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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Does it come with a hydraulic frame to mount your TV into?
  2. He probably stays evil, given he has Decepticon box art. Well, most of the movie toys were designed before the CG models were finalized. That certainly didn't help anything. Of course, they weren't very toy-friendly final designs. I like some of the movie designs. I think Wreckage is pretty sweet, actually. Looks more like Megatron than Megatron does, IMO(gut cannon aside). Longarm's a neat toy, too, even if his gun IS screwed to his hand. Ratchet was fun, too. Well, the G1 revision. The original is too green for my tastes.
  3. The real question is... are the smaller guns aimed the same way? Because it'd be hilarious watching a zentradi troop shaking his head to aim the back guns.
  4. Actually, it was matter-of-fact, not you're-an-idiot. I don't take it personally every time someone misuses a term, though some people DO take it personally when they're educated. I sometimes forget that there's no room for fact on the internet. You either accept that wrong is merely a different definition of right, or you flame someone. I actually run ALL the stores. Even the little mom&pop ones. Every. Last. One. Wasn't trying to impress you, so no worries.
  5. Good question.
  6. A HiVision DYRL woulda been awesome, though!
  7. This isn't A2. It's A1.5, basically. Anyways, SRW games tend to be slow projects. There's a LOT of text to translate.
  8. Not that I know of. I think the official stance is "It happened." You could skew things by making laws to encourage breeding. But that's still a LOT of kids to be raising. And clone or natural-born, they aren't going to have what we would consider a normal childhood, for obvious reasons. ... That may explain why Milia's trying to marry Mylene off in Macross 7. She's old enough to have kids, it's time she starts doing her part! Not that I really think that much thought was put into the situation, buuuut... Yup. But unless a deranged cyborg with a god complex takes over the Vajra hivemind, everyone's fairly safe.
  9. I posted this in the games thread in teh anime and sci-fi forum. Didn't think of this one. Knowledge of SRWA isn't really required, for what it's worth. You just need to know that Gunbuster's battle by Pluto has happened and there's a huge gravity shockwave headed for the Earth because of it. The Zentradi have come and gone too, but it seems to have had far less of an impact on Earth than it did in Macross. Also: Pre-patched disk images are for wusses. Not that anyone's figured out why the patching process works sometimes and generates (more) bugs at other times. Gideon's got very good reasons for considering this release a beta. There's still a few major text bugs. Most of the issues are cosmetic, but the pilot swap option in the intermission menu can get fairly frustrating. I've just gotten the Valks back. Focker has a great line in the intermission after that stage. Everyone's been all mopey about how screwed up the situation is for the last dozen or so stages, and now ... "First we get warped to Pluto, then to the future. What's next, the depths of Hell? Gahahahaha!" It's so Focker, and putting him against all the accumulated Gundam Angst makes it hilarious. Then he offers to take Isamu out drinking. And Hikaru pities Isamu, because he's gonna get totally wasted trying to keep up with Roy.
  10. Actually, he probably DOES want to cut that in half, but... There ARE HD Laserdiscs. They were branded Hi-Vision, and have 1035 visible lines(interlaced). I suspect that they used true RGB outputs, since neither composite nor s-video is spec'ed for anything more than standard NTSC/PAL. I don't THINK the DYRL LD was Hi-Vision, though. MOST LaserDiscs only offer 480 lines of resolution. Also, at least for standard Laserdiscs, the disk itself actually contained composite-encoded video. Whether s-video was better or worse than composite depended ENTIRELY on whether the LD player or TV had a better comb filter circuit. So if your TV had a good comb filter, or your LD player had a bad one, you could actually see a WORSE image by using s-video instead of composite to connect the two. Upscaling will never be as good as a proper HD source. Not that a standard laserdisc can provide that source, but... And if the original masters are in bad shape, it may require an extensive remastering process to generate something worth putting on BluRay.
  11. As I understand things, a trademark does NOT denote that you own the copyright to a product. Merely that you're using that brand. Especially since trademark is not restricted to the media. We've all seen the infamous Robotech pool cleaner. No one would argue that they own the Robotech cartoon/merchandise amalgamation. Or that Harmony Gold is claiming ownership of a pool cleaner. Now, I'm not denying that the Macross trademark would get ugly fast if anyone felt obliged to argue the point. But it doesn't denote that they're claiming they own the Macross copyright. In fact, HG has consistently designated Macross as a copyright of Tatsunoko Productions. They're certainly attempting to confuse the issue, but not in the way you claim.
  12. Yeah. He's long shown himself as one of the more intelligent people in the japanese gaming market. He's not the only one to make statements like that, but he's one of the more visible. A LOT of the established japanese developers have grown frustrated with the way their companies conduct business. Clover Studios is probably the most visible example. Capcom got all their big-name developers out from under their roof and into a semi-independent company so they could make games without getting into arguments with their corporate overlords. And then they all left because Capcom's corporate overlords were coming in and telling them what to do anyways. Still waiting to see their new company put some software out.
  13. Let's rock it oldschool with the USS Hammertime!
  14. Kaifun and Gepelnitch. Lung cancer in both cases.
  15. The day they start talking about a USS Britney Spears is the day I join the throngs of people threatening to move to Canada. And just like all the rest of them, I probably won't do it. ... Probably.
  16. Voltron and Robotech. Age: 3. Subtle details missed: all. Robot toys wanted: all. Also watched the american stuff that gets mistaken for anime, like Transformers and Thundercats. ... And the first anime I knew WAS anime... was the Sailor Moon dub. Please don't hurt me.
  17. Then he's still the 4th. "Is he only the second voice actor from the original SDF:M series... " Not that Gepelnitch's death doesn't matter, but... it doesn't count. And I now know what all 5 dead Macross VAs died of(if Wikipedia can be trusted for Eiji Kanie/Britai). ... Okay, I'm falling into creepy stalker fan territory now. I scare me.
  18. Pfft, Macross Plus is just a 2001 ripoff anyways. Sure, sHAron appLe. We believe you.
  19. Well, not until the rest of the mech goes up like a firecracker...
  20. Because borg shields can't adapt to melee weaponry.
  21. "Monsters from teh id? You mean we're fighting our subconscious?" "No, monsters from Id, the parallel universe! They're made of dark matter, so we can't see them! Really, learn your science better!"
  22. Actually, it doesn't affect projectiles(which go molten when they hit anyways, at the class of firepower we're talking about). It affects shaped-charge warheads, which use explosives in a special layout to create essentially a large powerful blowtorch for a brief period of time. It's designed to disrupt jets of flaming gasses, not solid projectiles..
  23. The Zentradi never DID seem to care much for pilot comfort. Regulds, Glaugs, QRaus, QReas, it doesn't matter what you fly. It's not gonna be a really comfortable ride.
  24. *claps* I do have to say, though... As hard as I've been on the movie before, I don't want anyone getting the impression I hate it. It's a fun movie, it's just doo dependent on the TV series. And even within the limits placed on it as a remake requiring prior knowledge, there IS still a fairly ambitious plot. And they really care about the characters, even if they don't have enough time to develop a lot of things. They try very hard to avoid turning into raw mechaporn. And it seems like that was hard to do in the mid-80s.
  25. Britai's VA was the first. Seems he died in 1985. And Kaifun's VA was all over the internet, but not as Kaifun's VA. His "big" role was Gundam's Noah Bright.
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