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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Him Grimlock no like folding. Figuring out fold co-ordinates make him Grimlock's head hurt!
  2. It's debatable if they were really retcons. Much of the galaxy's history wasn't laid out until well after SDF Macross and DYRL, so challenges to long-standing assumptions are viewed as retcons. And some people here argue that DYRL being a movie within the Macross universe and the TV series being canon, as opposed to the movie just being thrown away when sequels started coming, is a huge retcon that RUINS THEIR MOVIE somehow. And there was a huge debate back and forth over the Global in Frontier being THE RETCON TO END ALL RETCONS because it was never EXPLICITLY STATED in the original series that there were more Macross-class ships built after the series ended, so CLEARLY that means that the SDF Macross was the only ship of it's kind. With DYRL being officially "not real" and the original TV series being the "true story", Zero's the only show to have definite, no-questions-asked retcons... maybe. There's ALSO debate about that. What elements of the VF-0 are present on the VF-1, and what didn't show up until the next VF down the line? Our beloved Valkyrie MIGHT have energy-convertiong armor, but it MIGHT NOT. It's debatable if it even had that spiffy eye-tracking targetting system. So... what I'm trying to say is take retcon complaints with a grain of salt around here. Also: Wow, this thread is old. RedWolf: We don't actually know how many females served under Bodol in the TV series. Lap'Lamiz' fleet did, and they were certainly outnumbered by Kamjin and Britai's ships, but... the make up of the overall "megafleet" is a big fat question mark. Though if Lap'Lamiz and crew were indicative of anything, there were probably a lot more guys across the board. Chicks are elite warrior badasses, dudes are cannon-fodder grunts. Unrelated: I hate Fleet of the Strongest Women.
  3. Ahh, the good ol' RPG "confusion" effect. ... Bleh.
  4. If I recall, the entire city isn't "flat." Large parts of it are multi-tiered. So we're working with volume, not area.Stack a few 500*200 meter shelves at 20-meter intervals, and suddenly you have 6 square kilometers instead of one(numbers pulled out of my rectum to illustrate the point). Still crowded, but... According to Wikipedia, Tokyo has a population density of 5796 people per square kilometer. So... 9 shelves and you're living with more elbow room than Tokyo. And you still have plenty of room in the ship for other stuff. Also, the military barracks were outside the city proper(it was originally built inside an unused portion of a ship that was already fully crewed). Now, all this goes totally out the window once you factor in transformation concerns, and I have serious doubts that a car would be of ANY use, but...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvCVRfwzoko
  6. VFX2, Starfox, it's all the same, really. ... Wait, Starfox was 93... ... Pilotwings?
  7. My nerdgasm gets in the way of proper social etiquette occasionally. And knowing is half the battle! Or is it too late to do a "half the battle" now?
  8. I actually saw the original photo. The FIRST version didn't have lightning. Just the one guy holding up The Box and the other guys bowing down before it's glory. Lightning was edited in later(I think for one of the first reviews, actually), coming out of the head of the guy holding up the box, going into the box, then out of the box and into the heads of the worshippers. I didn't see the Froating Head version until much later, but I don't think I was active here when it came out.
  9. Yeah. The jet combination is very "huh?" I'm really not sure WHAT to think on the robot modes. Does the combiner use feet for hands?
  10. To be mildly more useful... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkiJafyonwM is the combination in question.
  11. Gao... Gai... GAR!!!!!!
  12. Faking signatures is hard, IF the hash is long enough and calculated in a reasonably secure manner. 7800 homebrew was blocked until Atari released the keygen to the public because of that. It's not as vicious as SOME control schemes, but a 128-bit signature could be trivial to implement, but very difficult algorithm to crack, just due to the length. Assuming there's no blatant oversight in the implementation. They actually HAVE plugged the hole by requiring a signed executable for the service menu restore data. If they did it right, the signature will be transparent to older units. Even if it DOES hurt the older stuff, it just means they have to have TWO restore cards on-hand for their service techs instead of one.
  13. They closed the service mode hole? I'm actually surprised. ... Until someone figures out how to forge a signature, anyways.
  14. To add to that... top speed is only a useful statistic in an atmosphere. In space, the stat we're looking for is max velocity change, or delta-v, which... isn't available, or even calculable with the available information. Among other things, we'd need to know the actual amount of reaction mass carried to be able to figure out how much a given Valk can alter it's velocity. I think there's enough information available to calculate the delta-V of the VF-1 FAST pack "backpack"(we know the max amount of thrust, and how long it can be sustained, as well as the takeoff mass of the VF+FAST packs), but we don't have a way to figure out the delta-v of the base VF-1 or the FAST pack system as a whole. Probably by design, since it avoids anyone being able to point to a scene and say "They can't do that!" You know, like people counting the seconds on a time-bomb in a movie theater.
  15. Flower girl drove me crazy. For some inexplicable reason, I kept wanting some sort of development with her. She was a recurring character, with more screen time than a lot of named characters, and her entire purpose was to look crushed as Basara blew by without even noticing her.
  16. Don't think of him as Dragstrip, think of him as a Super Saiyan Mirage!
  17. The size of a Smart, maybe. If you discount support hardware, especially. Now, fitting IN a Smart, that's another story. Neutron shielding is unavoldable. It is not reducable. You WILL have a metric butt-ton of lead wrapped around the reactor. And to make a more compact reactor, you need better fuel(ask the Navy why their nuclear submarines use a more highly-enriched grade of fuel). A runaway chain reaction ONLY happens if there are no controls. Though consider: the closer you pack the fuel, the less room you have for control rods, mediators, and coolant. The more you enrich the fuel, the hotter it runs. Restricting coolant also increases the difficulty of harvesting the heat. Sure you could build fuel rods of solid U-235 or Pu-239, but it'd be very expensive to fuel, and just plain dangerous on top of that. Not to mention that the government likes to keep weapons-grade nuclear materials under lock and key. Simply put, microfission isn't a believable technology. Technology changes, but physics doesn't. There's no such thing as cold fission. It's a complete impossibility. And you need neutron shielding too. Which is a pain in the ass.
  18. I got tired of pokesouls after a while. Especially since most of them were fairly useless. EVERY monster didn't need a drop. Though they DO get credit for making it a first-kill drop and auto-absorb. I don't think I ever got more than half the cards in Circle, due to the low drop rate and occasionally dropping one somewhere I couldn't reach. Ultimately I was just frustrated that the game insisted on rolling over and submitting before I did anything. Honestly, the only reason I'm considering the Wii version is the sharper image. I like my pixel edges. If the Wii had demo versions, I'd do a 360/Wii comparison, but as-is... I'll probably go with the 360.
  19. Ewww, a ramjet! Seriously, the nature of fission limits how compact you can make it. You HAVE to have enough fuel to sustain a chain reaction. And you HAVE to have neutron shielding(even if the NB-36 moved a lot of it to the cockpit). Highly-enriched fuel can reduce the fuel mass but it only does so much for you. All the technology in the world won't change the fundamental nature of the reactions involved.
  20. *smacks mikeszekely in the face with a PSP* I did. That's why I included the "home" qualifier. The GBA, DS, and PSP games have been, if not always stellar, at least non-execrable. Sure the PSP had it easy, since they were just remaking the best (or at least best traditional-style) game of the series. But that didn't really save Dracula X on the SNES, did it? OBJECTION! Aria was pathetically easy. I consider it mediocre. Harmony wasn't any better. And the crayon outlines around everything were an embarrassing overcompensation for CotM's low-contrast pallets(I suspect that CotM was never playtested on a real GBA). I haven't played DS and PR. I'm sure I'll pick them up eventually. Now CotM, though... THAT'S a game. And I still laugh in the face of people that claim you need to use summons to beat Dracula(Which is a distressingly common assertion. What's happened to gamers?). As far as Megaman, I'm torn between Wii and 360. The Wii has a fixed resolution that avoids scaling artifacts(my Wii's hooked to a CRT, so NYAH!), but the 360 version has ACHIEVEMENTS! and is portable from system to system. If I need to replace my 360, I still have all my games. If I need to replace my Wii, I lose everything I bought online. Wii version also has the NES pad. Not that it really matters, since I use a joystick.
  21. *sigh* How many times have we wound up in the Botcon seeker debate now? The Hasbro PR Department Mouthpiece party says it wasn't commercially viable for a filler line, no one could've realized Classics was a financial success before they terminated the line, etc. and the Botcon package isn't THAT overpriced. The Blind Irrational Seeker Fanboy party says they had any number of options for releasing them, and screwed the fans out of spite, are currently busy REscrewing them with Universe, etc. and the Botcon package was complete and total surprise buttsex. Both sides have had their positions stated and been suitably mocked for it. Can we move on now? It's really getting old at this point. And yes, I'm still annoyed that a red Ramjet with a Thrust label didn't come out.
  22. Meh, forgot about that one. Though they chose the utterly massive B-36. And used a partially-shielded reactor to reduce weight, as well as using direct air cooling instead of a heat exchanger. So fission-powered FIGHTERS are still unfeasable. Nyah!
  23. *looks at related links* ... You know, I could have lived my whole life without knowing they're making a Castlevania fighting game. Why does Konami even MAKE home Castlevania games anymore? They've ALL been complete ass since Symphony of the Night.
  24. I stopped reading about the time the Hello Kitty massager sex toy came up. I have my limits.
  25. Not only that, he can maintain a good showing in an arcade dog fight while sizing her up!
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