault, not the refit's. In other words, it SHOULD have worked. Didn't Global say in the first episodes that it was going to boldly go where no man had gone before? They'd discussed first contact protocols, so they were probably intending to go gleefully gallivanting across the galaxy.
  15. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! I'm mostly through EDF. Cleared it on the first... 3 difficulties, if I recall. Close to the end on Hardest, with a smattering of Inferno stages. I need to get back to Bullet Witch some time. One of many games I liked, but never put the proper time into. Personally, I never saw the huge issues people kept claiming it had. It's not PERFECT, but it's still fun. Of course, it's a cavia game. They're good at making really fun games with glaring flaws. CaptainJistuce I never threw it out here because I don't pay for online play, so it seemed a moot point.
  16. My first thought was "When do you apply the stickers?". So you've got the G1 look down. Seriously, that's pretty cool. And shiny! If it doesn't come out right... chalk it up as practice and grab another one to try again? If they do another with the Ramjet mold, I'll probably snag one and abuse it into a Thrust. No VTOL wings, but... whatever. Or more likely I'll grab one and talk about making a Thrust, but never actually DO it.
  17. Earth Defense Force is the must-have title, if you ask me. I'm also partial to Bullet Witch.
  18. I grabbed MM9 on my 360. Sharp graphics VS not-totally-dickish attitudes towards downloaded media... If it's the room I think it is... Swinging platform and the wall facing you is spikes as well as the ceiling of the room you're dropping into? Just walk off the swinging platform at the right point. You'll sail under the spikes and land on the floor. I've beat Galaxy Man and Jewel Man so far. I can make it TO Splash Woman, Magma Man, and Concrete Man, but I can't beat them. To be fair, I only tried Concrete Man once, and that was early on. I'm a lot less out of practice now. And QBERT YOU, PLUG MAN AND YOUR QBERTING DISAPPEARING BLOCKS! I QBERTING HATE VANISHING BLOCK ROOMS! DIEDIEDIE! Also: The spinning magnetic platforms in Tornado Man's stage are sliding back and forth on magnet beams from Megaman 1. Best cameo ever.
  19. Him Grimlock no like folding. Figuring out fold co-ordinates make him Grimlock's head hurt!
  20. It's debatable if they were really retcons. Much of the galaxy's history wasn't laid out until well after SDF Macross and DYRL, so challenges to long-standing assumptions are viewed as retcons. And some people here argue that DYRL being a movie within the Macross universe and the TV series being canon, as opposed to the movie just being thrown away when sequels started coming, is a huge retcon that RUINS THEIR MOVIE somehow. And there was a huge debate back and forth over the Global in Frontier being THE RETCON TO END ALL RETCONS because it was never EXPLICITLY STATED in the original series that there were more Macross-class ships built after the series ended, so CLEARLY that means that the SDF Macross was the only ship of it's kind. With DYRL being officially "not real" and the original TV series being the "true story", Zero's the only show to have definite, no-questions-asked retcons... maybe. There's ALSO debate about that. What elements of the VF-0 are present on the VF-1, and what didn't show up until the next VF down the line? Our beloved Valkyrie MIGHT have energy-convertiong armor, but it MIGHT NOT. It's debatable if it even had that spiffy eye-tracking targetting system. So... what I'm trying to say is take retcon complaints with a grain of salt around here. Also: Wow, this thread is old. RedWolf: We don't actually know how many females served under Bodol in the TV series. Lap'Lamiz' fleet did, and they were certainly outnumbered by Kamjin and Britai's ships, but... the make up of the overall "megafleet" is a big fat question mark. Though if Lap'Lamiz and crew were indicative of anything, there were probably a lot more guys across the board. Chicks are elite warrior badasses, dudes are cannon-fodder grunts. Unrelated: I hate Fleet of the Strongest Women.
  21. Ahh, the good ol' RPG "confusion" effect. ... Bleh.
  22. If I recall, the entire city isn't "flat." Large parts of it are multi-tiered. So we're working with volume, not area.Stack a few 500*200 meter shelves at 20-meter intervals, and suddenly you have 6 square kilometers instead of one(numbers pulled out of my rectum to illustrate the point). Still crowded, but... According to Wikipedia, Tokyo has a population density of 5796 people per square kilometer. So... 9 shelves and you're living with more elbow room than Tokyo. And you still have plenty of room in the ship for other stuff. Also, the military barracks were outside the city proper(it was originally built inside an unused portion of a ship that was already fully crewed). Now, all this goes totally out the window once you factor in transformation concerns, and I have serious doubts that a car would be of ANY use, but...
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvCVRfwzoko
  24. VFX2, Starfox, it's all the same, really. ... Wait, Starfox was 93... ... Pilotwings?
  25. My nerdgasm gets in the way of proper social etiquette occasionally. And knowing is half the battle! Or is it too late to do a "half the battle" now?
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