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Everything posted by JB0
Let's not forget Max mugging a zentradi grunt in the restroom and stealing his clothes. Unless he jumped a VERY TALL zentradi, which implies they were a commander. And if THAT'S the case, he did with one kick what Hikaru couldn't do period. That was the Chicken Leg of Doom and "YF-1R" episode, right? Not to mention the cigarette-lighter gunpod. Isn't that one generally considered a blooperfest? (Personally, error or not, I think the 3-laser VF-1A head looks good. As animation errors go, it's not half-bad.) And bloopers! Yeah. Even with official pilot heights, the Reguld is pretty cramped. Scale floats. And it makes me sad.
Right. Doesn't change the gist of the argument, just the numbers. Even if the orbital facilities were all destroyed(which makes sense to me, personally), that still leaves the Moon. We know the SDF-2 was started BEFORE SW1 and it survived the final battle, since it was redesigned into the Megaroad 1 after the war. Not sure where Mars comes into things. It's not mentioned, and it got blowed up good anyways. There actually IS a translation. I was gonna say it's on the board, but I did a search and they were hosted off-site. The website is gone now, so... It's a good thing I'm a packrat! I'll upload it here. Macross_Outside_Story__The_Lost_Two_Years.pdf
The rights for the original series are a bit clearer. Tatsunoko has international distribution rights for SDF Macross. No one argues that. HG's Macross license is through Tatsunoko, meaning THEY have international distribution rights. The following political editorial does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this messsage board: And ADV, being basically in bed with HG, managed to convince HG to screw Animeigo over so that ADV could have someone else do the remaster work for them and then distribute the finished product.
90% of everything is crap. The NES-era and Atari-era systems didn't have any better good:bad game ratios.They're just further back, so the glasses are a bit rosier. I always figured the SNES/Genesis nostalgia wave would be kicking in after another year or two, but I've been saying that for a few years now. It could be that the Genesis brought a different audience to video games. A lot of people it brought in were the ones that follow whatever the new cool thing is(and subsequently left Sega for Sony instead of being good little fanboys). And that's ignoring people that had the Genesis mainly for sports games. The SNES has enjoyed a much stronger following over the years, and prices for SNES stuff have remained consistently and massively higher than Genesis stuff.
I liked the postwar arc a lot, personally. Certainly the revival of the love triangle hurt(Hikaru is an idiot. Of monumental levels.), but... Hikaru made an eleventh-hour call to leave Minmay to Kaifun, literally minutes before he headed out to almost-certain death. And his "final" resolution with Misa... there was a real possibility that they were the only two people left of the entire race. He damn well BETTER start liking the girl in front of him. Then it turned out that "everyone" was alive, and hey, Minmay broke up with Kaifun(who she was never dating anyways, you moron!). The love triangle wasn't exactly resolved under optimum conditions, so as painful as it was, it was a BELIEVABLE re-opening. It was really nice to see the acknowledgment that the final battle didn't mean "and they all lived happily ever after." The zentradi didn't all assimilate and many wound up as criminals or in armed rebellion. The Earth didn't magically turn green again through the power of love and large portions were barren inhospitable wasteland. Basic necessities of life weren't in ready supply, and government handouts kept people fed and washed and clothed. Even Kaifun's insane anti-military raving adds some color. Everyone's not just happy to be alive. They wanted to know WHY. And a lot aren't going to take "it was just really bad luck" for an answer. The military makes an easy scapegoat, even if they WERE mostly blameless. Kaifun's just a face for that portion of society. Sadly, one great question is left unanswered. When Kamjin moves out to join in the final battle of SW1.... which side is he coming in on? Or is he just shooting whatever comes in sight?
I got.... Animated Shockwave? Actually impressed that they got a coherent quadchanger(albeit with a really stumpy crane). But.... Needs More Purple. ... Must resist.... urge to mod...
Actually, most of them WEREN'T from the Macross. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Macross_Class has the Macross as carrying 40,000 civilians at the end, and 20k of the Spacey guys and gals. So 60k total. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/2010 Check down in the month of March. There were several hundred thousand survivors. Though it doesn't really change the general gist of your argument. The ones on Earth were sheltered in the incomplete Grand Cannons. And I'm doubtful that the people in space were just your average Joes. If I had to guess, Apollo Base was probably a lot like Macross City in that the main reason most of the people were there was the construction of the SDF 2. And it's almost a given that everyone hiding in the Grand Cannons was involved with the 'Cannons in some way. So still generally pro-military people.
I don't think the micloning chambers are familiar with genetics either, so you're probably safe. It's as good an answer as any, and it's actually one I like a lot. Particularly as a first-gen zentradi shouldn't have any (active) genetic defects, owing to their scientifically-engineered genome. So these problems will ONLY show up in the 2nd generation. If you want to get a bit more "out there"... it's even possible that the protoculture laid dormant "land-mine" defects ALL OVER the zentradi genome in case a group of "cultured" zentradi rose up against their masters. But that's not extremely likely, since they DO have functioning reproductive systems. And Macross 7 implies they were intended to be assimilated at some point in the future(though the Mac7 ruins could've been set up by a fringe group, or just reflect a major ideological shift that happened after the deployment of the zentradi). ... Honestly, I'd LOVE to know more about the protoculture and zentradi. There's so much unexplored territory there.
The goal is to get humanity spread on as many planets as possible, so that something like Space War 1 can't wipe everything out. You'll understand why when you get there. Misa explains it towards the end of the original series(I think it's in the final episode, actually). I'm assuming you're asking for a broader "why" than the more technical goal Dex posted.
Based on discussion both in IRC and on Gid's board, a LOT of people have. ... I haven't.
I ha-*BLARRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!* I hate you. Let me forget!
http://agtp.romhack.net/ Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden in english. It has Valks. Enough said.
I think the discussion is for an in-universe excuse. Of course, it could be that the VF-1 IS as teched-up/covered-in-extra-bits as the VF-0 and limitations of 80s-era animation hid most of the bits.
The VF-0 is a VF-1 detail-up. That's the whole difference. Personally, I've always been more of the smooth = modern attitude than the panel lines and vents out the wazoo = modern. But... whatever.
Hmmm... Requires Guld to be keeping count of Isamu's rounds fired, but he might've been able to with the extensive computer assistance available. ... I'd still like to know why the gun jammed when Isamu fired, then magically cleared when Guld fired. Nyah!
Not to defend the new movie, which by all counts is a complete disaster. But my dad will happily point out(repeatedly) that the first film ignores the main premise of the original short story. Klaatu wasn't an alien ambassador hear to tell us how to live life. Gort was just a 'bot on vacation who's a bit peeved because his dog ran away. Seriously. Klaatu was a PET.
Related: I saw it mentioned somewhere(damned if I can remember where) that the VF-19 design used in Mac7 was heavily altered from the original YF-19 design for that reason. The fact that it's been greatly simplified is obvious just by looking. The wings and shoulders have been redesigned to eliminate a lot of extra angles, the legs are greatly teched-down(making them look pretty chunky IMO). Heck, just look at how much detail the vernier slit "ankle bracelet" eliminates.
Because Isamu is going to be REALLY careful not to hit an armored chestplate with paint rounds, right? Guld didn't come off as THAT crazy. He was seriously broke in the head, but he wasn't borderline-suicidal. Anyways...
Spiffy VTOL?
Yeah. Sony prints the model number on the serial code label, and model number directly correlates to hardware revision. I think the PSOne+screen had the same model number, since it was just a regular PSOne and an LCD thrown together in a box. It's not like the HiNavi Saturn, where it was unique hardware. Nintendo is more secretive. Or just doesn't do lots of hardware revisions anymore. The NES and SNES maintained the same model numbers until the NES/SNES2 redesigns. Similarly, the GC had 2 model numbers. The DOL-001 was the original (exterior) hardware design, and the DOL-101 was the one that removed most of the expansion ports and the digital AV port. Basically, model number on Nintendo stuff means significant visible external differences(the NES didn't change codes when they obstructed, and later removed, the underside expansion port, but that likely counted as insignificant to them, since nothing used it except maybe copiers). Microsoft doesn't have a way to DEFINITELY identify. There's lots of "manufacture date after XXX MIGHT get you YYY chipset" and "if the power supply maxes out at QQQ amps it's VVV chipset, but VVV chipset ALSO comes with the power supply that maxes at QQQ+WTF amps" stuff out there because of it. The only definite check was the HDMI port. If it has an HDMI port on the back, that, it's not the original non-HDMI revision. But even with that, there was no surefire way to tell which system was in there without opening the box. Only way to guarantee HDMI initially was buy an Elite.
Yup. I messed up pretty bad. Yeah. The movie dumps Isamu where a crash like that should put him. The OVA adds in the 21 VS 19 fight to pad length. And provide more wicked-cool giant robot action! Remember, the OVA came out first, but the movie is the version that was originally scripted. Marketing forced them to make an OVA to build hype. He hates Isamu SO MUCH that he's going to make Isamu kill him? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as the convoluted Rube Goldberg scheme. The whole 19vs21 fight is one of the scenes that was REALLY CLEARLY wedged in to extend the movie script. Any way you slice it, it doesn't work.
Doh! Obviously, I need to watch it again too.
It depends on story version? In both the OVA and movie, it was smashed into the ground by Guld and the YF-21 after Isamu caught Guld. Whereupon it plowed a lengthy trench into the ground and if I recall, left the GERWALK twisted and upside down. From here, things diverge. In the movie, that crash puts Isamu in the ER. In the OVA, they slapped some bandaids on Isamu. He then bitched at Guld as soon as he was through the hanger doors(did he WALK home from the crash?). Guld would subsequently engage in an elaborate ploy to assassinate Isamu that I don't fully comprehend, involving putting live ammo into Isamu's gun behind some paintballs and rigging a mechanism to make the gun jam when Isamu tired to shoot Guld but not when Guld tried to shoot Isamu. And then he shot the YF-19 up with it's own gunpod, and Isamu went to the ER. So.... yeah. It crashes quite impressively in both versions.
You DO know an SKU is almost always obvious, right? That's an acronym for the retail term Stock Keeping Unit, and it means the package has a different barcode. SKU is not tied to hardware revision. Nor is hardware revision tied to SKU. For example, the NES had the system by itself, the system + Mario/Duck Hunt, the system+Mario, Duck Hunt, and Gyromite, the system + Mario/Duck Hunt/Track+Field, and the system + World Cup Soccer/Super Spike V'Ball, and the top-loader NES. Just off the top of my head. Except for the original Mario + Duck Hunt + Gyromite bundle, all of them crossed multiple hardware revisions, and hardware revisions were shared between bundles. Each bundle was, however, a single distinct SKU. The Mario+Duck Hunt bundle, despite carrying something like 13 hardware revisions, was ONE SKU. I am not sure, but I believe the original PlayStation only carried 3 SKUs. Digital controller, DualShock bundle, and PSOne. I don't think the code rotated with hardware revision(10 pre-PSOne, I believe) or demo disk. As far as I know, the 360 hardware revisions are not tied to SKU either, though newer packages are more likely to contain the latest hardware revision.